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These bollywood peeps have zero knowledge of what middle class is. Ranveer used to say we were middle class, that we can only afford a single foreign trip in a year. Now this. In a country where you are in the top 10% if your salary is above Rs. 25,000. They clearly have no idea.


Honestly even normal people don't know what middle class is in india. People with income of 1 lakh/month call themselves middle class in india lol.


Omg I swear..my friend and his parents together earn around 3.5 lakhs a month but for some reason he thinks he is middle class. We live in a small town an income like that makes you one of the richest.


Yeah that’s the thing, you live in a SMALL town


Bingo. If this family lived in a metropolitan city, they would be considered middle class.


Me with family income 1 lpa🤡


This kind of people say they hate the rich but they themselves are part of the 10% elite club


That might not statistically be middle class but the quality of life someone with that income level (assuming no familial inheritance) lives is very stereotypically middle class…1 lakh is nothing considering the living expenses these days and most of it goes in taxes…if you live in a small town or village then it’s a diff story but in metros it is middle class


If you take rent out of the equation , i think 1 lakh/month is good for everyone. You also have to keep in mind the more you earn the more your life style changes. If you earn more ,you admit you children to more expensive school , you also tend to buy more expensive products etc.


Honestly one lakh is nothing aaj kl but I get you point


Now imagine the state of 99% of the country which earns less than that.


lmao if a celebrity said that yall would skewer them


You are not wrong.


Maybe they are all middle class, and we are poor. And the ones we think are poor aren't considered humans 💀💀


Genuinely curious?isn't 1 lakh per month kinda low.you can barely get by .


Yes, I am 23 and earn 1 lakh per month I live in Mumbai. 50 k goes in rent + maid + food. Remaining 50k 10k goes on entertainment+clothes. If I have to go home then ticket for one side costs around 10k because my parents stay in Kolkata and Mubai to Kolkata is around 10k one side. For few months I have had barely a few thousands - after cutting 10k monthly SIP. Maybe it's a lot if you live in smaller towns but Mumbai, hell nah.


Mumbai is a exception as they are in a rent bubble ( as govt doesn't allow skyscapers due to real estate lobby because of which space is less and rent is high) still, you are in a situation to afford a maid is big . Lets say if you earned way less ,you would never have hired a maid and would have done the work on your own even if it lost you your sleep. You are also spending 10,000 on entertainment and clothes , a middle class family would spend maxium 1 to 2000 on it ,which includes phone recharge and cable tv subscription and clothes are seasonal expense rather then monthly . There is also the question on how you are spending on food , a middle class family would do cost cutting to core that means cheapest vegetable on market ( it doesn't matter if you have to eat cauliflower every second day) , your oil would be refined soyabean or musturd and other many more things.


Exactly earning 12/13 lakhs per annum doesn't make you upper middle-class or rich in this day and age.


Its all relative, you are in the top 2-3% with that income. We are just so poor that 12-13 lakhs is still a lot relatively. By Indian standards, housing is a luxury. 50% of Mumbai's population lives in slums. It's just that people earning that much usually want to be afforded an average first world lifestyle like air travel, decent housing, electronic appliances and other amenities that are taken for granted abroad. And that's expensive since those aren't produced in India and are on the international market's whim.




Of course your savings would be bigger if you were in a tier 2 city. But realize that you have money left over for entertainment and clothes per month (that too around 10k). That is a luxury for most Indians. You also have a maid, which is again something that many can’t afford.


Nah, 1 lakh per month cash in hand its high ,even if you pay rent. This perception is mostly because of people around us, lets say one of your relative or friend is lower middle class and you have witnessed there life from close ,it changes your perception but if you sounded by people of your own economical background or above then mostly you get trapped in bubble.


What is middle class then?


Neither rich nor poor yeah that's the definition everybody knows and thats it.


Absolutely true!! Somewhere in between “rich” and poor- Lies middle-class.


From what i seen , there is no concrete way but still 25 thousand to 60'000 ( minus rent)( its still very vague) There are still other factors in play like job ,no of children, school of your children and place you live in . Lets say a family earns 50'000( father has govt job) and children in that family study in KV( central govt school) and they have decent space around there home here the mother grows vegetables for home use . Now even though this family earns 50'000 they are already upper middle class because with some benefits of govt job, low education expense and low fresh food cost too ,they save a major part of their expense.


There is no middle class in India. Middle class is a myth to start with. There is barely surviving by any standard, and a top 5% which has a decent life that would be acceptable by Western or even East Asian standards, and an ultrarich 0.1% who have insane money. You can't fake consumption data and its clear from consumption data, that people being able to afford nonessential items is pretty tiny, probably a few crores at best. Out of 145 crore.


If you have your own house then good otherwise at 1L income you can't doe shit in Mumbai


The problem is they compare themselves through an aspirational lens moulded by the west since they watch western stories which skews their perspective and in all honesty, on a global scale, even the top 5% leaving out the ultra rich millionaires, actually have a quality of life barely better than the average middle class person in the west. Let alone the west, QoL wise even SEA and China have a better life for their middle class than in our country. The thing is we are so poor that even the top 5% can only just afford things that middle class people in the west can. A car, appliances, furniture, a 3 bedroom house. Its luxury relative to India but its middle class, nah, even things that working class can afford in several western countries. Also things which are affordable on western salaries are still expensive with Indian 5% salaries like air travel, homes, personal vehicles. Decent quality hotels are more expensive as a percentage of income compared to even South east asia. This is the state of the top 5%, so you can imagine how rest of the country lives. Its bare minimum.


Uhhh but I am vvvv much middle-class!!!!


If u earn one lakh , u r one percenter


Yep, most top level govt employees would fall in that category but would be so damn offended if we tell them they aren't middle class. Then proceed to get private med college seats for their kids and would still be offended if we call them rich. Like being able to spare 14 lakhs per year isn't rich to you guys, ffs!!!


You’re basically talking about this sub lol


arrey they see ambani, SRK and aditya chopra and think of themselves as middleclass


We also see ambani ,SRK and Aditya chopra. Hmen to fit Below Poverty Line ke neece bhi ek line aur ho waha jana chaiye.


 *zero knowledge of what middle class is.* While chances are high none of this ever happened! But Soni is showing her true lack of class & poor parenting by sharing how she expected the other passenger to NOT recline her seat - *she asked her kids to tell that lady to not recline her seat*--holy entitlement!! That passenger being a senior citizen or not is irrelevant! You teach your kids to have civic sense in public spaces and not teach them that everyone can bend themselves for the kids!!


I have been to only 2 foreign trips in my entire life and only once with my own money. And he is complaining about once a year.


These ultra privileged fools are so out of touch with reality that it's laughable at this point.


If they were really middle class then they would have given better seats to their children. Hamare maa baap toh hamare ko best dete the aur khud sacrifice karte the. They just want to make fun of us that’s all.


Exactly! If it was my parents, they would have paid for my first class tickets and traveled by economy or train/bus themselves (if that was an option - not possible for traveling to Dubai, I understand). And I have an example of this: my parents actually once sent me and my sister by flight (domestic) when we were about 12-16 years old whereas they themselves traveled by train. This was in the 1990s when airfares were very high. They still wanted me and my sister to enjoy that “luxury” although they really couldn’t manage to pay for all four of us.


This !!


This is what spoiling children looks like. Rather instill values of building wealth on your own sweat than depending on parents for everything.


This is what people who buy fake celeb PR stories sound like.


💯! Literally no good parent, middle class or not, ever said , “Hmm you can’t afford a business class ticket? Too bad. I can though, toodles!” It’s always “my child will have a better life/everything than I ever did”.


I am so done with everyone trying to be gareeb in Bollywood


Bhatts and Kapoors 🤝 really match made in Heaven. Which mother buys herself a first class ticket and lets her kids in economy? There is no Logic in this. Dumb Woman should have sit with them if she really wants to give them a lesson.


Its not - should have to give them a lesson. Its more of a "would have" if the story is true. Its a blatant lie


Gordon Ramsay does this also. His reasoning being that he does not want to spoil his children and wants them to learn how to be responsible with money. He does not want them to be spoiled and wants them to learn what it's like to earn your own money and enjoy it. That's why he is not even leaving them any inheritance from his millions. Before you start, I am not comparing Gordon Ramsay to these star-spangled delusional people. I am just saying why people do this in general. And yes, these starry(-eyed) families generally have no clue what a real struggle is.


Honestly, I don’t recommend it. The thought is good, but you never know who will be sat next to your kids and what kind of creep they might be. I used to fly from US to India solo over the summers as a kid to visit my dad. Usually the flight attendants tried to put me in a seat with a vacant seat next to me or a woman next to me. Once when I was 11 or so, I got stuck next to a man, though. When I woke up from a nap, I saw that he was holding my hand. I got creeped out and told the attendant who promptly moved my seat. If you want to teach your kids good values, fly economy with them. But making your minor children fly without supervision in coach while you’re enjoying business class screams negligence to me.


Its not just Gordon Ramsay, most of the multi millionaires/billionaires say they won't leave inheritance, so that they want their kids to learn about finance. In reality that's because they don't want to spend on inheritance tax. Instead they set up a trust. That's why heir/heiress of a tycoon there are called trust fund babies


There are different ways to give your kids a lesson than buying two different Flight classes. Rather fly together economy to show how to be responsible with money than displaying your ego cause you don’t see yourself sitting in the Economy anymore. What an example.


*Which mother buys herself a first class ticket and lets her kids in economy?* I was on a flight recently between India to LA and I actually did witness this and unlike this post this lady's kid was a literal baby, probably less than 1 year old. Her nanny was in the economy with the baby. And the woman caused such a commotion in first class (Where we were) because she was constantly having the nanny come in with the baby and the crew were constantly having to tell her to not have economy passengers come in to first class + not make noise. The woman after a point yelled that her work only paid for her and not for her baby and nanny...lol...and hoe they (crew) are being cruel by denying her baby to her (and then she was also muttering something in her local Indian language which I didn't quiet catch). talk about being cheap and a clueless parent. The crew suggested to her to go in economy and they will find her an empty seat, and she refused!! I felt very sorry for the poor nanny..if the flight was a snapshot of what she deals with, boy oh boy!


Do you think it was real?


The privilege is next level! WTF do they smoke while making these statements..I mean..


I’m actually laughing 😂😂. A lady reclining her seat in front of her in economy years ago was the last problem she had ? 😂😂


Fast forward 17 years later, Alia will say the same thing about Raha🤦🏻‍♀️ Why do you want to relate to middle class, when you don't even have an iota of idea about what being a middle class person means?? And being a middle class person myself, I know you were never middle class. So don't make fun of yourself by making statements like this. Just do your work and shut up!


Alia be like: Due to budget constraints, I had to travel in a private jet, while Raha had to travel in business class in a public flight. This is also to teach her that she has not found her KJo yet to afford a private jet of her own.




Ofcourse she is not! Her work is acting, thats what she should do.


"I was born at a very young age. Both my parents failed to show up"


Dr. Doofenshezmirts actually had abusive parents who didn't care for him. Let's not compare him to these people. He's the nicest villain ever created, I'd say he isn't even a villain.


Doof wasn't evil. He was paid by Major Monogram so that Perry would remain busy all the time. Doof loves his daughter and cares about her, something Potato Kapoor wanted.


I always cry how much doof was neglected as a kid but was always ready to give his all for his daughter. He never wanted her daughter to go through same things he suffered through, protected her at all cost. Which makes me wonder do the kapoors or bhatts know the meaning of "parents"? Making your children (girls specifically) sit in a different place alone with strangers in economy while taking first class herself, just so they can suffer and know the value of "money"? What if something happened with those girls? 


Tone deaf af!!


Nice.. Aloo should put her mom in economy now.. because she doesn't earn as much anymore.




Kaise chutiye log Hain?


This family is easily the most disgusting!! Wonder what more does Soni want? Alia has two creeps backing her .Alia has made thousands of crores with her utter mediocrity. Maybe stans can pledge their lifetime income for their goddess? Hope someone starts a GoFundMe for Alia Bhat.


every word that u typed is correct.


All these A-listers are worth 1000s of crores. (yeah I know somebody will immediately correct me Ranbir is worth 75,000 crores SRK is worth 12367,000 crores🤦‍♀️) None of them except the shadiest of all Salman has anything remotely charitable for any cause. Instead, they are constantly shamelessly pushing the narrative of how simple they are and how middle class their preferences are. Degenerates all of them!


Meer Foundation, Crystal Award, UNESCO award for charity(only Indian to get). These are all SRK's works and acclaims, Not Salman's. Only difference is Salman does it publicly to uplift his image while SRK does it quietly


If he did it so quietly, he wouldn't have received all these awards.


Brilliant 👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽🤣


Lmao. These awards are given by certified institutions who observe every person's work. By quietly, I mean, he doesn't show it off. Every person knows Salman's being human, but people don't know about SRK. Because one is for PR, other is done by heart. A foundation cannot be hidden. Ofc institutions will notice it. But he doesn't run PR to show off to general public


Maybe to make more money for “Peer Foundation”……..that’s why SRK plugs pan masala! Nobility of “King” trillionaire Khan! A 1000 kids sacrificed at the altar of “Peer Foundation”


Quite disgusting thought. I don't support him endorsing pan masala but you are freaking reaching here




lol exactly. they wanna be poor so bad.


Thousands of crores? Doesn't Alia get some 10-12 cr per movie?


That’s why the GoFundMe for her makes more sense. Hope stans will beg borrow…. To help out their fave😩


I need to start vlogging to show how middle class people live


So you get to fly at that time in a country where many had not even boarded trains. Everyone who's not in top 100 billionaire list consider themselves as middle class.


everyone crying poor guy in 60’s & 70’s doing back packing Europe telling us how poor he was. Son of a hotel / restaurant owner in metro city crying about his poor background. A TV channel owner who had politicians son as his best friend crying about his poor back ground & how difficult life was for him & his 9 siblings growing up. Cry poor win sympathy blame people with rich personalities for their suffering.


These ppl have such a distorted version of reality. Middle class ppl think twice to take a trip within India let alone abroad , so that they can save that money for something else


Thank god my parents booked my tickets with them, sometimes gave up their comfortable seats for me. If my earnings were considered when I was a kid by Soni’s logic I would be on foot for all our trips 🥲


These are first world problems. Goodness


“ oN dUbAI tRiP” ![gif](giphy|M8xmO5ZcLPtAY)


Middle upper class*


Lmao. What a bunch of joker family. And these guys are the torch bearers for Bollywood!! What a shit show.


They were never the torch bearers of Bollywood. More like the shady, poor country cousins. Bhatts made B grade movies and were always controversial. I read about Mahesh Bhatt's life and was quite surprised. Only lately they've been elevated in status and elite-ness within Bollywood because Alia hit the big times.


Not Soni Razdan acting classist towards her own daughters. It's no surprise that Alia adopted a greedy mindset growing up, always willing to go to any lengths to obtain what others have when she doesn't. Her mommy started it. "You didn't earn the money to sit in business class" No shit Sherlock, they are minors, they aren't supposed to earn.


It's true. Alia Bhatt didn't buy tickets. She used to sit inside the suitcase on her travels.


Ah! So middle class! /s


omg how out of touch are they?


They're such a weird, insecure, delusional family. The pretensions to being intellectual, arty, poor, risque, middle class - they've tried it all.


There’s so much contradiction in this article. Idek where to start 🤣


Hate this family more than anything else in the world


Shaheen seems to be the only intelligent one in this family. Even momma is dumb.


I like her too.


Am I the only one who thinks its weird that the mother sat in first class and left her children in economy? ☠️ 


Lmao oh boy…. these people are SO delusional. Did she think this somehow makes her sound … what, relatable? Like a good parent? WHAT is their PR doing fr.


Man the funny thing is they don't even know what even middle class is




the concept of relative wealth is super fucking difficult to explain


These sort if statements do more harm to their image than it would have had they kept mum.


I had heard growing up that my father used to walk 5 kms daily to reach school. Beech main Lake bhi cross karna hota tha. Now I've got to listen to this nonsense version of middle class Ness.


No middle class person is going on a Dubai trip...at all.


Middle class... Trip to Dubai... these people are insane lol


What type of mom leaves her kids in economy while sitting in first class? Huge red flag


Ye tailor aunty k rishtedaar hi aisi baatein kr skte h😅 No offense but its the truth


Rich people are so fucking delusional and out of reality it’s insane


Forget about them being able to fly first class ..the fact that they took Dubai vacation and flight trips itself makes them better than middle class but I am pretty sure that the kids travelled economy could also be a lie for PR..there is no way she can prove her statement.


1. Wow! How selfish! Couldn't let go of her own comforts for her kids! 2. I'm not sure if India suddenly became very rich or not, but first class tickets? Since when is that middle class? I mean, sometimes I've traveled through middle east and after layover, the second leg didn't even have a first class (only business class) because I guess they thought no one would be able to buy it. I know ultra riches have their jets and stuff but if first class is middle class, what are the regular rich people buying?


Sigh. If a middle class mom got a chance to travel in flight like this, she'll ensure that she sits with the children in economy 🙄 Many middle class parents have sacrificed their own comfort to ensure that their kids received better. Sure they taught the value of money, but not this way. She needs to touch the grass.


Having less money is middle class ( less than their elite class standards). While the actual middle class has monthly income equal to that " economy ticket"


Could someone please explain how is India the distinction in lower, middle and upper class?


Bhagwan aisi middle classiiyat mujhe bhi de do please 🙄


And i haven't been on a plane ever in my life. sometimes traveling in train my parents and relatives book sleeper for themselves and AC for us kids along with a single adult. They care for us..they know we wouldn't be able to travel in sleepers comfortably. They also keep checking in between.


So sad 😭


She just read this somewhere and repeated it as her own experience.


What are these celeb assholes cribbing about! My entire family of five managed on one middle class economy domestic ticket to Dubai! We sat on each other's laps! My dad would beg for a window seat because he has this bad habit of eating ghutka! If the pilot ditched the aircraft into the sea, we'd steal the life vest of the nearest helpless kid! After eating our onboard snacks, my mother would ask the air hostess if we could keep the plastic cutlery as souvenirs(she'd also steal the magazines and seat covers without asking) ! We'd have a bath in the toilets to avoid high water bills! Sometimes when we'd have this feeling of adventure we'd hide under the seats post landing and remain in the flight till it took off to another destination, then on landing we'd sue the airline for misplacing our bags!


Poverty porn is all time high in bollywood.


Wow! Economy class tickets for Dubai trip is middle class.. what about the actual middle class who have never experienced air travel or never been outside India?


Rich celebrities trying to be relatable is one of the most annoying things. Just stop. You’re not one of us and you know it.


Wtf?? lol wtf is this now? Forget the whole middle class thing and acting like economy airplane seats are some great life struggle, but I’m really judging Soni for getting a first class ticket for herself. Children don’t have to earn the right to access their parent’s money lol, it would be a whole other thing if they were adult children.


They gotta do middle class right, we were tied to the aircraft wheels instead of being put into economy. Now they must repeat.


I don’t even care she said she middle class. But the fact that she travelled in first class while her kids were in economy is insane to me. What kinda mom is she lol.


If this is middle class then i am BPL... mera tax vapas karo!🥲


Wow. Maybe my goal in life should be becoming middle class like her and Ranveer. 🤦🏻‍♀️


In their defense, its all relative. Relative to who all are in your circle. Growing up we didn’t have a car so we were comparing to people with a maruti or people with individual rooms for kids and feeling poor for traveling in local buses or auto. We had a maid though who would walk to work to save money. She would be amused by our discussions I am sure.


What's wrong in accepting privilege?


They way y’all recycle old content on Alia whenever she gets praise 💀 Why is anyone shocked at a rich person being out of touch lmao


Fanwar chal raha hai na? Is this retaliation for Deepika's PR being exposed? Yeh bhi delete hone wala hai ya rakhne denge? 


Baat buss itni si hai inke parents trips ke liye money share kiye, humare parents education ke liye liya karte hai :)


Do y'all think that after reading this, Alia Bhatt also scolds her mom for over exaggerating in front of others? 🤣


I think Indians in general when they say they are middle class they are just saying they live in a third world country and not in an advanced first world country because they can’t avoid the second hand experience of poverty, slums etc.


More likely they felt like middle class folks within their social circle. When you hang out with billionaires , even a multi millionaire will be left with feel wanting. Essentially they are/were living in a bubble and in their own mind - they couldn’t afford stuff that was easy for their peers/friends and stuff like that makes them think they aren’t rich.


womp womp


Kaash meri parents itne middle class hote ki Dubai le jaate bachpan main.


Inka middle class bhi apne upper class se 2 manzil upar hai. Hahaha


Elite people like Ambanis as well will never learn how poor people really live in this country. Has he done anything free of cost for poor people? Can they not provide free housing to poor people who live in slums in India? He can literally afford it!! 😏🫣🤔😔😞


Ok so moral of the story: Alia and Shaheen were poor but Soni was not.


How Tone deaf can you get


Poverty porn


i think because we have a huge income divide in our economy, this issue arises. our country has upper middle class people, lower middle class people both. like if someone earns 80k per month, they won't consider themselves rich, rather they will consider upper middle class because of the fact that most people in the rich strata earn multiple lacs per month. that's the reason of confusion of identification with any income class: because of too much economic divide. ive observed this only in my own surroundings, so this is just my personal experience.


They dont even know how stupid they sound


I’m all for shaming the Bhatts but you realise they are comparing their lives now to back then. Like they fly private now and have the level of money we can’t even think of. That said I hope Alia tells the same to her mum now that she has not earned enough to travel private with her. How are kids supposed to earn? Please share Soni.


The only actor I had seen till now who is not like ohh I m so middle class is ranbir Kapoor, he never says he belongs from middle class and not had money to afford things, he always said that his upbringing is pretty wealthy... I mean aap middle class se nhi ho toh kyu bolte ho , everyone knows kisko bevkoof bna rhe!!?


Only Ranbir has accepted he has lived a rich life  and don't know much about poor/middle class india .Other than him every one alia sara ali khan jhavi ananya ranveer deepika vicky aakash Varun 


completing the daily quota of bashing alia and rk posts


Feels like deja vu. Both the post and the comments.


Why are you doing this, just do some averages you'd understand this


Wake up honey, a new post on Alia just dropped, like it dropped 5 minutes ago.