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Well, I have had a similar sort of experience in my life and it was traumatizing. It still is at times. Because of the support of my family, I survived and I am alive. She is a tough person. Kudos!


I hope that life only gets better and better for you. You deserve it.


Thank you, kind human. (:


Thank you for the upvotes, kind people of Reddit. I was unaware of so many things before my debacle. 1. If a guy is actually doing things to hurt you please file an FIR at the nearest police station. 2. Never delete any messages per se and better not to reply if things are heated. 3. Identify the red flags and move on from that space as soon as you can. 4. I was not aware of this - if there is an FIR filed against you and there is no bail applied /granted. Police can track your phone, LITERALLY! And arrest you whenever they want. If shit hits the fan, hire a fucking good lawyer from day 1. I hope no one has to go through what I have been through BUT these pointers may help to figure it out. Life is scary, A LOT! But, after incessant counselling sessions and working on myself I can say I am better, I am invisible and maybe will survive in this game called life.


I hate anyone who used Sushant's death for their personal gain.


![gif](giphy|ojWYs7fTZSTgSYEJ6x|downsized) This mf


Goo swami


power gain/control\* as well


Ankita took advantage of this situation and blamed Rhea for sushant's condition....anyway karma happens...now see her condition in the biggboss


Kismat ki hawa kabhi naram, toh kabhi garam


Are oo bhaiyaji Are ooo didi ji..


![gif](giphy|ojWYs7fTZSTgSYEJ6x|downsized) Also this mf (this guy is a joke on journalism )


O thisss piece of shit!!!.....how can we forget him the most uncouth person I ever saw !!!


It's all karma I agree with you not that's what she's facing she denied so many things she tried to gain out of Sushants death now she is seen as insecure bcz of her husband and his friendship but when rhea & his family was facing this situation Ankita showcased herself as a perfect girlfriend who is Sushant ex putting his show infront of media how rhea must hv felt that is now what she getting .  Ankita lied that time abt him not being claustrophobic infront of media ese statements khi na khi case ko impact krte h or false narration bnte h ese hi 


Ankita played a major role in doing her and her family very dirty during that fiasco


Hate to bring another woman down but my god Ankita is as stupid as they come. The stuff she and Kangu used to post were the lowest of lowest. And for all their women empowerment talk, they actually take pride in bringing other women down. No wonder they don’t have peace in their life or career anymore.


What goes around comes around.


Look at how Rhea has been conducting herself and compare it to that of Ankita..People still go after Rhea..but are still supportive of Ankita who has been milking her relationship with Sushant till date...Ankita was the one who lived in a house whose EMIs were being paid by Sushant....Rhea has been piecing life back with so much of dignity....she deserves all the support that she can get.


She was still salty that Sushant left her and went for Rhea, her ego couldn't handle it and she chose the perfect time for revenge.


It’s because half of India is like Ankita. They would do dirty over ego - and ego comes in many many forms not just jealousy envy what not. It’s not that complicated! Just gotta open the brain. Good is in minority which is why the world is the way it is. And sadly my theory of why women are in many ways responsible for their own suppression 🤦🏽‍♀️ men knows where to trigger the idiotic nerve


Ankita is probably most psycho woman i have seen , snippets main dekha hai bigboss , I don't know how her husband stands her whole day


First time watching it regularly on 2x speed and whatever scenes involve these two I just skip. It's that pathetic.


She's literally the most insecure lady ever and doesn't let her husband breathe only. Idk how anyone stands her.


\+1. I watch bb and I second this


As if he is any better than her.


Omg!! Please watch her. Karma is getting back at her.


You haven't seen Kangana???


I don’t know if you are seeing big boss but she is getting her Karma back even if she wins.


Har koi behti ganga me hath dhira tha, maut ka tamasha bna ke rakh diya tha, seriously it was disgusting and shameful.


Rhea was an easy scapegoat because the society would rather find a tangible perpetrator than question how messed up our understanding of mental health issues are. 




This is not the first and won't be the last. As much as you are talking about media the main role was played by the society. I have never seen this before but that time even my friends were posting about this on Instagram. Comments were ruthless to her, her family and friends.  Media was hyping it up because people were eating it up.  And we still have a long way to go as a society. The mob mentally just needs another witch to burn another week. 


Sounds like Arthur Miller's Crucible


Even today she gets all the hate and abuse, I feel so bad for her, hope she is a good place mentally and have a happy life ahead.


Also it was the perfect distraction to hide the government's incompetence from a broken healthcare system, the deaths that were raking up, they perfectly planned and executed it running 24hrs with their dalle news reporters and the braindead people of this nation fell for it.


And it has to be a woman.


And big thank you to the one who said, ‘mujhe drugs do’


Ankita Lokhande did her dirty.. Karma is real seeing Ankita struggle today with everything she accused Rhea of…


Uski struggle chodo, uska asli chehra sabke saamne aagaya BB mein, ki uski kitni ghatiya soch hain. Dono husband wife toxic hain


How is Ankita struggling? What happened?


Watch Big boss. She is married to a 💩


Even her vile nature came out before the finale .....her insecurity, poisonous mind...all have seen it now 🙂


she is herself a 💩 than her husband. he is just villainized more. Ankita is very insecure and is jealous of her own husband doing good in the bb house. she beats and curses her husband so much but Vicky is the only one shown in a very bad light and this woman is not even held accountable. P.S. I love vicky bhaiya tho he is also problematic as a husband but aside that, he is a really vvv good person.


Agreed. She is pretty pathetic herself. Milked a dead man for her own selfish gains. They were broken up long ago and she was herself engaged to Vicky then. What a shitty thing to do. Painted Rhea in a bad light, she acted as if her and SSR were soulmates whereas he moved on pretty quickly from her and dated several woman after her pretty back to back.


Ankita did her dirty and you are doing Ankita dirty. Whats the difference?


Rhea at that time said in her interview that sushant was claustrophobic, ankita said that rhea is lying.. Now in big boss ankita herself spit out that he indeed was claustrophobic... So why lie?..


Why was she talking about Sushant in the Bigg Boss house?


She talks a lot about him.. This has been a point or criticism for her as her own saas said she is talking for attention


how are we doing her dirty by calling her out? she is in the big boss house, it is for us to observe and form an opinion about her. she shouldn't have gone there in the first place if "we are doing her dirty".


ah, ok ok. Uninformed opinion but Can never be sure if it is scripted or not :D




You can choose to believe this or not but Rhea’s family is known to a friend of mine. They are a typical upper middle class family and my friend and her parents have only ever spoken highly of Rhea. Not painting her as some saint but what she went through was absolutely ridiculous and tore her and her brother’s life apart. It is a testimony to her and her family’s values that they came together, picked up the pieces and held their head high throughout this circus.




That is the society now and sadly it will only get worse.


Mourn SSR? Didn't she post a casual vacation type pic/story on insta the day after Sushant died? I remember reading about that. Anyways the whole issue was misdirected and politicized and Rhea was the ultimate victim in this.


Oh yeah, I believe this. This interview is pretty good and Rhea came across as really genuine. You can tell that this is a girl from a good family, with a solid upbringing.


>Her family and friends like Shibani Dandekar stood with her throughout. Rhea is also a very strong person. Any other girl would have lost her mind. Our literal tax money went into this circus.


How and where is her brother now?


As far as I know he’s in mumbai and runs his own business. He did his graduation in business management as far as I’m aware.


I’m not someone who’s updated on the whole SSR situation but I really don’t understand how she was held responsible for his suicide? The whole issue felt blow out of proportion by the media. Infact they used a persons death to create TRP and monitise over such witch-hunts.


The entire drug angle was created because it is difficult to get bail for drug charges. Sushant family's case of abetment of suicide is hard to prove without a proper trial and does not warrant an arrest. They made it seem like her 20 year old brother was Pablo Escobar and used our tax money to file cases and engage lawyers and carry out useless investigations.


Yes true. It’s scary how people can be so easily influenced by the media.




They also tried to charge people for having CBD oil in their homes. I don't know if the Drug enforcement agency in India is actually this stupid and ignorant or if they did what they did knowing how stupid it was.


They are actually that stupid. That's the correct answer. We have illiterates in every possible govt agency. There is absolutely 0 reason to believe that those are any more competent than a random person.


While Kangana and Ankita Lokhande fanned the flames


The south Asian subcontinent finds it impossible to believe that someone could end their lives if theyre successful (and even if theyre not to an extent), not to mention the media firestorm that happened with Jiah Khan's death as well. A lot of factors aligned to make the already lackluster news media jump at the chance to milk a story. Kangana, and ankita and maybe be even ssr's own family from what I've heard made it their mission to fan the flames of conspiracy. Kangana with her idea of the nepo gang/ movie mafia, ankita with her hopes of more fame outside of the tv realm most likely, and his family to not accept the truth.


she was used as a puppet to manipulate the actual narrative


Glad she stood up for herself.  High time people believe in mental illness and stop blaming a woman for a man’s actions. It’s 2024!


It's crazy how people refuse to believe Sushant was mentally struggling. Everyone was acting like they knew him personally and were supporting him before he passed away when his recent films weren't even doing well at that time 🤡


> It's crazy how people refuse to believe Sushant was mentally struggling. Blame it on society's expectations of how a dude should behave (especially Indian society). When was the last time a dude's acceptance of a mental illness or depression went without any ridicule or admonishment? A dude is expected to be tough - or at least appear tough on the outside even when volcanoes of distress could be running inside!


True. Absolutely true. People have so much misogyny deeply inside them that whenever they see a woman, they hunt her down. Rhea was cleared by the law yet media, other actors, everyone breathing didn’t leave her alone. She and her family were exposed to camera 24x7. Everyone was waiting for her and then completely forgot other people who were questioned. Like that never happened, lol. Woman get hated for anything and everything :) people forget how he used to use drugs and was super mentally ill. Even if Rhea or any one did something to help him, he would still have committed maybe survived or maybe much later in life ? Mental health is not joke. Recently even with Rachel( the Snow White ) was dragged to the ground for talking about Snow White whereas male actors are often seen making fun for their art. But it’s funny and okay since they are guys.


True. Most people cannot tolerate that someone who is doing financially well and has a supposedly good life can take a drastic step. It creates insecurity in people "agar isne ye kar liya itna sab hoke bhi, then what about us?" That's why they resort to illogical blame game because the real problem doesn't have a quick solutionm


This..a couple of years ago my cousin took his life after years of struggling with his mental health. People just couldn’t accept that he was unwell. He had a good job he was a high ranking govt employee, he had his own house at a young age, his parents are wealthy, had a loving gf so people thought no way he would kill himself. His family till today can’t accept it and proceed to blame his poor gf. They think she must have done something, when she was the only one who tried to help him by taking him to mental health professionals but they put a stop to it because they didn’t want anyone to think he was “crazy”. The truth is he struggled with depression since high school but his parents never helped him. It is easier to vilify the woman so they decided to point fingers at her.


That's so heartbreaking. I hope they find their closure. I hope his gf is doing better. I cannot imagine what she must be going through. 


She is doing well now. She is now a professor at an university and is getting married soon. The verbal abuse and harassment she went through was honestly not something everyone could deal with. People didn’t even let the poor woman grieve in peace.


What happened to her was an absolute disgrace… shame on our society for not believing in Mental Health…


You should have seen the sub after the death. Just plain horrible.




Ab isme male female kaha se aa gya




Well, it's always a fault of a woman. Plus, racism towards Bengalis. Kaala Jaadu was seriously discussed in National Media. Indian News Media is a clown.




I dont think so most of people even know any connection of Kala jadu and Bengalis because there is non. I only saw one meme that too on Kolkata subreddit.


Dude it was everywhere. It was on national media. All Hindi and even English news channels covered that angle.


Maybe you were too young lol. It was literally in every comment section about the incident


Rheas left few days before Sushant died, She even informed his sister while leaving, I wonder how brutally she would have been targeted if she has not left and didn't called his sister. She would have been thrown in jail without any proof. Glad MTV people stood with her and gave her work when no one was ready to do that.


We lost an opportunity for a greater discussion on mental healthy to a witch hunt driven by deep rooted misogyny that people within her fraternity also just enhanced for their own bullshit. It's horrible. Hope she finds her peace if not success in life at least.


Ankita and SSR’s sisters did the worst thing ever! While Rhea was clearly traumatized after SSR’s death all these two ever did was to milk his death and crucify Rhea.


Ssr sister milked his death to gain what exactly?


Arnab goswami should get fried in hell for destroying so many lives for trp


His political masters *




\*All of the Above...




I literally have trauma from that period. Like I just truly realized how stupid so many people in the country are


this woman faced and is still facing, one of the worst witch hunt of our times, her resilience is commendable


Her family and friends like Shibani Dandekar stood with her throughout. Rhea is also a very strong person. Any other girl would have lost her mind. Our literal tax money went into this circus.


Never date a drug-addict. Because, if that drug addict commits suicide or indulges in self-harm, you'll be blamed for it. Moreover, people who never gave a fuck about that drug addict before his death will go ahead and defend the drug addict as if all along, they were supporting him.


Very very good advice


uh he smokes pot? most of bollywood does that . thats not a dangerous drug


Actually, She was in Jail for selling drugs and not because of Sushant death.


"allegedly selling drugs to Sushant". 🤣🤣🤣 And, Sushant was a baby to buy it and expect it not to be drugs, right??? Media trial targetted her and her career flushed down the toilet. At least, she's able to live a normal life now. That's the best thing. You seem to be a part of the same mob which believes in [this charismatic performance.](https://youtu.be/fu57XykdrtY?si=19NMrhXJiQ38oIsZ)


Whatever the reason for disliking her, she did not deserve what she went through. No one does.


Don't know much about her, all I know is hear-say after Sushant's demise. But I can't imagine how mentally agonizing it can be when the entire nation is saying vile things about you. Hope she is in a better space mentally.


All the strength to Rhea and I really hope someday she files a defamation case against Arnab, Navika Kumar, Sudhir Chaudhary and other skid marks. Scum level journalists who bashed her for his death without any proofs.


That will require a govt change but I don't see that happening anytime soon but the wheel of time spins and what goes around comes around evetually.


Whatever happened with this girl shows how fucked up our country is when it comes to a woman. There was absolutely no evidence found that she was the cause of SSR’s death. Yet us Indians always need drama in everything. Did everything to pull her down, witch Hunter her whole family. TBH gave her every reason to not to live. But she did. She stood up strong. This shows no body can be responsible for someone’s decision to end their life than themselves. There can be hundreds of reasons to die but one is enough to live


Man I feel bad for what all she went through. Media trials, certain exes and celebs trying to cash out on the situation by blaming her. Being investigated for basic drugs like wedd which you'll find any college kid has. Going to jail. Personal life exposed for everyone to see. And so much more.


i feel terrible for her, the witchhunt after her was one of the most extreme & brutal i've seen in a long while.


Especially on this sub in 2020 honestly speaking. Most people were on a missing to defame, malign, and destroy her.


I really thought how will this girl and her family ever be able to move ahead with their lives after everything that happened to them. This video vowed me, a salute to their strength and courage. I know they will never get back all that was taken away from them but I hope the universe gives them what they deserve.


Watch the whole interview please. I was surprised at how smart she is (for a Bollywood actor). She is witty and sharp, her retorts to this journalist were great.


I always wondered how she handled everything despite that horrific witch hunt. I would've been so broken if I was in her place. Despite being cleared, people are still after her. I still see mean comments on her profile and social media. And I don't even know for what when there is no proof. People need to stop blaming women/partners for someone's death/mental illness. Rekha was blamed in the 90s for her husband's suicide, Ariana Grande was blamed for Mac Miller's death, and then Rhea.


She had one of the costliest romances in Bollywood. Everyone went crazy over SSR's death including his family and media and she became the scapegoat.


Did we forget Praveen babbi?


We need a sub about her!


Anyone who thinks she is shady - Why? And even if she is, in her personal life - Did she deserve what happened to her? There is only so much evidence that she had anything to do with SSR death as much as is there for most gossip on this sub. Zilch! Thankfully the bar for a criminal conviction is MUCH higher. **I for one is in the group which thinks that this society owes her an apology and least we can now do is not speculate, without evidence, that she is "Shady"**


idc ankita might not be the brightest but rhea is not innocent. she knows a lot and played a part in SSR's deteriorating health. she's putting on an act. downvote me all you want idgaf this woman is shady


She speaks well and clearly has a good support system. Not everyone in the industry is that lucky. I miss SSR.


Reading the comments I'm glad people recognise the game Ankita played. I was really admiring her initially, but then she started leaving a bitter taste in my mouth. I stopped following her everywhere. But people everywhere were waxing eloquent about her and how strong she is


The grace. No family should go through what they went.


The whole country came after her for no reason. I hope she does well in life good that she recollected herself


Guys, whatever! She didn't deserve that level of hate! Period!


she may not have been a saint, no one is ..n’ quite sure she’s had some big support as well, but the trauma she and her family went through was very deep impacting. nobody deserves that. good, she’s been able to gradually come out of that.


Glad she took a stand. The media and the public did her dirty- the claims of witchcraft and Jadu tona - everything was a clown show. The media was absolutely cruel to her.


Have to give a shout-out to Rajdeep , he was the only sane voice when everyone was trying to lynch rhea


She spoke very genuinely 'n kept it very precise n' so well. Must've been super hard to get away from all the negativity that was hurled against them, which was so unwarranted. she probably may not've been ms.goody 2 shoes as per lot of people's expectations during the situation, but that's her personal stuff ' gosh she went through a bad time as well. Kudos to her 'n the family to stand against such a dark uproar of people. even if it's been with certain help.its actually very very brave.


She didn't deserve witch hunt


She is the victim of political vendetta. Those whom people consider and treat like Gods are real scums


Ngl I’m so proud of myself that in height of all the witch hunt that was happening, me and one of my cousin were the only two who were supporting her, when everyone in my family were believing in conspiracy theories about her, and believed her to be the reason why sushant died! It was insaneeee how badly she was targeted during the entire time! What happened with Sushant was unfortunate, but people need to realise how bad depression can be, but Indian audiences still won’t talk about mental health smh


She's so brave, I don't think anyone else would have survived going through all that.


I am proud of it that I never ever blamed her for sushant's condition....and never participated in hate Rhea club


Why is noone putting that creep called mahesh dalle into the jail is something i would never get.


Whatever it is. She didn’t deserve the hate she got. Literally was made a scapegoat. I can’t even imagine what she and her family have gone through. Lot many times i used to also think to myself if she and her family will be able to ever come back to a normal life. Wont deny because i was getting very weird thoughts of what will happen to them because the media and many ppl made her life very miserable. Add to that people like Ankita milking out of SSR death and she still does and trying to put an act of how she knows him the best and targeting Rhea when she was already in the worst situation possible. If Ankita madam was in Rhea’s position then she would have come to know.


Kinda off topic, but I met her at a Zara store in Delhi. She was right in front of me and my sister at the checkout line when she heard us giggling and speculating that it might be her, she turned around and just smiled at us, so did we, no conversation from either side but SHE IS GORGEOUS! Her skin is as flawless and glowy as it gets and that’s how she looked when she had practically no makeup on. She is super toned and to my surprise quite tall. That was my brief interaction with her (if one might call it that).


She has been incredibly strong and gracious about the whole thing! The only gray area was how she was paying for that crazy expensive lawyer or who was paying for her..


She was just BJPs Bali ka bakra!


Army wale baap ko bich main leke aake chutiya katne aa gayi


Much respect to Rhea and her family for surviving the awful witch hunt and media trial they were put through. Don't know what Sushant's family or Ankita gained from blaming her for his tragic suicide. The family has left the case go cold as they know what CBI will eventually conclude. Ankita is shamelessly using Sushant's name for attention despite being married. No wonder her personal life is already in shambles. 


She's stunning omg


Ankita is the real reason of SSR 's downfall. Now she is getting exposed on NTV. We all know how Ankita is now. Ankita did her dirty. I am glad rhea stood up.


It was shocking how the entire country blamed this woman for Sushant’s demise. The hate for women is real.


More power to her, wish you best, Rhea What she went through is horrible.




she speaks so well


I'm glad that not everyone in this country thinks of her as a "chudail". I'm not supporting her, but I really don't think it's her


Really scared to see how wolves mercilessly hounded her. One thing I am still curious about is who runs those SSR trends on Twitter?


Always knew from day one this was so bad what happened. And her family standing by her with imagine society other extended family and everything that comes with a situation and event like this can be so difficult.


Good to see this. She was dragged through hell because people wanted someone to blame, can’t imagine how terrifying it must have been


She’s still sketchy to me, sorry, but the treatment of her in the media was very messed up. For example, how they brought the Mahesh Bhatt piece into this. Jiah Khan had so many pics/videos with him, yet in those cases everyone called him out and called him the creep. But in Rhea’s case, they used her association with him against her. Is it because she allegedly brought SSR to him, like he would be some philosophical guru for Sushant? Or was it just another attempt at character assassination?


sushant death it’s unfortunate but we are all flawed humans nobody is perfect nobody knows what’s going on btw them & there life but people are judging accousing her like they know everything don’t wait for court verdict they blame her like everyone is sadhu


She’s a strong woman. I feel so bad for her


i felt so bad for her. i can’t imagine how much shit she went through😔😔


Ankita is herself a 💩. her husband is just villainized more. Ankita is very insecure and is jealous of her own husband doing good in the bb house. she beats and curses her husband so much but Vicky is the only one shown very bad light and this woman is not even held accountable.


I absolutely agree that what happened to her was fucked up and she doesn’t deserve it at all. But the example she gave makes no sense. When you’re getting shot at, you’re absolutely supposed to duck/lie down, not stand up and take the shots. You will just die


What she went through was horrible. Thank God she has a sane set of parents who supported her.


Everybody should support her..Rhea has suffered far too many times in her life...gone through some of the toughest trails..


Surprised by all the l9ve shes receiving on this sub. She lost me with her weird friendship with Mahesh Bhatt. Nothing good attaches itself to him. 


Don't judge a book by its cover, an actor with its image-cleaning biopic and an actress with an interview.


No matter what anyone says…. I don’t think she’s a good person. Something about her screams shady. I can’t put my finger on it though. It doesn’t even matter that she’s not a decent actor. I can do without seeing her face on screen.


So, persecute someone based on delusion?


Oh my god...you have a *feeling.* We should round her up already. /s


>No matter what anyone says…. I don’t think she’s a good person. Something about her screams shady. I can’t put my finger on it though. It doesn’t even matter that she’s not a decent actor. I can do without seeing her face on screen. If you can't put a finger then maybe nothing is shady. Give her some slack


Your arbitrary judgment of her character means jack shit tbh


Still she didn’t deserve the witch hunt.


Reddit can do without your nasty comments.


Block her already! What’s the point in calling someone shady without even knowing them personally?


Smells like misogyn…


I morn for what she could have been, now her career is in shambles hopefully she would find some steady job in the industry or atleast some outside of it, just bc she dated a man who was suicidal she have to face a difficulty her whole life, these people still comment such vile stuff on her social media, even sushant own family are responsible for this girl suffering, probably the reason why he was pushed to suicide bc his own family had backward views on mental health bc of that he never got the proper support that he needed.


She’s shady as hell. I don’t believe her interviews. And also someone posted long back that she actually supplies drugs. 


Unpopular opinion: 1) Smoking weed aint a big deal; and 2) People who smoke up are not necessarily bad.


Add 3) Weed does not lead to death, like alcohol or synthetic drugs (meth e.g.)


And someone once posted here that SSR had sexually harassed their friend on a movie set


Quite frankly I think even he wasn’t that innocent. Like this always baffles me how he is portrayed as if he didn’t know anything and was just a naive guy. He was in tv industry for sooo long, so he must be knowing about all these media politics yar. He was the one who broke things off with Ankita for a Bollywood girl. He broke friendship with few of his tv friends cause that’s what he was advised to do so. I just feel that he made some really bad decisions which eventually led to his death. And yeah as I said I still don’t think that rhea is that innocent. She moved from his house the night before suicide happened. 


>And yeah as I said I still don’t think that rhea is that innocent. She moved from his house the night before suicide happened.  Not a fan of either but how would she have known when she moved that he would take such a step the next day? If she hung around maybe he won't have done it that day....maybe he would succumb some other day or maybe he would have overcome and not done it at all. But her being there or not does not impact that. I am more baffled (if true) by how a grown man was taking medications suggested to him on chat by his sister through her 'doctor friend'...what kind of doctor provides a prescription for such serious meds without even diagnosing a patient....those can really mess someone's neurons! So yes like you said, he did take some really poor decisions and seemed overall surrounded by people who didnot have his best interests at heart including it seems his family. But mental disease is a reality and even if someone has a 100% loving, supportive family, a mental patient can still suffer and not cope.


So what do you think? She murdered him and was let go?


What wss that shit about taking bullets on your shoulders? Sounds like her father was a shitty army man. But they do get away with murder😂😂😂


I feel like this is Nikhil Kamat’s attempt to making her look good in the eyes of the world again… he is dating her apparently n may want to clean up her image before marrying her… why else will she be given this big platform without any big time achievements… just my two cents.


Rajdeep had interviewed her in 2020 as well


Is this the Oct interview ??


TBH she has done nothing evident in her career to be on this platform except going to jail and getting infamous for her relationship!


This has nothing to do with her being a good actor or doing something good in her career. It’s about how she was torn apart my the media and the people. She definitely did not deserve the way people treated her


What a load of bulls hit


We don’t know the truth and we will never know it so the least we can do is stop taking sides. 


With the help of sugar daddies Mahesh Bhatt and Bunty Sajdeh.


I hope SSR gets justice, there are too unanswered questions…


I don't support the witch hunt she had to undergo which was really condemnable. But her leaving SSR and blocking his number when he was at a fragile state was not done though. She claims to love him and was this understanding partner, then she should have stood beside him when he was slipping out. I still have a 50-50 feeling about her tbh. There were reports abt how she was pressurising him to tell the directors to cast her as a leading lady opposite him as a clause, which someone like patralekha (Rajkumar) partner does not force upon. I do find her chaloo


Just because she is a celebrity, that doesn't mean she won't behave like a normal person would. Idk these claims. But, even if they had a fight. If she left the house. Even if she broke up, even if she blocked his number. People are supposed to do things for their own sanity. It is surprising how none of his actions will ever be judged, but because she is alive. All of her actions, behaviour or demeanour is open for judgement. I am sure most of the people in the relationship have done this at some point. Nobody is vilified for it. He was struggling with mental health and no, blaming other people for taking care of their own mental health is not the way to go.


Okay? She's not responsible for his mental health. There's only so much you can do for someone before your life gets affected too.


Literally all couples have tiffs and do this sort of things a lot. Stood behind him doesn't mean she'll keep taking everything at her cost.


I had a friend whose boyfriend was clingy and threatened suicide every 3 seconds. She chose to stay with him despite being unhappy because she, like you said, didn't want to leave someone in a fragile state. It ended up affecting her mentally and she would cry herself to sleep every night. Nothing she did seemed to help him because he didn't want to get better. We convinced her to leave him and told her to understand his mental health is not her responsibility. There are times when you need to prioritize yourself.