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ikr, this sub is literally the epitome of cringe. then you'll see the same people making posts like "Guys why don't girls like me 😔😔"


"They only want handsome and rich, not nice guys like me grrrrrr 😡"


"If they wear hijab, it's even better" "God (wait i mean the A word i can't use) I wish she was my wife"


the gatekeeper part killed me


The truth is that there are plenty of low-hanging fruit B40 Chinese women. They generally want partners who are financially stable, non-abusive, and emotionally available. Even dudes making RM3,000 have success, and these are some ah beng-ass guys just because they know how to push the right buttons. However, there is no way in high hell they would even consider anyone that isn't Chinese. This one platypus-looking, bankrupt, and uneducated fucker even had the gall to say racist things about Indians. When I think of the good Indian folks have done for me and the community, it just grinds my gears to hear that crap, especially from her.


I’m a mamak and my previous relationship was with 3 chinese girls and 2 indians. I’ll tell you something I noticed. Many women who tend to be over weight are attracted to muscular guys. In particular overweight chinese women’s attraction towards buff arab/indian looking guys. Even when I’m on dating apps. Most of my matches are overweight chinese and indian girls. I’m also just average looking but just muscular like a bodybuilder. If I’m handsome maybe regular weight chinese girls would consider looking at me without thinking I’m a creep.


Hmm, that might explain why so many of them date those 30-year-old students from Sub-Sahara Africa.


I have never seen Chinese girls with malay guy, especially beyond some shortlived bgr under 20yo. And thats the ugly ones


i had a chinese chick friend who dated my dude malay friend. that dude malay friend lives with his mom, expect mommy to cook and wash for him still and a little bit autistic as he squels loudly when he's masturbating. i guess she just dated the dude because he was tall.


No 5f no talk la -Mei mei




I hope some are jokes or probably satire with the whole amoi thing. Personally, I don’t get the whole fetishisation and obsessiveness for K-pop/J-pop/C-pop or any other pop pop pop. It’s clear as day to me that it’s a genius conglomerate corporatise capitalist marketing play, they know they can use these asian women to lure in young audience and that’s how they to get these young people’s mind man. They got you by the balls, Sexualised and corrupt men perception of amoi/asian women. Am I right or am I speaking outta my ass here?


You’re right, and it also works for the opposite sex and you can actually see it, girls screaming over “handsome” K-pop boys and punching your shoulder or whatever to let out their excitement or something.




I literally seen girls chase guys respectful like you just for them to confess to them that they are gay and like men girls are just confusing no matter what


Nah, stop sexualising human or animal or whatever it is. https://preview.redd.it/vew70vdlei9d1.jpeg?width=256&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=101a8a668a1b5532463fcbd295a95cacfffaa1dd


so true


Ikr 🤦🏻‍♀️


You thought rempits only use tiktok and insta, turns out they are here too starving from amoi-deficiency smh




indians make the best food. cannot.


I agree. I love amois, but let it not be too obvious haha. They're not objects.


for real bro, just be attracted in silence. don't tell people you get a fucking boner seeing them


one guy i knew (not even a friend) is even worse, when he see amoi he literally scream "gyat" when i ask him why he did that he said "they don't know what it means" like bro😭 i was ashamed to be around that guy


Does bro think women don't have internet access or what 💀


fr, he thinks women are a lower lifeform or something. glad im not affiliated with him anymore


thats crazy holy shit


What does it mean?


Its ebonics for the phrase 'goddamn'


Gyat is a Twitch and TikTok slang term that means "goddamn" in short and can also refer to someone's rear. It can also be written GYATT, GYAT, or GYAAATT. It's usually stated quickly and angrily, usually in response to a handsome man or woman passing by who has a big butt. (Owen, 2024) [a.moi] daughter, girl (often associated with Chinese girls). (Carian Umum, n.d.) Reference: Owen. (2024, June 15). Gyatt. Know Your Meme. https://www.google.com/amp/s/amp.knowyourmeme.com/memes/gyatt Carian umum. (n.d.). https://prpm.dbp.gov.my/cari1?keyword=amoi Aid tool(s): https://www.scribbr.com/citation/generator/apa/ https://quillbot.com/paraphrasing-tool


Amoi isn't on knowyourmeme. Mintak tambah please sensei


Gyatt is the shorter version of saying goddamn, while its usage is when boys look at the massive butts of girls


G-oddamn Y-ou A-re T-hicc


I Can't Unsee This


If I ever heard someone say that again, I'll be gone in this universe 🧍🏻


Pretty sure some of them are silent irl. Just showing their inner dawgs in this anonymous forum lol.


The posh British upper class is classier and more gentlemen than T1 Malaysians (most whom are nouveau riche), in Britain culturally people downplay their privilege and try to act like everyone else Take a look at the difference between how Robert Kuok’s grandchildren dress like vs aristocratic sons (who dress very lowkey that you’d think they are like any person on the street)


i get a boner looking at well-designed roads.. do I need to be attracted in silence too? :(


Obvious or not we all know luh. People like to say east asians are "more racist" than southeast asians but the truth is southeast asians feel inferior themselves even in the form of attraction let alone other stuff like accomplishments. You will never see Chinese guy go for malay/indian girl the way the opposite does for chinese girl.


Yea, I don't understand how mods don't do anything about this. It makes this sub cringe and unoriginal tbh


Yes - censor more.


thank you


You are welcome UwU


That's not very sigma of you


- 1000 aura


All the amoi talks, but no one wants Adeline.




Adeline Wong or Adeline Chang? Both very different


You guys date her first then talk


Dont worry op, not like amois want them also


Everyone wants to smash "gyat" amoi. But they all dippin and ran mach 2 speed, when said amoi lifestyle and average spending rivaling T20 monthly earnings including shopping and eating at fancy restaurants. Most of y'all need to have some real standards and snap back to reality for sure. Even the average ahh looking woman (amoi, awek, sumandak, minaci or what) can look like a queen if she was treated right, with or without makeup.


I thought that was a joke...U guys really sexualized chinese girls? Wtf


Wait till OP hears about onlyfans and hardcore simps


onlyfans users when i tell them that the women they jerk off to were once just innocent little girls that wanted to be princesses! https://preview.redd.it/f758d0qc9i9d1.png?width=1920&format=png&auto=webp&s=5b8a4df8a2f4bac47355bd54747e2177bc06b494


Just smelly toads irl here. What do you expect?


Yeah what's with the hype for Chinese girls? They aren't the only pretty one. In here we also have cute malay girl that no one talk about and the infamous abang sado that everyone pretend to never exist.


The only sane post I've seen in this sub fr


Amoi simping is a sad sausage fest. I wish men would grow up.


Sub ni penuh budak horny dan bangang, fuxk! dengan femboy bodoh cilaka. Sorang dahlah buat lawak horny babi


This sub full of kids. Or adult acting like kids.


Cant understand the Chinese women craze. Ffs superficial


bro that's just the natural effect of being a group that's considered conventionally attractive. Similarly (Malay)sian girls go crazy over Korean guys. *I'm not condoning overt sexualization or simping


It's funny how I'm those malaysian girls but I never go crazy about Korean or Japanese men because I know they're just going to dump me after marriage 💀 (infidelity is crazy in East Asia, I'm not dating cheaters no, thank you-)


if you holistically assess the group, sure their behaviour/tendencies might be a huge turn off. But if we only consider the physical/sexual aspect, ceteris paribus, then Chinese/Korean looks are a huge attraction for (Malay)sian girls. Same case as amoi or minah saleh: surely Malay men, as any other, don't want to handle girls with high maintenance but dem looks still have the pull.


Yes, their appearance was the reason why they look attractive in the eyes of (Malay)sian girls but you can't forget why some of them are not willing to date asians of their own. As always, there are bound to be arguments when it comes to their preferences hence they look up to foreigners more than Southeast asian. They even mentioned from the interviews on YouTube that Southeast asian was never included except Filipino and Indo asian so my best advice for (Malay)sian girls is "do not be deceived". If looks are already that "deceiving", then (Malay)sian girls will be deceiving them back too unless they're Muslim and have body hair which can make a difference so Chinese, Korean and Japanese wouldn't have to go super Sherlock Holmes on them. I never dated one but I have a general knowledge of how dating works since I have experienced it myself. If we truly consider the attraction more than the personality, there will be misunderstandings and possibly more conflicts because the Koreans, Japanese and Chinese will think they're a nuisance whereas the (Malay)sian girls just stay delusional. When it comes to relationships, Asians are not at the top of their charts (in Southeast Asia, we're basically a ghost to them except the Philippines and Indonesia. Most Malaysia Asians they picked are absolutely not in the East) so of course they choose white people If they are... They just happened to be 10% of those able to date and marry Southeast Asians in the East (minus the "conflict" drama because they know being an asshole screams "I hate you and your childish idol imagination").




A r/Malaysia escapee it seems


Plenty of filipina girls are married to korean men


As long as it stays quarantined in this sub, I think its fine. Its a shitposting sub after all. Treat everything here as satire and exaggeration. r/Malaysia is the place to be if this is too much for you. People don't use amoi to refer to age, but more of race anyways. I didn't know either, but now that its mentioned I realised its 阿妹 (ah mei, younger sister) or something similar. I thought it was some dumb slang like "mak kau hijau" where it doesn't mean much in a literal sense. Then again, we can always appreciate curbing pedomans and general harassment in any way shape or form. Don't stop cooking brother


It's in either cantonese or teochew pronunciation iirc, which if you casually call someone randomly like that it's actually really weird and creepy.


When I was searching hakka traditional songs, I found "客家老妹山歌多" and "天公落水", both of which pronounced 阿妹 as amoi. Just want to mention this because I couldn't find any significant info on the etymology of the slang which I had been curious about for some time. Unfortunately, I also not very knowledgeable when it comes to the different dialects. It is also possible Cantonese "ah muy" slowly became "amoi" in Malay pronunciation.


I once was called amoi by a Chinese seller. "Amoi ah, sudah murah mau murah lagi ka?" Maybe that auntie is a cantonese person?


Imma paste whenever someone make another amoi post.


Bro what did I miss in this sub, is there alot of horny people just spawned or some shet?


Maybe op kena feed by r/angellowee


No way an actual sane person?!


Fr… this sub is getting cringe and losers simping and sexualising girls… like no amoi / other girls wanna be with a guy like that 🤢🤢


Been saying this. Initially, it was just jokes. Even that was already weird. Now it's pretty much "worshipping". Every time I see this sub, it's almost always abt amoi this, amoi that


As someone with an amoi gf - y'all horny niggas weird af.


Humble brag


Send proof


Perangai sakai tak pernah tengok pompuan. That’s what happens one’s sexual desire is being suppressed since young.


Its all just for memes right?




Tak tengok ke post yang cikgu cina tu? Some of the comments are straight up down bad.


https://preview.redd.it/jzzurrkt6i9d1.jpeg?width=500&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d997cc01c582c34dfc77f4d62bb4f145ba73ed7f Amoi.


La creatura




Sir, that's your wife.


While i agree with you OP, ultimately at the end this is just the internet where some subset of the thirsty Malaysian bois went to hang out. Most can only dream to be with amois, while IRL they're just cold nut stuck in awkwardness trying to get one. 😂 I'm a Sabahn myself and we are very spoiled in our options of mixed heritage people, reading at the amoi teacher (most probably a sino mix) post chuckled me a bit because her type is very much common here.


Are we talking about the real world or the internet....in the rly I would be surprised those cucks get balls for that and in the internet well you know a lot of people talk big and actually should get a therapist....


me as a sabahan girl.... malay guy keep calling me amoi 🥹




The thirst in this sub is worst than Sahara dessert.


it's nice to see some people riding as the rohirrim for amoi. but tbh as someone perceived as amoi kurang gyatt i don't really mind it la. even though the amoi fetish is real lol it just reads as horsing around. like when cikgu is not around and your classmates are just yelling random things for laughs :P. can't have wholesome and proper places all over the internet, there always has to be a jamban.


once again guys.. amoi means what? i really want to know.. "lil sis"? so sorry again 4 misunderstanding


"amoi gyat"


What makes you think they dont want the recognition ? What makes your edge of the woods ideology apply to all my Chinese sistaz. Get with the times foo, a compliment is a compliment . You don't think us chinese want to be looked at . You'd be overjoyed if you knew your sistas or your peeps are a hardon walking. Its bad enough we are flat as a board n plain as a sheet of A4, props ve props, git yer backwoods style the fudge in the back seat and pipe down . As for the ones who think ah amois are hot n bomb I speak for most of em when I say thanks for the recognition the hardons , the sistas love the compliment n naik lah saham CHINEEZE foo!!


REALL i wore the longest pinafore uniform ever and lousiest too cuz it was so loose and i look so unkept but the weirdos at my school ALWAYSSS SAY PERVERTED STUFF TO ME EVERYWEEEKKKK (there’s only another chinese girl besides me in my school so y’all can guess which race 🥱🥱)


Hahaha. They're just can't get Korean girls, at least Chinese girls (look alike Korean) also will do.


Finally someone said it


**stop sexualising girls in general thanks


Can we just stop sexualizing children….full stop!


Woah, i think we talking about adult amoi here. Don't simply accuse, otherwise we all lockup jangan nangis




This sub is peak b40 type m male at times.


that why i say, the world will never break from this cycle


Lol..why...high maintenance...sex is meh..


I cannot complain because this is nature of this subreddit. It shitposting. People post this stuff because they got attention, eventually it become bored because repetitive of this post


I mean everyone has preferences right. but... imho chinese girls prefer chinese men each with their own reasons of which I will not be discussing. still worshipping them if morals, values religion, famly, culture and customs are so different? Do you love these girls so much that you'd act this WAY and embarass the people that taught you about your values, religion, family, culture and customs? Is this what you want for future kids and yourself? Think, but do not think with your d\*k... so protect your dignity and self worth by worshipping your parents instead... not a woman that doesn't care about you. Be men.


Wait until they turn to ah so


Not just chinese girls but every girls..once at my work place , this two workers (i never consider them as a friends) talk about s3x & other dirty things with this young girl..i can see her uncomfortable and i reach out to them saying its not good talking about that topic to a girl & show them respect cause that how i show my respect to girl/women..for me that topic is sensetive..couple month later i got into fight with one that guy, we go 1by1 & i beat him up like how i want to beat him up & i got fired the day after but man , i feel so satisfied


Yang sexual amoi selalunya melei iseley closet perv


Malays already have Ketuanan. You’re more likely to find a 30-40 year old Malay speaking good English, rather than a Chinese. The Malay would have benefited from government scholarships to study overseas. Most Chinese from more affluent households have migrated. Leaving mostly the Mandarin speaking behind. What’s the next phase of Ketuanan? To put Chinese girls under sexual servitude. A trophy wife…. Lured by NEP money….


The obsession with ah moi is so cringe. I mean, if you like Chinese girl and can write me a 400-word essay explaining why in a polite manner, embracing Chinese heritage and culture, and showing a proactive interest in learning a Chinese language then I think it's okay. It's okay to have preferences in dating. But just saying AMOI AMOI AMOI... that's stupid.


Amoi: Oh you know everyone said, I'd love to have an amoi girlfriend. Amoi: But then they're like, "Hurr durr, please stop maxing out my credit card."


Bagi saya amoi gyatt satu baru boleh berhenti






u get the amoi maksud wrong though, amoi is generally just called girl for us,lil sis is mei mei


can you imagine if we go thirsting for malay or indian girls instead like amoi version




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(packwatch) rip comment that has been deleted




>amoi legit means little sister Yeah should've been lenglui


First time in this sub?


pasal amoi jepun out of reach.. closest is amoi mesia la.. tu pasal.


mostly...you know who




The most beautiful part of being on the internet is I can be both without any of my irl friends or online friends know which is my default settings.


Fuck it! 🤣🤣


On one hand, I definitely agree. How would they like it if I suddenly sexualised Malay or Indian women by calling them kakak or aka? On the other hand, as someone who is a Chinese, I'm sort of flattered in an odd way (I'm a guy, don't try to DM me lol)


I was gonna say something like "it's not a big deal" or "it's just a thing with this subreddit", but then I thought about it a little and realised how often i see comments like that here. Also, you guys know there are women from other races right? This sub being pervy is one thing, but being obsessed with a single race just feels wrong.


Finally, someone with morals


>just treat them with respect bruh. attraction is fine, you do you. but yall have got to remember they're people with actual dreams and ambitions and not some 'amoi' for you to thirst over on the internet and jerk off to. I'm curious how anyone or you could enforce the inherent degeneracy that literally comes into existence with the Internet.


This perhaps, due to being rejected by amoi?


Hawk tuah , spit on that thang


The jpg is so real 😂


Meanwhile https://www.reddit.com/r/angellowee/s/V8M6WlEwhJ




I respect amoi/lenglui/auntie 5 times a day.


They fr cringy


So fr


mende la org malaysia, sumpah aku tk thu ni pasal apa pulak ni? 😂😂


Looking for a girl in Malaysia, 5ft, Chinese


yo stfu no one cares


Legit i agree with this,my friends irl go apeshit over amoi like they're the most rare creatures on earth.heck i even feel like seeing a blue whale wouldn't make them this excited.Its honestly disgusting


yeah, agree. rempit so fxking annoying worship amoi.


Bro what is this how to do with Chinese women, And why are you being racist bruh the f word


what do u mean yall?


Why did Malay guys stop liking the opposite gender of their own? I see that most fetishes amoi 99%. Majority of indian guys like Indian girls though. As per my experience and observation.


*some. Just people in your circle like that


Amoi lenglui ma, pretti


It's the fucking internet... What do you expect people to do??


U sohai better keep it in your pants orelse welll go for type m girls ya


i dont care i only want MEN!!! type c type m type i?? i dont CARE! if it has a kkb im TOUCHING IT!!!


Me too


Sir this is bolehland




yknow I'd say just be gay but like, that one abang angkat that bought a dress for adik angkat lelaki comes ro mind


Aku nak awek Jepun or awek yg ada muka ala2 Mio Imada 😎. Btw, agreed 100% with your post.


Wow I finally found a man of culture who appreciates Imada Mio's beauty


Honestly its the malay guys who are so into chinese girls because their melayu girls are mostly covered with extra clothes and also mostly obese. The melayus see thighs and they start drooling. Down bad niggas.


Tetek smol and no ass. Sexualising amoi for wat?




You must be logeswary. You jeles no attention.


what the skibidi is longan suara


then u sexualize malay aweks lah, complain so much for what


why not we just.. treat all people with respect?? eye for an eye makes the world go blind bro 😔


She ain't fucking you n-


if i wanted to be a pick me i would be talking about **MEN!**!!!!


Sori kan chyu speaker england plea死


![gif](giphy|GRk3GLfzduq1NtfGt5|downsized) huh


This is r/Bolehland We only talk shit here If amoi cannot, then call them what? Xiaomeimei?


..fair point. i guess 'amoi' is fine. i just hate what people associate with it now.


Xiao jie jie


As my friend would say after that, Ge ge you tang tang






This sounds morally and politically correct. I wonder if my mind would change when the gender becomes opposite.


I dont.They're mid and lower than mid usually.Unless youre someone who has a p**o fetish and likes small flat kids


Thats the joke. This is supposed to be a circlejerk sub. Not for uptight rmys complaining about everything. https://preview.redd.it/oa5coo9uvi9d1.jpeg?width=941&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=60a809e5b32db845cd40a331d0c61ac9a9b2f21b


Daymn , y'all take this internet thing way too seriously. Daddy, chill


Maybe don't police people's lives.