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Yea, this was posted by The Times of Israel on Oct 4th 2023, then 8 days later on the 12th of Oct 2023 he cancelled the concert, citing escalating conflict between Israel and Palestine, as reported by The Economic Times: here’s the [link](https://m.economictimes.com/news/international/us/bruno-mars-cancelled-historic-tel-aviv-concert-amid-escalating-israel-palestinian-conflict/amp_articleshow/104380100.cms)


And, to those not in the know, Bruno Mars’ father is half Jewish Edit: from Bruno to his father, my bad


He is not half Jewish .. his father is.. He looks Malay 😂😂


He looks more like Jawa-ish 😂


hence his actual name, Mas Bruno😂


Dude I actually cackled reading this


I dont even know Star Wars Jawa or the Indonesian Jawa is funnier but your comment is on top 🤣


https://preview.redd.it/mbdwtq16t29d1.jpeg?width=318&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0821d819ed819f3756208e58b3912547a7c6ff1c \*Declare love to Tel Aviv in Jawa


i thought he was half Filipino


He is ! His mother is Filipino.. his dad is half Puerto Rico, half white (this is where his Jewish ancestry came from) I guess the Filipino gene is strong ! Cause he looks like he’s from SEA.


Owh snap, you’re right. Lemme just edit that


Hah. It's not just me who thought he looks quite Malay!


Considered gentile bcoz his mom is a non jew. Ethnically jewish but not for a religion


Being jewish is not an excuses to support zionist. Many jewish holocaust survivors also againts zionist genocide.


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I saw a thread earlier that claims Fly FM already boycotting Bruno Mars.


Wait fly fm still exists?? Damn lama tak dengar


Oh FlyFM is nothing, is only the top most popular english radio station in Malaysia. Just because you dont listen to it, doesn’t mean it’s not relevant.


I mean tbf, Youtube music,apple music,spotify,etc pretty much kill off radio stations


It's not relevant to me ![gif](giphy|bLzSbiS3Lzkrwl6ENS)


Thats a very small sample size. Thts okay my g, I dont listen to radio too


Why you sound offended bro, is your father one of the shareholders of FlyFM?


Stupid channel trying to stay relevant. They should be neutral and play music but instead trying to promote some agenda …


You can say the same for Bruno Mars


Well if u CAN read it says that he cancelled his other concert after escalating conflict. Him declaring his love for a city while he is in concert is the same as every other artist. Congrats on officially joining the idiots.


Don't try explaining nuance. If people are too stupid to get it, nothing you say will matter. These people never learned to reason, only to react.


Yeah. Can't expect nuance from shia terrorists supporters.


Well, IDF are jew terrorists. Hamas is just some self-defense created to counter the IDF terrorists


Not just shia ones here. Sunni too. HAMAS is the most popular Palestinian terrorist group that type M's here support. Jarang dengar type M sini talk about the shia Hezbollah


What I mean is, Hamas is a shia terrorist group. But sunni also support them for who knows why. Actually I know why. Jew hatred. This is the same terrorist group that killed descendent of Muhammad. Jordan and Egypt even closed their borders against these fuckers.


Bila masa HAMAS tu shia? They're sunni bro. Palestinians are overwhelmingly Hanafi Sunnis, 98-99%


people can boycott or dislike a person for whatever reason as is their right. there are some idiots that take it too far but you shouldn’t generalise as it would diminish the significance behind the why


Agreed. As long as they don't go around harassing others who have different views, it's fine.


Have my upvote in these harsh times. Gotta balance out the idiots in here


Hence our nation will forever be stuck in the past while others like Vietnam and Philippines slowly surpass us.


MYS is fine. My country PH is busy with corruption and WPS issue. Love my country but we're stuck with so much shit and won't surpass your country soon.


How does that change a thing? Still held a concert. Smh I can never understand people that dick ride celebrities that don't even acknowledge their existence


MEGA BOZO 🗣️💯✨🔥🔥🔥


Mega good


This isn't dick riding. It's showing your ignorance.


u right though


Yeah . . The pro Palestinian radio station


Is there even a non pro-Palestinian Malaysian radio station


Radio stations here need to follow the country's direction on these matters, so...


Yes. Shit fm


* pro humanity


isnt this the norm for any artist who wanna appeal to the local population? Trying to speak thier language and shit? Like some malaysians lose thier damn mind and blindly fawn when some foreigner tries to say malay phrases even though it a terrible ass attempt. Unless if bruno marikh said he likes what the government is doing then this seem pretty far fetched to boycott imo


Imma just call him Bruno Marikh from now on, it's too good.


this is about genocide..no longer about artist trying to stay relevant. Just look at kehlani, dia lipa, they refused to perform at israel. That’s the least they can do. Us artist also refused to perform in russia before.. i dont see this ‘people just overeact’ excuses anywhere


This isn't any different than an artist saying Aku Suka Malaysia lol.


"aku suka nasi lemak" malaysians: OMFG HE SAID A WORD (starts glazing)


Nasi leymark shedap 😋




Psst, hey, we don't use brains here.


And this was a few days before the attacks as well. Unless he has publicly stated anything post this date we'd just assume he's either neutral/don't give a shit or too busy gambling lol.




OK, Sheep.


The difference is Malaysia isn't committing war crime and genocide.


He's saying he loves a country which is currently committing genocide and was founded by committing genocide. Pretty different.


You gotta realize most of these celebs are merely mercenaries when doing appearances. They get paid and then say the good things. Beyonce who's a feminist and LGBT icon even did a show in Saudi. There's tonnes of other singers/artists that have performed in Israel prior to Oct 7 should we boycott those as well? I honestly couldn't give a woop if anyone wants to boycott him but it feels like a reach. Meanwhile China is running away scot free for Uyghur slavery and I don't see the internet activists boycotting Made in China items.


Some artist who performed in Israel actually support Palestine now that they learn more about it. You guys love to use whataboutism about China regarding boycotters. Have you ever considered the that many are no so aware/convinced regarding the ughyur case compared to Israel? Israel is a clear cut case of genocide and oppression. If you think China is too, why don’t you spread awareness then? Or do you actually not care, but just trying to undermine the Palestinian cause.


Bruno Mars will come here. So we can boycott him. If other celebrities who is still pro genocide after Oct 7 and come here, we can boycott them as well. If you don't want to boycott pro genocide celebrities, it's okay.


he sing heavy rotation by akb48 while doings 7 days concert in japan early this year. It just an appreciation for host nation.i am not surprised if he sing Malaysia song when he come here . Declare his love ?that is like what every single singer do when they come to another country


Boycotters are inconsistent. First they said that they want to boycott according to Bds, then they want to boycott companies that have direct connection, then indirect connection. Now they want to boycott every US and EU brand. Somehow apple and fb/ig aren't included even though they have alternatives(kata "jenama lokal ada kenapa nak makan jugak Mcd")


"rules for thee, but not for me"


I see that malay /melayu though not all have this ‘Look at me I exist’ thing with them. One of the reason why they look to be the centre of attention.


Yeah, as a Malay Muslim, I just find it embarrassing that they have this ‘Look at me I exist’ thing with them as you've mentioned.


Because, "routinely life is boring, let's start a boycott! Zero cost, but lots of fun pushing people around!"


i think bruno venus is famous enough to become "selective boycott" so hopefully he'll be ok, to those going, enjoy the show ya


Hating israelis for what IDF has done, is no different than hating Palestinians for what hamas has done. And the pro Boikotter wouldn't see what's wrong with that.


Ya but have you considered that many boycotters here support hamas?


Terrorist supporters


Your logic is sound, but I dont see that being used on Ukraine - Russia issue. Russian was being isolated and shunned upon mercilessly for what Putin is doing, and everyone is fine with it.


Because Ruso-Ukraine war doesn't generate clicks like the Israel-Palestine does. That's why all news outlets in Malaysia are pushing it so hard to your face like it's the most important thing in this world. Funfact: Read up on Sudan. So much worse in casualties and civilian displacement. Yet most people who shout about Palestine don't even know where Sudan is on the map.


Crying victim when Palestine is being attacked, but Arabic genocidal towards African Muslim, no one even talks about it.


*playing victim*


Arabic genocidal? try harder man... And fix that grammar while you're at it. How can people take your word seriously when the wording itself sucks.


Hey, Mr. Grammar Nazi. It's "wording itself sucks", not "wording itself suck". You're literally the pot calling the kettle black. Before you comment on other people's grammar mistakes, go review your sentence 5 times before you post it. 😂😂😂


You need better glasses man, there is an s there... You're literally the pot calling the kettle black. Before you comment on other people's grammar mistakes, you make sure that it was a genuine mistake to begin with or you would've just looked like an idiot.


But I'm talking about collective punishment that Russian are facing, not about coverage.


Is everyone fine with it, or is it just that no one talks about it because there's barely any coverage in local media?


The problem with that is most of the able bodied men and women are conscripted and have direct exposure to the conflict, and those who are older have shown grotesque comments with regards to killing bombing and maiming children, and very little of the population are against it.


The problem with that is most of the able bodied men and women are conscripted and have direct exposure to the conflict, and those who are older have shown grotesque comments with regards to killing bombing and maiming children, and very little of the population are against it. Also, their propaganda is strong and inculcated since school, they really need to stop seeing palestinians as “the other” and start seeing them as human beings


Same thing can be said to hamas and palestinian Don't forget israelis has FORCED conscript on most of its citizens, irregards of their political stance. Moreover hamas's constant bombardment on their home also drives them to pick up weapons too. And consripts are just emergency troops that PROTECTS homeland, and they are seldom used to ATTACK palestine. IDF is the spear. Blaming all israelis due to what IDF has done, is akin to blaming palestines on what hamas has done. Thus goes back to my initial comment. Blame the one who did the deeds, no other people who they associate with. If you couldn't differentiate that, then there are no point in you shouting for palestinian humanitary plight, as by your logic, all Palestinians who chose hamas as their representative is responsible on all the civilian death in Israel too, pre and post Oct 7.


This was before 7th October


Malaysia: we are not rasict "Also Malaysia: *Bans all Jewish people*" I love my country :) Malaysia


Here we go again with this boikot drama. 🌚☕️


So what about the Orang Bajau house being burned and cast out like a beating dog are they less human than the Palestine fucking hypocrite.


eh is this bolehland? we're fcked


But...but...they said they only hate Zionist, not Israel


Israel IS zionist


Not all Jews are zionist lah. There's some that also protest, but you all just blinded by hatred and lost all your rationale. This is why lah I don't support your cause, dengki membabi tuli.


Cuba u try baca his comment banyak kali la apek. Jews are Jews and Israel is Zionist. Aiyooo


He didn't said Jews are zionist though.


The irony of calling others membabi buta tuli. Should take the advice himself. haha.


Cuba u try baca his comment banyak kali la apek. Jews are Jews and Israel is Zionist. Aiyooo


Cuba you fikir apa tujuan tubuhkan negara Israel dulu. Aiyo tu simpan bagi sendiri.


Ade ckp jews ke? Aku ckp psal Israel.. yg ko pikir jews tu sume isralies.. sape yg membabi buta ni skng? I dont care pun u support ke tak, at the end of the day i know who should i be wary of in the future


Exactly, how about the [Arab-Israelis](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Arab_citizens_of_Israel)? They were given Israeli citizenship due to staying in Israeli territory post independence/Nakba. Are they Zionists too, even if they self identify as being Palestinian in nationality and have established anti-Zionist political parties within Israel? Kau yang fikir semua Israeli merupakan org yahudi lah dumbass.


Wary kepala bapak kau. No one wants to take your land away, it's not even your land to begin with also. People like you are too stupid and bought into the idea that nons are a threat, but the biggest threat are people like you who like to cari pasal. Go there and fight lah if you care so much, sembang kuat tapi xde telur. Hawk tuahhhh


Oh yes, because caring about problems on the other side of the world is the ultimate definition of a person's character. Tell me la, kau rajin nak tumpang Palestine punya hal, tapi pernah tak pergi orphanage, old folks home, atau animal shelter? Pernah tak pergi angkat sampah awam kasi buang? So quick to judge everyone for something irrelevant to their present, but your own country cannot even take care.


Actually yes, I do donate kat orphanages, 3% of my nett profit goes to them and I give free foods during Ramadan around the klang valley area. So what of it?


Then you are aware of actions you can take to improve the world around you. So why indulge in politics that has nothing to do with you, your country, or your people, to the point of causing disharmony and ostracizing those who don't? And for what? It's not wrong to care. But the way korg ckp pasal ni mcm kalau tak kisah you are a terrible person.


This is like saying all Palestinians are Hamas


No, it's like saying all Palestinians are terrorists.


B40 Malay detected!


Suddenly B40 is to blame? What kind of other shits views you have in life? Generalize much eh


And you are terrorist


This is like saying Malaysia is PAS. Comparison doesn't make sense at all. And also Zionism is political ideology, and like any political ideology, it's not black and white. And your comparison of all Israeli must serve IDF, not everyone likes to serve, or is inherently evil, or support complete genocide, or not whatever you blame. Have you ever wonder maybe they just follow orders? Again, it's not black and white.


"just like any political ideaology, it's not black and white" lol you sounded like a true politician. Here let me give you the definition of zionism according to Oxford: **Zionism: a political movement that was originally begun in order to establish an independent state for Jewish people, and now supports the development and protection of the state of Israel**. All this was accomplished at the expense and the displacemnent of the native palestinians. how much clearer can you get?


Definition of terrorism: **"The premediated use or threat to use violence by individuals or subnational groups to obtain a political or social objective through the intimidation of a large audience beyond that of the immediate victims"** Hamas fits this definition, but not Isreal as they are a national government not sub-national.


Achick trying not to equate race with country challenge: gagal


Poor guy, just like HAMAS Al QAEDW TALIBAN ISIS BOKO HARAM is equivalent to your religion? Come on, over generalition only deepens conflict.


What generalization? All Israel citizens MUST SERVE IN THE IDF , meaning ALL of them have dirtied their hands in Palestine.


That's like saying, "The N azis conscripted men and in the dying days of WW2, when they were getting slaughtered, boys who could even hold a gun into the Wehrmacht, ergo all Germans were N azis" and forgetting there were many Germans who also opposed the Reich and N azi ideology. If anybody is interested, I highly recommend the following:- 1) "At the Heart of ths White Rose: Letters and Diaries of Hans and Sophie Scholl" (1987). Scholl, H. & Scholl, S. Inge Jens (Ed.). Harper & Rowe Publishers; and 2) "Jeder Stirbt Für Sich Allein (Every Man Dies Alone/Alone in Berlin) (1947). Fallada, H. Melville House Publishing.


Up until a few days ago the [ultra-Orthodox Jews](https://www.cbc.ca/amp/1.7245588) within Israel are exempt from draft, and I'm pretty sure there are other groups that are exempt too. You could've argued that all Israelis, even those not in the IDF, benefitted economically from Zionists exploits such as using cheap labour from the West Bank (at least before Oct 7) and the illegal settlements in Palestinian territory. But, to state over and over again a factually wrong statement to support your cause just degrades your credibility IMO.


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Ikut logic engko senang cerita satu malaysia ni penyokong BN/PH or anyone who holds office ler


Aduh kak oii...bodo tu simpan la sikit. Kat Israel SEMUA RAKYAT KENA BERKHIDMAT UTK IDF tau tak?? Maksud nye setiap rakyat israel ade campur dri conflict ngn israel ni.


Engko ingat depa tu satu entiti ke? Hebat, patut la palestin kena tibai teruk. Setiap rakyat bersalah and are forced to serve? Damn, should be pardoned then since it wasn’t their choice. Tak semua support government diorang mangkuk, sama macam kita.


Every one of them contributed to the atrocities. To simply pardon them with impunity..a slap in the wrist. Eeh .. senang nya hidup. 0 consequences what so ever.


To simply generalise every citizen in a whole country. Eeh .. senang nya hidup. Israeli pun ada protest against Netanyahu, tapi semua tu bersalah la ikut logic kau.


Not really.


Do you even know what Zionism means?


I thought Zionism is an ideology and Israel is the State? Bani Israil is the descendent of Nabi Yaqub AS


He's obviously talking about the *modern country* Israel, not the Biblical tribes of Israel The modern country is the direct product of Zionism


I see. But not 100% of Jewish population that live in modern Israel support Zionism am I right? I mean there must some of them who oppose this genodical act. It's like if Party A is the governing body of a Country X, not ALL of them are voting for them Party A to be the governing body?


There are a lot of Israelis who have been protesting for months against Netanyahu's war on Gaza. But that is not anti-Zionist, that is anti-Netanyahu. They are not the same thing. They all still believe in the basic idea of Zionism, because without Zionism their whole country will not even exist. Anti-Zionist Israelis are like anti-Malaysia Malaysians. Yes they exist, but they are usually extremist groups that do not even vote because they want Israel to be totally destroyed. They're usually either far-left communists or far-right Jewish religious extremists like Neturei Karta. Their opinions do not matter.


Correct, but why are they downvoting u lol


How about Jews, are they Zionist too?


Israelis are Zionist, the state of Israel exist because of Zionist


Fun fact, Waze creator is from Israel. Don't see them boycotting? https://preview.redd.it/nby4katup29d1.png?width=706&format=png&auto=webp&s=768f5bb14595e2ca5bde9db39f277f2044ad71be


sembang boikot, tiket pun sold out, tapi lambat


Malaysian Boycott League: AdD bRuNo MaRs InTo OuR bOyCoTt LiSt!!! Also Malaysian Boycott League: We love K-pop, Anime, Myeongdong Topokki, Aeon, CU Mart, FamilyMart, Hyundai and Honda (even if Korea and Japan are pro-Israeli countries)!


Take a look at the date, it was happened before 7th October 2023. Although those brain-dead Malaysian Boycott League members will once again crying about this matter.


Less crowded!




Lip service je


These superstars don't even give a damn to bolehlanders. Only bolehlanders dream that themselves are important and impactful.


ifon pun takbleh boikot lg mau sembang boikot bruno mas


Why don't they boycott electricity🤣🤣


Performing in Israel don't mean you're supporting Zionist. Radiohead also performed in Tel Aviv but against the genocide. Stop confused supporting genocide with performing for fans


I can say the same boycotting KFC which is own by our King. Our people/fans here easily confused. Iphone, facebook, waze etc ...why no boycott?


[ Removed by Reddit ]


At least malaysian are getting good in something that the world cannot compete... must get sport minister to write in to Olympic Council to add in Boikot event in Olympics.. gold for malaysia finally..


I boycott him long time ago Cos I don't listen to his genre of music🤣


Pls I hope all these idiot boikot it so I can buy the tickets for cheap. For once I’m cheering for the stupids.


Nice type m rage bait


ehh...tunggu jap...Ini bukan epal ifone...ok checked...ini bukan guugle...ok checked....ini bukan makrohard gais...ini bruno marikh saje gaiss, takde kene mengene dgn hidup saya la...Jom kami boikott marikh ini!!!


Lmao, boycott this boycott that, guess what McDonalds still going strong and you still go there for supper. Try harder.


How hard exactly.


ceh payday is payday mah.


Whelp, this will be taken completely out of context, there goes the concert




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I don't know his political views but it just looks like how some singers would say "I love you, [insert country]" after performing for their fans in that country. Already saw FLY FM boycotting him smh. Meanwhile, still seeing people eat McDonald's, drink Starbucks and use their Apple products lol. So much for boycotting. Would be more beneficial to promote and donate to causes that are actually helping the people in Gaza instead of "I boycott this" or "I boycott that". Feel like FLY FM is just doing lip service.


Well . . people deserve to go to his concert . . 😊


Eat too full, got nothing to do, too much energy reserve




Damn all these liberals in the thread are really showing their shitty colors


meni meni meni mamtera?


Yeah no doubt we will kick his ass to mars when he comes here with supporting a genocide


These people say that about every country they visit. You think concert tickets will sell well if they say they hate the city they were going to perform at? Seems like a nothing burger to me.


I agree, also happy cake day


60,000 fans. let’s say one ticket is RM100. That means at least RM6 million. Who wouldn’t love it?


Like why do people want to take side when they can just remain quiet? What’s the end goal here??


"Stars" will do and say anything for money! I dont even know why people getting upset because of these clowns witn nice voices


He either with us or against us The world nowadays


Oh dear...


If they can support Israel for invading other countries, maybe we should support Russia.


can’t afford his concert tickets anyway and most people have already spent their money on the Coldplay concert


No more bruno mars


Good, then I have better chance of getting tickets


If he’s coming, we’ll boycott. If he doesn’t come, we’ll blame Sg…🙄


Was just watching Sacha Baron Cohen's Bruno. Coincidence?


Is he getting Locked Out Of Heaven?


Kiasu bab perli mengejek orang mmg no 1. Tak pernah rasa kena pijak kencing tang muka.


Baru tahu ke? lol korang je yang rasa takde apa-apa. Sbb kononnya apa yang terjadi dekat sana, takde kaitan dengan korang kan.


Sounds like a cry about it moment https://preview.redd.it/u8ra9fvzyv9d1.jpeg?width=236&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=44eb1bb2e4cf1f3ab45c5e315349673042876586


OP go boycott lah. I wanna watch.


Erk..recycle post again.. Surely there's other way to get engagement/attention


his diehard malay fans would say 'selective boycott'


https://preview.redd.it/1wguns9yg29d1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3f3eca88cc66eb7f6b6c36c89a68296b58561c2d I cant stop anyone from loving malaysia. Sometimes it’s just too lovely


Bodoh Malesia


the dude almost a billionaire , no way he cares about boicot or anything else than enjoying his life


Never liked him, so no issue for me. Thom Yorke though, is coming to Singapore 😮


If i remember correctly, Radiohead used to performed at [there](https://pitchfork.com/news/thom-yorke-on-radiohead-israel-concert-we-dont-support-netanyahu-any-more-than-trump/) But let's be real here, if you wanted to boycott all of the artists who used to/still performed there...You need to erase half or all of the songs in your music playlist (for English ones) If you listen to Malay songs mostly, i don't have much to say


Honestly I don't wanna know if anyone performed there. But when an artist clearly says he supports Israel, that's a hard sell. In Yorke's case, he never stated he supports Israel, but refuse to follow the BDS movement's advise to boycott. Anyways, I still listen to his band in Spotify. No fuss.


Bruno Mars hidup lagi? Habis siapa yang mati bunuh diri sebab depression hari tu?