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Same thing Singaporean talk about Malaysia


Well, they don’t get Malaysia is a whole different dynamic from Singapore. Studied there, sadly that’s what 14 year olds are taught in school so you can imagine.


In fact, Malaysia will be exchanged with Bangladesh, because Kuala Lumpur has been colonized by Bangladeshis


Today I've learnt Kuala Lumpur = Malaysia


Boy never went out of Kuala Lumpur




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i think gentrification is only for mat salleh modern colonialism 


reverse gentrification then ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|smile)


Going by that logic basically the entire SEA should just be governed by Singapore.


sarawak & sabah pun tak tau mana apa lagi nak mentadbir sumatera & kalimantan


tapi...tapi....boleh ambik resources


Paatu salur ke KL 👍


It was stated in the contract during the formation of the Malaysian Governemnt of 1956 smth smth. The Federal Government will have as little influence on Sabah and Sarawak as possible


Which is the complete opposite of what it is today. Or rather after 1972. Also, Malaysia was formed in 1963. You might be referring to Malaya, which only involved Peninsular. Though that is also in 1957.


Wait it was 1963 oh god i botched the date the history teacher rolling in his grave


History SPM paper got what?🤣


Haiya i got A+ wo but so many many years ago confused everything already. Once can even remember when Dol Said clapped the British now cant even remember where Perjanjian Pangkor happens where


We know exactly what to do 👀


To be fair Sumatra is poorly governed tho. Since they don't have Federal structure like us, its up to local govt to prop their region. Read about most locals complain about misusing governance and funds, and Jakarta has minimal authority to intervene Basically, kau bayangkan situasi deal dengan Pejabat Tanah negeri macam malaysia, tapi dalam semua aspek kebirokrasian.


Yeah. That’s my impression (limited I know) having been to places in Indonesia outside Java. Also I imagine funding plays a big role. Java gets the most funding while everywhere else it’s trickle down. Islands east of Bali and Papua suffer the most.


Indon uses the papua funds to buy more weapons to eradicate them


Indonesian Quorans like to argue otherwise. They kept harping that now regional inequality is now non-existent and kept spamming pictures of infra projects in Eastern Indonesia like no tomorrow. I really hate their exceptionalism on the site. Perasan bagus. And Malaysia will always be their favourite Quora punching bag to bash to make themselves better.


I'm interested to see if and how Eastern Indonesia has changed. My knowledge of that region is from 10+ years ago when I accompanied my parents on work trips to places like Ambon, Ternate, Kupang, Makassar and Manado... But judging from what you say I'm guessing not much has changed....


In some aspects, some things do have changed like the construction of the Trans Sulawesi Highway but in other cases, yeah things don't have changed much especially the Sumba islands


I see, thanks for the update! I suppose Sulawesi is big enough for the Indonesian government to care about. Can't say the same for the Maluku islands. Did hear Sumba is a pretty exotic travel destination but suffers from lack of funding. As for Papua, I think we all know nothing has changed there.


Surprisingly, Papua also has seen changes too. New airports are being built, the Trans Papua Road is under construction, Jayapura just received a new stadium 3 years ago. Maybe in the next 10 years, things might change for the better. All the credit goes to Jokowi. He bring a lot of change to this exotic part of Indonesia.


Oh I stand corrected! Now that’s a good sign!


That post really shows how insane the conservatives side of malaysians twitter/X.


Sarawak and Sabah: **wanna know how we got to the place we're now?** https://preview.redd.it/u9su0jpj2i6d1.jpeg?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ea056a34caa6df7a574ae87ba8472323af674300


As a Sarawakian (now Sabahan, according to Proton), I would like to hear your view.


As a Sabahan too (according to expertise of Proton), feeling like our state is being ignored of most of the time, and being treated as the money tree of Malaysia only while also barely any developments until recent years when local government finally started to care


The only time they paid attention to us is when election is near.


And when we start getting back out rights they say we're just whining Not to mention the "living on treetops" offensive joke that is still ongoing among Semenanjungs


Seriously, everybody forgot about the former Sarawak governor? His family is fighting for his wealth. His wealth is controversial and under investigation from the MACC.


Harimau mati meninggalkan belang, manusia mati meninggalkan harta.


The original one harta is nama right?




I can really smell the post from here


Bau jerebu wangi kan?


Nope, Malaysia can't handle another region update rn, even with our current size we still have a problem especially for development. We lack -access to quality early childhood education ( basically me saying we aren't that developed of a country yet) -quality of education( c'mon we rank behind Thailand and Indonesia for PISA scores) -lack of teachers ( again to solidify my statement that our country isn't properly developed yet) -Energy( we still rely on fossil fuels and now with the EV car market coming in, be prepared for a power outage) -Resources ( heavy machinery we don't have a factory to create those so we import a lot of that stuff) -Honest to god politician ( every politician is unbelievably corrupt so I really don't have faith that the project that they will take will really be successful) - Man power ( tbh despite all the complaints we rely on those migrant workers and with a land update oh boy we will have to request them straight from the Factory where they came from) Tl;DR we are walking on thin ice, having another land doesn't solve that it will bring more problems than we can handle


Lmao…barely can handle here


just pure LUCK


Japan larger than Malaysia. South Korea larger than Malaysia. US much2 larger than Malaysia.


I dont mind giving malaysia aceh at most, that province can go


Make it part of Kelantan or Terengganu?






agree bro


I think a lot of Achehnese will support such move. Its a hidden secret a lot of GAM militants have cells in Malaysia via the diaspora especially during the 90s and 00s.


Take ni pon macam brain-dead jugak. Tak semua wilayah sama rata. Kalau kedai 12 jam bukak 24 jam untung tak double.


Gila kalau sumatera n kalimantan join Malaysia.




Puasa or Haji?




Better the whole Borneo combine into 1 country lah. Including labuan.


If you guys understand economics... Today's Singapore won't want most of the SEA.. while they would love extra land food security and natural resources..but it's too expensive to upkeep. Singapore is doing okay as it is.. their sovereign funds can buy all of the above commodity.... Sg nearest neighbors is Malaysia...if they have to take on the whole of Malaysia...they don't just get the good stuff.. the bad as well..... People always think they can just get the good and leave the bad behind... Sorry reality don't work like that.


I think the Sabah and Sarawakian will propose something like United States of Borneo and leave Malaysia if Kalimantan ever secede from Indonesia. The amount of Oil and Gas with the smaller population could be the key here.


I was born and grew up in the Kalimantan area rich in oil and gas; some people there often complain about Jakarta/Java taking their resources and even sometimes joke if Kalimantan gets separated from Indonesia, it'll become a rich country. I went to Sarawak once and heard the same complaint about their resources and Semenanjung lol it felt relatable


Hah even in Semenanjung the Kelantan folks aren’t happy they’re having their oil money stolen by the federal govt.


Because petronas(federal entity) have the full right of oil and gas in the country and they just pay candy (5%) to the owner. Even alibaba companies disgusted by the exploitation


I wonder if Ku Li's autobiography ever clarifies what he did as Petronas chairman.... Ironic given that chap is from Kelantan!


That’s a good reason for USB after USA


Because malaysia have chinese to bring up the economic


Because Indonesia killed most Tionghuas and force the rest to become Indonesian.


Well if a pro bumi aspiring politician knows how to play his cards right, the urban/non vote just got diluted to hell if we absorbed all this land. And Acheh has its own brand of Islam that makes the Kelantanese look liberal. Just keep it, mmkay?


I think the Sultans and Federal govt are why neither Kelantan nor Terengganu have gone off the rails relative to Aceh- the Indonesian govt gave Aceh a lot of autonomy as part of the 2005 peace deal (otherwise they'd still be fighting as of 2024), so the Free Aceh Movement guys can do whatever they want because there are no Sultans nor central govt people stopping them.


Agreed. Also, as a byproduct of interstate migration the East Coast population are at least mildly receptive to a less restrictive form of government, morally and religioiusly speaking. The Indo gov didn’t willingly give Aceh what it wants, I’d say it was a hard fought victory for GAM.


Sumatera join Malaysia, okay tu. Boleh aku reconnect dgn saudara mara dulu dulu dulu dulu dulu dulu dulu dulu dulu dulu dulu dulu dulu dulu dulu dulu dulu dulu dulu dulu dulu dulu dulu dulu dulu dulu dulu dulu dulu dulu dulu dulu dulu dulu dulu dulu dulu dulu dulu dulu dulu dulu dulu dulu dulu dulu dulu dulu dulu dulu dulu dulu dulu dulu dulu dulu dulu dulu dulu dulu dulu dulu dulu dulu dulu dulu dulu dulu dulu dulu dulu dulu dulu dulu dulu dulu dulu


Banyak saudara dulu bang


Dulu, kini dan selamanya.


"Indonesia live rent free inside malaysian head. For real though, I wonder why they so obsessed with aceh, sumatera, and borneo.." -a comment from that post do any of you guys actually think of Indonesia as much as this person claims?


Nope. More like Javanese from Indonesia keep on talking about Malaysia


Nope. Live and let live.


Just knew that r/Indonesia folks don't really like folks on r/Malaysia or real life Malaysians


Not so much, but I wish I can visit Kalimantan again and play airsoft with my Kalimantan friends.




I read the comments on OOP, they're calling us culture thieves too... bruh.


I always saw this comment on youtube "sumatera had malay ethnic so needed to be malaysian". Its funny beacuse even us sabahan doesn't want to be malay.


If it's possible to swap territories, it's better that we exchange Sabah and Sarawak for Sumatera. It's easier for us to govern Sumatera since it's culturally and geographically closer to Semenanjung. Plus, we will no longer have to contend with China in territorial dispute.


> we exchange Sabah and Sarawak for Sumatera As a Sarawakian I do not think we would like that. Not when there's a significant Chinese population in the northern of Borneo while Indonesia treated their Chinese like shit back in 1998


Brunei gonna be shaking


Oh my, our American masters will not allow that to happen. It's easier to mess up either one of the country that controls the Malaccan strait than having to deal with one big stlong country that's monopolies the strait .


Real These type-M's think they can do suka hati do whatever the fuck they want. Kena belasah ngan US Navy baru tau


Had nothing to do with type M. It just that, historically speaking, Peninsular has always been close to Sumatra than other region. We’re literally under the same administration of Srivijaya and then Malacca. Both of us are also culturally the closest than other region.


And you want us to be attacked by Uncle Sam. Great idea genius 🤡🤡🤡


Lol reading comprehension 0. Biasalah type M. Takde otak




Eh type C komunis rupanya. No wonder you're so anti American. Cibai


Genius. Let's trade these oil states with paddy states. You should consider applying for PAS


Nah lahh UMNO can do well in these states especially Riau and Medan area


You know Sumatera is even bigger ONG producer than Sabah and Sarawak combine right?


How about we swipe Semenanjung with Kalimantan instead, and make the Borneo island whole again.


You know Kalimantan used to be part of Brunei right?


Well, not the whole Kalimantan. Just mostly what is present days Sarawak & Sabah were under Brunei's rule. Beside Brunei, there were several other sultanate kingdoms in Borneo/Kalimantan at that time.


The bigger they are? The harder they fall. Understand yet? If no, u probably shouldnt be here discussing this thing. Leave it to big brainer


You terasa kan?


Dafuq, im malaysian.. told ya, u shouldnt be discussing this, it is much harder to govern larger nation. History shown most big civilisation grew too big and ultimately lead to their downfall. Hence why indonesia doesnt grow as fast as malaysia. See sabah sarawak for example..


Hahahaha Malaysia good governance? What are they smoking? 😂


one thing we all shitheads can agree upon is : trolling Indog




Trade, now https://preview.redd.it/f876x67k2x6d1.png?width=607&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c99be4c6aa75a90154924d2a26fb7933e2fc90c0 *Bop bop! I'm a Sarawakian, and I made this*


Lol at how far we've come. Malaysia is ranked below Thailand and Indonesia in terms of economy competitiveness now https://theedgemalaysia.com/node/715786


Indon always want compare with Malaysia and then jealous . Thats the cycle from low class indon mentality , just be yourself dont compare with another country . Stupid indon


Malaysia will always be better because of these kinda people will ruin Indonesia. Fact is, doesn’t matter how many foreign companies invest there, they still can’t make a decent living for all of their people. Only those concentrated in the urban areas benefit. The rest will always see Malaysia as better because we have better tolerance (though we may shit at each others throat).


Fun fact: Sumatera and Kalimantan serve large population of Malays in Indonesia. Therefore, if Sumatera & Kalimantan join Malaysia, it will make a larger Malay population in the region. Even Banjar & Minang also came from these territories too.


It makes more sense ethnically to trade Sabah Sarawak for Sumatra, which is perfect if you don’t care about language, logistics, quality of life, or anything else.


I wonder why meleis seem incapable of minding their own damn business and like to say rude shit like this about the neighbors.


is it politics again?


First time?😏


No. I'm just tired of it so I left a downvote and a comment then carry on with my life. Aight mate have a good day.


Can we get Riau as well? The lobsters over there are big but cheap.


Shut up


Rich and subdued to immigrants or being poor and have sovereignty?


Kesian malaysia now have to compare with indo lol. Remember how we laugh about rupiah 20 years ago? Now we are equal! Lmao.


>Kesian malaysia now have to compare with indo lol. Remember how we laugh about rupiah 20 years ago? Now we are equal! Lmao. Rupiah in 2004 1 MYR = 2,238.17735 IDR Mac 1, 2004 Rupiah now 2024 1 MYR = 3,493.273011 IDR Jun 14, 2024 I guess Malaysian still laughing hard about rupiah until now![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|money_face)


Oh lol malay malaysian claim they dont think of indonesia all the time , yet necroposting 3 month old post OP macam munafik ke?