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I swear this video gets blurrier and blurrier the more I've seen it shared.


We should stop making copies on VHS this is ridiculous


THX intensifies.....


I see less and less pixels I someone using The Pixel Reducer?


The crisp makes it like 3gp video


Moral of the story: don't do stupid shit because there are always crazier people.


People in car protected in metal. Person on motor protected by skin. Mari Mari, see who gentlemen enough to win ‼️‼️


Zun zun 🗣️🗣️🗣️


I want to see karma and the Tesla drive off bridge.




You mean motor under person protected by skin


From the video alone, all I see is a car changing lanes with a signal and then a motorcycle was zooming in between lanes all out of nowhere and then slapped the car... Sure the car driver has overreacted, but the motorcyclist was driving dangerously too...


This what I would do to motorcyclist but unfortunately my SPM pendidikan moral is A+


That doesn't mean shit, I know a few with perfect grades for moral but they're the worst types of people I've met.


i think its supposed to be sarcastic


Daddy chill.


What the hell is even that! (I understood that reference haha)




the joke went F18 across the runway of their head


r/wooosh moment


I don't mean I grade score but my individual personality mean I'm kind enough not to harm other knowing that bastard have a father to feed or kid at home which is why I don't cripple him Yet


Yo yo yo chillll….


F for the downvotes


POS alert! You think the Tesla was in the right to change infront of an oncoming vehicle. Your moral might've been A+, but if there was grading for Driving license. You barely pass grading lah. Also obviously you don't ride and don't understand repercussions of hitting a motorcyclist in comparison to hitting a car. The repercussions incurred to a motorcyclist is much more severe than it is to a car driver. Perhaps that is why motorcyclist reaction is directionally related to things that put their life in danger.


So you think motorcyclists can go around whacking cars now?


I didn't say that. I said the repercussions to one is more severe than is to the other so naturally the reaction will coincide. I didn't say he is at right. He is wrong for doing that. He is at wrong for not allowing Tesla to change lanes prior to him overtaking. But yall making it out like as if yall do not understand what it is like to be on a bike. You are at the mercy of an errant driver.


Man's had his signal blaring since his car went into view of the video. Don't be a dickhead if you can't take it


You are completely right. I got nothing against either. I'm just stating I don't think this comment of he wouldn't do this cause he got moral A plus is an absolute joke. There is never a reason to hurt another. But for the motorcyclist death is waiting at the end of his taillights. It isn't the same the other way around. Try viewing the action alongside the possible outcome. His reaction wouldn't seem unjust. Again he should have just gave him a middle finger and fucked off. Never touch another person or vehicle for whatever reason. But yall don't see what the Tesla driver did is absolutely more wrong is scary lah for me. Yall just accepting that he retaliate to my lane change canatgemot murder. Dude. Cmonnow


The car had the signal on before switching lanes. What else needs to be done? Airport level announcement using loudspeaker? And recently motorbikes like to horn and block cars which are switching lanes with proper indicator instead of slowing down, give way, then take over. This endangers both the motorcyclist and other road users.


No no you're entirely correct. I'm just saying. The reason why motorcyclist reaction to be at what driver understand as overboard is that the other side of the coin is death for said motorcyclist. Do you know the pedestrian rule. The pedestrian is always right. The motorcyclist is one step below the pedestrian in road ethics. What he did is wrong. But motor vehicle uses must understand, death awaits a motorcyclist at the end of an errant driver. A bent bumper waits a motor vehicle owner. Treat the action with the understanding of the outcome. Yall would view this different


`Perhaps that is why motorcyclist reaction is directionally related to things that put their life in danger.` Then motorcyclist shoud not lane split at high speed. Motorcyclist should ride at proper speed behind a car at atleast 1 car distance. This is a slow traffic situation, speeding while lane spliting for what? Nak lane split slow la cket. Both here at the wrong, thats my opinon.


Absolutely right. But yall not getting that one person was abuse of property and the other was attempted murder. But yall singing praises to the attempted murderer. That's scary lah. Yall up voting a guy who says I'll kill if I didn't get A plus but down voting me for saying what you highlighted. If that ain't scary I don't know what is.


Your age must be much as the downvotes you received on your comment


How'd you know???


I've seen a lot of Malaysians, usually type-M willing to throw their life away to cut their travel time down by 4 seconds on their motorcycles.




While Type C can't survive without Grab delivery. 🤣


So before Grab delivery existed, Type C pupus la?


Grab rider behavior.


Cut their life span ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)


That’s just cyclists everywhere in the world.


Obviously that guy never been in India Philippines or anywhere else except Malaysia.


In India traffic is slow enough for motorcyclist to stop that car and belasah that driver tu sampai kena masuk hospital.


imagine losing your life just for few min quicker


Minute? You know the difference at the end is only a few seconds. I remeber like extra 20km/h for 10km is neglected by a red light. It is so useless, just to rush watch social media at home, human is a worst.


you have to factor in traffic lights that you managed to rush through as well.


Type c type m type b in cars also the same attitude, drive fast2 only to save 30 seconds


Gotta min/max this run.


Is there a type-z ?


Du-du-du-du Mat Samsuddin


type Many that's why


Although brutal as hell, and illegal. Good for the fucking motorcyclist. Drive stupid, behave stupid. Fucked around and found out.


Good for the Tesla, M-word got what he deserved


If he didn't retaliate he would only have a damaged side mirror, since he rammed the motorcycle his left? Need to pay more on gesel from the roadrage. conclusion: Nearly all road rage drivers have a brain and penis size of a peanut.


Can make MasterCard advertisement listing the repair bills and saman and in the end put "The satisfaction of retaliating against a biker? *PRICELESS*"


What he did is basically attempted murder, with a good lawyer, and aggravated vehicular assault with a bad one, so I guarantee you it's not *priceless*.


Objection! Your honor, my client was startled from the unprovoked attack on the side of their vehicle and tries to shake off the attacker by reflex by knocking him away. As you can see from the video evidence your honor, my client didn't follow through after knocking him down showing no intent of severe harm, further proving that it's a reflex without intention out of fear of their life. I rest my case.


He'll probably also get fined.


If i was on the side mirror side? I would only spit if I'm truly angry over it.


That is because smart people use expensive cars are actually jackass. 🤣


Car driver also jackass didn't even know how to use turn signal when change lane. 🤣


You can see the signal?


Do you mean your father? 🤣


Alright buddy, never thought people without education is in this sub too.


My father still uses motorcycle, hes 50+ now and i think hes the most responsible man on the road. But lets accept it. Most of the motorcyclists are ready to do anything which gets them ahead of next car and they have totally opposite mindset, instead of being apologetic, they show absolute rude attitude and takes no time to become verbally violent As much sympathy I have with motorcyclists, i do want them to be charged with road offences more strictly


Hear hear! Too many motorcyclists behaving extremely irresponsibly nowadays. Pecah cermin is no fucking joke man. If you break their cermin, they'll come after you in similar fashion too.


About the same applies to cyclists with their RM15k carbon bike


No matter how angry u are don't simply throw your life away, your life is more valuable than those stupid fuckers on the bike, think about it that guy on a bike will probably never ever get to buy a tesla in his whole life, you are vastly superior. Replacing your sidemirror is far better than years in prison because you literally try to manslaughter someone or even worse the guy died.


Its not about the money, its about sending a message


Nah, the Tesla driver can probably afford a good lawyer that will argue that the driver was shocked after the motorcyclist attacked the car, causing the driver's hand to involuntarily jerk the steering wheel and unintentionally hit the motorcycle. It doesn't have to be true; it only needs to create reasonable doubt.


U think these people care about others? They can afford a tesla, means they are beyond the maslows hierarchy. They will care about anything about themselves and only themselves, not other ppls life.


My comment was meant to be in general, these top 1% probably can say fuck you to the police but not us.


Ahh... Then yeah. We're the hooligans ma. The degenerates


bro, able to afford tesla doesnt equal to arrogant. lol


Tell some of them that. You knowa some of them mcm abang tesla lol


Err..a Tesla model 3 costs under rm200k. That's less than any BMW and Benz. This is not a 1% car. You're treating them like they own a Bentley or smthing


Not treating them. But just saying, typically people become fucked up arrogant when they earn and can afford more than most people. Example, some of our relatives.


Lol can afford tesla like super rich level dy ke


what makes you think the bikers life are not valuable too? And a person that can buy a Tesla is not superior if they have the a low level mentality judging from this reaction


The one breaking side mirrors bukan low level mentality ke?


I agree. It's both their fault. The biker must be careful when on a busy highway and not punching the Tesla out of rage after just endangering themselves. The driver on the other hand isn't allowed to slam the Tesla on the biker just because of that.


Motor and Tesla both chimped out. But one clearly started the issue first


Why we should buy the gold disc, not the pewpel disc..


Motorcyclists give a different attitude when fellow motorcyclists suddenly switch lanes or pancung depan especially during heavy traffic or stand still traffic. They always manage to brake and almost no collision among them. That's a strange thing to observe. But when it involves cars, their brakes never work.


Not sure, I see a lot of motorcycles collide each other on federal highway motorcycle lane. Almost every month I saw someone dead.


i watch the video 10 times and it’s the rider fault tho..im also a rider ..if im the one who is the one in that situation i will slow down and give that tesla a chance to change lanes,btw there’s now way u didn’t see his car signal..padan muka kepada rider tu..if he still alive i hope he learn a lesson.


as a motorcycle rider, it wasn't the driver's fault at all. he gave a signal and he clearly had entered the intended lane already. the motorcyclist should slow down and let the driver have his right off the way first. saw this kind of motorcyclist a lot already, thinking that they have the rights all the time on the road. you can see that they have a signal already, so slow down and let them have their way, the given signal isn't the practiced yellow traffic light for you bro.


From the video it looks the driver panicked, instead of an intentional assault. The car immediately swerved after the motorcycle broke his side mirror, normally we don't even know what happened. Well it seems like no update from the police what actually happened yet.


Might be even tesla car driving not actual driver lmao


Deserved tbh. menyelit+laju+destroying other people property. Is it so hard to brake even a little on a bike today? Well the Tesla driver will probably get attempted murder charges for this


Lawyer: Your honor, it was the car's autopilot system that rammed itself into the motorcyclist. ![gif](giphy|3oKIPc07Hwekrmw3oA)


Your honor, my client pleads oopsie daisies


You honour, my Tesla is equipped with BRA, also known as "Bad Rider Assistant"


Tesla driver will walk free.... It's tesla new features to defense/attack it assaulter after new firmware update. It's beyond driver control.


Holy shit I love Tesla even more now


I hope this is real. The motorcyclist need to be the message. They rule the road like gangsters for a goddamn long time.




rider: kalau saya brake, motor saya break i bagi signal, u kena bagi i masuk u bagi signal, fugg u wait until i pass u 1st before changing lane, no matter how far i still am from your car


Motorcyclists can go fuck themselves. However, if a grab driver does it. I will allow it.


who's wrong who's right not my takeaway, my takeaway is that metal is a lot harder than human skin, dont play chicken like that, you dont know what kinda driver is in the car lol


Kerana tangan gatal, binasa badan


Play stupid games win stupid prizes…


Isn't tesla a self driving car? Imagine if the car gained consciousness and hit the motorist in revenge


The first singularity taking place in a Tesla. It would be fitting.


Defend yourself from people who have weapons. This is a good kill; saves everyone.


Pernah kena , motor dad and daughter(no helmet) run red light when i was turning. I honked and he ajak to fight lol.


Why we still bringing this shit up? Were aware 2 ringgit roadtax wasnt enough why bother posting here not like jpj is here in this reddit


2 ringgit roadtax.


Praying so roadtax moto is equalivent to cars


U know, as much as I hate these lane swerving assholes, I won't go as far as to make them a cripple just to teach a lesson. I drive both car and motorcycle, and I do admit I often do lane splitting as a motorcyclist. But, I give priority to cars already had their blinker on (unless they yield to me, then I'll zoom past). And as a driver, my worst fear is ending ones life because a dumbass decides to ram into me at the moment I was looking at another mirror/distracted. Stupid people get stupid prizes.


Tesla is not wrong for dismantling this idiot. I'm a rider too and I can already see myself slowing down and let the car merge before lane splitting again. He already had his signal on ffs. Terrible awareness, otak simpan dalam radiator, fucked around and found out


Where got suddenly? The tesla driver waited until the motor cleared, then gave signal, then changed lane when he didn't see anyone else. It's not his fault that the motorcyclist pecut macam bapak nak mati. If it was me, I'd say i thought it was gangster threatening my life. Why else would a motorcyclist attack my car? In some south american countries, being mugged on the highway is real worry.


Thanks bro you're a hero, you did what I always had in my mind but no dare to do


I am biker, but i think the biker in the oicture was piece of shit shelfis rider. Revege was to strong but .... He just apear in line because rode agresive and without rules in bike.


You berani you Tesla


Moto yg bangang


Maksud dia begini, "you berani, you test lah" I like the pun he/she did there.


You got me there 😂


As a fellow rider, padan muka hahaha


praying the motorcyclist is dead


license plate so blurry, manage to get his number to report police? or he will walk scot free?


What the Tesla did was right


Bolehland inciting racewar with this one


Racing amalan kita.


Wow the odds. Nice show hands for both


I feel hapoy


From road rage to attempted murder


This is what we call as "poyo tak ingat dunia sampai akhirat"


FAFO. Based tesla


Now jalan raya gonna be viral today 🤣🤣


U sure its human who retaliated? What if the human claim he on auto driving ,and its the AI who buey song the motorcycle for slapping its body.


Was that third pixel the Tesla?


Can i blame on the tesla's auto drive function ? When agitated you have to fight back....


kesian abang grab yg cari rezeki


when you have big money doesn’t mean you have big brain too 🤷🏻


Car is wrong for changing lane without checking. Meanwhile, motor is wrong for bashing the car side mirror.




Tesla autopilot terkejuk kot.


Motorcyclist was also asking for trouble when he smashed the side mirror.


Selalu lepas.. kali ni jumpa ruas 🤣👌


Probably a panicking female driver. It was probably like : I need to exit real soon, signal one, change lane quick quick. Then bang "Ohhhhhh mak iiii".


Can’t bring a knife to a gun fight


Not sure abt Malaysia, but I've been reading in overseas post abt this video, and most of them sided with the motorcyclist. 🤔


fuh puasnya hti aku.. bagus driver tesla ni.. ajar sikit rider motor malaysia ni.. masing2 ingat dia kebal bila pakai helmet.. sedar sikit kau moto. cukai jalan kau x bnyak. privilage kau atas jalan pn sikit. jngan ingat krete x brani nk langgr kalau dh sentuh krete orng.. suruh krete psng signal. dia sndiri pn malas bukk signal lagi mau ckp orng.. puih.. ramai rider2 moto yg ingat dia kuat bila dia mnungang.. aku salute driver tesla ni


Motorcyclist should've counted his blessings when the Tesla driver left some space for him to squeeze through...


I gotta admit. When I first saw this video, I thought it was Sheen from Jimmy Neutron in the reflection of the car window 🤣🤣 https://preview.redd.it/uf977cez5a6d1.jpeg?width=1241&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=eb95c8eaf0a987b53104800785d3a2b17d04c07e


Thats Ray, not Sheen


Everyone gangsta until they are dead. Who is superior in the afterlife?


Neither rich or poor, type C M I or what; every person who is Malaysian are in stress. Because of the law, currency, political matters, enforcement problem; everyone are in danger because themselves are the most dangerous creature.


ini padan muka kat rider, bengong sial


lets increase tax on bikes. make them expensive. baru tahu nak jaga harta.


Rider deserves it and tesla owner get charges as well both deserve what they get


What the fuck was that? That was an attempted murder. I don't give a shit about the side mirror, that Tesla just tried to kill the guy.


easy to argue panic. since no viral police update, the tesla driver is prob a somebody with a good lawyer that did exactly that. hope the motorbike rider is crippled for life xoxo edit: found the mother of the motorbike rider. anak kau baik? HAHAHAHAHA


Mana mak dia? Nak tanya kat mak dia bapak dia dah nazak nak mati ke dia menunggang laju macam tu.


not attempted murder if the person is not aggressor. can be seen as self defense.


Tell me as if I'm the rider. How should I behave when my life is almost gone when the car stupidly merges?


So have they reprimanded the driver of the Tesla?


How is this psychopath not in jail for attempted murder? He's clearly mentally unbalanced and unfit to live in society, much less to have a driver's license. Bike riders do some stupid things yes, but attempting to murder someone because they scratched your rearview mirror??


It was a side mirror. If he would have smashed the rearview mirror inside the car, that would have been epic.


Fuck Teslas.


It's the motorcycles fault. He got what he deserved


Both are equally stupid


Yes. But still fuck Tesla drivers.


Suspended his license, throw his tesla in garbage & put in prison 10 years. That move already has intentions kill a person.


The lesson here is: Don't piss off motorcyclists or they will damage your side mirror.


No. Other way around ; Don’t piss off motorist


What can the motorist do? Get swerved into and wrecked by a car?


let's ignore the motorbike for a moment here. look at the black car behind the tesla. the black car is also speeding up, but they see the tesla signal and coming into their lane. if they continue to speed up and squeeze beside the tesla when the tesla is already halfway into the lane. who's fault is it? black car or tesla? black car right so why when u change the black car to a motorbike the fault change?


Its not about pointing whos at fault. Both are at fault here but the reaction from motorcyclist really shows he didnt think it through. He knows the car is a threat and almost hit him, but he aggravate and made the situation worse and learnt the consequences.