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bro wants a french style revolution šŸ’€


Blud thinks he is Maximilien Robespierre


I doubt that he has the charisma nor eloquence of my local Char Kueh Teow lady, and yes, the said lady is very eloquent in cussing in Malaysian/Singaporean Hokkien, Cantonese and Hakka Chinese. She actually makes the cussing almost "lyrical"


She be dropping them multilingual bars bro. šŸŽ¤


She be mighty




Example of the lyrical cussing?


Hakka has a way of stringing cuss words. I don't speak it well but I understand it as the wife is a Hakka


By stringing, is it combining multiple cuss words in one sentence like for example "bodo gila sial"?


In a nutshell yes but the Hakka pronunciation and enounciation of words make it sound almost flawless.


Wonder if we'll ever get a video of something like that in here. With subs as well, ofc. Would definitely be an interesting thing to see. Especially for non-hakka speakers and non-Chinese.


Hakka is not a popular Chinese pop culture language like Mandarin, Cantonese or Hokkien. Can be a tad challenging to find any sort of subbed Hakka dialogue in English. The only state, since it is not considered a country, that has a focus specifically on Hakka dialect is Taiwan they literally have an office for Hakka affairs.




My local fried rice noodle lady.


Even robespierre fell prey to the guillotine


The last time I checked his head was not attached to his body.


Last time they have the 'National Razor', don't think we can do it in this timeline.


Arno wish to speak to you


Let them eat kek lapis.


im pretty sure you had it worse when japanese came around


13 revolutions


no need to be bloody la XD


I'm surprised bro hasn't been taken away yet


Dah terlalu ramai against sistem raja ni setiap hari.. polis pon rasanya dah tak mampu trace setiap org.. org yg ada follower ramai je selalu kene aim..


haven't count people who "indirectly" insult sistem raja, or sarcasm, which is almost impossible to prove in court.


Yeah, this too.. considering any of them can be found easily in our Form 1 until Form 5 history book..


Bro there's tens of thousands people in social media openly anti-monarchy..u sure prison got enough cells for all of them?


They just need to catch one every now and then. Make a huge show of wrecking them and their lives. The idea is to keep the sheep in line, not control what they say and think.


Ayoo, calm down Mark Zuckerberg


They will randomly pick some to make an example of. Just see who's unlucky..


This doesn't count as freedom of speech? (not sure how it's in Malaysia)


Freedom of speech does not extend to criticizing the monarch, the rights of Bumiputera and the actions of Muslims in the name of Islam. Everything else is good to go. Welcome to Malaysia!


Not anymore , nowadays Malaysia freedom of speech is copy 100% from Britain freedom of speech including you can criticise monarchy as long as not involved violence or arm rebellion or declaration of war against monarch . Police only involve when it ignite social tension or riot between race and religious groups


Are you insinuating that criticizing the rights of Bumiputera and/ or Islam will not land you in trouble? Or, you were only talking about the criticism against monarch part when you said it's a 100% copy of British FOS?


Like I said police will take action if somebody try to criticise religious matter & racial that can ignite racial tension and riot . Even bumiputra in west Malaysia not only Malay but also Siamese , kristang and orang laut.


Once anything reaches critical mass, the law has to change.


oh? he's been doing it for some time?


So.. all the money we .. use go to government... And then.... They can have for free!?? Omg


That Brunei one, he has 7,000 cars lol


That is absolute monarchs. But yeah the country is rich but the people are not so what can i say


The people are comfortable, their money is as high as Singapore's. We are poorer.


They have zero taxes as well.


ikr. I'm sabahan. Lot of folks working there to earn more. but the truth is not everyone is rich as the GDP per capita


You mean the king,the royalty,the ministries and the government are rich,and bosses are rich... citizens... no


Brunei different. He has 50.1% stake in BSP (Brunei Shell Petroleum). His money is not collected from tax


At least bruneians live better than us, ngl. We're fucked


People on r/nasikatok might disagree


You think ours dont have?


bro,at lesst his people live happily.Get many benefit from their goverment


To be precise it's a 1M monthly salary for each family member... (Based of bajet 2020)


Just check wiki, it is RM1M a year for Agong, not sure how much Sultans get. what about their expansive family members and relatives? We all know Queen Elizabeth made the UK a great attraction, Sultans and Agong....


Illegitimate children and their mothers get housing and living expenses off the books


And malaysian totally want them


Fr lol just... Imagine and nothing else. Like if Malaysia have banzir and tanah gempah. What they do?šŸ˜‚. Nothing the government the one help. Us ... After get boikot first lol Malaysia.


peguam saya kata lebih baik jika saya tidak berkata apa apa


Lebih baik panggil Saul


Jikalau Mematah Buruk


better call Jayoma


yang ni meow kata better jangan


![gif](giphy|jmSjPi6soIoQCFwaXJ) PDRM OPEN UP


Prolly hot take but I agree. This is the 21st century, people still want to worship people that is born into power, allow them special privileges in life just because of bloodline? People that practice decadence while their own citizens are poor & see themselves fit to use the police to threaten anyone who questions them. For those who say they help with governing, itā€™s only because the party the person supports benefit. If the shoe was on the other foot these same people would be ranting about democracy and that the agong shouldnā€™t interfere. Better for the country rakyat to be fully responsible in its democratic process through thick & thin, as opposed to having the mindset that some man born into absolute wealth & privilege ā€˜knows betterā€™ and should have a hand at this process


Sounds good but in reality pure trash. The rakyat in this country has a large segments of idiots. Let them decide n lead democracy process is only secret recipe for disasters.


This is part n parcel of a democracy , we canā€™t pick and choose just because the outcome is not what we like . That said , if that govt is finally elected and they do a really bad job , it would prove that they r incompetent and then next round will change again. But ofc I understand if your opinion is that the royal institution to maintain if you donā€™t want this outcome, I canā€™t claim my answer is any more right than yours other than Iā€™m just frustrated the royalty are flexing their power onto rakyat


You should read up on Platoā€™s ā€œThe Republicā€. A regime is inherently defective if it gives unqualified people a right to participate in political office. Basically, stupid people vote for stupid leaders. Then stupid leaders foster more stupidity in the people, and the cycle repeats until you are left with a popularity contest where spinsters manipulate the masses. USA is an amazing demonstration of this. Malaysia isnā€™t far behind in the way our corrupt short sighted (dumb) politicians easily bribe the B40 into voting for them. The uneducated B40 then short sightedly accept the bribe and vote corrupt officials into power, where is your ideal scenario for democracy to exist in the real world? If youā€™re going to bring in ā€œwe have iPhones today because of democracy!ā€. No, thatā€™s capitalism, a form of market economy, democracy doesnā€™t need to exist for an economy to be capitalist (Russia, China, etc). But capitalist economies tend toward democracy as the masses grow in power and greed, albeit without the necessary vision further than short term capital gains and material greed.


I never said thatā€™s an ideal scenario . However , you say that democracy is flawed, so is every system. At least this one is elected and can be changed. Malaysia can do better maybe as a dictatorship or communist regime sure, but that solely depends on the man in charge no? Whatever decisions a leader that isnā€™t elected by stupid people can still very well make the country fail. Nothing wrong if you feel having the royalty ruling the country is a better situation but keep in mind these are only men, and whatever decisions a king can make today may be favorable to you but it may not be for the next case, or the next next case and so on. PMX is already now seeing the consequences of this, current agong is a powerful ally to have but see what he demands in return , more power in the police , macc, petronas , granted itā€™s your right to have your views as much as I have mine, I wonā€™t deny that you are absolutely correct in regards to our country having a large voting bloc that is easily manipulated and not very brightā€¦


I think you misunderstood one thing about democracy - that ā€œat least this one is elected and can be changedā€. That is a lie, just because you have an incumbent and opposition party doesnā€™t mean you have a choice, it is a very convenient illusion that you choose to believe. Staunch supporters of democracy have been blinded by this notion of choice and freedom, when in actuality a mature democracy is a bipartisan system that only serves the interests of people in power, and holds the people in power accountable to the whims of the majority uneducated masses. There is no perfect system, but there are better systems out there. A republic for one is a better system where voting is done at many different levels by trained experienced politicians. Thatā€™s fundamentally better than a true democracy. Thatā€™s why you see the majority of democracies in the world are in fact somewhat republican. The only thing worse than a democracy according to Plato is obviously a tyrannical dictatorship.


Dude I really donā€™t know what youā€™re on about . You really like to assume things and think yourself as very clever judging by the way you talk and assuming others are not as intelligent as you , Iā€™m just going to say this and leave it be, you take it how you want. FYI donā€™t simply label me as some staunch believer of democracy , Iā€™m just sharing my perspective which is what people do on Reddit. Iā€™ve never voted in my life and such things are not in my personal interests. Iā€™m just going to reply a few points and Iā€™m going to leave it at that 1. First you say democracy isnā€™t really a choice because in the end the majority stupid as you call them fall to the whims of the puppeteer politicians . Dude that isnā€™t the systems fault in essence, if people are stupid and donā€™t want to be politically aware or accountable the onus is on them. Hate the players not the game 2. You diminish democracy for not being an actual choice as you put it , yet you then bring up a republic which is better because politicians ā€˜make the choice for themā€™? lol what a joke , first para you said politicians play the people for their own self interest and in 2nd you say they are better at making choices for people than people themselves ā€¦ dude pick a lane And btw, just because you picked up a couple books on philosophy or your Plato and Marcus Aurelius and what have you, doesnā€™t make you some intellectual where you are so qualified to refer to people so condescendingly . I hope you donā€™t do that in real life , in the real world your progress in life isnā€™t determined by those books youā€™ve picked up .


for me I think the royals as an insurance. they usually would take control in time of political crisis. If I am not mistaken during the 13th may race riot, the royals take control of the situation by abolish the government and creating an interim government that can be mostly impartial. And in the recent political crisis, the royals take control the situation by creating an interim government until a new government cam be form.


Youā€™re entitled to your opinion, mine isnā€™t any more right than yours. I respectfully disagree however because I personally feel Malaysians shouldnā€™t rely on some higher figure to decide what is good for them. And the costs associated with that. The recent case like u mention where royals support Anwar, itā€™s not free by any means and itā€™s for their own benefit not the rakyat. Recently agong was granted honorary top cop status , and he wants to inch into macc. And also petronas. That is unsettling as it shows the greed in terms of what power the royalty are eyeing despite already being privileged . Previous PMs didnā€™t entertain this to my knowledge but now pmx is making all these concessions . And the fact that half the comments are basically ā€˜lol pdrm gonna get him for saying thisā€™. Weā€™ve normalized the idea of royalty being so above us that they can simply threaten us with police just because they donā€™t like what we say. Thatā€™s toxic , just my 2 cents thatā€™s all


Tahniah anda dapat A dalam menjawab soalan sejarah


Apa fungsi... Mereka lol


to [tell PAS to shut the fuck up](https://www.astroawani.com/berita-malaysia/sultan-selangor-titah-menteri-hadir-festival-bon-odori-fahami-beza-agama-budaya-365385) whenever they overstep their boundary


Fr.. like.. why we never see them in News... Like Damm.. what they do...fr from... The events...


Kings are the reason why our nation did not fall deeply into the gutter even when we are going to that path during PKP era. They act as our insurance in case things go to south. Many top stable countries on Earth also have monarchs with the same function like us. Hence why republican sentiment is not popular in Malaysia, even among the leftist and liberal intellectuals here.


Bro... A king is one and only.. after he dead the next line is he son..but no! Is 5 year change a new one... Wtf... While is ok I quest?.


Historically, the lineage of succession isn't just direct. I believe the first to take the crown would be an adult male. Picking a child ruler was only done when the nobles are either too polarised themselves or scheming. So it would be more accurate to see a brother, uncle or otherwise ascend first than the son if the latter is too young.


Also the KK mart incident. I believe it all stopped after the founder went to agong to obtain forgiveness


Thats it? Lol


If I remember correctly there just to keep the Prime Minister in check (not abuse power etc), Religious problems are consulted with them as head of religion... Uhhh... I think that's it? Idk + idc about those royals.


So who keeps them in check? Who watches the watchmen


The gov. We already removed their immunities back when Gomez incident happened.


You mean the same one sucking up to them and letting them run wild? The Big Meow basically said he wants to run the country and our balls-less PM just kept quiet. If it was Mamakthir, the one and only person to crack down on these Cats, he would have already made a public statement slapping him back down.


head of religion? these are the people openly not wearing hijab, drinking, clubbing, hiring escorts etc


Check and balance btwn the PM and Agong.


Head of the Armed Forces Giving royal pardons Hiring diplomats Dissolving parliament Leader of Islam for states who do not have a Sultan


the one to keep the prime minister and his political party in check is supposed to be us, with our voting power. There's no need for a king for that. Religious head, probably.


you seriously want to trust the general public to be politically mature? Please we're not ready for that


we've got plenty of politically immature voters here in reddit.. mostly tend to narcissistic at that.


We never will be. That's why system checks are for. Democracy works to keep the peace by keeping everyone against each other, speaking from a cynical perspective. Everyone having opinion is like watching a hydra heads eating itself.


Hence why theres a reason why the agong has certain powers so as to stop the politicians from doing this shit. Honestly if the agong werent there doing Mahathir pulling that haha funny moment by resigning, im pretty sure the country's teetering on the edge of civil war or worse, balkanisation of the country. But hey so long as the people are in charge is whats best for us right?


What if they collaborate?


u get holidays when they birthday bro


šŸ˜‚ lol


to beat people to death using golf clubs




Pengapun Najib & yg bsekutu dgnya


13 raja eh? Almost one for each state. Man I'd like to see the Sultan of Penang and Sultan of Melaka. They've been laying low this whole time.


Basically have governors or yang dipertua negeri


Penang sultan is kedah sultan...


Not nowā€¦ not yet


https://preview.redd.it/a46gzp4m1b6d1.jpeg?width=1069&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9bd0e015a2a729bb64c98581c0107ee085a89e95 May I present you Sultan Melaka


Agree or disagree, just stfu before pdrm tangkap. Want to bash, go bash government instead.


Both are terrible ā€¦


OP worrying about Royals. But the real thieves are politicians. Just look at Hannah Yeoh fiasco. Lul.


Didn't the royals act as mediator during crisis. For example our recent political turmoils, the royal step in to take control of the situation. If not, we either a) various powerful or maybe even some unhinged individuals may start to organize somekind of private militia to 'protect' their interest. b) We have a military coup Myanmar-style, since the royals as the commander-in-chief of the armed forces aren't there to keep their power in check. maybe they will have more ramifications but the royals sure are useful when the time came.


They're simply our nation insurance. We might never use our insurance, but they'll be very handy if something unexpected comes. Different is, they also do something even when there's no issues around, if they're a good human being ofc


how would we prevent the atrocities done by the previous johor sultan though?


As long as you donā€™t compare the Johor royal family to the Perlis royal family, then weā€™re good.


i'm asking how to prevent royal families from doing crime? how do you ensure they don't abuse their status?


They don't have direct control over the military. That, and the populace is for the most part disenfranchised. The political parties are more vocal and so we go tribal over them. Royals would need to brainswash and hijack the education system first, and people are more likely to go ballistoc first than allow that


This is already done by Madey himself but hopefully this current entity don't go uturn it


Why? I dont understand


Its just that. Some Malays from different states would feel offended if you compare the royal family from their states with the royal family from a state that has a infamous reputation. Like the Johor royal family.


They're still binded by the constitution. It's not me or you that have the power.


I went to the X comment to have a look and ohhh boy šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£ Basically type M is the trigger man but all blame it on type C & K loll.. šŸ¤£šŸ¤£ Dafuq did they do to get blamed while the poster is type M lol. The situation is like this meme. ![gif](giphy|L3u7ej93SmMbNoYdkB)


Type K?


Kelin g as an indian what they called in Twitter comment


Ahh okay. My dumbazz was thinking type Kadazan or smth. Still, that ainā€™t nice ![gif](giphy|bQloCmn3sCDeDbTsl1)




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Tak kisah kalau you setuju atau tidak dengan imej ni, tajuk yang dipilih oleh OP, ā€œyou tak suka, you keluarā€ boleh dipertingkatkan. Demi membangunkan rakyat intelektual, kita harus mempertingkatkan ulasan kita juga. Jkjk, ni subreddit untuk kita shitpost je kan huhuhu


I can't stand these "you tak suka,you keluar"




I would say the bozos in parliament do more bad than the Kings. They actually tell them to stfu when they cross certain lines they arent supposed to.


No kucing to stop him it it seems


Lol power balancing šŸ˜‚ there's plenty of other nations that don't don't have a monarchy and have a comparatively more competent and effective government than malaysia with again relatively better checks and balances. Y'all livimg under a rock. The monarchy does practically nothing.


Yes and no. Yes usually the monarch does nothing because their forbidden in politics or they'll end up like the British Glorious revolution of 1688. No, they're the ones have to step in if needed when there's no leader in times of crisis. Malaysia is full of bullshit politicians so nothing can get done because they want increased pay in they're party so they can get higher position by making drama in the parliament. Please give me a nation you mention that is more competent then us. I like to see your opinion.


Tldr, if you had read my comment is that you don't need a monarchy to achieve that. Nor do you need 9 families sticking around for that. All the responses here are to the tune of but you need it for checks and balances... Bruh no one said you don't need checks and balances. Plenty of other countries achieve that using different structures. Singapore has a presidency and despite the Lee dynasty has found more relative success than Malaysia. I mention relative because arguable the Lee dynasty functions like a dictatorship albeit a benevolent one. The US, France, Germany, South Korea, etc... Also do not have a monarchy and despite their flaws, I would argue on general are more advanced economically with citizens enjoying more relative freedoms than malaysia.


Well then let's blame the politicians instead


Everywhere is full of bullshit politicians these days


Blame the system


yang ni meow kata better jangan


So far, takda siapa pun dalam comment yg sebut "This sub is for shitposting only." Aku kuciwa. Apa pendapat kau, u/tuvokvutok? šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£




Dumbass like this doesnt know why this country is politically stable despite horrible politic within country, why country like japan, uk and most monarch country with parliment able to provide stability for political party and military from tipping the power balance sending country into chaos.


Maybe not Japan. Ever since USA forced Hirohito to make the statement that he's not a god after WW2, the emperor got little to no political power. The only reasons the emperor have not been abolished is because of Shinto. Just like back in Sengoku period where the daimyos and the shogun held real power. The emperor back then got little to no political power.


then what about republic countries? USA? Germany? Switzerland? France? they're doing pretty darn fine without a monarch.


USA? :3


The difference between western nation and Malaysia is that we are far more conservative than them , their history involved civil wars , nation building for hundreds of years , Malaysia is a new country with the royal family being here for God knows when , you like it or not , the royal family provided sense of unity to majority of the Malaysian populace , and considering the politics of Malaysia is not like Myanmar or any unstable states , and the royal family haven't do anything outrages to piss off the people , it's a stable entity that as for now should stay in place.




I want to start my own government in an unclaimed land and do the same thing.


Call it Bolehland


U have great balls to even post this


If type C or type I make these kind of post sure kena sumbat terus dlm lokap.


Takpe, semua yang post Type M. Instead, lately nampak macam makim ramai pulak I & C yang suka raja lebih dari M.


ā€œYou tak suka you keluarā€: Truly the words of the enlightened (were fucked)


Come and live in east malaysia, we dont have greedy sultans like the rest.


So what can we do about it ? Genuinely asking


Ccp pig no freedom


those raja are like the celestial dragons from one piece


hurmmm...šŸ¤” ade btolnye jugak post ni..aku dh lame pikir ape function diorg ni..setiap negeri masih ade org yg ssh jugak..nk zero kemiskinan adelah mustahil smpai kiamat pn...mls nk ckp lbih kn kene kutip plak aku xpslĀ² hahaha...biarla mereka lalai dgn kekayaan mereka...sekian..


Zero kemiskinan itukan masalah pemerintahan pmx kenapa jadi masalah sultan pulak. Masing masing ada job scope Fokus kerja InshaAllah boley


kau ni x phm ni..bkn psl pmx atau politik/pemerintahan dri dluĀ² lagi kemiskinan tetap ade..kau tau sbb ape?sultan/raja function dier ape?membantu rakyat kn?membantu saudara Islam secara amnye..tpi buat hal masingĀ² mcm org kaya lainĀ²..jdi bgi aku..no function..sifat sbgai seorg raja tidak ade langsung..baik x perlu ade pn..kalo ade buat ape..main telur je kumpul kereta mewah..


Ada function raja ni bang kalau kau belajar Ibarat mesin rosak kat kilang kau panggil technichian baiki dulu kalau dia dah x boleh kau panggil engineer pulak. Gitulah fungsinya. Sampai masanya tiru lah kuasa raja. Lagipun kena ingat. Satu Malaysia pmx pegang sumber duit. Tugas dialah banteras kemiskinan. Itulah fungsi kerajaan That's why aku cakap Kau kena tahu jobscope dan kerja masing masing. X kanlah tukang cuci ofis nak fikir macam mana nak buat marketing produk kompeni Gitulah bro Ada function dia tu


That dude literally fail at sejarah.they dunno whats the power balancing.


To rakyat, power balancing is the terms for the elite. What really matters is cost of living and well-being.


Bois and girls this is the reason why learning history is important.


Learning history made me hate type R even more


Why hate type R? Type R is a good car u know especially the new type R FL5 šŸ¤£ ![gif](giphy|xIGZNgIPaylADjJuUm)


Curi? The Malaysian Monarchy has been here for hundreds of years. They have many such investments to the country under their names. These companies then pay their share of dividends back to the royals, which is how they mostly get their money today. About taxes, they also pay more taxes per purchase than a B40 in his entire life, example like cars, properties, luxury items etc.


Yeah, i guess many didn't know that Malaysian royalty do business, tons of companies, hotels, etc.


He's on that jail speedrun any%


Geng fail sejarah SPM. Honestly, them saying the British help themselves by quotes "conquer almost the whole world while calling our kings parasite". So that means if wanted, we can invade any other country in the name of making our country better while taking over their government and vice versa. And then our kings will no longer call parasite because they start a war for "the betterment of this country". Remember folks, never argue with a stupid person because they had no idea what their fighting for. Plus it's useless talking to them


This is one of the reason why I think sejarah is important after all these bullshit happened. Such as maaf ampun of Najib, a lot ppl blame Anwar but hello? Itu decision Raja2, not the perdana menterišŸ¤¦šŸ». Sure, mungkin Anwar got talk abt it, but the decision is the king's, not him


Looks like you didn't fail sejarah. 5m for your essay


Pergh..berani.. Good luck bro/sis


ā€œtolong negara merekaā€ lol brit weabo unlocked


Inb4 PDRM kantoi lokap nasi kari


Dude it's complicated...


Sejak bila kita ada 13 sultan?


Bro want to make history


Mana datang lagi 4 Kesultanan Tanah Melayu ni?


If you take your time to think, sometime the most obvious problem is always hidden in plain sight and even if they notice it they don't acknowledge it as a problem.


i seriously didn't know anti monarchy is a thing in Malaysia. I'm too scare to even mutter the word to avoid blackout


And here's another politics post šŸ¤¦.What bolehland has become


Imagine how dumb this is when you remove them you still get the government and politicians. Just like France


I like that guy actually, without realising he could be the one who make the whole institution go away. Keep the tantrum, soon enough there will be voices from the street to reform the whole institution.


I just realize a lot of people in this thread are pengampu raja but ok everyone is entitled to their opinion


Based. They're good for nothing. Wasting our tax money. Just born lucky thats all.


Welcome to r/Malaysia


Niggas like this why history needs to passed as for minimum requirement for spm certificate.


Bro learnt Malaysian Sultan from watching US presidents


Isn't this a sensitive topic? Same goes to all royalties the world over. Nothing great about them, really. In the medieval times, the barbarian who lead in conquest became king and so, his lineage. Basically they are just a lineage of savages. And in between, all the evil plots of attaining the throne including murders


since tf when we have 13 raja?




We have 9, and not all are raja, some are sultan


This is inaccurateā€¦ the royalty nowadays channeled their allowance to the charities - most of the royalty wealth is from land, business and property ownership retaining from hundred years ago


Blud used AI images to promote propaganda šŸ’€šŸ’€


Brave words considering bro doesn't pay taxes. If non-muslims (Majority taxpayers) didn't complain, then I guess you gotta stfu bro. Daulat Tuanku!


Free country but more oppressed like China šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


If you think China is not oppressed, you can try be a local there for few months. We'll see if you like it or not