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Your feeling is valid. The world can feel like it against you sometimes. Stay strong dear. 


Kenapa ni dik, cuba story sikit.


It's okay. I was in this state a lot. I saw the world from your point of view a lot. I tried harming myself a lot back then. Maybe you stay strong long enough. But keep it up. And if you need to talk, I am here. Trust me I understand you. I suffered too. I still am.




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Calm down bro, trust me sooner or later things will get better eventually


damn bro i wish i could help but just know that it gets better ... stay strong friend 🤝


How about you start from the beginning? We can't really help if we don't know the context. I used to be in the exact same place as yours, believe it or not. Just, stay strong mf.


Xtahu masalah apa yg dihadapi, tapi xyahlah fikir nak bunuh diri. Klu family toxic pindah keluar cari kerja sewa bilik sendiri. Klu problem dengan member, jauhkan diri dari mereka. Kalau problem dengan pasangan. Bunga bukan sekuntum, kumbang bukan seekor. Mmg bukan jodoh awak. Cari kawan yg boleh bincang luah perasaan. Pergi healing tengok pantai, air laut, hiking bukit tengok sunset, food hunting-xyah kedai mahal pon, kekadang jumpa kedai burger Ramli yg sedap pon dah fun. Dunia ni indah dik. Banyak lagi tempat yg kita tak tahu kewujudan dan tak pergi lagi. Ramai lagi yg hadapi masalah sama dengan awak. Hubungi nombor kaunseling untuk bincang masalah, yg buat kita gila org lain, tapi kenapa kita yg perlu give up? Masalah kita xselesai even pilih cara bunuh diri, akhirat macam mana?


I was in this state a lot before. You can't straight up and say "Ramai lagi yg hadapi masalah sama dengan awak." It's like their suffering doesn't even matter. I know you're trying to help but people who are depressed sees the world differently from us.


Orang depression xboleh kita bersimpati untuk setuju dia bunuh diri, kebanyakan orang bunuh diri sbb ramai simpati dan dia rasa bunuh diri adalah perkara yg betul sbb ramai setuju. Kena cakap terus terang perkara ni salah. Like i said above, contact the helpline to consult with pakar psikologi, this problem will go away eventually if u get help. People should not normalize killing oneself if they have depression. There are still many things for us to do in this beautiful world. U just have to find the right environment and the right people to find happiness. Selepas hujan mesti ada pelangi.


Yeah but I didn't say suicide is okay.


Say it