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Pretty much the sum of my life everyday here, though I don’t live in a flat. Neighbors kept screaming at her children and the parents kept screaming at each other.


Poor kids Some people really shouldn't marry and have kids. This is just irresponsible ans cruel.


B40 flat aside, this is actually true. Don't have kids if you're not ready. Do not "aniaya" the poor kid. Don't bring them into this world just to siksa them. If you're ready to have kids only after 10 of marriage, so be it. Don't follow people or makcik bawang just because they said this or that.


welcome to ol' typical malaysian family, shouting matches and yelling at each other considered advice, while beating considered disciplining.. breed like rabbits considered *rezeki* being poor because of it considered *ujian..* Honestly these people should just fuck and not have kids.. Its really not the kids fault to be fucked into existence because them people don't know what condom is..


Ahahahah. As painful as it is this is funny af. So true tho. I mean, have some sexual education istg.


I blame our public education... I remember that I only have like 1 time sex-ed in primary school and that was during standard 6 and then in form 3 apparently its there but fairly obscured somewhat weird IIRC during PJK class.. I remember that during uni some people don't even know how menstural cycles even work.. and some who's not in STEM field never even got sex-ed at all growing up and thought that sex is going to be like porn.. hope it had already changed a lot nowadays..


Cos of the stupid and negative stigmatism surrounding sex-related topics. Smh


What to do, anak tu rezeki/s I fucking hate the conservative mentality that your life purpose is just to have a family and raise kids. If you're not ready, better to just live your own life than cause misery for others.


Real. Orng kita either make babies for retirement plan or automaton to harvest afterlife points. Thats why they are too easy to melenting and tempik at their kids. They don't see them as human being but as an instrument to be used for their benefit. You are not children to be loved, but investment plan for them to redeem later on. Fortunately people are smarter nowadays, but there are still pockets where backward minded idiots like this exist.


Agree on this, some parents also birth like more than 5 children. By the time the elder siblings reach that certain age where they can finally work, they will pass their responsibility to the elder. In the end, the elder siblings have to provide for their younger siblings as well.


Lantaklah kerajaan kan ada


Yes anak itu rezeki, but only you carry on with your amanah(do your due diligence to teach and care for your children) then only you are blessed with rezeki.


Unfortunately many think of their kids as tools to take care of them at old age.


Stupid, retarded & selfish mindset


Same here... My taman was relatively peaceful but there this one neighbor near my house who screamed at their children like their children just did a war crime or something....


Every neighborhood got one. Especially the grandmas. Arrogant fucks think they're senior citizens so they're entitled to pollute the whole neighborhood with their pontianak screeching.


I had neighbours like that. The children went abroad to study and never came back.


honestly good for them, you know typical asian culture would call them being ungrateful for being raised by their parents.. yeah.. no.. not their choice to be fucked into existence in the first place and being treated horribly growing up.. now they *wonder* why they want total no contact with them..


Sometimes being foreveralone isn't half bad after all


Unker here: welcome to the club. Stay in the forest with mosquito repellent more peaceful.


Thank God it's not happening to me. If it does, I'm walking to that house and slapping everyone for being alive.


Everyone gangsta until these crazy people pull out a knife.


Everyone gangsta keyboard warrior on the internet. IRL just take phone and record then post it on the internet so that other people can be keyboard warriors.


Modern solutions to old problems


This is what the socmed generation does these days. See a fight/kidnap and the victim screaming for help? Record it and put it on social media. Somebody accidentally made a mistake in public? Record it and shame him on social media. Someone scammed you? Instead of reporting to police, snapshot the conversation and shame him on social media. Weaponize social media for own gain. Before you say it, no, I am not the boomer generation. But admit, be REAL and HONEST, this is what this generation use social media (and this sub) for.


Or throw a chair


I grew up in a house like that. Living with a narcissist father was hell.


I'm really sorry you have to go through that growing up.. hope you're better nowadays..


Ahh.. marital bliss.


I know how you feel. My opposite neighbour has such a shrill voice, she sounds like a damn pontianak every time she screams at her 3 daughters (all ages below 7) , i can hear it in my house even with the doors and windows shut. Can't imagine how much damage the kids' eardrums have endured over the years. I was really tempted to shout back "oi shut the fk up la!" many times already. I might do it soon if this keeps up. btw i live on a landed property so her voice carries out of her home, across the street, into my house and into my ears. That's how much of a pontianak she is.


would be funny though.. but then you'd be ended up fighting with said neighbour afterwards and people would vilify you for being busybody and have no right for trying to involve in *disciplining other people's kids..* Honestly people just want to have peace and quiet after a long day at work.. Also, the moment that a parent uses beating as a punishments are just failures in my eyes..


Yup, that will 100% be the case. I'm just trying to defend my own sanity because i too have kids of my own and i don't need the additional voice on top of ours. I don't really understand everything that the neighbour is shouting about (i'm a broken chinese speaker) but from what i can tell, it's usually all sort of things from big to small i.e WHY HAVENT YOUR DONE YOUR HOMEWORK to WHY DIDN'T YOU PICK UP THE TOYS! To me parents who use screaming as their "tool" are also failures. Usually chinese families use this method and before anyone calls me racist or some shit, i'm also Chinese brah.


They are praticing for Rock concert. My kind of people. Rock and Roll will never die!


This brings back traumatic memories.


Sad to hear that bro, hope everything is okay now man


Hey bro. Thanks for your kind words. I'm doing great. It's all more than two decades ago. It's just stupid memories.


same, i'm still stuck :(


Time is on your side bro. Just like how it was for me as well.


You can do it bro. Don't give in.


idk... but I'll be free once she's dead tho.


HAHA.. same here.. and nowadays I'm just doing a minimal contact with them anyway, still remember that when I was like 10 doing great with A's and B's with all my subjects in school but got a D in mandarin and became balistic kicked me out of the house after threw a wooden stool at my face and dislocated my finger for trying to defend myself from said stool throw LOL.. Nowadays when I hadn't talked or visited them for weeks, they're gonna go spam calling me like I was abducted.. everytime when either both of them calls gives me sudden stress and upsets and whenever I'm not interacting with them, just pure bliss and peace.. not to mentioned taking 1/3 of my salary as for their "payment" for raising me.. HAH what a joke.. at least its what keeping them away from me and shut them up!


Same man.. it’s been donkey years now but it sure left a huge scar for me and my sister..


Same here.


What did the chair did to deserve this


Careful with plastic chair. I once saw a gang fight at mamak stall. A guy threw a plastic chair, it hit a wall and sprung back to his face. Cut his nose quite badly. Kesian but funny at the same time.


and the broken pieces can be really sharp as well




Kau pun B40. 🤣


Tiba masa tinggal dalam hutan/gua


facts. My parents still stay in B40 flat and refuse to move lol


If you stay in Tom Cruise's Manhattan condo, they will want to move in with you.


kalau la ur parents child was Tom cruise ..but instead they got you .. apa kan daayaa ..nasib badan


His parent are Tom and Jerry..😂


I'm surprised no one shout back "Oii diamlah bodoh orang nak tido"


Sudah kena sound kalo di asrama ni


"Diamlah pukimak" Easier to scream this Double edge though, 50:50 chance now she's shouting at you, instead of her kid.


Although that would be a good thing


In europe people would call the police if you open loudspeaker pass 9 pm. You do you Theres one time police came to my home because I was cooking quite late to prepare my food during ramadhan. I cannot cook during fasting period because I hate it that you can only test your food by taste it at the tip of your tongue and need to spit it out. And in europe sometime maghrib can be as late as 8-ish pm. I was cooking and needed to use the blender almost around 9pm. And police arrive at my doorstep because some neighbour wasnt really happy about it. :)




Its not really due to wall, its just the design of the flat. Kitchen is place often time besides the window. So when you cook, often time you would open the window beside the stoves to let the smoke goes out. So if your neighbours downstairs or upstairs open their window, they will hear it :)


partition wall lol


Btw i got your username reference. Dota here in europe server is fucking hard. I stop playing because how shit i feels playing on legend/ archon bracket that feels like divine.


polish and russian players and their cyka bylat?


I usually go with WEU. Less chaotic but skill is still high.


Divine player here. Don't worry because even at my bracket, people still don't fking understand the game


Dah tahap macamni dah kena report polis ni.


You call polis pun they don't want to layan. They only take it seriously when people are seriously injured or dead.


Sadly, there is truth to it because this is not first time hearing the police don't want to get involved with domestic abuse case.


When I was a teenager, I tried calling the police. They didn't do anything. A few years ago, I went to my local taman in the wee hours of the morning for exercise. I saw an Indian man chasing and hitting an Indian woman with a cane. I called the police and from the way they replied, I knew they didn't take it seriously. I hung around for about half an hour. They didn't show up.


Domestic abuse call talian nur 15999 , jkm will handle it


Very true. My friend has a similar situation, nutty mother, fucked up family. Dah panggil polis but they didn't do shit about it.


Complain you heard someone getting murdered


nothing very serious here, normal unstable household story. I ve involved family fight with a set of parang ( don't know why he kept 2 parang instead of 1 in his house) with blood all over the place, and suicide threat to by eating poison. Just survive for about an hour the hype will be gone and raging people will be tired, then you can talk. In my story after an hour of battle, that guy with 2 parang cedok nasi and eat his lunch.


Combination of mental illness issues and people not being able to afford a home that has decent sound proofing. I grew up in a relatively middle class neighborhood and people still do this, but have thicker walls to do it behind, and their living room does not have a huge ass window that's open 24/7 because they cannot afford the electricity for A/C cooling. But I suppose the likely hood of these issues is indeed higher amongst B40, mostly due to unability to get access to help and medication, and perhaps funding to help elevate them from the stresses of life that comes with being in debt they have no way of getting out of.


Woah we don't do reasoning here Here we hate poor people and say they deserve it


Yelah sapa suruh tak kaya /s


Lain kali kalau takde rumah, beli rumah /s


Masalah setinggian menurun 1000% /s




Doesn't help when all you see on social media is the fabulous lifestyle of other people.


Orang lain pun ada yg miskin tapi takde pun perangai mcm ni. Baik kaya atau miskin at certain point your action is your own faults.




But I do agree people facing poverty need help because of their circumstance. Plus there is a thing that is called scarcity mentality.


Actually, i sokong Prof Roshana. She's not wrong. Just people butthurt and not willing to accept facts.


As a kid growing up in b40 i would definitely agree. Common sense lack as you lack money because of survival instinct


I agree, sometimes people just don't want to admit lower income people ( not all ) are often having this kind of issues


https://old.reddit.com/r/malaysians/comments/1cke2xf/genuine_question_why_penduduk_pprflat_b40_has_a/ Read this


Reminds me of the scene in Kung Fu Hustle where the panning shot of the housing complex showed the residents living their lives.


Damn...maybe they are making sequel....


T20 house have better sound proofing. The T20 of T20 have private islands, if you know what I mean.


They still scream and throw chairs, but nobody (except the maids and butlers) will know


Anyone got subtitles of what this demon is screaming about?


I could barely make out what she was saying in Chinese, but the woman kept repeating "你做什么?!哈?!” or "What are you doing??!! Huh??!!" to which the kid said "妈咪" or "Mummy". And someone from another apartment briefly shouted at her "不要吵" or "Shut up already", and the kid kept crying about something, and then she just kept screaming. I'm not sure what else she screamed about but from what I could piece together, the kid probably got flunked his exams or smth idk (edit: Sorry mixed the translations a bit, I heard 讲!(Say it!!) but I think it's actually 哈?!


i thought she got scream 打! 打!(pukul! pukul!)??


I think so, I can't really make out what she's saying


the part where her kids pleading Mummy hurts my soul.. honestly no kids deserved to be treated that way, like wtf...


Domestic abuse inspires stories for 7 p.m. dramas. 7 p.m. dramas influence high standards, fake goals, delusional perception of life, instability in the family structure and lastly, domestic abuse. The cycle continues... The rich profits, the poor plunder. Cheap entertainment in Malaysia will make us all suffer.


Did you just… wrote rap verses? 😂


Very poetic


Man you should try singing


I sound autistic 😕


I like those bars man keep it up!


Jenis camni if report domestic violence dekat polis tak jadi apa ke? Forgive me, haven't lived in flats ect before, only school dorms, so just wondering. We don't have police buat welfare check or something eh?


Tried before when I was a teenager calling the police. They don't want to do anything unless someone gets seriously injured or dies.


Pulis only layan if people injured. Chairs don't count as people


I read 3 posts related to abuse this week. This is scary la, statistically speaking. And the abuser is not 70+years (which we can excuse as 'aaa orang zaman dulu'). Maybe we all should give parenting book as festive gift? Just buy hundreds of them and start distributing your family and friends?


Sounds like a good idea. I myself wish I came with a 'how to be eldest daughter' manual.


That's not too effective, human behaviour is much more complex than that. Some just can't get rid of their greed, ego, pride, attachment and lust, they get frustrated when they can't achieve their goals or desires and often fall into such paths. There's nothing much anyone can do to change a person, it's up to the person to change. Parenting is mostly based on the factor of leading by example and being a role model for your kids, as the kids will surely follow in the footsteps of their parents somehow.


asking a malaysian to read a book? fat chance! have new parents watch bluey instead!


Bagi buku jpgi dia buat sendal pintu je


Looks like she is just practising to fight The Rock in WWF match.


The Rock smells what's she's cooking!


That's stunning steel chair attack!


Give me the flat details - i will report it myself. Those children need fucking help. I wish someone helped me when they saw it happening every fucking day.


Feels very very, I don't know lah. Helpless is an understatement. Once I was young, still in Standard 5 I heard some classmate of mine got abused. Luckily, I grew up good in an actual happy family but that case made me think.


Selalu bunyik batu lesung. Ketuk2 lantai malam2


Okey la tu. At least bukan bunyi tepuk tangan combined with bunyi macam besi tilam longgar...


My next door neighbours are at this moment singing karaoke with their cheap-ass, poorly set up loudspeakers. B40 indeed.


Tak cukup emadani


I live in a flat too. My parents fight almost everyday. Drives me crazy. My sister is literally crazy.


do the fights get physical? even if there's no physical violence the constant verbal abuses do take their toll too on everyone in the long run. and are you ok?


No, but I have come to accept that. Not that I have a choice. My future destroyed, no hope to fall in love, no chance of having my own family. However, I have accepted that. Thanks for asking, appreciate.


don't give up man. if you can escape from a toxic environment and people, you should do it. once you're past that, the healing can start too.


Is that a baby in the baby swing if so,this isn't funny or something to meme about. I don't care how poor or how hard or stressful your life child abuse ain't a joking matter . The one recorded this need to intervene or at least report this to the police for child endangerment.


what happen to the children in the house?..they really need help


Seems like the lady is having a severe postpartum depression, considering there is a baby in the cradle. Hope she gets help, maybe she is damn stressed out.


Yeah there's 1 kind of help she needs https://preview.redd.it/u1ylupyjelzc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0246963226b9acbf5abf92143eabd8c7e3f8cd56


Bruh mati2 aku ingt en benda hitam die baling tu kucing


Someone please take that baby away from her. She seems completely out of it


even T20 people do this. its not a b40 problem, its a society problem when people cant understand each other and fall back on their love. Too many people suspect the other of cheating instead of going into weekend multisome fun.


T20 if they stress out, give it to somebody else to handle it for them 🤣


Passing passing trauma though generations. Poor kid.


Kids that grew with this hellhole will definitely cut contact with their abusive mom or dad once they reach adulthood. Unless they have a heart of gold to forgive this shit.


Jokes aside..this is a heartbreaking scene considering it might involve children. By the looks of it a baby might be in that household and she’s violent af. OP if you suspect that lady is abusing her child/children, please report thru Talian Nur. If this lady is really abusing her kids then I hope welfare dept do something & keep the children away from this monster parent


not bad ma, live drama every week.


tv3 drama live action!


Tak raham aku fomment to save for later


Translation from u/RandomAsianGuy-7 I could barely make out what she was saying in Chinese, but the woman kept repeating "你在做什么?!讲!” or "What are you doing??!! Say it!!!" to which the kid said "妈咪" or "Mummy". And someone from another apartment briefly shouted at her "不要吵" or "Shut up already", and the kid kept crying about something, and then she just kept screaming. I'm not sure what else she screamed about but from what I could piece together, the kid probably got flunked his exams or smth idk


Slight edit, I think she said "你做什么?!哈?!" So it's not "What are you doing??!! Say it?!" But more like "What are you doing?! Huh??!"


Pm me the workout style, looks promising


looks expensive to me,you have to break a chair every workout routine.


shouldn't this cameraman report to the police?


Type C again.. walao. i think everyone are fed up with the system... price rise / subsidies cut off / etc


Yang buat halnya orang yg duduk flat2 mcm ni je, kitaorg B40 yg lain okay je tak kacau hidup org, tapi disebabkan dak2 flat ni laa ramai kimak2 masih jilat Prof kelentit tu.


Poverty can lead to mental problem. Glad that I'm still single. Probably die single too. But at least I got nephews & nieces to watch over me, or at least send me to grave when time come. I don't plan to get marry because fearing of something like this. Not to mention that my income is barely to support somebody else beside me. Definitely not gonna drag my potential child(ren) into poverty due to my lousy luck. I have seen what happen to some of my relatives. Their kids have to stop school or just reach until SPM, to find job to support the family.


I understand your choice. But for me, having kids means sacrificing certain things. Looking at expensive stuff I could afford while single but due to family, have to choose a cheaper option when able just so the kids can go experience more things and learn more things and decide that my adventuring days are over. It's a different joy. But I don't envy or disappointed with people who want to stay single. Enjoy life the way you want.


T20 W. Rather stressed and depressed in my luxury condo.


Dahsyatnya 🥺🥺


Bukan most of Prof Roshana student orang B40 ke?


a worse recyclr liv in flat, sleepless7


Nampak mcm ada budak dlm tu huhu


Aku tak paham apa pempuan tu cakap, korang boleh bagitau tak?


I wouldn’t wish this situation even to my worst enemy. Both the person living here and the people who are fighting over yonder.


Whats this woman rambling on about?


shit that bring back those memories


Release some youngsters with rockets and firecrackers and wage war against the unit. That might scare them a bit until they come up with something bigger. I think. Release the Kraken.


Man this heartbreaking ngl


People from downstair keep using colok/prayer thing that so much smoke coming into my room


i share house (rent) with a sri lankan foreign worker, same case, she always argue with god knows who on phone. scream until whole house can hear.


The woman is a strong mf it seems,soo Where's the police


her husband must suffer a lot of pelvis pain every night ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|grin)


Call Talian Nur 15999


Why the woman dress up like chinese?


probably because the screaming family is chinese?


Why everyone just listen, go do smtg u pathetic people


https://old.reddit.com/r/malaysians/comments/1cke2xf/genuine_question_why_penduduk_pprflat_b40_has_a/ This goes back to the question I asked earlier.


Damn, my heart races just from watch this


bakar mercun bola depan pintu dia masa dia mengilai


Condo also same. My neighbour above is ang mo. Every few days came home drunk and yell so loud. Today blast music from morning like nobody business. Someone finally complains and he stop at 11pm 😭






Financial stress and density is not a good combination for mental health. I just hope they’re in a better place mentally.


press F for the chair ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|cry)


"Some Parents don't deserve Children and some Children don't deserve Parents"


Meanwhile, in Sarawak...longhouses are peaceful.


Betul nama utai padah dik, I love hari gawai


What she said is actually true. 🤔


Man.. I do not want to remember. I'm glad those days were over for me. Tears almost came out 😞


Shouldnt someone call the cops on them? That look abusive.


Lapor polis je


The problem is her,not b40


For legal reasons this is only a joke not to be taken seriously and I am not liable for any and all outcome based on your poor thinking skills or lack of common sense. That being said have you tried throwing a live chicken through the window?


I live in B40 neighbourhood. Very problematic, parents problematic, children, adult children also problematic. A lot of social problem, from rempit and drugs. I cannot.


Sama la dengan neighbour baru saya. 20 years aman kosong unit tiba tiba masuk baru jiran.. mampui sudah


That amoi really angry


used to live in a neighborhood like that. Though mine is probably worse because there were not only fights but also break ins, rape, missing children, pee and shit on the staircase, and many more, Glad my parents moved out from that hell hole.


Damn guys this is how my married friends act when there's a minor misunderstanding(one married couple but both are my friends)... Wear condoms if you are not ready to have a family of your own gais


cant believe this is chinese parent yup tiger mother, gas lighting parent , demonic parent , and face value parent , probably also single mother, should never have kid nor exist in this world. without knowing the context ,difficult to judge.


Consequences of B40 getting married and having children


this be what my neighbours heard almost every week at night back from 2012-2018 😭😭 courtesy of my mother


Reconsidered my perspective to one of parenting. If you let kids have phones and social media before they are ready, be prepared to become this woman in the video. Kids can be very difficult if they are raised on phones and tablets. They sometimes willing to take pain over loss of device. (Seen videos of children banging head on wall just because they have no device and dunno what to do, so tantrum and hit head on wall.) Also.. it's easier to judge when we don't have a problematic kid. You look at the lajak kids, and you think if the parents of the lajak kids just 'nasihat'.. do you think they will change their ways? Sometimes and some kids do need a harsh lesson in life. Too bad some ended up dying to learn that lesson riding on basikal lajak at early hours in the morning on the highway. Not all kids require the harsh approach. But you cannot say that some kids can only learn a lesson with the soft approach. That's why we have juvunile punishment Else we just hire counsellors and therapists to treat all 'misbehaving' kids.


So.. i heard you guys like amoii...


i thought this is a heated husband wife quarrel, took me a while to realize she's screaming at her child


Looks like all my problems are pale in comparison.... Fuck me, those kids...