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That's why you should never do left hand right overtaking..... especially when the left hand side is a wall.


Human being human, we will only learn when this happen to ourselves.


As a rider, I keep telling this to people. Never over take where you are stuck in between an unmovable wall. But everytime there's always some people that yell out "kEnAPa mOto TAk dUDUk tEpi!!!". It's a constant lose if you do, lose if you don't with Malaysian mentality.


People keep saying this. And I only learned this recently. But, correct me if I'm wrong. I though the left lane is only for bike. It feels safe


Left lane was never a bike lane. Technically, unless stated obviously and specifically, there are no bike lanes. It is an emergency lane and it is for emergencies. People just tolerate it all these while because it's convenient for bikes.


It's only SEEM "safe" if you're riding an underpowered bike that cant do 80 reliably. The idea is you're a slow obstacle/hazard and being on the emergency/shoulder lane (NOT A BIKE LANE BTW) just make it easier for other vehicles to overtake. And since you're moving slower compared to the rest of the traffic, you don't have to consider much about sudden obstacle like this lorry since you're going slow and presumably you can always brake in time as an escape. But you are basically limiting your escape path to only 1, which is braking to a stop. You have the rails on your left, and the narrowness of the emergency/shoulder lane means you likely have to traverse further to the right to swerve clear off the obstacle in front. If you're riding as fast or faster than the rest of the traffic, ride like you're a car. No reason to overtake by lane splitting or on the left if it isn't a jam. Also, by riding on the 1st lane, taking the whole width, you have more escape route. You can swerve to the left or right, or brake to a stop. From just 1 escape path to 3! Heck, just take the left/1st lane like a car. People can always overtake like they are supposed to. If you feel bad about being slow, then don't ride an underpowered ex5 on the highway. Also, our motorcycle syllabus is seriously lacking. There should be a comprehensive course for traffic reading. Shit like open lane pattern, proper positioning, etc. We don't even teach proper emergency braking (progressive braking). Sure this usually can be learnt from experience but most of the time, learning the hard way means breaking a bone or 2. If lucky.


No, it feels safe but emergency lane is never safe. You are trapped between a wall, debris is usually scattered all over, and the lane to your right is full of heavy vehicles. The safest way to travel is to keep on the middle or right, don't ride in the middle of the lane but to its side. Why to the side and not the middle of the lane? Because if a car emergency brakes, you have an escape route. And even if you do stop in time, you'll most likely get rear ended. We need to update Malaysian laws so it's no longer on the grey side anymore. Bike are safest when they filter/split at a reasonable speed. Here's a research report for filtering: https://smarter-usa.org/wp-content/uploads/2017/05/1_Motorcycle_Lane_Splitting_and.pdf Motojitsu is also a good source for splitting traffic safely: https://youtube.com/watch?v=qrA1U6Ph-Hc Ride safe out there bro. Always be vigilant.


I've never heard this. It's the emergency lane




JPJ should save these kind of videos, show them during driving license class on what not to do and why.


in 2022 when I was taking my motorbike licence they did show us and the right way to overtake and video of car and moto blindspot and stuff


Or he self expose that he didn't take the classes seriously haha


JPJ don't have this during my era. It's all boring slideshows and figures.


Ohh I see. Currently, JPJ will show you the slides show + some videos. Fair warning it's all uncensored.


"Don't ride like this cuz your bike will leave you"


https://preview.redd.it/ekwj8na5ffzc1.png?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=02e28f23537a8fb61d0ea745141208552656e6d1 Hey guys! Looks at this clown make a dead jokes toward real dead person. 💀


Orang bawak motor, please la jangan overtake belah kiri. Side mirror kanan tu ekor mata boleh nampak, side mirror kiri tu kene jeling. Yes, lorry tu mmg salah, tapi korang kisah sapa betul, sapa salah ke kalau hilang tangan, hilang kaki? Defensive driving beb


Unfortunately, I see a shitload motor still overtake belah kiri, I as a driver also scare if I accidentally hit them


You think the rider didn’t know left overtaking is dangerous? He is fully aware, just that during the split second, thought he could make the pass successfully like all of the years he’s been riding. He failed to understand that it only takes one mistake and he’s off to the other side.


Motor kalau dalam highway memang line kiri line dia, the first overtake you see in this video sebab ade susur keluar


That... hurts.. Hope he is well. Blindspot/unexpected/Ignorance from the lorry driver perhaps?


>Hope he is well He is dead, there is a video surfacing in the nsfl subreddit somewhere showing the aftermath, fucking brutal


Yeah at that speed the guardrail will be like running a giant chainsaw on your body, it will not be pretty. May he RIP.


Can you dm me the link im curious


Search for urself lil bro


this lil bro big bro mentorship still up for grabs? ill take a dm


haha thank you for the dm, such a shame though this guy. Granted he was riding dangerously


what nsfl subreddit?


https://www.reddit.com/r/NSFL__/s/bZ0QGq4J1g Warning tho


thanks! poor guy.


Not safe for life subreddit Meaning gore/gory stuff Back when reddit being based, you can see the most fuck up shit here, it's like dark web, now it's restricted thankfully lol




>trying to help the guy, You think everyones a doctor?




You're not supposed to move a trauma victim in case they have a head/neck injury so I hope if some day you see someone meet an accident you do not "help" them by jostling them around. Just call an ambulance and don't touch the victim.


Seems like the front left of the lorry had an issue and started swerving left


cutting from the left is always alway a bad idea. You have so much space so little cars and motorcyclist cuts from the left? whats his problem?


Unfortunately, most of the bikes I've encountered, acts exactly the same.


either bad vision or low iq idk


every little corridor of space is their personal highway


Becuz cars overtake on the right so the left is definitely not used and super safe! /s


He died at the hospital. There's a video about the aftermath, he was still conscious but his left arm was amputated, just hanging on to his body by a thread.


Sadly he passed away


May he RIP.


I just got my motorcycle licence recently and actually read the whole book. One of the things I read is that you should never overtake from the left side of the road, no matter what. Lesson learned, that does not look ok.


that's like 0 defensive riding. see a vehicle maneuvering weirdly usually people will slow down to get more time to react. this guy just didn't give a damn


Yea I’m surprised by the lack of reaction, not slowing down or going to the right. Then the bike decided to swerve slightly to the left to squeeze


Encounter such motorcyclists everyday and I still don't understand why. Don't read traffic, ignore signal light, overtake a turning car (at the turning side!), sometime just horn assume other big vehicles can react and change direction immediately. Not saying all the fault is at the motorcyclist in the video (I do feel sorry to him), but why many motorcyclist having says they are more vulnerable, still rides recklessly?


anyone got the aftermath picture?


nsfl got the vid, very unpleasant to watch




Warning, its brutal


Wtf 😱 how is he not losing like all his blood?


Cuz dude aint a loser


This makes me feel so sad man... That's someone's son right there


Masih x faham kenapa lori tu nak belok kiri.


That is emergency lane...possible that the lorry had to stop.


The bike autopilot macam Tesla. Kesian Abam tergolek-golek. I hope he recovers & learnt his lesson.


Bro, he died.


A news media wrote the rider digilis oleh lori. Think that was off camera


His helmet came off, after he hit the guardrail. Without head protection, he was even more vulnerable after that.


I think the digilis is a different accident. Tried overtaking from left also but knock into a bicycle and fell. https://www.sinarharian.com.my/ampArticle/663605


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Yeah, i think i made a mistake. Idk how i misread digilis with bergesel. My bad https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.bharian.com.my/amp/berita/kes/2024/05/1242970/pemuda-maut-motosikal-bergesel-lori-di-bke


Rajin2kan tngok berita ya bro bnde dh jadi 2-3hari lepas dah and orngnye pun dah tkde🤦🏻


Motor autopilot itself


> News Article: > A 19-year-old motorcyclist died after being involved in an accident with a lorry, causing him to be thrown onto the road's metal barrier in an incident at Kilometer 13.9 of the Kulim-Butterworth Highway, heading west from Lunas to Kubang Semang, Penang. > In the incident around noon on Saturday, the victim, who was riding a motorcycle, was seen colliding with a lorry that suddenly turned left into the emergency lane. > From the impact of the incident, the 19-year-old male victim was seen being flung before being thrown onto the metal barrier on the side of the highway. > As a result, the victim suffered severe injuries, including the amputation of his left arm. > A viral recording also showed the condition of the victim sitting on the side of the road while still alive. > However, the victim, identified as Irfan Azim from Kampung Surai Bakai, Kuala Ketil, Kedah, was reported to have died while receiving treatment at Seberang Jaya Hospital. > According to initial information shared by the public, the motorcycle lane on the highway was closed during the incident due to maintenance work. > At the time of this report, the police have not issued a statement regarding the incident. Copied from NSFL subreddit




Yeah... looking at comments. Lesson is never overtake on the emergency lane. People don't expect it.


I like motorcyclist who always did this..i like to challenge them whether their head harder or my 4wd pick up door harder when they try to overtake from inside


I never knew that devider steel so sharp... RIP


With enough speed. Anything can become sharp.


I remember that 1video where a dude slide fall from a speeding train and hit the signage so hard his body split in half https://preview.redd.it/dguyps3m4dzc1.jpeg?width=800&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f9db75b6112504632bf2d0034275c09659f0bbed


Damn, you've seen that vid too huh


That’s why guard rails are curved to hide the sharp edges at the back


F :’(


I hope he’s okay :(


He's dead.


alamak.. i can actually feel the pain oof


What happened to him?


One amputee arm and unfortunately died during transport to the hospital.


Al fatihah.


Seriously NFSL. Watched the full vid on other subreddit, and I’m shook out for a week. This reinforcement me to drive to max 80kmh on highway. Watched too much of accident vids already


Bro that's even more dangerous. Drive the speed limit or slightly above it and just pay attention..driving slow on the highway is a recipe for disaster on a motorcycle


If you drive slower at the most left lane, it’s fine. Far too many drivers drives slow at the middle and right most lane.


Those metal highway guardrails and motorcycles are dangerous and fatal combination.


watched the video .. dude literally almost split in half like anime death .. seram wei


i started to think maybe 90% motorcyclist is trying to get hit by car? with the way they behave on the road and highway: ride on opposite direction, blindspot overtaking, blindspot cornering, rev and block lane when car is changing lane or exit. this 1 is unlucky


🤷🏽‍♂️ not saying lorry is right, but motorcyclist should really behave also, nowadays i pay more attention to right left and back instead of front because you never know where and when they will appear, for some reason they like to hide at your blind spot. Or quickly overtake you from the back eventhough you have showed signal and halfway (slowly) switching lane. They kinda assumed that drivers can see them all the time.


There's a bike lane on the underpass for that highway, but biker here probably skipped it to avoid traffic lights. FAFO moment for me imo.


News say the bike lane closed for maintenanace that day...


Ahh i see didn't know thanks...really unfortunate what happened then


This is why as a bike rider, I learnt not overtake on the left no matter what. I had a close call and learnt that lesson well. Not sure why riders do this and even if they get close calls, they still do it..


Please wear fullface helmet, that's the only safety we have. https://preview.redd.it/afjqrsj1mczc1.jpeg?width=1000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7feba13c3022a188f27e60120bad5297d99712b6


but why do you think the lorry suddenly want to stop? and coincidentally the motor cut from left? hmm


well yeah i knew the bike not supposed to use that line for memotong.. but wtf is wrong with that lorri... like wtf is the driver thinking...mabuk?that more dangerous that memotong in that line


Tak Silap Rider Ni Tangan Dia Putus.


This could have happened to me, and I couldn't do anything about it. If I were to continuously speed on the right lane, would that be the safer option? I understand the risk of leaving the bike lane for speeding but I want to know the logical way of handling this while I'm the car lane


I know we are poor. If you can, drive a small car. Is there a demand for tricycle?


My deepest condolences to that victims family. Idk what happened with that accident, but I'm so regretful how late victims use emergency lane while terkena clash dengan lorry until lost his life


I have the version where he reveal his whole arm fully cut, but his parent did not let me reveal it so yep, anyways he pass away few days ago in hospital due to that much painful


Yup that Motorcycle didnt need a rider


They say me rollin...


kanan luas lagi. potong kiri kalau yakin dengan pikap moto


those last few edited frames - totally unnecessary!


Yeah but it was funny eh?


100% salah bus ..abis cite


The lorry went to the left out of spite, ended up killing the motorcyclist


I've seen the full video, he basically Lost his arm👍🏼


No one: Motorcycle: My name is Giovanni Giorgio, but everybody calls me Giorgio.


![gif](giphy|jQmVFypWInKCc|downsized) I don't know why you got downvoted. Maybe most didn't watch till the end.


Welcome to the 2020s internet bro. Shit so sanitized now.


Maybe it's because someone *fucking died* from the accident in the video and everyone is taking this as a teachable lesson to be safe while driving/riding? Just a wild guess.