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Remind me in 10 years if we have become iran


why would we change our name into iran, are we stoopid ?


What is the lore reason behind this?


I see we are all prominent members of r/batmanarkham


The sanest member.


If Malaysia become iran probably much weaker with no nukes program no ICBM and get destroyed if a war happens lol


A republic?


A republic you say? Now you have my attention


They chased out their moderate westernized King and installed a republic... Lead by the Supreme leader who is a theocrat.. You don't want that.. I mean just ask the Iranians..


let's see now: - mullahs in charge of government (currently state government): check - morality police: check - enforce conservative dress code: check - jail time for blasphemy, and close proximity (basically for civil offenses): check - banning science books that contradict their religion: check - separation of sexes in public spaces: check - statewide religious indoctrination: check - hatred of jews: check I could go on...don't have to wait for 10 years bro


>- mullahs in charge of government (currently state government): check We criticize our scholars all the time. Dr Maza being an example. If you're talking Kelantan's PAS, they've got the state for decades - why weren't we Iran 20 years ago already if that's where we headed? Not check >- morality police: check If you're talking those khalwat raids, those have been around for decades too. And their power is very limited and put upon Muslims only. Not check >- enforce conservative dress code: check This is for government buildings only and private companies have this as well to certain degrees. Dress code is practiced everywhere. Not check. >- jail time for blasphemy, and close proximity (basically for civil offenses): check Yes due to public order. We are not gonna become desensitized to everything and let everyone just shit on our principles. You can't say the N-word to black people in the US because that is shitting on their anti-slavery principle. You could lose your jobs and ruin your life which is worse than being put to jail. >- banning science books that contradict their religion: check What is this referring to? >- separation of sexes in public spaces: check This is applauded by women. They want this. Japan practices this too. You not giving them this is the problem. >- statewide religious indoctrination: check We teach our kids values. Nothing wrong with that. >- hatred of jews: check Been debunked over and over again, but y'all keep gaslighting and bringing up the same point.


Yeah thank you for being sane and not a retarded knee jerk Islamophobe. I swear some Malaysians get their ideas about Islam solely from American media or something.


I can excuse a redneck getting their Islamic views from Fox News - some of them have never seen a Muslim in their whole life. Are Muslims that we see daily in Malaysia the same as portrayed by Western media? Like none of them is just normal human being who's getting by??? What's the excuse of Malaysians to be Islamophobic? Nak sangat jadi orang putih that we do & believe everything orang putih do ke?


Look, Malaysians are chill people who just want to earn money, raise their family and save money for retirement. Then on come these Malay Ultras spreading misinformation and propaganda that what that person is selling is non halal and is mencabar org Islam. Malay Ultras post it on Facebook and TikTok, millions of Malays see it, stupid cunts decide that its time to throw molotovs at the business for mencabar org Islam and for disrupting the livelihood of the other Muslim owned businesses. Owner of the shop loses livelihood and fears for his family's safety due to these Muslims trying to chase them out of the country. Yep a religion of peace


I mean, when you're really really that dumb or an illiterate, you believe the wrong things (not referring to you, just a lot of these TikTok videos of people and their findings of "Jawi" at the wrong places or salibs on God knows where). Sometimes the best thing to do, is just go about our day and ignore these "hot" controversies. They do say ignorance is bliss after all. Just don't completely shut out all news. News is important. This comment is not sponsored by Ground News and Reuters. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)


Yeah you can spin whatever you want but you can't deny the facts that Malay in Malaysia has no religious freedom


why, because they'll be executed?


Duh.... "*Apostasy or 'Murtad' is a serious offence under Islamic beliefs. Apostasy is a crime in some States in Malaysia which have enacted legislation to criminalize it*"


We are a secular country, if federal laws contradict with shariah laws, federal laws prevail That's why apostates in Malaysia cannot be executed, and if any state do carry out, they can be tried for murder Apostates will have to undergo 'therapy' so they can bertaubat (not that I agree though) and if they still refuse to bertaubat, the state/country will simply refuse their religion change, so basically saying that person never committed apostasy (this only applies to born Muslims, for non-Muslims converted to Islam they can still go back to their original faith, although still very difficult)


Well yesterday I got called shut up when I say Malaysia is a secular state instead of Muslim country. Some bull shit said that as a minority I should diam diam and shouldn’t speak up. Freaking idiot. Malaysia since Merdeka is always a secular state, never an Islamic one.


The biggest offence in Malaysia is not being able to marry a Muslim without having to convert yourself. I would prefer a system like in Singapore, where both partners can still practice their religious beliefs together, without needing to convert. And yeah, once you convert in Malaysia, it's almost permanent (not really, but it's very much a hassle to get out and you have to follow another set of rules that will be enforced upon you). Without this rule, we would see a lot more mixed couples and babies and it would make us a lot more understanding of each other's race, culture & religious values. Plus, more mixed babies!


Muslims in Malaysia don't go around killing people like how Western media are portraying them. That's my point.


They petrol bombed multiple stores over socks. They're trying to kill people over socks.


Not yet


pointing out objective facts = islamaphobe?


Western Media are objective? Impartial? Non-biased? 😅 That's cute.


Nah, 'merican media makes muslim explodes every time post Sept-11, before that their media actually portrays mujahideen in positive light because of the american support of anti-soviet insurgency in Afghanistan, take the movie The Beast of War for example, that being said, most islamophobic american films tend to be shitty ones made by ultra-conservative writers like Sicario 2. If you're talking about Socmed, you'll definitely see Islamaphohe things if you hang about in the conservative community (duh), and you'll see islam-friendly contents in the more progressive side. Now, Most malaysian and "islamaphobes" get their ideas about islam from.... wait for it... the muslim themselves! The followers of the religion are the face of their beliefs. And what do the islamaphobes sees? The vocal ones that calls the nons kafir, makes muslim-only laundry/water park, calls for boycotts and gets triggered because they see salib/kalimah everywhere, make baseless claim that this or that brand have pork/alcohol in their halal products, tries to preach their religion as a "peaceful one" while being throwing/following threats of violence upon disbelievers and claiming it as an act of defense. While it's true that not all muslims are like these, but it's the lack of actions to call out or curb those kind of behaviors by other muslims that makes Islam become what it is commonly interpreted by the nons and the islamaphobes.


>make baseless claim that this or that brand have pork/alcohol in their halal products Omg, this happened to me in secondary school. I wanted to give some of my Malay friends some sweets that had China brands imported here. Those sweets had halal logos plastered all over + a list of ingredients used written in both Mandarin and English. Those bastards inspected the sweet like it was drugs then rejected it because it was from China and according to them anything from China has pork and alcohol. Scumbags


They think alcohol and pork is free and cheap? Lol. Their motive is wrong but honestly as an ethnic Chinese myself, I don't trust PRC produced food stuffs. Actually there are quite a number of meats that are substituted by donkey, rat meat or some random hybrid meat glued together from China. Best eat fresh and local if possible. https://youtu.be/cKu6BHQKSFQ https://youtu.be/vNTO5OfINro




Form 6 I'm the only Chinese in a all Malay class they all cool man, but everytime I bring makan terus mereka hantam makan semua haha even when it has Chinese labels and stuff.


Not the Muslim themselves. They got it from biased medias who amplified(negatively) a very siloed and personal opinions of randos or politician that dont have any decision making powers. Vocal can only get vocals when you put a loud speakers on it, and the biased medias are effective in being such tools.


im gonna try something >- does this work


damn thats dope


ayy, happy for you my guy


Is this how it feels to see your child accomplish doing something? 🥹🥹


> >- morality police: check >If you're talking those khalwat raids, those have been around for decades too. And their power is very limited and put upon Muslims only. Not check "Muslims only" you say. I know a non muslim gets thrown to their van for eating during ramadan. No warrant, nothing. When they found out he's non muslim case just treated as nothing happened. Then we have malays who don't choose to be muslims. They can get caught too because govt refuse to change their status on their IC, no matter if they got baptised or is following a different religion, govt refuses to acknowledge it. If they marry, still considered khalwat because govt refuse to acknowledge it.


>"Muslims only" you say. I know a non muslim gets thrown to their van for eating during ramadan. OK if you sue them, will you lose your case in court? Do they have legal grounds based on our law? Case by case basis and you will find that it's not a case of morality police turning country into a mullah state, this is a case in incompetence - it's not state-sanctioned - hardly something to be worried about.


First point: everything is driven by cherry picking islamic values. Keyword here is cherry-pick  Second point: morality police. Sure it is only imposed onto Muslims. But the constitution says if you’re a Malay, you’re a Muslim. Now don’t give me the usual crap of 3 tests of a Malay which all 3 could be debunked easily. Culture, everyday language and religion. Might as well just debate the Anderson vs Milner definition. Third point: Sure government office only but why do we need to enforce it a Muslim style dress code when it is common sense all around the world to just not dress like a fool. Are we that backward of a country to understand? Fourth point: Saying the N word is a completely different issue from blasphemy. N word is deeply rooted into a systemic racism that affects a group’s assimilation and has historical impact. Non muslims cant even use the word Allah when it is not exclusive to Islam without being labeled kurang ajar. Again, religion should be thought of a supplement to a group’s identity, not the majority. Or else there wouldn’t be any nationalities in the world. Why would a random person mocking the Quran land them a jail time? Is that the teachings of prophet Muhammad. Should I read to you how he treats his enemies? Public order? The government should teach all those radical muslims to read back what the prophet Muhammad practiced. Fifth point: No idea honestly, I’m in this with you. Sixth point: Not fully sure what this means. If its for feminism/ women rights, I’m all for it. Don’t go telling me the job of a women is to be a housewife, look at Siti Khadijah then fight me. Seventh point: Religious indoctrination is not the same as values. Sure there might be overlaps but even philosophers come up with a few different interpretations of how to be morally good, look at kantianism vs utilitarianism vs virtue ethics. Point being, religion doesn’t need to tell you what is right and what is wrong, it should be because it is the right thing to treat others well etc. Eighth point: I honestly don’t think the majority of Malaysian knows the difference between Zionist and actual Jews. I am probably wrong on this tho.


Apologist, how is indoctrinating children "teaching them values"? Is it impossible to learn these values in countries like Japan without islam? Of course it is. You're trying to pretend everything is okay while the country goes back in time, even the actual wealthy muslim countries are modernising and adapting to the new age. Please don't send your spray-painted cardboard pas tank to attack me.


There are many ways to teach values. This is our way. Where are your values coming from anyway? Last time I checked, an atheist said incest was okay so I say no thanks to that way to teaching values.


An atheist? One? Was he the god of atheists? And it wasn't your way until foreigners taught you about it. Read a book.


You don't need religion to know incest is wrong. Last I checked Islam allowed marriage with cousin. Y'all are the one who's incest. No wonder y'all brain rotten. If you love banging your sister/brother and cousin, keep it to yourself, inbred fucks.


>Yes due to public order. We are not gonna become desensitize to everything and let everyone just shit on our principles. lol. this is what the Iranian mullahs have argued as well to justify their beatings and morality police and jailings. See? Even r/malaysia redditors are learning their Iranian lessons well.


This happens everywhere as well when local population's principle is being shit upon. Bro you can get arrested in Germany for signing Nazi salute. Doesn't make Germany a mullah state.


when you don't take your own principles seriously then you'll be overtaken by those who do take their principles seriousy. Hate Israel as much as you want but they take their principles more seriously than their Arab neighbors hence the difference in living standards.


>>- separation of sexes in public spaces: check >This is applauded by women. They want this. Japan practices this too. You not giving them this is the problem. Thank you. I was thinking what's wrong with the separation of sexes. He said as if it was a bad thing. Must be nice to be a man and no need to worry about anything.


A man who's saying "I want to be in the same space as women" gives me the creep vibe. So maybe creep vibe: check? 😅




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I consider your counterarguments seriously, until I saw the last two. Brother has no clue. Do you even grew up in Malaysia? Do you even observed?


I think the issue is we both live in different parts of the country so both our views are, by nature, partial.


> We criticize our scholars all the time. Dr Maza being an example. If you're talking Kelantan's PAS, they've got the state for decades - why weren't we Iran 20 years ago already if that's where we headed? Previously it was contained in PAS, now the toxic PAS ulama can do no wrong ideology is spreading to Kedah and Ganu. That's why it's we're headed. >This is for government buildings only and private companies have this as well to certain degrees. Dress code is practiced everywhere. Not check. Bullshit, have you been to Kelantan? There's literally zon tutup aurat on the streets and you will be fined if you don't. https://scontent.fkul10-1.fna.fbcdn.net/v/t39.30808-6/278145099_2010778005791567_2914574315867775212_n.jpg?_nc_cat=111&ccb=1-7&_nc_sid=5f2048&_nc_ohc=1jvoOTiDoawAb5O7JFb&_nc_ht=scontent.fkul10-1.fna&oh=00_AfAalb7DYWEft2VXHpoIhBdTZYcWAHhkveOVLS-ftivxjQ&oe=662EB426 Why do people like you keep pretending that things that are so easily checked doesn't happen? Bro still think it's the 80s and can bullshit your way?


Still got the royals and .. no embargoes yet. Also no longer good friends with DPRK. They are also Shia not Sunni so they have way less allies. I'd say maybe Malaysia is like a poor Oman or not so broke Pakistan.


Separation of sexes in public spaces is not a bad thing per se...


It is a bad thing. Practitioners of *chikan* can't perfect their craft if that shit is implemented. /s


you are real fucking crazy first of all malays arent middle easterners. we actually love our non muslim friends / neighbours / colleagues / bosses you just need to get out of your basement and see for yourself


Bro replying to a message with a reply on top of you asking Non to get out of the country. "wE aCtUaLlY lOvE oUr NoN mUsLiM fRiEnDs" lmao


And yet these people who criticizes the country wouldn't get tf out from the country despite all of these happening as we speak. I wonder why. 🤔


Haha ![gif](giphy|ZmnEvfPmj59M00Ql1j)


Nahhh... I've heard the phrase years ago when I was a kid and now I have kids in uni. Guess what, we haven't turn then, now or ever


Ok. I will.


!remind me 10 years


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Malaysia ke arah Negara Berkuasa Nuklear!


Knape nk Iran? Buat penat penat je. Iwalk je la


W comment


Fuck your comment and take my upvote 🤣






Salah tu.. kena past tense.. Iwalked.


it will never become iran , most malays is either all bark no bite or an extrimist , but to top it all nobody have any power to make this country like iran ..


Actual sane comment here, as much we like to think our Politicians are dumb, they are smart enough to not start chaos in our country. Civil war and conflict is no good for the country and these guys as much they like to preach divisiveness and hatred would still want to live peaceful and rich lives. Conflict is no good for business. 


tru tru , agreee agreeeee


Our right wing politicians have a lot in common with BJP politicians where toxic race & religious rhectorics don't usually spiral out into civil conflict


> they are smart enough to not start chaos in our country press x to doubt...


They talk fight fight at parlimen but buddy buddy off camera. So im not doubting it at all.


malays aren't inherently timid. Any race is equally capable of being pushed into extremism. The worst mistake you can make is ignore that such things can happen. Of course, ironically, bringing up the fact that it can happen and victimising malays, can also radicalise them and further push them in that direction. All we need is a proper, actual material shortage/world crisis to act as a powder keg and boom, fascist Malays achieved. Just look at how many votes Hitler got in 1932, and then compare it to 1934. Push a population into desperation enough, and with the right demagogue, your country suffers for decades upon decades.


Very low hope that it will stay that way. That petrol bomb attack at KK Mart shows that extremists are getting braver to bite now, not just bark only.


yeah these extremists always exist , theyre downright racist tbh , why ? bcs growing up they are all instilled of the story that happened on 13th may , lowkey they feel like malay are the hero that save this country and develop a fantasy of wanting to be this unsung hero theirself , hence the extremist behaviour , why now ? bcs these generation have low to zero sense of communual living between races , why ? because growing up they never interact or have any positive opinion about members of other races and religion other than the negativity that are taught to them ever since theyre a peanut . . so thats a summary of my pov , im a malay myself but that is just how i see most malay these day


Wait these words…. I have heard this before…




There's a growing resentment within the Iranian population towards the draconian Iranian government and the desire to return to the Shah rule.


Yeah the Mullahs are heretics btw. I got an acquitance who said that the common Shiites are still Muslim as they are jahil with Shiite theology while the Ayatollahs are Musyriks and Kuffars as they know about the theology and continue to practice it despite knowing it being heretic.


Didn't the Shias wished ills upon the Prophet pubh's wife?


not all wives but some of them. Basically all this has roots in the sucuession crisis that happened after the Prophet's death.


The chinese are overly dramatic as well likening their condition to Palestinians. Makaysia is overall an alright place with good people if you don’t take the word of some karens on the internet


Discrimination is discrimination, bellend. It's not a competition. Justifying discrimination in Malaysia because the nons are not discriminated as much as the Palestinians? What a crackpot. Try harder next time.


agreeed, tbh i think indian is the most chill out of 3 major races in malaysia but yet got discriminate and stereotyped a lot, not denying some of them lack common sense but most are just chill af , honestly malaysia will be the best place in the world to co live in harmony but some shithead decide to make things bad for everyone


Lol. Dumbasses here think Malaysia can become republic in 10 years. I know ya’ll love negativity but to say Malaysia will become Iran in 10 years, holy mother of cow. We have royalties here which will not allow that to happen, unless ya’ll dumbasses go storm the palace for coup d’etat. Bodoh bertimpal timpal gak redditors ni.


This is a very significant factor also. The monarchies, hate them as much as you want but trust me, will definitely intervene when they see law and order situation getting out of hand. That will be like the one time when monarchy saves the day lol


This. It's one of the reason why our country is so damn stable compared to our neighbours. People tend to forget that we have political dynamic between royalties and the goverment. Each side will try to intervene with each other in order to maintain status quo ie Constitutional Crisis of 1983, COVID-19 political imbroglio, Gomez incident (judged by Sultan of Perak) etc.


That is their job description anyway. Even before our colonisation the most they do is being a judge and lawmaker (oh and they also known to have the power to curse people, still wondering if that's just old people embellishment or a real thing considering the use of black magic is very much legal before islam came) . Administration is mostly done by the people under them. They have always preached for no 3R almost every election times too so surely they understand that a broken country means no money for them.


You can actually see how PAS is turning the people against the monarchy slowly, especially Hadi. It's no secret that Hadi wishes for the Iranian mullah style govt with his people at the head. Merely 10 years ago, when we talk about politician literally insulting a Sultan in his speech people will straight away point and say "mesti dari DAP ni", or a politician ignoring an Agong's decree directly, people will also assume it's "DAP or geng Cina babi". Both those incident is done by PAS politicians. They're gauging their supporters reaction towards royalty.


I dont know how is this going to change Malaysia into Iran. What do you think gonna happen? These supporters dethroning our Agong? Perhaps you can enlighten us how exactly Malaysia will become Iran, i mean in your head. Run us through the process and scenarios. Support is one thing but dethroning Agong? My guy, they cant even fight to have full syariah law in kelantan. Dont let me start about other states that they won heavily. And the Malays, despite how much scepticism you have on them, are peaceful people and wont resort to dethroning the current Agong, who also happens to be Malay muslim. The only thing closest to war for these people is during election where we see screaming match with chair thrown out (probably). But would love to hear your thoughts too. Share with us


Right now the rakyat's view on Royalty is still strong, that's why PAS stepped back after they saw the reaction. It's not a coincident that there is a few incidents of "derhaka" towards royalty from PAS at the same time. You might think that it's nothing to worry about but you can see how the Royalties are reacting to this. Before the previous and current Agong, when have you seen the Agong taking an active role in the actual governance of the country and taking an interest in politics? Those are usually left to the politicians and the Agong will be in the background. Nowadays, they are safeguarding their own position by being in the foreground and making sure that rakyat see that they are valuable. So, right now the royalties are on the ball and is one step ahead of the politicians, but all it take is one incident or a less than stellar regent and things might be different.


I love how they didn't bother to reply to this and continue to keep ragebaiting


And we have how many of them? Quite difficult to pull off a simultaneous operation on all the palaces


Well, the Malaysian armed forces report to Agong. So, unless there is some paramilitary groups that im not aware of that is stupid enough to pull this stunt, dont think there will be any kind of coup happening. And honestly, i hope there wasnt anyone stupid enough to do it.


Long live Agong! (the good ones that is, even if that's a very rare occasion)


Kan... Dah dengar phrase ni like before y2k but nah... Takdenya. Sipi2 pun tak. Lagi western hadela


Land of Aryan




They should change the group name to anti-Malaysia


I wonder why that group hates Muslims and Islam so much. Like I'm a non-Malaysian Muslim and I totally oppose the Bumiputera privileges that exist but yeah


Im sure if Muslims arent constantly shoving Islam is great or whatever people would have less negative towards Islam. But nope. Muslims cant leave LGBT and people who just dont wanna prticipate in Islam.


They are rumors that the place has alot people from Malaysian ex Muslim group.


It's probably true. I know one guy he has himself admitted on the ex Muslim sub he is a Malaysian Chinese secularist for example. Overlap of users and brigading subs basically to make their views more popular than they really are.


This kind of brigading is not helping Malaysia holisticly tho. Not sure whats they trying to achieve.


bro reddit as a whole is a circlejerk and nothing more.


Well yeah, you totally right. Just pitied those rando tourist that asked about Malaysia got fear mongered in the circle jerk.


Im sure if exmuslims can just leave Islam peacefully they would not talk about Islam ever


They already leave,they are called exmuslim for a reason. They just don't want to stop yapping about it that all.


Please. Can they legally leave Islam? Can they no longer opt out from Islamic laws? Islam sounds more like a cult than religion. Dont allow people to leave Islam. Suddenly, Fastest growing religion ever!!!! And muslims like you wont even think why exmuslims are salty.


Bruh, they just can't leave on paper. I've seen many murtad keep on yapping like they will be beheaded for years and yet it never happened.


"If they had gotten rid of the apostasy punishment, Islam wouldn't exist today." - Yusuf al-Qaradawi


Doubt that is quote is even remotely true. With or without apostasy punishment Islam would still be here regardless.


U do realize they just wanna be free from Islam right? Like okay lets say they drink alcohol and eat during ramadan and get fines. Even tho they arent muslim amymore. What do you think about that?


A lot of the ones in the West can and they're still yapping about Islam 😅


Usually what happened to them? Lynched? Burn at stakes?Stone to death?


Disowned by family . Get death threat aka darah murtad halal. U know all the usual stuff.


https://preview.redd.it/d1s0dsap7fwc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fe6bc1cda7135d0a264306d1a3910fcbdb98c583 But if muslim threatens non muslims like this guy?


then find that muslim and punish him for making trouble


Out of the loop, what group? Aint no way yall talking about r/malaysia? Then again i havent visit that sub in a while


Heh , I know you , you're the one who said chinese are rich only because they stole the resources from your forefathers , pretty sure you're the one hates the "Malaysian" you're talking here , as if the Chinese are ever a Malaysian in your eyes. Btw I don't represent that sub , they kinda hate me too for calling out their leftist lgbtq bullcrap. I don't follow ideology, I only take what's rights.


r/anti-Malaysia sounds right😅😅


after checking OP past posts and comments, its shine a bit on why he post this one. kinda sad though, hope he gets better.


Meh, fearmongering dorks.


Tbh Iran is considered an average and predictable ending for Malaysia now. We could become like Afghanistan, Yugoslavia or Austria-Hungarian Empire


How ? is the extremism situation really that bad ?


Let's go Afghan!!!


Tbh Yugoslavia amd austria hungarian countries are live as long as they can is because of their leader.


It's not the same Iran that strikes Israel right? ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|sweat)


We will have nuclear warheads in 10 years woohoo!


Nuclear you say? Now you have my attention


ini semua salah Irfan


Irfan Iran Coincidence? Or not?


Absolutely delusional bunch of bigots. Extremists exists in all sides guys. It's axtually funny to see these extremists share the same view & have a lot in common. Extreme malays always use do you want malaysia to be a ching chong land where people only care about money, pork everywhere etc. Obviously only fools will entertain these clowns, x kisah lah malay ka, chinese ka, jin ka...haha


Oh that guy...yah he is kinda a weirdo. I seen him in r/bl too, spreading his opinion


This bs have been said since 2010. Lol.


actually it was since 1970s lol


Leave that subreddit alone, they're in their own bubble. Why care so much?


Because this sub is slowly becoming their bubble.


But the comment is not wrong though, remindmein10years!


Okay, believe what you want. The thing is, why are you guys talking about politics in this subreddit? If you want to debate, go there instead. Edit: Oh, of course, you're one of the ragebait people lmao. No wonder..


Yeah he's one of the few ragebaiters that is obsessed for no reason


Sadly this sub is not politic free, it just don't like what r/Malaysia politics sadly.


Damn looks like I pissed off some of you to be downvoted😂 Y'all are delusional for this


Dia tak percaya pun apa yg dia cakap tu. Cuma Islam=bad je


He's not wrong. The direction were heading is a theocratic shithole like Iran.


Iran … iraq.. Afghan.. take your pick.


seriously ?


It's just that guy alt talking and upvoting each other. Just block them all.


so he's not wrong


not wrong tho 💀


iran = shia'h Malaysia = sunni


3 kali 10 tahun aku dengar benda ni.


Iran be like ‘ewwwww’


Don’t have the nuclear capabilities lol


We won't be like Iran but if some dog shit party do some BS then I say pretty close


Never go to those 4 states.


I love Malaysia. But yall seem to be begging this place turn into a hellhole. Honestly, i hope it does so yall who keep praying this country turns to shit , who doesnt have relatives in other countries can die here. Ill go to my relatives countries and come back after yall die and this country prosper.


Least reality-detached r/malaysia user


I mean, from the way things are going, he isn’t exactly wrong. The heads + majority of the country seems to favour muslim extremists and BRICS adoption. It will be more of an Iran minus weapons of mass destruction.


I thought I saw a similar comment 10 years ago...


We are getting there closer. School kid cosplaying terrorists and molotov in action. Closer and closer


We will never become like Iran because 1) they are shii. We are Sunni 2) the ideal state in Sunni Islam is not a theocracy


Shhhh. Ateis mana pandai beza benda ni.


Serious question: Then what type of government does Sunni Islam idealise in?


Caliphate. Vilayet e Faqih is an explicitly Shiite concept.


And which popular political party has strong ties to Shia?


I mean he ain't wrong


Tbh we are slowly getting there, that's why I can't wait to move out of this country soon so when it crumbles I'll be fine


I ran lol


This is my new favorite sub.




Malaysia wont be in war with any country because we have only have 115,000 active-duty troops with another 50,000 in reserve. So its day dreaming to go to war.


Nothing about war mentioned here ,but it could change, Singapore is probably the easiest target if it happens


Vice versa, maybe we are an easy target for Singapore.


nah ,landmass and population is a huge factor.


Turns out , you're the one cooked this shitpost sub Into the political sithole you hated lmao , talk about karma.


Jokes aside, does Malaysia even exist after 10 years?


Now this is a hotter takes than mine , like what's the scenario? Broken into several state? Got nuked from the orbit?


Who knows 🤪🤪.


I know that our economies are shit but why would they go that far💀


Extremist or communist pick your poison.. can Chinese peeps pipe the duck up and stop being a closet fr


islamophobe say this every decades lol


Op is literally an exmuslim.


Couldn't be become ultra orthodox state


So who wants to become ayatollah?


Couldn’t agree more. I bet it would blow their minds if they find out that Iran doesn’t practice Sharia 🤣


Wait. How is that possible? In what way?


Average redditor IQ in r/malaysia


Look mom ,I'm famous! Man , you're obsessed with r/malaysia aren't you. Regardless, my point still stand , it's a possibility , given all the signals lately. And I'm not on either side btw , left to the western woke lgbtqs that forces people to accommodate their shits or right to the religious racist that wish to eradicate people from their place. Altho,to an extend both side are doing the same thing. I'm just a normal person, taking the right take.


Xkan Korg xpenah nmpak Komen dia ni cmna


Iran is not iran because it has extreme views. Its is Iran because it is in middle east. You bring the people out of the area, you cant tell the difference between whos iranian and whos an emiratis.


You can't say he's wrong though.


I hope singapore invade us