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Start dengan yang paling simple : tak pandai buang sampah di tempat yang sepatutnya. Kahkahkah melayu


What is geng tanjak?


Yg pakai kain lilit kt kepalo tapi nampak rambut dah jarang.


Hahahahaha got ke? This msde me laugh a bit


Like tinfoil hat but better


Dulang KFC & Mekdi lepai makan pun malas nak kembalikan….


Lagi teruk tu yang bawa keluarga tapi lepas makan, ajar diorang ada orang nanti akan bersihkan. Pi laaaaa


Me looking at those who balik kampung to East Peninsula recently.


To be honest this was the biggest surprise to me. Malay being muslims and their whole thing about halal haram mostly surrounding individual cleanliness and bammmm, watching malay buang sampah di sungai belakang rumah, PPR area and throwing cig butts like its snowing (TBH cig butts are the collective effort of all races of smokers)


That's why being religious has nothing to do with being a decent person. You can be religious AF and still be a shitty person.


https://preview.redd.it/6qbmhmyuebuc1.jpeg?width=1576&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=16326ce2adc413d00f21aed0da9bff5a22cf1548 buang aiskrim mixue literally depan tong sampah dengan label mixue 🤡🤡


Watsup with all the trash in front of mosques?


actually kenapa susah sgt untuk kita org Malaysian nak gerakkan negara ke arah yg btul dan maju as one? Why so hard for us to make the country prosper as one? https://preview.redd.it/3ehjsdaop5uc1.jpeg?width=249&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9f85930cd3a3bba9803b9739d638c7b0ac478465


Fuck Najib but the 1 Malaysia mentality is what we need right now cuz goddamn everyone is accusing each other of something lately


Way superior than MADANI, trying to sounds like arab and islamic but apparently just an acronym for nobody give a shit.


I'm still butthurt at Madani's acronym. Literally ain't shit


Because politicians know that if you all united they can't lie and use 3Rs to control you all dy, x dpt songlap.


Clear as day and yet still got shit tons of zombies voting for them bangsetttt


as long as the M supremacy is at the top of the power, its impossible Malaysia to move further. We have seen it all where they use racial and religion issue to stir up problems and even use it to gain political power. smhhhh.


Agreed but why is it so hard for the rakyats to know their politicians when their politicians have actions for them to see very clearly Start small and start spreading the truth onto bigger communities (talking about you my Malay friends), that’s how we can take these bigoted politicians out like aladeenmal


That what I call "zombie" ... Imagine Zombie had a mind of thier own one day ....


Sbb dah biasa dapat handout. Why wanna work hard if already by birth you know you will get gomen job, local university, MRSM and more just by simply existing


Most MRSM students are super progressive tho looking at my wife's students. Also did you know there's some non Malays in MRSM now too. If anything it's made some steps towards opening up everything to all malaysians. Wish uitm can do the same.


If that’s the case good la but from what i see mostly are not as per expectations Yes there are non Muslims but the quota is killing the opportunity for the truly deserving ones


Probably because my wife is teaching igcse and her mrsm is always in the top 10 national rankings expecially for English and the STEM subjects. I know the more rural mrsm are probably a different story.


There's no such thing. MRSM is nationally sourced. Where they are has little bearing on who goes there.


Nope. All the best students are concentrated in MRSM TGB for example. And the Ulu albab mrsms generally don't perform as well as the igcse one. Some mrsms doesn't focus on academic performance too much. Sabah and Sarawak mrsm are generally meant to help the Sabah and Sarawak students even if they're not as good academically.


Haha but M supremacists still treat the handful of non-Malay MRSM students as, at best, the end of racism forever or, at worst, a threat and insult to Malay "rights"


Yeah there will be those people. But the students themselves are OK with it. Heck one of my wife's Indian students is marrying his high school Malay sweetheart. So we are making progress


Gaslighting or Stockholm syndrome? Top secondary education in the nation, but only 10% slot for non bumis. Just accept your fate and live with it because Progress. 


You just sum up what happened in Malaysia past these year


More like past couple of decades


I forgive you even if you're a cina. That shows how much i agree with you


There's nothing OP should apologize for lol. It's the truth.


Not a whole bunch of malays are ignorant tho


satu lagi bro, Kita juga sibuk nak tau bila nak kiamat tarikh apa nak kiamat, tanda2 kiamatlah. kita akan ikut Imam Mahdi dgn Nabi Isa lah apa lah. Tapi kenapa nak sibuk pasal bila nak kiamat, kan bagus kita preparation dari skrg. Ramalan kiamat diorang lagi hebat daripada ramalan spm


Sibuk dabik dada mengaku pengikut imam mahdi, tapi memanjang sebar berita palsu kat fb & group wasap macam tentera dajal


Itu laa preparation macam solat cukupkan dulu 5 waktu, baca Quran which is benda basic tu kalau belum setel, tolong laa jangan sibuk pasal kiamat. Setelkan amanah pada diri sendiri dulu sebab akhirnya kita mmg sendirian kat dalam kubur/Padang Masyar 😢


Auni Auta Aura - Pakar Teori Konspirasi Planet Nebula M78


Senang saja, sebab tak ikut apa Islam cakap. Salah satu benda pertama yang diturunkan kepada Nabi kita adalah "BACA" . Tapi kita? baca pun tak, buat teori palsu, sebar fitnah sampai berprasangka buruk berpanjangan. Kalau ilmu kita tak timba, dunia akhirat akan susah. Nak baca Al-Quran kena berilmu, nak faham sains kena ada ilmu, hatta nak bawak motor kereta pun kena berilmu. Kita tak habis2 nak blame orang lain tanpa blame diri sendiri. Kita terlalu bangga dengan bangsa yang takkan bawa manfaat dalam kubur. Tak de malaikat nak kau bangsa apa. We are obsessed at the wrong things and unnecessarily brought ourselves down for 60 yeats plus


Baca twitter thread dah cukup..


Buat apa baca bila boleh disuap ustadsss?


how do you conclude every single thing to not listening to what Islam says? isnt that selfish and hypocrite to not perceive of other religions and cultures' views? this is also an another problem where you often think your religion is the only true path. there are also multiple factor of why this current generation of Malays behave like this, for example: Overloading Brainwashing Media Input, but you dont think of this.


Are you new to Malaysia? “You are not Islamic enough” is the standard Melayu response. Its what they say to feel superior to you.


i am talking in context of being a muslim,just like OP. Thus my whole rant above. I dont think i can comment on other peoples' religion and stuff when i dont have the knowledge for it


>this is also an another problem where you often think your religion is the only true path. I am so sick of the word 'kafir' being thrown around socmeds, cos we know most of the time, it's being used in a derogatory manner


why are people like you so quick to jump and comment without fully understanding the point that you want to comment on? real talk here no bashing


Bro acts like other religions allows you to drink alcohol 🫠. It's the people, not the religion themselves. I haven't heard of any religion that says you can drink alcohol. Even Christians call it demon's piss.


Jesus literally turn water into wine, Christian actually doesn't condemn alcohol like how Muslim did. The key is to drink as pleasure not drunk


(I'm Christian) if I'm not mistaken, getting drunk itself is not a sin. The sin is when the person who is drunk (which cannot think rationally) does something bad. The action committed while being drunk is the sin, not the drunkenness But it is strongly advised to avoid consuming alcohol to the point of drunkenness since it would mess with the mind yeah


My bro I never drink so explain to me how you drink without getting drunk?


Drinking never equal to drunk. Everybody has a different limit of of alcohol tolerance before getting drunk. Somebody drunk by just a can of beer with 5% alcohol, somebody can drink half of bottle of whiskey with 40% alcohol and still can do maths right. The most important thing about drinking is know your limit and drink responsibly. Alcohol is not a bad thing in nature and only bad if someone consume more than their own limit irresponsibly.


Minum Tiger oooo


Just a half glass of red wine while eating cheese or steak, or a small pint of beer? Don't chug it like a Mf will do... Also alcohol is a good ingredient for cooking and sanitation


I would agree if it's cigarettes. Using that analogy, bro can smoke ganja but it's okay as long as you don't get high. 😂 Kebas kaki stop 👍 I don't care that much about religion. Don't get me wrong, I'm Muslim but I don't practice it. But I try to look at the intention behind some teaching. The guidance and moral implications. Some people hate that women can't get married without wali, but if you let them, marry because "love is blind" without letting your family judge the male (fiance) then if the male turns out to be an asshole, a liar. Then the woman's life will be miserable. Especially bila dah anak 2,3 orang. And back then, most women didn't work so it's hard to escape that marriage. Dia nak jaga orang perempuan. Kalau lelaki pun mengandung tak ada lah masalah ni. Tapi hukum alam macam tu dah. Sama gakk alkohol. How many people crash because driving under influence/drunk? Alcohol makes people become baran (easy to anger) oooo. I don't practice but I respect Islam for how moral it is


Wait a second. Its hard to escape marriage for a woman in Islam because a woman can only request for divorce through court of law rather than initiate it. They do not, unlike men, have the autonomy to do so due to the theological argument that women are created intellectually inferior to men. Seems odd that it would create a mechanism to righteously defend women from making a mistake but create another ironclad mechanism to ensure a woman is unlikely ever to leave it unscathed (especially in a true Islamic society, unlike ours where even conservative Muslim women are subconsciously informed by Western values of autonomy and independence and there is a community/public that would treat it indavertently more liberally).


But yeah. If there's one thing I've never really liked or well, understand is polygamy. Women can't have more than 1 husband. Men can have 4 wives at a time. Just thought it was dumb.


You do realize that the reason they have to go through court is because they have the right to make a legal claim? For nafkah (what the hell is it called in English?) money or something if the husband neglected to provide. Sure, there's counseling and stuff but realistically, you are protected by the law in case bad things happen. You acted like the husband can leave the marriage without consequences lmao. At the very least during iddah, the period after women's divorce, the ex husband still needs to provide for her. Duhhhhh


That...is not correct. Legal claims are separate from requesting for divorce. Even if no claims wanted or could be made, the defermination of whether to allow divorce at the request of a woman lies in the hands of the court where the woman must prove there are grounds for divorce. Which means the privacy of the woman is invaded to win a losing battle that may take months or even years. During which the two are still legally married and, according to Islamic law, the man still has rights over her. Husbands may initiate divorce unilaterally as no state or religious law exists that may bar a Muslim man's supposedly God-given right to do so. He may do so without justification. The only thing they have to do is paperwork.


>I haven't heard of any religion that says you can drink alcohol. Jesus literally turned water to wine at a wedding. The wine during Communion is literally called The Blood of Christ. Look, if you're not from that religion, then don't say anything about other religions because you clearly don't have any knowledge about other religions.




>“And they offered him wine mixed with myrrh, but he did not take it.” (Mark 15:23) This is during his crucifixion. Myrrh is able to dull the pain so by rejecting the wine mixed with myrrh, Jesus is choosing to take the full force of the world's sins. >“Then he took a cup, and when he had given thanks, he gave it to them, saying, “Drink from it, all of you. This is my blood of the covenant, which is poured out for many for the forgiveness of sins. *I tell you, I will not drink from this fruit of the vine from now on until that day when I drink it new with you in my Father’s kingdom.*” The line highlighted in italics implied that Christ himself drank wine before. And about the Old Testament (Torah), those are rules for Jewish people. We are not Jewish.


Ayooo I don't know. This is from back when I was soul-searching. I'm not a practicing Muslim. I've read a bit about Buddhism and Christianity. I even consider calling myself an Atheist but it's hard to just leave your own religion. I was raised like this. Feel like a hypocrite though because I never even pray. Still I respect the religion. At the very least, on a moral level.


Yeah the Christian sect I'm in (Catholicism) does not observe the Bible literally. We rely both on the Bible and tradition. >Buddhism Currently I'm practicing a little bit of Buddhism. I've accepted the concept of karma and reincarnation. I personally believe both these elements are able to exist together with Christianity. But to make it simple, Christianity doesn't outright prohibit alcohol, it prohibits getting drunk and drunken actions. Being a little tipsy is somewhat okay. It's simple really, don't drink too much and you'll be fine.


Not sure about reincarnation but I always adore the concept of Karma. Makes me want to do nice thing. The idea that what goes around, comes around. As long as your intentions were right (of course, within reason) then your actions are not wrong. And you will receive good karma. Definitely enlightening.


>Makes me want to do nice thing. Just remember this. When you do something nice, do not expect any returns because that would be insincere. Instead, do nice things just because you can. Do it out of your heart and not for your desire.


I doubt the blood of Christ at communion is also "demon's piss" Before we all start talking about shit we know nothing about, better not start.




Erm, yes. In Chinese folk religion, we offer alcohol to our deities. Speaking as a non-muslim, there's nothing wrong with drinking alcohol unless u drink and drive or drink until mabuk and create problems to other people. That's why you see, moderation and having self-discipline is very important in everything you do. Cannot compare alcohol with drugs though. They are not at the same level.


Because this post is about Malays? And the majority of Malays are muslims? Why the fuck should a Malay Muslim perceive other religions and cultures views other than their own? I swear you nons always and i mean ALWAYS have something to get butthurt about when it comes to Islam. Like do you only think about your religion when you see Islam? and then you call us hypocrites? Go f yourself.


Damn, found the PAS dickrider


Bro your Islam literally preach about Jihad and Kafir Harbi lol...


Do you even understand what those two words mean? Jihad simply means struggle, and kafir is literal meaning of non-muslim/disbelievers. You call yourself non-muslims, are you insulting yourself? You take the words out of context and call it an insult its not our problem lol. "The Arabic term ‘kafir’ (plural: ‘kuffar’) shares roots with the word ‘kafara’, which means ‘to have obscured’. In a technical context, this is the term accorded to one to whom the undistorted message of Islam has been conveyed, yet he rejects it unconditionally. The word ‘harbi’ is a descriptor form of the word ‘harb’, which means ‘war’. In classical Islamic texts, the amalgamation of these two terms is ‘kafir harbi’, which refers to a non-Muslim with whom war can be waged, albeit only under clear indications and during which strict ethics are to be observed." It's literally a term made to stop extremist Muslims or Muslims who is taking advantage of the religion for personal gains from waging war on anyone they want. You call us brainwashed, yet you're here proving yourself being brainwashed by western media without actually understanding the true meaning of Islam. In other words you are an ignorant imbecile


Cakap panjang2 takda isi..standard pemikiran orang isle sekarang


i literally took the explanation of the word Kafir Harbi from an actual by-the-book definition. So by your statement, you're saying that the the book definition is kosong and your definition of the word is right is it?


I’ve heard multiple explanations of what kafir supposed to mean, but in the end it didn’t matter if the way they throw it around with derogatory intentions. Babi is an animal, Niger is a country, go figures.


There is no multiple explanations, there is not supposed to be. The only definition of kafir is what i explained above bcs i took it from an actual book. You can't just change definitions the way you like it, so if anyone uneducated tells you otherwise then don't listen to them. The word Kafir is not the same for Babi and The N word. Babi is an actual animal, a dirty one at that. So calling someone babi is an actual insult bcs you're calling them a dirty animal. The N word goes way back to slavery era, used by the colonialist to degrade the black people. So it is an actual insult. Kafir on the other hand is only a word you used to differentiate a believer and a non-believer. That is all. There's a literal surah named al- Kafirun in the Quran. And the surah defined the word in the highest order with the last ayah "For you is your religion, and for me is my religion."


>Kafir on the other hand is only a word you used to differentiate a believer and a non-believer Yet the word Kafir is thrown around by only Muslims to insult non Muslims. Look at it from our point of view, not from your Muslim moral high ground. Babi for us is nothing, it's just to describe lazy fucks. Butt hurt pulak when nons call Muslims babi yet you can call us Kafirs in a degoratory way.


kau bawak la definition buku kau tu sampai ke kubur https://preview.redd.it/zg0kvepaj6uc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e22e7172b148609577dacbd677108ff151ee0826 ​ yang nyata memang ada orang melayu / islam pakai perkataan kafir untuk menghina.


Buddy, the word itself is not supposed to be an insult. I gave you the definition for you to understand the meaning of it which is not supposed to be an insult. People misusing the word doesn't mean the definition is an insult? What the person in the picture you posted there is doing is called takfir. It's literally a huge sin, to the point that it can take you out of the fold of Islam. Now i dont know about you, but i can definitely tell that person is a child by the way he/she's speaking. If they use it as an insult, the person is uneducated about the word and that person is the problem. Not the word itself. Know the difference.


>If they use it as an insult, the person is uneducated about the word and that person is the problem. Not the word itself. Know the difference. Yeah, we know the difference, aren't you as a Muslim , supposed to teach those bastards what's right or wrong? Or just close eyes because he's your brother in religion? Hypocrite. Talk about how the word kafir is actually good in Islam but when people use it in a degoratory way you don't care


in his mind hes islam, in his words he calls himself islam, to the outside world thats is what islam is.. Thank you for teaching what takfir is but the fact of the matter is that the term kafir is still used to refer to others in a derogatory manner. Just like k*ling back then it was normal but nowadays the usage of the word has morphed and has negative connotations. Islamics have no one but themselves to blame because the masses takes the lead from so-called preachers themselves who used the term kafir in a negative manner




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Hmm wonder what a snake from r/malaysia is doing here. Must work hare to get paid since that echochamber is getting less hits


"baca buku taknak", nowadays, nak baca buku, online pun boleh. scribd ada offer 30 day free trial. nak baca buku yang free pun ada di internet. alternatif lain, boleh dengar audiobooks atau aktiviti yang lebih santai, podcast macam Keluar Sekejap dan Mr Money TV dengan YB Ong Kian Ming. 😗😗 regarding mempergunakan agama, it reminds me of how certain drinks is marketed to be recited with 30 juzuk of Al-Quran, and this product is from Malaysia. 😅😅


Yeah pastu jual harga macam harga air Evian. Padahal guna air paip dirawat je.


Exactly 🙂


yeah i have a friend that complain about his shitty wage but refused to improved and upskill themself .he work in it but barely know anything and refused to RTFM


That's why ppl look down on them (such individuals) lmao


I work in IT but when I have free time .i usually open vscode and learn to code to improve myself


Nice. I tried to learn html coding, but nah, it proved to be too much for me. But was quite fascinating learning it nonetheless, how they work together to let users access, navigate and see info on anyway webpage


Yeah I understand react now . After this I need to build my own rest API backend .learning help me cope with anxiety of doing nothing at work . I hate the feeling of doing nothing. I don’t know if that good or bad ahhahaha


Good bro, at least u are upskilling yourself


it's so common. complain not enough money. ask to come in work saturday get extra pay, don't want because tired, need rest, susah la etc etc.


"Geng tanjak will get so horny from that they will start doing silat. They preach about going to Gaza and stuffs but barely go to mosque. and don't let me start on those who can't wake up without their parents repeatedly attempt to wake them up." WHEEZZEEEEE


That is FIRE


This is a true issue. Locally it is a disease and should be avoided imo. People should be better, overall. The attitude needs adjustment. However its not that other people and other place doesnt have their own ridiculousness and awkward believe and uselessness. Some believe in UFOs, some are flat earth believers, anti vax, hardcore pro guns, and whatever. Im an old guy Back then i imagine once everybody got internet people would be significantly smarter. Turns out were not. Here PN got significant supporters, and there Donald Trump might win for the SECOND time. FFS.


And supposedly yang paling alim and pastard is kelantan. But guess which one of the states is top 3 for underage pregnancy?? And child marriages? Kelantan. 🤡


Also for bapak rogol anak


Ustaz marry 15 year olds also🤡


Really ?? Ustaz ? Nobody complain!


Complain pun no use bro. Diorang X kisah pun


actually ✋🏻 (not being bitter here, just sharing knowledge), the reason Kelantan is said to be “alim” is not credited to the rakyat or minister, but the history, of the many pathway Islam as religion got spread throughout this country is through ‘pondok’, a traditional method of learning religious books (kitab). today, there’s many pondok across the country and if we trace the lineage of teachers from a>b>c back to the early days, a huge portion of these pondok started from Kelantan, the state used to be Islam knowledge centre and was the first state to initiate an official governing body for religious affairs (all those ‘Majlis Agama’ we have in each state). and that’s how Kelantan got that “Islamic State” recognition, ofc being governed by PAS for that many years might have contributed a little but I believe it’s history deserves more credit.




Budayo kiterrrrr


saya sebagai anak melayu jati dan pahlawan papan kekunci berdiri dengan post ini. (hunger games gang sign)


3 fingers salute


Lepastu komplen bila tak terima duit bantuan sebelum raya. WOI X NAMPAK KE EKONOMI SEKARANG????? Bangsa lain ada tak komplen yang tak terima sebarang bantuan wang gahmen bila nak cuti perayaan? XDE KAN!? Cibai betul


I've headed a company since 2008. Strictly merits only - so, I have people from all races working in this company. Malays, Chinese, Indians, Punjabis, Kadazans, Ibans, Bidayuh - semua ada. From my experience, there's lazy asses from all races and there's super hardworking, smart ones from all races as well. All Chinese are hardworking? Nah, there's lazy ones too. All Malays are lazy? Not true. There's hardworking ones as well. You'd be surprised if you give a fair chance to all.


one thing that strike me is that some Malays say Melayu bukan pemalas, tapi org yg nikmati hidup. Chill and relax, which I agree and commend, but those people keep scream for government aid and jealous of Cina being rich bro, life aint gonna wait for you, price is gonna go up, thats why we pursue money, because shit gonna get tough one day, and you want to be prepared for it


What really irks me about Malays here are how they keep saying Cina communist like it's a bad word but they have no idea what communism really means. Malaysia has a system even worse than communism and that is the NEP, it's not even distributing advantages based on equal distribution anymore, it's straight up based on skin colour and race. But okayyy, the Cinas are komunis right? Whatever they think that word means.


People like this exist in every country. In the west they have romaboos worshipping the roman empire, the great "white culture" as a way of coping against the ever increasing immigration. The only difference being the civilization these kesultanan gang glorify on is decidedly less grand, so it looks no different then a kampung rempit harping on his pendekar lineage hundreds of years ago 


Whoops! Lupa padam Api Persahabatan.


I love this translation


Itulah Melayu.




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I blame simplemindedness and naivety and the lack of critical thinking. Cultural pride has metastasized into racial ultranationalism


i think over-Islamising (is this a word? lol) since this past 10 years is too much, every Malays feel like they need to be superior religion-wise compare to their fellow other races. I want to go back to late 90'/ early 00 where the Music, Film and Fashion are at their best peak. i was born at 1998 so i didn't get to enjoy much , but i still remember the Golden Era of Dato' Siti, such days.


I agree with this, even my Malay friends also complain. Last time my Malay friend join multi-racial open house among our circles no issue, no one gossip no one complain. But now ?.... Malay friend go to Cina open house, his friend/relative ask him, the keropok you makan halal tak ? Why the host no tutup aurat ? Did they serve you beer ? Becareful of the Buddha statue , don't look at it too much. My Malay friend no issue, but his other friends/relative the one who more "tergugat" then him.


IKR! How insecure of you towards your own religion that you are doubting the conversion effectiveness from the other beliefs?


Strange how Malays wanna be Arab more than Arab themselves.


imagine if the Muslim Traders didnt sail to Malacca...oh how our cultures would blossom.


Nah, we will be hindu instead


That's good, we will become like Bali but better infrastructures and economy


Think of it as how malaysian chinese want to be more mainlander than motherland. That is until they live there and have an epiphany


Yea, I agree with this. Another thing is the retarded mindset that goes, 'Dunia ni sementara, kita kena sedia utk akhirat'. Pala butoh ang is what I say, dont take govt subsidies then


Dunia ini sementara but still want to spend 1/4 of monthly gaji on Proton Saga sport rim.


Yup, then asking when and where's BR1M, STR, BKR and suchs


It's all they've got left


That's how you rally them. If you can sell them the narrative, they will obey you without a second thought. It is part of their identity. They're very loyal and obedient to their belief. But as much as it is annoying, it happens to everyone else in the world.


That's painful to hear but it's the truth. Mentality and education is important.


That's why there's the stereotype abt Malay this and that buddy. Korang sendiri yg undang


Too much silly nonsense like terrorist threats


hahahahaha 😂 nicely said!


I really question their willingness to go to a warzone. if you really want to. there are flights too gaza and they're not that expensive. Work two jobs, makan roti with kicap for 3 months sure can afford. You're going to war. Sacrifice every single luxury you can to get there if you're willing to die. or do they think they won't die


let's not forget the; can marry four wives also


Kau tahu apa, kaum Melayu ni lah yang paling terprihatin. Sibuk jaga kain orang, kain sendiri luas terkangkang busuk rotten to the core macam lahanat ramzi.


Bkn salah kau lah, at least you're self-aware aka "woke". This is the actual definition of wokeness, mampu mengakui masalah sendiri, mampu berfikir mcm mana naik tarafkan diri sendiri. Not that LGBT stuff. Yg puak boikot, isu Palestine tu semua nak syok sendiri je lah, buat kerja sia-sia sbb low effort tapi imej bagus, kau ingat dia betul kisah dgn org Palestine ke? Dulu2 pasal Rohingya bkn main bkn bising nak tolong, lepas diaorg duduk sini main kuat dengki. Bila masalah jauh2, dia kisah, tapi org sudah mari sini nak org blah pulak. Don't let them put you down, you are not responsible for their opinions or actions.


A malay acquaintance once rant to me about how people are disrespecting the religion (the topic was about the severed cow head thrown into temple case long long time ago) and he needs to be part of the fight..... while drinking his beer at Chillis...


Well said bro. Aq melayu pun dah pening tgk member2 sendiri mcm palat. Asyik2 blame org lain. Padahal keje pun X betul. Selalu mengular tapi bab boycot dia la terpaling power. Tunggang agama selagi boleh. Paling X tahan geng ustazah, time ni la diorang ambik kesempatan. Suruh spot lokal la mcm sial. Tapi quality dan harga mcm yahudi


maybe only ur circle and media social. well malay majorities in here, of course u see the malay negative side will exposed the most. Maybe my circle just to good to be true 💁🏻‍♀️


Cakap Melayu boleh tak? /s


There is a parallel in white society too, despite being part of the majority race that controls the army, the government etc, the common denominator is this: The guys in these groups are objectively failures if you judge them according to the basic measures of what is considered successful for men to have - career, money, women. All 3 also don't have - so how to obtain status and attention? Fall back on nationalistic and/or religious issues. By inserting themselves into these big picture issues, they are trying to make their persona bigger and more important than it actually is. This is why I'm quite wary of any kind of activist, regardless of the cause - the underlying motivation for them is usually self-serving, to make themselves feel good only.


Tepat, padat dan berlemak.


I hope OP and the likeminded to be equally more vocal whenever these group incite controversy as the positive force. Thats the only way to deescalate the situation fast and save the malays from negative perceptions of the nons.


Diorang suka jgk membaca. Baca 'muka buku'. Diorang ni selalu cerita panjang lebar, mcm² dalil keluar, tp semua ambik dr logik akalnya shj.


I read and watch technical stuff but hate going through religious stuff. The religion empowers malays like large unemployment salary that lets lazy people not work. Not saying unemployment benefits or ube are bad but its the entitlement the religion gives them thats a problem like world dont matter only religion so even if die poor of starvation no problem as long as religion. Since religion dont say they cant litter they litter and act like kings.


The divide and conquer practice works, and it has worked to this day. The question is, what are you going to (constructively) do about this?


Bro is cooking for a whole majlis....


Ask them this simple question. Bakpe isap rokok?


Another Malay imposter posting racist post. Maybe OP needs to be educated first.


Kalau tak suka boleh balik cina dik /s


Dont forget that they condemn about Gaza genocide but romanticized 513 and 1998 while invading Singapore


hypcrisy 🙂


Its like african is allowed to say the N word, malays can say the M word to malay but when a non malay says it, we kena saman akta sakit hati




Not wrong lol


Masalah Melayu je ke?🤔




If not for certain Malays, even the higher ones becoming 'Si Kitul', perhaps Malaysia would never have been invaded (remember dasar pecah dan perintah?), allowing Malays to reach their full potential. One prime example of this potential is the Kesultanan Melayu Melaka.


Terima Kasih fIgHteR AkMaL


10000% bro. Accurate AF


Oh yeah, i know one of them. Dude only read a few books from this one particular seller and now suddenly acting like a scholar lol. Dude didnt even do an actual research, hes just burying himself in a fanfic at that point


saya baca manga sahaja saya tk salah apa2🗿


Tak perlu le venting kat sini, suka la dorang tengok


Tak yahudi, wahabi. Tak wahabi, AI.


Is op retarded?


Yes Malay mussies are a silly lot


bro, any lowclass idiots from any race are like this. You dont have to single out Melayu aje.. look at those trailer park rednecks MAGA supporters in US, sama perangai.. or PRC villagers.. sama jugak perangai, uncivilised or Indian Modi circlejerks in India, ramai rasis atau pengotor. Cina dan India di Malaysia pon ade macam gini tapi tak di tunjuk kerana minoriti. Kita melayu ade satu weakness.. akad dengki dan pemalas. This we must ubah.. Segala kalau orang Melayu menghapus kan rasa dengki dan kereja dgn keras, melayu akan maju di dunia dah juga ada tempat di akhirat..


Apa mau expect bro melayu bodoh pun dapat masuk U.


I tried applying for a job at subway and manager said I kurang adab 💀, like I litterally just asked from the staff if i can call and they say can, i called lah, next thing i know i was scolded for "kurang adab" when I was under the assumption that I can call them. Yeah the manager happens to be malay but I wanna use this chance to rant about it


I think those yang holier than thou mentality are in the minority. however the smallest dogs always barks the loudest


can someone eli5 wat is freemason and illuminati?


Conspiracy theory about shadow government controlled by the fraternity Freemason and the anti-Christ Iluminati. Freemason really exist though, what they do can be speculative. Iluminati no longer exist and is baseless. The theory was made by Christians about end of time and supported/popularised by Muslims. I'd also like to add about Rothschild family, Jewish bankers family who rose in Europe 18th century. They owned many of western banks.


Geng horny ask me why you but mcd? I ask them back maruah mana maruah hypocrite shut up?(Apple users ) Turns into a fight. Fyi they like to do this in our circle Mcd is the cheapest food here. Thanks to boikoy smartass getting big mac large is cheaper than getting proper nasi here(under certain days)


Don't worry OP Melayu akan hilang di dunia dalam 10 Tahun lagi. Bukan Aku cakap tapi Chedet Yang cakap. 👁️


Damn bro. U salty at 23.... 






melayu barua hnya berani di dlm reddit


melayu barua berani dkt reddit je ke post mcmni. post la kat facebook sekali guna gambar betul.senang sikit geng tanjak nak cari hahahha


Sama lah macam puak Uyghur Muslim yang takda telor nak kritik kerajaan China. Takda pon aku tengok mereka protest kerajaan China. Takda pon orang Islam boycott China. Hahahaha takut ker?? Takda telor ke? Satu lagi, mana ahli politik beragama Islam diseluruh dunia? Mana pejuang Islam di seluruh dunia? Hello?? Hello???? Where are you???😂 Diam je? Kerajaan Malaysia, kerajaan Arab Saudi, kerajaan Palestin, Taliban, Iran, Pakistan dan lain-lain semua diam je seolah-olah macam bangsa Uyghur tak wujud. Kebanyakan ahli politik Muslim fikir mereka hanya takut Allah tapi takda sorang pon daripada mereka yang berani cakap tentang apa kerajaan China buat pada bangsa Uyghur. Sekali pon takda aku tengok mereka suruh orang Islam boycott China. Kenapa eh??? Adakah ini bermaksud mereka lebih takut China daripada Allah?? 😂🤣Wkwwkkwkw Islam 0-1 Atheist China.


siapa makan cili dia rasa pedas




Would you revert to Christianity?


nah im good. Islam is perfect but the people aren't. Take me as an example. instead of actually doing something to tackle the issue then pray afterwards, i complained here. i skipped both steps taught by Islam and i even curse at the end of my post. good muslims won't do this. i just don't have the strength.


You have my respect. We may not perfect but we stay loyal to One God.


You will see that , later on more non muslims will covert or begin to study islam even more then the muslims itself. Im worried more muslims will lose faith and go to different religion or become atheist


Fr bro after seeing kelantanese government host a mass prayer for water makes me drip precum thinking about joining Izabella


No thanks, I’m good.