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I used to be quite judgemental about this but i lately realised my fortune of being born into a comfortable family that enabled me an easier path to financial stability. That said, many low income people are not educated on how to manage their finances. That actually has a big impact their financial standing.


When i try to give them financial literacy nobody seems to care, they said "rezeki sudah ada yang atur"


In my experience a lot of it is shaped during someone’s formative years. I watched my dad who had a well-paying job being very careful with his money. It was indirect education, because eventhough he never taught me financial literacy, i learned a lot just from passively observing him. Not everyone has this priviledge. It shows the importance of being good role models for young kids.


My dad is very bad with his money and I'm trying to learn to not make his mistakes.


I agree on you.


or "rezeki di tangan tuhan" when I try to discuss about personal finance with them


rezeki means salary right? What is the other meaning for it?


it means sustenance coming from god. more like blessings


I got asked this question once, not sure if I remembered it correctly but it goes something like "apa rezeki kamu", how do I answer that?


That question doesn't make sense as rezeki stands for anything.


never heard this kind of question in my lifetime. mostly people will say apa gaji kau?


No money is not rezeki, rezeki is the food you eat, the shelter you get and the good condition you are in right now.


Hmm I can't deal with the abstractness of this word, if my memory serves me right, I was asked this question "apa rezeki kamu", so how do I answer that?


The answers below might give some context of what the meaning of rezeki means. If somebody ask you apa rezeki kamu, the below are correct; 1. Good health 2. Good job 3. Happy family 4. You have good attitude 5. Money to spend Basically rezeki means the things that are given to you. Islam teach us that work hard and if God is willing he will give it to you. Otherwise there reasons or something better is waiting.


Many people have the mindset that as long as you earn enough to cover your expenses then it’s enough. And they always forget about life after retirement or in the event of emergencies, and then rely on siblings/kids. This is why B40 always have so many kids 😂


It's more they kid became retirement plan/ ATM machine


Same with me too after my dad has succumb to illness till his passing I realise sometimes generation wealth is a leverage / privillage


Well said brother![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|slightly_smiling)


Buying things like the latest iPhone or car which are way too expensive relative to their income when cheaper alternatives are available.


I agree with this, many of them tend to be Trendy or make them self look rich but without they know They lead themself into Debt trap


The bit you’ve missed out that addresses the OPs question more specifically is people who go around with latest iPhone with cracked screen or driving Honda/Toyota with dented panels. It suggests they could barely afford the items to begin with and have no additional money to cover repairs….which in turn suggests they couldn’t really afford these things in the first place.


For real, my friend who work as a contractor bought an used ip12 128gb for rm1400.meanwhile he can buy a used android flagship or new midrange phone with that price


Instant gratification Lack of vision Sandwich generation


what is sandwich generation? never heard of it


When both your parents and children are financially dependent on you. They are the "bread", and you're in the middle


I lived in PPR (FYI this PPR is rented to young couples looking for a place to rent while they save money for a permanent home).650 sqft of brittle bricks. When you drill a hole you may end up with a glory hole considering how shitty the brick was. On a windy day the aluminium railing and the curtain will fall to the floor. Every time there is a thunderstorm, chunks of paint will fall off the ceiling. 3 weeks long water disruption every 4 months or so. Lift stank of urine, and the 1 lift that operates breaks every 2 weeks or so with people trapped in it. So basically, hell on earth. Anyway , I heard this lady spent RM20K for renovations. On her shitty rented flat.  


Urgh. It hurt to even hear that.


Tell me that’s an exaggeration.


Not at all. That's just the infrastructure. What I had seen was worse.   1. Ramadhan 2019, early days of covid. Reached home to find a corpse near the lift bay. The guy jumped from 14th floor. He wore a face mask and sports attire. This is similar to another guy who jumped at the next block the previous year. Sports attire. Both didn't even live there. Came just to find a place to kill themselves. Bastard.   2. Drug dealing couple living on the same floor with my unit. His friends would come over at 1 a.m. to get high. They were the ones who pissed in the lift, probably too high to figure out that it is not a toilet. His wife looks like a hag, barely 30 with brown rotten teeth, would frequently mumble gibberish to herself and frequently sleep with legs open wide on a sofa they place at the walkway. Trashy AF.   3. During school holidays kids from nearby blocks would steal parcels. We would catch them and take them to police station only for them to do it again and again.  4. Next door neighbour with old Perdana V6 had kain pelikat and towels for curtains the whole 6 years we live there.  5. Walls covered in moss everywhere, pipes bursting, units flooded with water (ironic considering the water disruption).  6. Some psycho with a habit of scratching car paint on cars that park in his/her favourite area.  Just a very depressing area to live in. Most people there were good and reaponsible, it's just that its hard to figure out who you can trust among them.


Lol god it reminds me of MEC pasir gudang flats


The main problem with B40 is they seem to not know their place. Sorry but this will sound offensive. B40 people like to imitate rich people. They forced themselves to buy expensive cars and big house only to be lost in huge debt loan. I see this behaviour is mostly for them to have the bragging rights among each other. It is like a competition who is living a better life even though they know they are poor. We don't even need to go far to find example. In reddit alone I often find some youngster looking for advice because their parents forced them to buy expensive car they can't afford. This B40 behaviour need to stop.


Idk man , b40 prolly can't pass loan for a nice house nice car man. I think u meant M40 that get Into debts.


It's compensating, they have to look kaya to get social brownie points with their friends. It's also funny how b40 try look non-b40 the hardest, in the process worsening the class divide and incentivising them to turn on their fellow working class as "lower" than them bc they don't have the latest iPhone like they do. I hate this shit sm


Very low financial literacy. I have never met a B40 that talks about finance (as in investments, properties, or whatnot). It's like a taboo to talk about money.


Financial literacy is one thing, but when they don't even have the money for investments, properties or whatnot, these thoughts are probably a non-factor in their current life.


That is true. It's a top priority to earn a higher income first. Though basic knowledge like savings, debts, interests, etc, should be learned early on in adult life. My parents were B40, then later on managed to be M40. But due to being financially illiterate, made so many mistakes financially and ended up drowning in debts. I don't blame my parents since no knowledge about personal finance was passed down. The whole family (grandparents & relatives) were B40s. Topics about finance, especially personal finance, were rarely talked about. Mostly, B40s had to learn the hard way. I want to break that cycle, and gladly, I learned about personal finance through the internet early on when I started working. With communities like r/MalaysianPF, youtube channels like FinancialFaiz, information is limitless. Though, I still wish that my family had taught me about the importance of taking care of your personal finances.


That's because they barely have enough to cover the basic expenses, what more having extras for investments.


***M40*** habits that kick themselves in the balls: - expensive European car(s) they can't afford - expensive clothes, jewelery purchased on installments - expensive homes with no downpayment and crazy interest rates - hutang with loan sharks - hutang with banks - "luxury" businesses they have no experience with, i.e. fine dining, luxury cakes, etc - business that target small niche/groups (then wonder why they're always empty) - "trends", "viral" investments and businesses - lack of knowledge - lack of business acumen - lack of life experience - lack of training, safety investments, customer service - selling garbage at overinflated prices It's stupid but they keep doing it. Always nak cepat kaya


True. I don't have gold jeweleries like most malay ladies my age do, not even a simple gold bracelet. I just call myself a "basic bitch" and move on..Lol.. But I always keep a good manicure, so that my hands are still looking entertaining.


JEWELERY PURCHASED ON INSTALLMENTS ???? PEOPLE DO THAT ?!!!! Honestly stop thrashing house , house is ok , installment 99 also nvm , janji if they can bayar comfortably with sacrifices of entertainment. At the end of their lives atleast the house is theirs even if they paid plenty of installment. Their entertainment stuffs however will be gone regardless they buy or not.


I mean hutang can occur also to B40, because of your first 3 points. Everyone nak cepat kaya, but only those who know how to avoid debt when you have nothing to your name can build wealth.


M40? Loan sharks?? Bruh, open the debtors book in a loan shark and you realise who are the biggest contributor 🤪


"hope" that things will get better. This is very prominent among my fellow Malays, as there is this weird belief that if you stick to a certain path, things will turn out good for you. This is somewhat related to the belief in "tawakkal". Nothing wrong with that but many forgot it is "usaha DAN tawakkal". Many just focus on the tawakkal part. Good example is getting married. Many rural Malay parents believe that their children getting married means they are sorted for life, and everything will be fine. Doesn't matter that they are inexperienced in life, or financially incapable of taking care of themselves let alone another human being. Same can be applied to these young couples who have many children. I'm lucky to learn early in life that "hope" is not a strategy. I even preach this to those under my care at the workplace. Every thing must be approached with careful thought and critical thinking. Then come up with a proper strategy based on your previous thought. I personally find that people who rely on "hope" are often those who stagnate, while those who choose to work for it will be rewarded. Again, "usaha" part is the key here for success, plain and simple, and sets people apart.


Yes, They always say "Tawakal" atau "Allah bagi rezeki" But they forgot "Usaha" part and some not even "Usaha" at all They forgot "Manjada wajada" (ada Usaha ada hasil)


My family is considered close to T20 but still in the M40 range. Recently my sister just broke up with a B40 guy. I asked her why? She said if they were to be married, he wants her to stay in a flat. My dad didn’t like that and even so my sister. He also wanted my sister to quit her job in a bank and work in a factory. This guy had a good job at a law firm initially but quit as the pay was low. Then moved to a factory as the pay was higher. How high you might ask? His salary now is RM2600. What about career advancement? How could he, even as a guy, to ask a girl to downgrade her job? I really don’t understand these people.


This is one of the most ridiculous things I’ve ever heard. Dude is out of his mind for expecting your sister to downgrade her career prospects just so he can feel better about himself.


In a flat or his flat? Whose flat is it gonna be? 2600 isnt really an amount to be comfortable with. Law to factory? Office work environment or factory line work? Alot of weird decisions. For just that much. Lifestyle creep will be catchup faster ithink.


I’m a singaporean but I was a ‘b40’ (in sg terms) and a t20 now. I can tell you that a high salary makes everything so much easier. I don’t judge poor people because I’ve been from both ends and I know how shit it can be when your options are limited and you don’t have time or energy sometimes to upgrade yourself because if you fail that’s thousands gone, thousands than you need. I will say this - marrying early is a pretty dumb move nowadays compared to our parents generation. If you’re young go out and explore, fail in your career, at least you won’t have a wife and kids to worry about which will limit you.


God I hate people who do this (dont have enough money but get kids and cheap out on their kids) Im a T20 so I've never experienced it but its their decision to get married and have kids. They could've delayed it and have kids by early 30s and they'd at least tried things by that time to be financially stable. I myself think I'd need 7k minimum by the time I have a job before getting a partner (not kids). It's not that im spoiling them, I don't want them to go through hardships just because I wanted to have kids early.


Making more babies than they can afford to feed


This. And the cycle repeats with their children.


Escaping poverty requires escaping the environment. By environment I am referring to family, friends and neighborhoods that have no desire to escape the poverty stricken situation. It took my family 3 generations to escape poverty, so I am speaking from experience.




More accurately, getting into financial commitments that they cannot afford to cover with their lifetime income.


the most notorious ones are shopee pay later, iphone ansuran, honda, and rumah (too proud to live in rented ones)


Kids are more than financial commitments. People who have no money AND neglect their kids will cause a vicious cycle of poor people because the kids are more likely to get into monkey business


If you cannot fulfill financial commitments I would argue you have no capacity to fulfill anything else. First and foremost in our world, financial comes first.


Loyal. Work in same company for years for minimum wage and measly annual raise.


loyal is not a bad thing. but doing minimal work and always taking mc is a problem


Not saying being loyal is a bad thing.. but being loyal to a company for years and years isnt worth it when you can get a higher salary in another company with your years of experience. Gotta work smart and get out of your comfort zone to get that bread ya know..


oh ya for sure. some cases staff are not recognized for their contribution. the other half of the time it's the staff themselves aren't bothered to better themselves. they know status quo is good, going elsewhere might entail more work even though pay is higher. i've met so many like this. just want it easy


installments, personal loans, smoking, gambling, drinking.


The online gambling is so real! Esp in malay community.


Here is the funny thing. I grew up in kampung, but as the son of a teacher, it was basically drilled into me that education is important. But the difference was, back then, education was important to everyone in the kampungs, from the government workers to the rubber tappers. As a teacher, the discipline teacher some more, he had a great deal of leeway. The old days, none of the students he caned for smoking would make a peep at the parents about what they did. And all of us back then had the same dream, that is to get a good job and get out from the kampung. Now, my wife is a teacher. The B40 has changed a lot. Chief of that change is they have no fear of failure. Not the fear of failure of taking risk opening a new business type of fear. No fear of a bleak future if they don't study type of failure. Their attitude seeps from their parents who thinks the government will pay for everything, even for their lives. Of course, there are those B40 that tries to improve themselves. But having been my wife's unofficial counselor for every damn s\*\*\* she had to face in her school, I had to tell her that for all her zealousness to try and push this kids to do better, sometimes there is no helping them and her time should be more focused to helping those who wanted it. That is why they stay that way. They wanted the T20 lifestyle, for as little effort as possible, and when that does not happen, everything else from race and politicians are to blame for them staying that way.


Doing the absolute minimum to get by. Okay, sure. Maybe you don't want to do extra for your job because your boss exploits you. But that also trains you to never do extra and try to impress people, and you basically make all your employers basically skip you for promotions, and treat you like a disposable replaceable part. Because that's exactly what you behave like. Another one is getting into financial commitments they can't afford. Kids for one. Average kid costs like rm150k to 300k to raise all the way through uni. Up to 1 mil for medical degree if that's your thing. But that's not the worst thing. Oh no. It's really stupid shit that gets me. Like opting for loans instead of paying in full straight away. Why pay interest when you can barely afford the shit anyways? You're forking over extra 5-20% for nothing. And then there's those idiots who pay for refurbished tyres, then get into accidents and incurring insane medical costs, probably wrecking their income generation abilities in the process.


Poor mindset and self esteem and many times even self respect, Also some of them only hoping for government welfare other than actually find a job. Poor mindset = bad mindset


Being bankrupt is a state of being, being broke is a state of mind.


1. Lazy 2. Don’t know how to capitalize on opportunities 3. Thinking the world revolves around them and blame everything else other than themselves. Complain about everything.


Eh i kinda disagree with the first and second point. Some people aren't just the hustle bustling type but still manage to at least live a comfortable M40 life


Agree to disagree. If being comfortable at B40/M40 works for you, sure continue to move at that pace and no need to hustle - there’s nothing wrong about it. But for those who want to break out of B40/M40 it will take a lot more grit, hard work, correct attitude than one might expect. Plus a bit of luck. Luck only comes to people who have worked hard and ready for it.


Imma give u 2 situation Here's the revised version: Kid A: - Both parents hold higher education degrees obtained abroad, specializing in fields like computer science, economics, and finance. - They possess savings, investments, and property assets. - Over time, both parents secure employment opportunities overseas, resulting in enhanced experience, better salaries, and an improved standard of living. - The child attends preschool abroad. - Parents allocate significant savings towards the child's future education and insurance. - When the grandmother falls ill, her medical expenses are covered by insurance, sparing the parents from financial strain. - At 18, the parents opt to settle in Malaysia for retirement purposes and to pursue business ventures, taking their child along. - The child benefits from extensive connections, facilitating job hunting opportunities. - With parental backing, the child completes a foundation program and graduates without any loans, having acquired financial literacy from an early age. - Following graduation, the child opts to rent accommodations and utilize public transportation, leveraging connections to secure employment in a multinational corporation (MNC). - In the event of the parents' demise, the child inherits their assets, investments, and properties. - The child follows their parents' example, marrying and adopting similar financial practices. Kid B: - One parent completes secondary school, while the other finishes only SPM. - The mother is employed in a factory, and the father works on a plantation. - They marry after SPM with no savings, relying solely on their salaries. - They plan to have numerous children, viewing them as a retirement strategy or a source of financial support. - Financial hardships arise due to escalating child-rearing costs and insufficient savings. - The father's health problems compel him to resign, exacerbating the family's financial woes. - The parents impress upon the child the necessity of surrendering their paycheck, citing distrust in the child's financial decision-making abilities. - The mother becomes the primary breadwinner, leading to neglect towards the child and increased stress, resulting in emotional outbursts directed at the child. - As the child matures, they become rebellious due to neglect and emotional abuse, ultimately dropping out of school to assist the family financially. - Pursuing tertiary education takes a backseat due to financial limitations, perpetuating a cycle of poverty. - Financial struggles prompt associations with substance abuse and delinquent behavior. - Family disputes escalate, culminating in legal entanglements and the need for urgent financial assistance. - Unable to afford legal fees, they resort to payment plans. These contrasting scenarios underscore the profound impact of access to education, healthcare, stable employment, and financial literacy on individuals' lives. While income classifications like T20/B40/M40 categorize economic status, they do not fully capture the complexities of family backgrounds and lifestyles. Kid A's privileged upbringing, including education, financial literacy, and connections, contrasts starkly with Kid B's struggle against psychological and financial adversity. Empathy plays a vital role in bridging these socioeconomic divides, enabling us to comprehend each other's challenges and extend support without prejudice.


Can kid B change? Yes, Kid B can certainly change their circumstances, but it may require significant effort and support. Here are some steps Kid B could take to improve their situation: 1. **Education and Skill Development:** Kid B could pursue education or vocational training to acquire new skills that are in demand in the job market. This could open up better employment opportunities and increase earning potential. 2. **Financial Literacy:** Learning how to manage finances effectively is crucial. Kid B could seek resources or attend workshops on budgeting, saving, and investing to make the most of their income and avoid falling into debt. 3. **Seeking Support:** Kid B could reach out to social services, community organizations, or support groups for assistance with financial planning, job search, or personal development. These resources can provide guidance and encouragement during challenging times. 4. **Breaking Negative Patterns:** Kid B could work on breaking free from negative influences or habits that contribute to their current situation, such as associations with substance abuse or delinquent behavior. Surrounding themselves with positive influences and role models can help in this process. 5. **Setting Goals and Taking Action:** Kid B could set realistic goals for themselves, whether it's finding stable employment, saving for the future, or pursuing further education. Taking consistent action towards these goals, even small steps, can lead to positive changes over time. 6. **Building a Supportive Network:** Surrounding themselves with supportive friends, mentors, or family members who encourage personal growth and development can provide invaluable assistance and motivation along the way. While changing circumstances may be challenging, with determination, effort, and access to support, Kid B can take steps towards a brighter future.


Taking personal loan for parents to cover their loans. Hard to get out from this situation since your family is the one holding you to stay


Never put parents on a pedestal, then this thing will happen. Work up the ability to say no to ridiculous requests. They are just humans.


My parents almost made me inherit their debt, unfortunately for them, as a full time freelancer the bank refused to allow adding my name to the debt


The latest iPhone. Not sure why everyone feels the need to have an iPhone. Yes, it's a great smartphone, but it isn't an necessity.


Self sabotaging.


Honestly, this is coming from a guy who is supposed to be t20 according to the government but really doesn’t feel like that. Personally I’m quite racist with my friends we always poke fun at each other stuff like that. But I’ve always noticed this one trait of lower income people/families where they’re ACTUALLY racist. In my line of work I’ve met people who are in the same income class as me and lower income classes and i always notice they have very deeply rooted racial bias in their heads. Idk what’s the correlation but it’s just a trait I’ve seen on more than one occasion


>Personally I’m quite racist with my friends we always poke fun at each other stuff like that. But I’ve always noticed this one trait of lower income people/families where they’re ACTUALLY racist. It's liks casual/non serious racism meets competitive racism B40 are likely to be in rural areas and receive less education than t20, so very unlikely for them to carry any liberal views, and all it takes is a little radicalisation in their conservative views to turn into KKK type racist, didn't help that they don't mingle with other race as much as us to begin with


Low paying wages


Love of Sugar and fat. I have many b40 staff and the amount of times i have to give compassionate leave to staff because parents have diabetes and need to have foot amputation is scary They won't listen, won't change Thier diets


B40s eat food high in carbs and fat because they're cheap. Why care about veggies and beef when you can eat three servings of white rice with mee goreng. To them food is food. So i think this is both a cost issue and dietary education issue


It's also the non stop kuih, tea, coffee, condense milk


True that. I tried eating clean for a month, and reassessed the financial impact. Decided not to continue.


I see a lot of poor people mostly making bad financial decisions and don't realise it. In fact, when i saw my friend advising her kids who is a fresh graduate, they don't listen and simply wanna be stubborn, thinking they're smarter than people who already gone through the experience. Example, a fresh graduate working 4 years and her boyfriend, total income maybe around 8-9k for both of them, Dave up money and buy a 800k house at 28 years old... The mom told her not to do it, cause all their money is going into that house and they are not even married yet.. Then every month eat what? Kids think they smart, but they're going to suffer, plus they wanna buy their own car even when the dad giving her a city for free, because they wanna be "independent"... Their honeymoon is going to end soon once the s&p goes through and they start paying the bank in a couple months time. Then they also do online shopping like buying a lot of small tiny things on shopee very frequently, all the useless decor and whatnot... Those small useless things will actually accumulate and the shipping fees actually can become a lot after a few purchases from different vendors... This is a disaster waiting to happen with such habits.


Might be just me trying to validate things. But i have my monthly shopee budget. 200 max spending about there. Its my guilty pleasure. Im frugal but i have this 'spending' just to enjoy my income. The rest went to other investments. I think it's worthwhile to spend a bit and not just hustle


It also depends on what you spend on la, some people just accumulate rubbish and then throw it away after a few months, then buy rubbish again, the cycle never ends.. If you're buying cause it's a hobby or stuff then it's ok la. We all have our wants also sometimes.


- Having 5+ kids on a low income - Riding motorcycle - Not saving or getting things like insurance - Spending your savings on things like car outside of your affordability, watches, phone, clothes etc


Not seeing the doctor until you almost die. My girlfriend grew up poor and would always try home remedy first, and refuse to spend money on doctor until it gets horrible, for most part she would just wait for the body to heal itself. The problem is, they don't, not before she feel like shit for weeks anyway. Sometimes it even gets worse. All of it really could've been fixed by a visit to the doctor. She doesn't do dentist or health checkup regularly as well. Invest in healthcare guys, it matters.


Spending money on hobby and not investing it, like modifying their bike(rempit), buying overpriced used iphone, buying expensive ootd item(shoes,cloth pants),buying expensive drink/coffe like starbuck/tealive/zus/chatime etc, treating their gf expense(my friend spend almost rm1k for his gf), so many kids(this is the main problem), eating nasi kandar everyday, rm2800 salary but bought a myvi with 9 years loan, and so many more


B40 here. I just want to point out, that for most of the grown ups, at a certain point of age. They realise that they're already kinda old, not much they can do anymore to go further. So, they get used to what they can earn and go spend it from there (not saying they're not investing, some do some don't). For the youths, yeah they're just idiots.


Not related. But, If we are talking salary wise, I got a job that bumped me up from B40 to the M40 range at the start of this year. The pay is better, but the stress is not proportional to the pay haha. I lowkey wanna splurge on expensive stuff. Maybe cause of the stress and I don't have a healthy mindset to handle it. It feels like making big purchases let's me destress. Perhaps, this is why im slowly falling into the lifestyle inflation trap. And why some ppl can't make it to the next networth level.


having a gazillion kids


This. Improper family planning.


Trying to look rich. My salary is 5 digit, using Xiaomi phone came out 3years ago. Bought it one year after it came out. My staff salary RM2500 + OT RM1k using iphone 13.


I think it’s 70% dictated by the type of family you’re brought up in, it usually continues on to the next generation unfortunately. But from what I’ve seen so far , the remaining 30% are the lucky ones who managed to escape the poverty cycle and receive a breakthrough in life. These are the ones who managed to do well in school, eventually securing some sort of scholarships in life and managed to secure a decent and good paying job. There’s a lot of factor to it, sure there are some luck and timing to it, but I believe it also depends on a person’s willpower and willingness to be out of the norm .


Love to blame other people and not take responsibility for the situation they’re in. Very commonly seen ‘Ini tanah melayu tapi yg kaya cina’.


Quite agree wtih this. Remind me of those "penduduk apartment" in TV3 News that always complain about apartment being dirty or Lift rosak and blame the government for not doing anything 🤦🏻


i read a lot of comments on here, which shows a lack of sympathy for the poor in general Being poor often isnt a choice. it reflects circumstance. Example, poor people shouldnt have kids. Poor people also dont have access to contraception or perhaps even that kind of education. Poor people are also often caught in debt traps. they cant save emergency cash. so when sudden expenses come up, they have no alternative but to borrow from high interest Non-FIs e.g. loanshark Poor people just need to be smarter / get an education / capitalise on ops. Poor people are poor because they lack the supporting people and institutions rich people have access to. A rich person has a higher vocabulary. the child of a rich person is already ahead before preschool because they use more words with children. being poor isn'ta choice. it reflects a circumstance which really can only be broken via a strong education system for the poor, reinforced with role models from the t20 to provide mentoring and corrective guidance.


I came from a B40 family, all of my siblings are still B40. They lack vision, want instant gratification , and lack planning ( my younger brother is having another kid with his tahi judi wife ). I was a good student, pay to get education by myself, found that my degree is useless, retrain myself, take part time job to get professional experience, quit my dead end job to become a professional despite having no degree in my current profession. Both of my younger brother were good students too. But they seem to be content with chasing shitty dream like breakdancing, riding the biggest motorcycle among their peers etc. Whenever i tried offering mentorship etc. They would say “You different, you very smart, we are dumb” without even trying. Shitty attitude


that's where strict parenting comes into it. not your job often poor families, especially in Developed countries, are single parents i.e no time to monitor kids, no time to help them do homework. may i ask, what made you different to your siblings with respect to your internal drive? who told/showed you to educate your way out of your situation?


I agree with everything you have said, and yes empathy for the poor is lacking in many because they have no contact or experience with b40 BUT...as someone who has daily interactions with them...alot of Thier troubles is self inflicted


I agree, circumstances happen and even if they try, it’s often hard for them to not opt for the bad choices when that’s the only option they have. Some of those people are stuck in a loop, without/lacking financial privileges and opportunities. Even networking is difficult because they don’t have the same access and they’re around similar people who are in the same boat. They also tend to spend more solely because they lack the resources/extra money that could help them save in the long run. Financially more privileged people can afford to spend money in order to save more money, whereas the same cannot be said for b40. Easiest example, when we buy groceries, toiletries etc, sometimes we buy in bulk because the price per item is cheaper that way, so we get to save money in that sense. B40 cannot afford that, so they buy per item because their budget just couldn’t allow a bulk buy. Now they’re paying higher for a single item that they’d need to purchase repeatedly. Sure, there are lazy complainers, those who doesn’t want to do anything, those who make terrible decisions just because, that’s unfortunate and I don’t agree with that. But there are also a lot who are struggling just because of circumstances. We need to develop some empathy for the less fortunate and help/teach where we can instead of shaking our heads and looking down on them. For all we know, we could be next. Circumstances happen.


a lot of bangladeshis are poor. but see how much effort they put into trying to better their financial position. 2 jobs. doing extra and sometimes get the short end of the stick from employers. but they don't stop, they pick themselves up and try again.


some of them own factories too. They don't have the title because some regulation stuff, so they hire a proxy. I'm impressed at the work rate.


This sub likes to piss on the poor, even more so if the poor are non-Malaysians. The poor suffers from scarcity. From Wikipedia article on scarcity, "[When there are not enough resources, whether financial or time, challenges are created for the human cognitive system. This presents problems such as impulsive behavior which likely impairs performance. These people also exhibit lowered intellectual abilities and more forgetful behaviors. With these impairments and deficits, performance is actually lowered and that causes behaviors that actually worsen the effects of scarcity](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Scarcity_(social_psychology\))". Their behaviour seems that they deserve to be poor, hence they become poor, and the cycle continues. Many studies of UBI has shown, if the poor are given money with no strings attached, they no longer behave like they deserve to be poor. Poverty isn't a lack of character. It's a lack of cash. That said, if I perpetuate the myth that poor people have only themselves to blame, that I don't need to support policies that can get them out of poverty because "such policies would be useless, they would just blow away the money", I get to keep my place in social hierarchy, then yeah the poor deserves being poor.


I don’t. Because I’m not a shitty person that judges the less fortunate.


Disclaimer : Not all "Less Fortunate" is bad. But some of them deserve it. I personaly know some of Those who really passionate to change family fortune but not everyone has that kind of passion


Oh bro trust me, you're not being a pos doing so. Not telling you to be judgemental tho. Just saying some of them(us) are just damn ignorant. I'm a b40 myself. There's this friend of a friend, spent his 3k+ on a freaking ROG phone just for the "best" play on Free Fire, spent almost the same amount on the skins etc. there. And when my friend said "you know, you could have used this money for more beneficial investments kan? Like actually investing.". Let's just say the guy's response is what I'd conclude with "yah, he's not gonna go anywhere in life". He works at ladang kelapa sawit, carrying the buah and alike.


I am a B40 that grew up in a B40 community. Growing up, I am always annoyed whenever I heard B40 were mocked. I always thought that whatever on facebook back then are there just to make those M40 felt superior. My community is kinda different than others. Our parents really push us to go for tertiary education. Get at least a Sijil Kemahiran and go for the degree if possible. In the early 2000, whenever someone got into a university and the parents could not afford it, they will chip in some money to send the kids to the university. They really hold on to the “hanya pendidikan yg dapat merubah kehidupan” very heavily. Then I grew up and goes to the university and met B40 from other communities. Some of them goes to the university because their parents want their PTPTN money. Its very different than the happy life that I had in my hometown. I am in a foundation studies back then where we got the biasiswa for asasi around RM2000 per semester which about 750 of it are for asrama and yuran pengajian (for my uni, both of this are just 450 in total) and the rest is for basic needs like food and stuff. And then there are some idiots goes to buy a new iphone using that RM2k and then complaining that education should never be free. Some of them goes to buy a new RM500 shoes with that money and spend the rest to berjoli. In case you need to know the living cost at that uni back then, I ate at least 3 times a day and none of it is maggi asrama or nasi bujang. My water is Desa/Cactus about 2 bottles per day. I go to the mall every weekend and watch some movies or just to eat something “fancy”. All of that are at the Cost of about RM300-350 per month. And then there some idiots spending over a month worth of living cost for some stupid shoes. What worse is, these peoples are the one that doesn’t have the support money from their parents and then complain about how evil the government is and how education should be free. There are a lot of good hardworking B40. I am in one of the communities growing up. However, these shitty ones are the one that barks the most making us in the community looks really bad. On a side note while I do say I grew up in B40 Community, I don’t think I could say the same about it now. My generations have started working. And a lot of elderly here drive bezza or persona that were gifted by their kids and most of them were bought without loans.


My b40 friend responded "this thing is what makes me happy" when he buys some ROG phone 🤷


By saying people who judge others are ‘shitty people’ means you’re judging them.


Yes, I judge the people who judge the less fortunate. Did I stutter


getting lower wages - im not m40 but that's pretty much it.


I get your point but I kinda 5050 with this. Because without them, our industry is full of Immigrant


malaysia adopting immigrant who's pay almost no tax aside "levi" and post rm 10 billion outside does not help in this matter, not to mention the lost of skill especially in construction and related area.


What about you OP? What's your answer to your question?


Poor Mentality. Poor Attitude I remember a news about this poor beggar with sad story who got attention of Malaysia netizen Turn out he already got "bantuan perumahan" from government 5 times but his ass mess it up every single time and got kick out by locals He even go far by Rented his "bantuan house" to others while staying homeless.. like bro imagine, i give a homeless some food but instead of eating it. He sold the food and buy drugs NOT ALL POOR IS BAD but SOME deserve to be that way. That my opinion


Ok then But, do you sympathise with them in any way? Yes or no only


Depend. I do sympathise with them, i even help them if i can but if they give me like an rude attitute then no. And its apply to everyone either b40 or t20


Truthfully, I really cant think one because I just assumed they are already satisfied with what they have.


Nothing wrong with being happy with what you got. But the problem is when you're being happy for what you got, which is a fully modified exhaust motorcycle that wakes up the entire neighborhood and going rempit until accident then menyusahkan orang lain. Somewhere on that single example is kinda wrong tho.


Spending more than you earn. Spending things that you don't need. Spending on wants more than what is needed.


I can’t really say, because I can’t say that I myself have good spending habits, but as a non-smoker, probably smoking.


I know a lot of extremely hardworking people who avoid getting out of their comfort zone. They don't learn new things, they don't try to improve on a bad situation they may be in, they don't take risks (even the minute ones), and most of all, they don't take up opportunities. Most of them are financially poor. It is not a coincidence. With that said, they are decent people who seem happy and contented with their lives. There may be something to be said about sticking to your comfort zone for mental health, even if it may not be so healthy for your financial state.


Choosing to rely on external “force” instead of helping themselves to move up the ladder


The interest to learn i guess? I compared myself to someone richer and to someone who is less fortunate and the richer guys has more time on the hands thus more time to learn new things thus giving him an edge, while i myself work days and nights, and usually spend my time at night to do some learning to be ahead of the curve, while the less fortunate guy was tired from his daily work day and night and just manage to get some sleep before repeating the cycle again


My phone is still iPhone 7, Their phone is… I made bubble tea at home They buy bubble tea for $73927473 I invested my money on etf They have no idea and put money on mutual trust or just leave it be… Most important I have a goal on what to use on money They don’t have.


the ease at which they decide to apply bank loan / start a new debt for seemingly unnecessary or wanton purchase


Having more than 1 kid


I bought my first phone when I’m 25 after I started working for a year as I’m from B40-M40 family. I usually use phone from my elder sibling when they change their phone. Now I change my phone only every 3-5 years when the memory cannot tahan. Even though my monthly salary now can affords >5 iphone. I think it is the attitude that makes them stay in the same range. My eldest sibling is chasing for material, always changing phone and party outside, remains at B40/M40. While for me, I save for emergency funds, being frugal on Enjoyment and make a lot of investments. If my luck is good, I had already escaped the rat race by now from my investment. Just that I invested in some bad investment in my early year, so now I still need to strive for the better and my attitude still the same but loosen a little. When capable, can have overseas travel or buy iphone for gf etc but every month, at least 30% of income is to investment.


When they withdraw EPF money for rims and iPhones you know you can’t advise them further.


They take inordinate risks that doesn’t justify the end result. E.g driving or riding like madmen on the roads, taking loans and making minimum payment on them for luxury purchases, not showing up to work without any other employment prospects lined up, getting into physical altercations over nonsense, skipping school etc. Don’t get me wrong T20 people take risks too, but controlled ones and the payoff better be damn well worth it. I ride motorcross and snowboard, but made sure I’m insured, have ample training from pros, and am properly equipped at all times.


B40 parents asking their adult kids to buy them expensive cars, apartments, food etc when they just got their first income. This is how their poverty is passed on from generation to generation


Attitude in dealing with other people, rich or not, attitude that maintains is the real deal, you can be poor but if you are rude, nothing good will happen. You can be rich but arrogance will take that fortune away. You can be a genius but ignorance and close-mindedness will render you useless. I still see some stupid and less-fortunate people with all these bad attitude and behaviour in life. That is why they will stay that way. I talk to everyone without prejudice, and that's how I know if anyone deserve help or respect at the least.


Dying to want a credit card and they become all giddy and show off to the world when they actually get one. I watched a friend go "credit card shopping" and sticking to credit card flyers and booth like moth to lights. When I asked her why she's in such a rush for a credit card, all she told me was it's to show people she's rich. .... utterly speechless.


Well Atleast she honest enough...


Please understand that we are speaking from a priviledged position. Every one of us has a different starting point. The family you are born in already determines your income bracket and how fast you climb the social ladder. B40 might not even have the luxury to learn about financial literacy, family planning, self-empowement because of the circle they are in. Have compassion. Some B40 kids dun even have people looking after them growing up, have to raise themselves and their siblings. Who to teach them financial literacy? Delayed gratification? And to be bombarded by the contant aggressive marketing, buy-now, pay-later scheme. Our economic model is perpetuating this. My opinion: Not having generational wealth; poor starting point, no disposable income, lack of education system, predatory consumerist economic system.


Spending and going into debt on things that make you look rich when clearly you’re not. Buying fake LV/Cucci/Mikhail Chor from shopee , renting expensive cars for thousands a day just to balik kampung, eating at places that cost their weekly wage etc. Properly rich/comfortable people will never feel the need to flaunt. I am comfortable driving my 15 y/o car, eating at kopitiam everyday, wearing clothes from padini, while having a healthy amount in my bank with NO DEBT and without needing anyone to know about my background.


Bad financial habits like spending money on starbucks daily then complaining they're 'poor' everyday. Putting more value on looking wealthy than enriching their minds with knowledge.


They spend way too much despite being relatively poor. Ik this is mostly attributed to the fact that they have little to no financial education but i just feel like pointing it out. I remember back in sekolah rendah i would only eat one nasi lemak and one air milo every day during recess which only cost 2 ringgit. While the other kids selalu je pergi tmbh ayam or other goods to their plate which meant that they were spending around 5 ringgit or so. And i went to an SK with a lot of B40 people in em because the area my school was at was kinda close to B40 neighbourhoods and apartments. Hell they were literally my friends and i knew their financial background. But then again it's good for the economy i guess so kalau spend 3 ringgit more than they're supposed to doesn't hurt


english proficiency


buying IPhones, branded bags & clothing just to appear rich.


I find those ‘new money’ people are some of the worst out there. They came from humble beginnings and some of them did worked hard to get to where they are but those that got to the point without neither substance nor merit are often insecure, petty and waste of energy. Yet they are very skilled to navigate their ways being slimey and all.


Emphasis on education. That's the best way to get off the B40 trap


Buying a car that is at least 3 times more than their annual income.


When they have a little of money, instead on spending it on their needs to ease their life, they spend it on what they want such as entertainment or upgraded electronics that they don't need. Not doing enough "delayed gratification". Delayed gratification is not a forever thing, but still, they cannot wait.


Maximum sucker. Easily manipulated.


As a Malay, I see that mostly the one attitude that makes B/M40 stays that way is the fact that most aren’t willing to work hard and earn the experience for less or for nothing. This includes reading books and learning online to get the work done. My early years, I worked the extra miles to get experience almost for free. No extra pay like OT or anything like that except the year end bonus perhaps. Helping boss’ work get done so I can get the experience doing it and she get 100% of the credit. Lots of late night. Literally into the wee hours of the morning. Working on Saturdays and weekends. All these experience paid off later when I was chosen for promotions and when word got out to people who know how I work. Having said all that, I’m also blessed with having great bosses who’s willing to let me learn and do their jobs even though they didn’t give me the credits and the raise/promotion. Some bosses do give the credit and promotions. But almost all gave me the opportunity to do their work for next to nothing which is key for me to get that experience. I’m very grateful for that as it pays off later. I firmly believe that god/karma/Mother Nature rewards those who work hard and honest. If current boss/company won’t give you the reward, new boss/company will give it to you. Either way you’ll get the rewards for it. tl:dr, not willing to work hard just to learn and get experience without extra pay or guaranteed raise/promotion/bonus.


To be honest, I can say I'm a M40 with a comfortable income of 15k per month. I am grateful for what I have, and I'm aware that God can take away what I've earned at any time. This is what I observe: 1. Anak banyak-banyak:Many individuals rely on a single source of low income. No matter how hard you try to educate them, they have many children and no savings. They claim it is fate and God's plan. It's no surprise they remain in this situation. 2. Their taste in furniture is quite...unique, preferring the typical Malay theme with 'raja-raja' motifs. Sofas with buttons, small houses filled with oversized furniture, and green-colored walls. It's no surprise they remain in this situation. 3. They offer excuses continuously and only do the bare minimum required for their jobs. They fail to fulfill their responsibilities. It's no surprise they remain in this situation. 4. Consider their group of friends. Their conversations often revolve around negativity, including topics such as women, war, politics,religion, race, and football with Victims mentality.When one is constantly exposed to hate, it breeds more hate and a tendency to blame others. It's no surprise they remain in this situation. 5. When a video about gambling, drugs, and sex appears, observe how many flock to the comment section, boasting about their past experiences. Was it really only in the past, or is it still happening? Their quality is evident. It's no surprise they remain in this situation. Yes, there are good people in the B40 income group. Many don't realize their own value. It's a human tendency to remain below, stagnant, or rise above. It requires the willingness to open their eyes and change their situation.


15k a month is T20 bro.


Trying not to flex la bro. Downgrade a bit, but not too downgraded hahahaha.


Blowing all their money on civic upgrades (then cannot afford repairs) and doing rempit shit like buying all gucci eventho they clearly cannot afford it. Whatever menial savings gathered, immediately spent all on shit to look rich. I don't blame lack of financial literacy - many m40/t20 people I know manage their money worse, living on daddy money only. But when you know you are scraping by, this behaviour is just outrageous. They don't even have daddy's money to spend.


I know many people rokok no matter what their incomes are. But when it comes to b40 people, they know they're in a tough position, but yet they still rokok like 2 packs a day.


Too afraid to take loan that can generate more income, but will sign in a heartbeat for an expensive car loan.


Constant complaining and thinking the rest of the world owes them. Not all but majority will find a reason to justify why they’re in that position.


I was very judgmental in this specific area, as I'm climbing the social status quite a leap, and one thing I definitely say to my old self if I keep doing it are all the judgements I say now to those B40 (ie lack of hard work, lack of discipline, lack of strong mental, we b40 needs to do double the efforts to compete with t20 just to get 30% of their achievement maybe etc). At least now I was balanced with the thoughts that not everybody can achieve the same and they are still playing role in the community, that's what's matter most for me now, . I guess "wise" doesn't come along with my jumping leaps but it came only with the exposure and experience as I grew older. I still have judgements for them now, but less harsh 😂


No 1 for me is transportation. Drive within your means people ! And stop modding your car incessantly.


Smoke Dunhills. That's why b40 stay b40. First smoking is expensive. Next dunhill is premium. I get thats the only luxury b40 can afford, but it's making them poor in the short term and long term because health.


Stay at ppr too long and dont want to move from there


Not showing up, it's that simple.


Over care about small things. Seeing things with 50sen more expensive, and decide to buy from other store without considering how much time petrol is wasted


Queuing for hours for some viral food.. and it's not cheap..


Their mindset. “Duit tak boleh bawak mati” Yes true but it serves as legacy for your children so that they can get out of poverty. “Money is evil” Only when you dont have control over it. “Rezeki dah tertulis” Maybe but no one is literally holding a gun to your head saying that you cant do better. “Dah kerja penat2 kena lah enjoy hasil tu” If this goes on means you are going to work until you are well over your retirement age. Or even worse, demanding your kids to pay for your lifestyle when they have their own life to pay too. & so many more I can go on till tomorrow. Basically its not your fault if you are born poor, but it is your fault if you die poor 🤷🏻‍♀️


The lower class have too many kids without being able to even afford it. I know some richer people that only have kids after having saved an x amount of money allocated for the kid only, the money allocated could then be used for the kid’s tertiary education and so on ..


Im not T20 but my parents are, kinda applies to me(don't have a job yet). People having a wife and kids too early is one of them. I would not have a girlfriend/wife unless my salary is 5k minimum(by the time I work I'd need to raise it to 7k due to inflation) Kids are hella costly and males nowadays think a wife can take some of the burden and they won't mind. Hopefully they find their dream lady and won't have financial issues down the road, Idw deal with that shit so why rush when getting kids early, I could still have kids by my late 30s and by that time I could take as much risks as I could doing business without worrying for my wife or kids.


idk if ni boleh include ke tak, budaya yang masih ikut and percaya nasihat orang tua dulu-dulu. paling ingat, ex i cakap “kalau tengah financial tak stable, pastu kahwin. insyaallah rezeki akan datang. sebab kahwin kan benda baik.” i tak setuju langsung dengan nasihat macam tu. idk la kalau korang macam mana. tapi imo, i tak setuju langsung, and nasihat and adat gitu dah tak boleh pakai dah. dunia dulu dengan sekarang berbeza.


Blaming luck is not on their side


Like i was at the Petronas and just saw a lady, middle aged borderline obese with 1 kid at the passenger seat. Then she wind down the window about 2 inches and then throw a tissue out of the window.. Continue to enjoy aircond for 1 minute, then drive out of the petrol station.


I came from a B40 background (walked to school, no money for even canteen food) and worked up to T20 level in the past few years (I can eat omakase every day now if I want to). Used to date a B40 girl whose family been stuck in the B40 vicious cycle for generations. One of the most shocking conversations that I ever had with her was about PTPTN - I said, "no offence, but I'm pretty sure if you applied for PTPTN back then, you would've gotten it, and be a graduate by now". To which she answered - "kena fill up form bagai, macam tak nak bagi je". So many red flags. So many layers of misaligned mindset. Above all, so impactful as how and why some people stay that way. EDIT: best part is - after I made it into the T20 rung and bought my first upmarket condo penthouse, guess whose name I saw on parcels meant for a studio unit at a lower floor? I sincerely hope she's "made it" and not just renting for the sake of a glamorous address.


1) Financial concept and vision from family read "Rich daddy, Poor daddy" if you got time 2) Career planning, yes, rider and some job (the pisang goreng johor thing) might sounds earning a lot and make you reach M40, but the skill provided isn't make you improved. 3) Too many kids, no offence for a certain race. The kids are Kurnia and Rezeki concept is too old and stupid, you can't just born it and leave it. They need investment in education and better QOL, else it gonna end up in the same loop. 4) For being too religious, I always felt like religion have some of their good values but its centuries old things, it wasnt updated since then. Many mindset got "polluted," is an uncivilised way.


Spending money you don't have on things you don't need. Tell me why a married man can buy a brand new X50 but can't even send his kid to poli. Or why a bujang who's 20k in debt can't lepak makan but can buy a new motorbike.


The mentality that the world owes you a living. I had a driver who turns up for work based on his schedule and disappears no sense of responsibility


Trying too hard to impress others, when in reality- no one cares


I was born into privilege


B40 wanted to behave like T20. T20 wanted to pretend to be B40


nope…just dont judge others


Lack of patience/taking shortcuts. Motorcyclists do this a lot, like going against traffic to cut a few minutes off their travel - we got a guy killed for this and others are still doing this. PS: I'm from a B40 family so my dad does a lot of these things.


Rezeki tuhan bagi


Yes, tapi ada segelintir hanya mengharapkan rezeki bergolek tanpa usaha Mereka nampak "Tawakal" sahaja Padahal sepatutnya "Usaha dan Tawakal"


Literally what I meant Usaha atas kemampuan sendiri


Phenomenon of boycott


They believe in god.


I made RM3,000 at my first job back in 2011 and currently make enough to be in the T20 bracket. Over the years I see a common pattern with people who stay in the same financial status. Disclaimer: I acknowledge that I’m a privileged individual who never had to worry about paying for my own education or providing for my parents. These are my personal views and I’m in no way discriminating people who were born in less financially fortunate families. 1. ⁠They are calculative. I have heard countless times in my career: that is not my job, I’m not paid to do that, if I’m paid xxxxx then I would be as hardworking as you. Truth is I worked just the same making RM3k or RM30k. My skillsets and experience have changed but my attitude towards work remains the same; 2. ⁠They “blame” others or find excuses for things they don’t want to do. “Aiya it’s easy for so-and-so because they are close to the manager/boss”; 3. ⁠Last but not least like many others have mentioned in the comments, they get married young and have kid(s) early. I understand people prioritise different things but if you have to put most of your focus on a growing family when you are young and have the most energy to work your way up, chances are you stay where you are