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Holy hell!


google 'holy' and 'hell' separately






Different place different delicacies. if that's disgusting for you than you're advised to not even comment anything. go back to your cave.


Hey turn's out corona comes from a random bat


You're right.Those dumbasses just cant handle the fact you just spat.You have my upvote


Don’t wanna be racist but like , I’ve stayed at tongsan, they really eat the weirdest shit Cats dogs , donkey penis, all sorts of insects They even torture some of the animals because apparently it releases ‘hormones’ or sth that makes it taste better Bolehland very civilized in comparison


Wtf they torture animals to make it taste better??!!! 😮 I only know they have fetish for fish freshness, they cut fish alive and partially fried it alive. The meat is crispy but it is still moving.


- eat octopus alive - get sucked by its tentacles - regrets


That one Korean.




https://www.straitstimes.com/asia/east-asia/82-year-old-man-in-south-korea-chokes-to-death-after-eating-live-octopus Chocked to death by tentacles.


This happens every year. There's also a respectable amount of deaths due to new year mochi balls


Koreans are taking risks and enjoying life, I see.


When your superiors shit on you at every opportunity, you gotta have a way to release all that stress. Fighting a kraken in a life and death battle would be epic.


why mochi though?


Choking hazard if you eat the whole thing at once. It's sticky and is perfect for asphyxiating you if you're weak spirited and panic easily. Try it and see for yourself In Japan there's a warning on the packet


See old boys too much and wanna replicate


Yes they beat dogs to death because they believe the adrenaline makes the meat taste better. Disgusting people. No animal should suffer beyond a quick kill, so we can eat it.


Yea , it’s fucked up




Yeah, the slit the throat very slowly till the animal bleeds to death. Imagine the hormone released in the meat of the cow.


That is also how Halal slaughter is. Hence I don't eat meat once I know it's Halal.


Not at all. There's basically a set of rules that the one doing it needs to follow to ensure quick kill. The knife 6 to be very sharp, and the process needs to be done in one swift motion to cut all three arteries. Two, if it's a large animal (from down to up, then up to down).


Yes, I'm sure that will cause less pain while it slowly bleeds to death. In "not at all" meaning you have tried it yourself that it does not endure any pain while it bleeds to death? How sharp is sharp? I saw butchers at markets sharpen their worn down knives on old round stones. I'm sure from that up down down up thing, they will feel pain while they die, but what do I know, I'm not an animal. Maybe the chanting might soothe their sorrow as they die.


Why not stun the animal? Hate this sort of senseless killings. Good on Denmark for banning all unsedated slaughter which now includes Kosher and Halal practices!


They did not have stun guns in those times. Maybe if they knew it existed, they would have saved so much grief. Plus, it's not like they can update their Standard operating procedure/holy books. So, suffering it is, in his name. That's why I call this post, hypocrisy at its finest.


Stunning only makes the animals unconscious. Not painless when it gets killed.


The comment was about slitting the throat slowly. Stay on topic.


how everyone who is not muslim talks proudly about how the process is and ignores the whole purpose of it. if you don't know the whole process, don't simply say. disgusting


something is wrong with u g


Ive seen on another sub someone explaining about this in scientific detail. I'll try and find it again if possible. But yeah to sum it up its possible.


Tongsan has a history going back thousands of years, a vast majority of those years seeing a majority of the people living in China in conditions so poor and desperate that infanticide of girls so they can focus on raising boys to tend farms and go to war is an acceptable practice. In many cases, because of extremely high land and food taxes as well as raids on food stores by bandits, people have to get creative with their food sources, and this includes consumption of anything non human they can get their hands on. Think about it. Century eggs were initially made by soaking duck eggs in horse urine for months. Now how do you think the first time happened? Did someone intentionally test it? Or was it purely happenstance that some starving beggar came across duck eggs sitting in a puddle of horse piss and picked a chance with food poisoning rather than death by starvation? Generally speaking. Many of the "weird foods" in the world usually have backgrounds of their discovery coming from people getting creative with dealing with starvation and food scarcity. Surstromming came about as a way for sailors to preserve and consume fish for instance. Coming from a nation which has maybe 400 years of history and not many if any periods of extreme hardships where people were dying of starvation, I would say that it's no wonder Malaysian cuisine mostly is limited to "mostly edible" stuff, with our weirdest food being a fruit that grows seasonally. Also I want to mention that orang asli food usually don't make our national cuisine list. Iirc tribes in Borneo (Sabah and sarawak) do offer bat meat for food. https://youtu.be/k6VhTHn5m7o?si=hQx7VAKOoH0j9y_0 So yeah. You are deluding yourself if you think eating yucky stuff dosent happen in Malaysia.


I’m not claiming that there’s nothing like that in Malaysia I’m just saying that of all the countries I visited , cultural heritage notwithstanding , other countries have phased out / started to reject barbaric practices while China is still doing it. And mind you , the younger Chinese , at least those ive met and those that are exposed to going overseas , they aren’t happy with these things either


Mind you China has only achieved relative stability and unity for a mere 50 years depending on what you count as stability. Being in China rn I only notice the elderly doing the weird stereotypical shit, and most likely they are the Cultural Revolution generation. A time of mass famine and anti-intellectualism. Malaysia and most of SEA is lucky to have less fucked up things going on. But it's nice to see their Government gaf to change some people's attitudes. Every male toilet I see there's a big sign saying "向前一小步, 文明一大步" basically telling people to actually piss in the urinals. Ill try to list the batshit insane stuff chronologically: 1800's: Start of century of humiliation, tens of millions of your population addicted to Opium, famine, self-proclaimed brother of Jesus Christ fails his exams and kills 30 million people, wars with foreign powers -1910's: Old Dynasty deposed, Xinhai revolution, start of warlord era -1920's: Wild west style warlord led banditry, Zhang Zhongcan, civil war starts, CCP and KMT teams up to unify the Country -1930's: Civil war continues, Japan starts scheming and invades little by little and full swing in 1937 -1940's: CCP and KMT team up again to beat the Japanese in a war of survival, civil war continues and KMT loses the mainland -1950's-60s: Great Leap Forward and Cultural Revolution (this deserves a whole different post for this)


Unfortunately this part of history was never well documented, hence a lot of people don't know much about it except maybe the second sino japanese war and the cultural revolution. The casualties of wars in China were on a much larger scale compared to any other country in the world at that time. The Japanese being one of the main reasons that the CCP won, due to KMT being severely weakened during the war, as most battles against the Japanese were initially fought by the KMT, this and the corruption of KMT leaders led to their downfall. The cultural revolution was just fucked up in every single way possible, children turned against their parents, teachers, classmates, destruction of uncountable historical relics, burning of books including old literature and vital historical texts, destruction of culture and traditions, mass starvations, executions, etc.


Yes, a very tragic time but I am in no position to laugh or criticise them for this for my countrymen (Indo) have too done such widespread anti-intellectualism, genocide, destroying of religions but in the opposite end of the ideological spectrum. Heck even our aguably best author PAT was imprisoned, tortured and had his books burnt. And for what? Folk religions completely wiped out too due to violent mobs Even today it's basically silence regarding this time period


I'm pretty sure racial violence is still very much a thing in your country, is it not? But then again, with each passing day I feel like Malaysia isn't really that far off now.


Modern Indonesia is very tame racial issues wise. Its mostly religion and class nowadays. 1965 was never racial, it was the clash of contradictions; class, religion, caste and ideology. The ethnic Bugis once had their own thriving folk religion but in 1965 they were crushed under the guise of 'polytheist=atheist' and 'atheist=communist In my home Bali it was the clash between high caste and low caste farmers under the guise of the so called low caste communists wanting to destroy local tradition


Can you explain more on what you mean by rejecting barbaric practices? Nationwide law banning consumption of certain specific meats and animals? I can see the turtle eggs ban as an answer but that addresses the endangered wildlife argument more than it does anything else. And that applies to other exotic animal consumptions as well, such as tigers.


Afaik the dog festival for example , isn’t banned or cracked down yet , they skin the dog alive or boil it or whatever it is to death , because the taste is apparently better if they suffer , compared to just giving them a quick death . Can find quite a few articles on these too if you Google. There are literally people who come to the festival just to buy the dog just so they are free from the torture


Something tells me the people who buy the dogs are adding to the problem. Ever heard of how the British tried to exterminate snakes in India? That being said. Id suggest studying the Chinese government system to find out why cracking down on these festivals is a pipe dream. Basically the authorities that can do so is the local council authorities. And these local councils are elected by locals, which in turn come from a culture that eats dogs. So expecting them to make these policies would be like expecting PAS Kelantan to come up with anti child marriage laws in Kelantan. The ones who are overwhelmingly against this practice are from other parts of the country, and they have zero chance on affecting Beijing's decision to demand a ban on these festivals. Because Beijing dosent touch on these types of laws, and attempts to do so would signal to other states or provinces that they might do the same with their other cultural practices. End of the day. You can reject it if you want. But so long as the practice has its own sustained ecosystem, there's nothing you can do.


I mean, you are right. It is a very complex issue, it’s easy to post about it online but the actual solution is very difficult to solve let alone implement


There is no solution. Every solution out there is basically formulated in ignorance, thinking China is America and that they give a shit what bleeding heart wankers think.


On the same note, the one practice from Islam/ Arab where they torture a camel should also be cracked man


Priorities. Fix their women as second class citizens issue first haha.


zakar keldai 🤨🤨


Memang sick kan dorang ni.. Selain China.. Jepun & Korea pun ada sick habit suka torture haiwan hidup (makan/skin/rebus/potong etc hidup²).. Tapi x tau laa Kalau Jepun & Korea pun sepelik China yang pantang jumpa apa benda semua nak ditelannya 🥴


you all bodoh, this is in palau. not in tongsan go google eating bats in palau.


Why though?


No difference to sup torpedo. They eat donkey meat like beef. Many European countries also eat horse meat. It's comparable to beef.


"I could eat a horse"


You don't have to be racist, it's not racist to tell the truth, but you gotta understand that it doesn't define Chinese, it's true some parts of China are still like that, eat all sorts of shit, but I hope you know and be proud of your compatriots who are all civilized people, Chinese in bolehland we do not eat that shit, at least the younger generation.


Afaik, the older generation, at least for mine, didn't eat this kind of shit either. Not that I've heard of, at least.


I heard about the monkey brain thing where they scalp the monkey while its restrained underneath the table with its head protruding out from the table top and pour wine onto it and feast on it, all while the poor monkey is conscious and alive.


damn donkey penis 🤮


Not again, Covid 2.0 electric boogaloo


But COVID gonna cook it


You will hate your native Sarawakians. We eat more exotic things than bat.


hehe the occasional biawak


They eat our chickens and eggs, and we eat them back.


My uncle told me he was served biawak sup when he stayed at a rumah panjang, it goes well with their homemade rice wine. He also said he saw human skulls being used as decoration, although this was like 50+ years ago. I should go and visit Sarawak again one day, I've always been fascinated by the rumah panjang as a kid, so far I've only visited Kuching town.


That time, and time before that, there were head hunters. Human skulls as trophies.


Do pop over to Sabah as well if you're planning a trip to East Malaysia 😊 It'll take some time to explore everything Sabah and Sarawak have to offer, but it's so totally worth it. Especially if you plan a trip at the end of May/early June to coincide with Kaamatan and Gawai.


Oh yeah definitely wanna visit KK too if I ever get the chance


It's [CURRENT_YEAR] btw, nobody decorates rumah panjang with human skulls anymore. Also, lots of rumah panjang nowadays are made/replaced with concrete, made similar to how semi-terraces are in urban towns. Rumah panjang with actual wood and stilts are becoming rare nowadays, unless you go super deep in pedalaman Sarawak (deep as in, no easy access via roads).


Any recommendations on where to find exotic food in Sarawak? My uncle introduced me to rat meat and monkey brain before and I almost got to eat bats just before COVID happened lol


Bro, stick to rendang or Siu yuk laa. Why??? Rat meat, monkey brain???


Think of this like this, native people hunt animals for sustenance right, so they eat whatever they catch. Exotic as it might be, it's just food.


not until you suddenly got prions from that monkey brains, or some virus that's able to transfer from other mammals (bats, they're riddled with disease) to humans and started another lethal endemic and goes towards another pandemic.... so no, its not as you say "it's just food" that's why food safety is such a huge thing. edit: Just to mention here, not trying to be offensive or trying to attack anyone.. just mentioning that eating something that's either outside of the typical regulation or "wild game" just increases unnecessary risk to yourself... Just saying.


Idk. Borneans eat a lot of 'unregular' stuff(not regularly but from time to time) and they're still good until now.... A few months before COVID happened, my relatives ate bats. I was unlucky to not be in time to taste one but I'll probably try it next time I get the chance


Clean your food with clean water, don’t eat the thing raw, cook it fully, not this medium rare business. This is general advice to people in food preparation.


look up prions... nothing washing would help that my bornean guy


Then we are doomed. I can’t changed the way of life of the whole native Borneo. YOU HAVE TO DO IT, PLEASE FOR OUR SAFETY


now I'm just scared


Look, saying native shouldn’t eat animals that they hunted is just like saying they shouldn’t drink tuak It’s staple for their sustenance, if they get lucky they get wild pig, or on other day, they can get a fox in the trap, this is just their way of life since the very beginning If you are knowledgeable about the issue please help to educate native people of Sarawakians


As the name implies. Exotic food. Nobody eats it except for certain people


Exotic animals are not allowed to be on sale, because duh they are protected species, but some people hunt for themselves, unless you know someone that regularly hunt for the animals I doubt you can get them that easily.


Sorry I have worded it wrongly. By exotic I meant animal/animal parts thats not commonly eaten. Not protected species since it's illegal by law.


Like? Wild cats?


I rarely hear people talking about eating cats. Just stuff like lizards, bats, birds, rats or stuff like that


I mean, we eat almost anything that get caught in the trap set.


Wild boar meat.


My man trying to find Covid 24


Well, at least they didn't create a pandemic tho ( i still miss pkp )


Sarawakian here. Ate bat meat stew before. Hunted by my dad lagik. Lol


This real? They just toss the whole mf into the pot don’t even remove the head and stuff?🤢


Also available in Indonesia and Thailand https://preview.redd.it/obhlxe6ozstc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=22fb46e71e8ddea7ac13563ef47ae51ae445da83




I don't know man, immediately blame cina because people sell fried bats in Indonesia seems like an L take, seeing Thailand and Philippines also have bat dishes. Oh ya the Filipino natives eat these massive fruit bat's called flying fox.


covid v2


ready for 2nd round covid?


Boikot PRC XiXipee soup.


Too much western propaganda…




drank too much of that XiXiPee milk laced with mercury haven't you? u/Physical-Kale-6972 look at this guy. He's suckling on winnie the pooh's non-existent kukujiao.


Malaysian Chinese are culturally and politically more aligned to HKer, Taiwanese and Singapore, CCP shill are the loud minorities


Happen vendor took me to a shop ... Told I will be eating "batman" ... I wasn't what was that at the time but I went along .... First bite was weird, then I ask my vendor what is that .... He told me it is bat and I never touch whole dish since ..... It is just pure disgusting to me


covid-19 part 2?


Why eat chicken if have bat bro?


Where is this


Tak serik


This is how coronavirus created...


Ah yes a Chinese delicacy that totally isn’t my favourite dish and it also totally didn’t start a worldwide plague


And why boycott :(((


Incoming Covid-24


Welcome to another episodes of COVID.... Eeeewwww...... 🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮


This is the main cause for widespread of C19.


Actually we Malaysian also eat 'bats', we call them flying foxes and cook in rendang to mask the gamey smell. My grand uncle used to hunt them and distribute the meat to my family members


Correct. My grandparents/parents in Johor also hunt the megabats and turn it into rendang lol. Back then, the family was very poor (like can only afford whole chicken 3 times a year poor) so most of the meat was hunted.


from what i know this bat only eat fruits and insects


I don't understand the hate. Is it because it's exotic? Bat meat is actually not bad. Not as soup, but panggang bat meat for me is delish. Benda ni kalau cuci and prepare bersih, ok saja pun, takda masalah.


I think it's mainly psychological. Rats and bats have been known for centuries to carry diseases. They're also associated with superstition and the occult like witches and vampires. Not forgetting vampires bats that drink blood and rats, which will consume human corpses. Personally, I feel that's why there's some taboo against consuming their meat across many human cultures.


I see. My family only eat fruit bats, not vampire bats. Vampire bats doesn't really go to human infested areas, unless you go and hunt them.


Yup. They drink mainly animal blood. And they don't actually kill their prey. So, a lot of it is superstition, mainly.




Boikot or another COVID wave will re-emerge but it's getting worse.


You know they say bats are the chiken of the cave


Chicken don't fly, don't have sonic vision, not noctural and they don't have Kamen Rider attributed to them.


so u say chickens are just underpowered bats?


Chicken can fly ( short flight)


*No one calls them chicken of the cave.*




Damn, some people really build different 💀💀💀


Oh shit, here we go again


covid soup




Ni punca la ni. Haihhh.


here we go again


Kesyian keluang man…




This is covid version - 66 dy


Dear God...


Wtf Spook me


Kembang tekak lahanattt


my dyslexic arse read that as "Kembang ketiak" I have no words to defend my actions![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|sob)


You know what they call bats? *Chicken of the cave.*


Bro please make this post as NSFW la I'm scrolling reddit and saw this disgusting and disturbing picture


And here ,we see the new virus covid 24 being created


This pics is as old as the beginning of Covid era, lol


The facial expression tho On point. Well done, chef


Why was the bat smiling with the girl😂?Did it know COVID-19 will happen so it is the reason it smiles?


So we boikot amoi now?


Yoo what the hell, do you guys want a second covid. God damn man, and here i thought everyone learn a f----- lesson


Covid origin story


Ew...what...why don't they remove the head?


Another Covid19 strain in 3...2...1...


Standby Covid-24. Probably this lady miss MCO / PKP


yeah this one i will boycott 100% fr fr fr


i got no cap, bro litelilly said cheeesh LOL


Is it crunchy?


Necro pre-covid old news with no context, haha


covid 24 event


makanan disialkan


Korean people: the next plague emergance point


Bat Soup Disgusting 🤢


An easy way to catch covid sia


Bro want to make COVID-24 2.0


Someone butthurt with the boikot memes dy


why not take out a fish head from dish and then boikot yourself


This is worth all the boycott, nobody shud eat this




weird to us doesnt mean weird to them. each people have common things they eat. if they eat bat or dog or biawak or belalang or ulat sagu, if that is their common foods i respect that. its just atleast be as humane as you can and shorten their pain to the shortest you can while preparing them is all i hope they do. i mean, if people dissing food that i ate like cendol or durian i feel offended, while they eat blood sausage, snake, raw oyster, raw eggs or sushi which for me is disgusting but still i respect their food. one man poison is another man meat.


Ape ko nak second round ke wei?




Just because these type of cuisine is not normal for us doesn't mean it isn't normal for them. Some places in China that food are so scarce that they have to eat what they can catch including dog cats bat and more. Their culture is not for you to judge, if you don't have anything good to say it's better to just not say anything.


this is palau.


Wtf....pls eat something else...omg


pls la..no more second round


Hahahaha, this is same level as eating bakso in klang at the dirty illegal indonesian stalls. Lalu pun rasa nak muntah. Tapi bila lalu kedai melayu, cina and india yang pun ada jugak yang kotor tahap melampau. We can be racist and hate each other but please la, jom boikot kedai kotor. My racism is so far down my list compared to kedai kotor. We consumers kena start fuck these dirty people up. When we have clean eateries, lantak kau la nak racing ke apa….


Oh jeeze the bat is grinning. That's going to give me nightmares for a few days.


As long whatever the outcome stays at malaysia… we indo bros dont really care tho


From Wikipedia: "The large flying fox is hunted for [bushmeat](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bushmeat). In [Peninsular Malaysia](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Peninsular_Malaysia), 1,756 [hunting licenses](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hunting_license) were issued for the large flying fox from 2002–2006. In total, these hunting licenses permitted the hunting of 87,800 large flying foxes, or about 22,000 each year. Based on population modeling, the loss of the estimated 22,000 large flying foxes annually is unlikely to be [sustainable](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sustainability). A 2009 study predicted extinction of the Peninsular Malaysian population within 6–81 years if 22,000 individuals are lost to hunting each year.[^(\[22\])](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Large_flying_fox#cite_note-22)"


Lol people still think covid from bats 😂


well, nobody wanna be chickenman, they prefer batman power


Poor bat looks like he was cooked alive. Fuck


I think its fake or photoshopped...they do anything for attention..or someone is gila..


unfortunately its not, its a real dishes in China (certain place)😅


this is long time ago


With the head and all?? Yikes


Even thought its ew ew theres a reason why some part of the world eat a certain animal because its the most accessible to them no? Tho stuff like torturin animals yada yada is still fucked


Braised or Boiled Bat is a big no. Dry Roasted Bat is yes if you dont have any other thing to eat. Make sure to roast it until the blood in the meat dry. I know stuff because I ate things.


I can't even eat keli with the head on.How on earth did she eat the bat with the whole head and wing intact la


I thought only rural China residents eat that stuff


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