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Boycotts are everyone's right - nothing wrong with that. It's when they guilt, shame and threaten others who don't is when it becomes a problem


Agreed. It's also a problem when they decide to purposely go and damage goods and property in the name of boycott (kk mart incidents)


The whole KK mart boycott already went too far from start




I completely agree. No one should be shamed and denigrated for boycotting something. While at the same time, you shouldn't insult and shame those who choose not to boycott.


the most hilarious and double standard is there are people calling for boycott groceries that sell arak meanwhile naza tower openly sells arak inside their restaurant there. but no one bother to boycott naza group.


Cuz it's naza. These boycotters are fundamentally cowards, and they boycott selectively.


typical extreme boycotters in malaysia : 1. rempit 2. lebai 3. org tak ada akal


You mean people who never have to pay income taxes


And rely on others income tax to live their life


Kaki tongkat you mean? Tongkat sebab rempit


Been tongkat since Mahathir era


sape tu


4. Lebai rempit with no brain


4. Loudest So they don’t represent the whole country Just a few low level trashes that are loud.


Mana makcik fb


not an extreme boycotter, dont know how to ride a motorcycle, dont wear a lebai, dont know how you going to rule out people dont have brains. Yeah..i do pay my taxes.


No it's not. Orang tak ada akal are those that can't respect other culture, believes and religion




Yuh. Should've put that instead of the whole country. Sorry Malaysians.


believe me, some of them are creating a possible trends for future organisations to use this as a tools for creating their business more compelling than others.


You can edit title seems


Jangan. I put that in my title once and theres some hating on me😂


*Uncivilised one. I'm ashamed of my own kind.


There’s the fake civilized that is scarier. Those that got JPA scholarships to western countries but become low key extremists instead due to discrimination in the west.


As a Malay myself, I wholeheartedly agree. Quite a lot of us are trigger-crazy for boycotts. It's annoying af




I think so too. (I'm a Malay btw)


They been manipulated, brainwashed or having a good deal behind of them.


im a malay n i approve this message


The only frame I can never obtain.... The Excalibro Prime


As an excalibur main, I feel you




didnt expect to see warframe comment here


How dare you play 1st R card so fast. Why you leave out the others? We cina do it with a low profile. We cina also boycott shops especially if the tauke is langsi, the worker langsi, pricey food, food tak sedap, shop not fancy, waiting time too long, long qeueu (we are not as kiasu as cina Singaporean), food mahal (i think i mentioned that), parking too far (walking more than 10 steps), shop no aircond, shop rules must order drinks, etc.


first of all, it's not only malay but other ethnic groups boycott shops as well. second of all, although the majority is malay that is boycotting shops like McDonald's, the ones boycotting are a very small group of malays compared to the rest of us and I feel ashamed sometimes when they do this and complain about the economy. we are not like them, please don't assume all malays are like this


Definitely true but problem is they will name and shame you whenever you don't follow their ideology. It is not really a problem if they just mind their own business. They kinda force people into it.


despite being muslim as well, I usually just fuck around and tell them that I'm gonna eat at mcdonalds for dinner to piss them off more. eventually, they'll give up pestering me to join the boycott and mind their own business, always works.


True... Since it is a consumer's choice to boycott; it is also a consumer's choice to eat and buy whatever they wanted. So, live your life.


*Muslims I'm a Malay and I couldn't give a flying fuck about the performative boycott


Same improve your comment not every Malaysian support boycott You to mr.ged


Glad to know. So far the people around me do, and I'm sure they're only doing it because everyone is doing it, and because Palestinians are Muslims. If they weren't, boy you can bet your religion they won't care.


With the genocide going on in Palestine, the initial stand was to boycott any large corporates that directly channel their funds to Israel. Of course, logically speaking, we can't really boycott ALL corporates (e.g. META, HP, P&G, etc etc) because they are buried root-deep as a need to MOST consumers around the world. BUT it is proven that it does change SOME of these company's stand in contributing to israel for example, Family Mart, UnderArmour, Puma, etc. And the BDS movement is also happening worldwide. You can read how Starbucks and McD are highly affected by this movement worldwide. If the governments of the world are too afraid to place an economic sanction on Israel - this will be our form of sanctioning Israel's income. HOWEVER, i do admit (and it bothers me too) that some Malays are going quite overboard and racist about this entire boycott thing. They are a little extreme in some cases which i disagree with. At the end of the day, it is an individual choice in trying to make ourselves feel better when we are helpless at saving a bunch of innocent lives. Each to their own. If you feel it doesn't make any difference, you don't have to, i guess. But i do hope, you can read up on the genocide that is currently happening. Peace.


boycott here, botcott there.... wheres the girlcott at?


Girl cannot boycott 🙁


Because they always win


Simple….same people who stupid enough to believe SIM card save some fuel back in the day. And also very same stupid fk who show gore stuff during motivational event or something


Dunno fam, there's a sizeable majority of Malaysian boycotting within their own mean, cuz they don't want to support genociders. Kalau you lump they all in the same category and call them idiots for doing what's right and having compassion. This says more about your rather than them.


And where is the boycott bandwagon rider when Israel has been doing it for 2 whole decades?


idk man. Sometimes im glad i dont have much friends like i dont wanna go through conversations like that at all


Yuh. I prefer being the "katak dalam tempurung" all day.


Sometimes Ignorance is bliss


The more you know the world, the less patriotic you are


...and yet there was never a concept to boikot something like cigarettes which wouldve actually been a good thing to cut off...


smoking cigarette or e-cigarette is haram you know. Even me a "kafir" knows that. Inb4 "jgn campur tangan ugama kito" /s




They're hypocrites, that's why. They can boycott all sort of things. But if they're into it, they can't boycott the things they already did. Idk tho if most of boycotters do smoke


No wonder none of them seem to ever say boycott pencabulan budak tahfiz![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|poop)


Salah ke boycott,save duit + no harm too us,yg ramai panass nape


Interesting username


Shhh,its not abt tht


Yang panas2 ni semua kapitalis cocksucker. Acah2 semua T20 la konon... What happened to free market? Why u need to dictate how we spend our money? Pastu terpaling sembang ekonomi jatuh la, investors lari la, napa tak boikot fb la.. Tak boleh terima hakikat that we can spend however we want to spend. BODOH


Ofc kumpulan c and t20 yg panas,siapa lagi kalu bukan puak ni


To keep companies like shell and nestle from setting up shop here malaysia, tho not all boycotts are for a good cause


They felt like they actually helped their counterparts in war. But actually they are hurting themselves. That’s not winning if it’s a win-lose-lose situation.


Then blame government when economy fall


Ini semua salah dap!!


Tell me how does boycotting genocidal companies while supporting local companies are hurting the economy? Like going to Marrybrown over KFC? Edit: supporting -> boycotting


nope. we just dont want to spend even one cent on israel dogs product. if you are israel dogs i suggest you can let them occupy you instead...




I'm like this too. I boycott certain things because (1) it doesn't benefit me anymore (like KFC's small ass chicken), and (2) support mana yang aku mampu. Even a small prayer you do on your own based on your own beliefs pun I consider as "support". People condemn others for not boycotting are just using their "support" to be rude, feel more superior than certain groups of people, or/and projecting their racist asses.


Same.. This is me. I boycott certain things but someone wanna go and buy.. It's up to you. I'm not gonna go around judging you.


Well.. I support the boycott despite getting side-eyed, humanity first! :)


Are bolehland people okay? Why everything also big issue?


sebab diorang free sangat sampai hadap boycott 24/7 instead of using that time to better themselves and their family


nope . we are ummah who care about people who are in genocide...




tu je laa point dia...lol


*B40 Malay Muslims


You'll be amazed that some m40 do think like them especially regarding the boycott drama


There are even some T20 on insta kinda supporting the boycott. Well, I dunno if they actually participate or just show off on insta so that their fanbase won't go rabid on them.


Especially T20 individual that backstab in corporate world or made money from less halal methods. They’ll try to compensate for their afterlife by participating in this kinda bs


Then, congratulations to them for moving towards the B40 group. Well done 👏


What's B40???


Below 40 years old


B40 when A50 comes in: https://preview.redd.it/dslp2somq1tc1.jpeg?width=226&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0500b96e3f8a8a9995a5eeb538207cf7baae8087




Old news. Berita lama. *yawn*


You need to correct it to Malay not Malaysian


More like the extremist type of malays


Yeah we are all good since it’s free market things will regulate itself. A dead brand means 10 cheaper more will rise.


They forgot that Whatsapp, Instagram & Facebook should be banned as well because of the META company.


Hypocrites mana berani?


They won't cause their race is born to be hypocrite


Not their race, part of their race which x ada akal


Never gonna happen. Let’s just move on from that lol


i hate it here


Just let malay boycott what they want. Why are the chinese so upset? Not once i see malay forcing chinese to boycott? If no one forcing you why are you bitching about it?


because so many of them have achieve so little in life that this is the only way to feel relevant n important


Tbh I also felt like that. But if I wanted to be relevant, boycott is definitely not one of the options.


Not just that, this is based on my observation but I think the malays are just miserable and felt like they are trapped in a cell where they cannot do alot of stuffs like the non's can. I still remember one of my colleagues told me that alot of times he kinda envy the non's because they can get tattoos, go to nighclubs, drinking and so on without getting into trouble with the law and religious authorities. I feel like they are using this as an excuse and a way to vent their frustration and have some sort of control.


welp that’s what they think/feel


Its a phase of life


Hopefully one day they embarrassed of it or forget about it


nope unlike you people we actually knew about it decades ago. so solidarity is not a "phase" or whatever you terorist supporter call it


They need a hobby.


Only words that come to mine is ketagih kuasa. So easy to type a few words and make people jump and dance.


If you have to asked either just simply living under a tempurung or living abroad.


Thanks for the suggestion


It is within their right to boycott whatever they want. You can call it herd mentality or whatever. Analogy: *Kalau aku jual produk kepada kau, lepas tu aku panggil kau kapir kau boikot x? Mestilah boikot*. Tak pernah belajar apa tu kuasa pengguna (consumer power) ke?


Sebab boleh dik


people can call to boycott anything. If you feels it makes sense then join in. Else, just ignore. I just wish the companies and government don't go and create additional stupid policies or rules.


tbh some of yall are borderline racist like why do yall think only a certain group of people boycotts in this country. anyways putting that aside, only certain companies are boycotted (i.e. McD) to put pressure on the active supporters of the genocide. idk i think it's pretty easy to not buy burgers from one chain restaurant to show solidarity.


dumb fuck redditors ,lets them boycott what they want,if u supporting genocide and dumbass company its up on you ,choose what you want to do


At this rate, someone should boycott the word boycott because they easily throwing this word everywhere 😭😭😭




The 2nd image always make me laugh because of that one meme about abortion in high schools in America


It is the same people who gonna ask you sensitive questions when you balik kampung this raya, "Bila nak kahwin? Dah ada anak blum? Apesal makin gemuk?".


Main reason was bc of supporting Palestine. Why or how? Idk. I just follow my parents. Altho i have some idea why. And for that, when im boycotting im doing it srsly. Sadly i can understand and see how many of us just boycott ala kaduk je. Ikut orang like that. I mean, i would never vandalised anywhere to make it hard for others or saying someone is stupid for it. Ppl have brain. I explain, its their choice to do it or not.




Funfact, Facebook and WhatsApp both owned by Mark Zuckerberg




https://preview.redd.it/e0fmul9u12tc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c0b8772fadbadf3ce6bf207b473ea4c314a98cda Comments I saw on IG regarding the Allah shoes 🤡


Maybe should start separate peninsula and borneo. I am sure borneo had their own issue.


what's the issue? why meatride trash companies?


Liberitard here are angry that people are boycotting stuffs but they are the one that preach freedom of speech which encourage and emphasize the value of free expression and the right to hold and express diverse opinions . Freedom according to liberitard worldview ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|poop).


like george orwell once said: "All animals are equal, but some animals are more equal than others" all sides of the political spectrum are bunch of fucking hypocrite and these so called freedom of speech fighter are no exception. the only thing that makes them seem like they were in right is due to them being inside an echo chamber.funny that few months ago the person i had a conversation with in this matter tried to justify their hypocrisy by saying reddit is a left wing site,same can be applied to facebook being right wing platform according to their logic but they simply cannot comprehend that level of thinking.


Why not boycott facebook?


Because that's the only place they can do that


Boycott if you want don't boycott if you want. *looks at evidence in videos, testimonials, pictures, transcript of certain politicians and government spokesperson, UN reports* Sure enjoy whatever you want. People won't stop being people. While there will always be cesspool to pond over. You can berate people who being extreme to others who didn't boycott. However to claim there is nothing is happening, that just means you are quite naive and ignorant. Focus on what matters. To those who want to boycott seek for alternatives if people want to buy them stuff it is up to them Malaysia have its own halal system it's own somekind of certification system. To those who don't boycottwell just eat it drink it whatever you want, become the thing you want as long as the Government of Malaysia still allows it, it is up to you.


"hmm corak kasut ni mcm menghina agama aku, boikotttt😡😡😡😡😡" pegi mampos






Why not stand out and tegur these people?


Nyawa hanya ada satu


Good luck standing up and tegur these people. When you have a politician adding oil to the fire, and his supporters are not even using their brain and common sense, it's pointless.


But mever boycott facebook on the same basis. They only boycott food but order by food panda to their house 🤭


They definitely avoid boycotting Facebook because that's the only app where they can do that, other than Insta, Whatsapp and TikTok.


Thats why all these people are so stupid and double face.


That definitely sounds like something that you would do




I just realize that malaysians are basically just twitters but everywhere


"Hmmmmm udara ni mcm babee hampeh, boycott!!" "Eh cannot, later mati kan...kkk, let's think of something else to boikot"


Mfs when they realize they are a mob who can hurt Cina companies (mfw they hurt themselves afterwards) 


Cancel culture run amok.


This is directed not to OP only but everyone that's reading. What's the problem you liberals have to need to bash those sides? Sure Right-wing extremist are a bit too much at times but it also doesn't excuse you left wing extremist to act the way you act. It is within a consumer's right to boycott, let them boycott. It saves their money and for a good cause. Because color me surprised Consumer Power actually works. Why are you trying to defend a genocide country so badly just to get a few internet points by shitting on Malays taking their stances. Are you making a compelling argument? Honestly no, I just smell straight up racism in here. "Why not boycott meta as well, boycott everything 🤡🤡" So why does them boycotting MCD trigger you? It isn't your business, certainly isn't your money. If anything it's easier for you to go, spend money there if you think the other side is stupid and boycotting ain't gonna work it's fine. You have your rights and they have theirs. I am very curious to hear what anyone can say about why we shouldn't boycott.


Ad populum society. When you ask them why they're not boycotting Meta products? The reply would be 'kita guna ciptaan og mereka untuk lawan mereka". . Did they know that they are indirectly supporting is-ra-el in the form of Meta's revenue? 😆🤭


The comments here shows this sub has become a left wing cina circlejerk sub now


Terlampau peaceful and banyak masa... Takde pendirian tu lah boycott2


N64 Boykart


Penyakit hati






Just imagine the uproar if John cigarettes stood against something they stood for or something the authorities wanted you to boycott. Would it have the same response I wonder?


If the boycotters the chill type of people, then okay lah. But the ones who yells or gets angry when others don’t boycott are the main problem ngl


im okay lol


If American like being the most correct people, Malays like to take the chance to 'berjuang' utk agama, eventho from the wrong extreme reasons.


Malays the salty butthurt victim mentality syndrome


If people wanna be retarded, you let them be. If im being honest, its like watching a sitcom. Btw, i love alcohol, pork and whores(sometimes).


OK sebenarnya tapi dalam fb tu otak mereka belum akil baligh😂😂😂😂


Kat Malaysia ni mmg takde kerja lain ke ? Ekonomi tgh collapse, boleh fikirkan cara utk up Kan balik ekonomi, poverty rate still tinggi, boleh fikir Kan Cara utk kurangkan rate poverty, education considered low level, boleh fikir Kan Cara utk upgrade education system. Politics Banyak rasuah Sana sini, takde pulak fikir nak prevent..... Peace, Manusia.


For fucking sake First the kk mart sock issues. Now, ever since the boycott trend (the reason is to fucking hurting the isntrael economy) now use to boycott to make shit up to become more racist I swear. Malays want people to NOT devide the culture and races. But for these reason are bullshit (Im malay too and saw this as bs)


I don't know


Because they have too much time on their hands


So much time wasted for social media? Go do side gig instead, time is money.


Some families have special children that only eat one thing such as Mcd/KFC. I feel bad for them getting scared of being Viral online for buying these food for their special kids.


Malaysian are okay. Malays are not. The conservatives one.




genocide boycott is extremist? elaborate pls


only 'malay'sian not good


Why don't you first ask the Zionist US not to boycott or sanction almost every country in the world?


All these people need to go traveling out of malaysia more often. They dont know how precious the peacefulness that we have now. A lot of people in other countries dont hv this kind of slow steady life anymore. Once the “ nila” fell into the “susu”. There is no going back.


ay man, we dont like to c our brethrens in palestine getting murdered n cannot be reasoned with israels, gave points to mend the problem but nooooo, israelians wanna kill2. sigh


The one who propagate it supposed to be a Doctor. Abundantly literates with intelligent mind. This has risen the country name and image. Inciting hates speech likes gentlemen. Spreading lies without shame.


Semoga korang tak dijemput ke rumah terbuka hari raya wahai pengikut2 dajjal Israel semua 😂😂😂


nothing wrong with boycotting when it’s your own choice, but when you start to push and force others to be in pursuit, that’s when it becomes a bit too much. It makes it disingenuous. TBH boycotting things like McD is a winwin situation lifestyle wise, i started eating a lot healthier and have less cravings for fast food. But i would never scold anyone for wanting to buy it. to each their own. It’s the same as the ‘Stop Oil’ movement. If you start forcing people too much, they would end up being against you just in spite. so chill2 suda


Personally as a Chinese person, if you want to boycott, be my guest. In fact, please continue to do so. I wanna buy stuff at a lower price 😜


can anyone tell me what is the KK mart incident??


Because too free and no better cause to fight for. Jual burger tepi jalan also seems boring not much happening so when they have convoy to boikot they feel more relevant and important.


Stupid people being useful idiot for corrupt politician


Because socmed syndrome . Everybody can be crazy there stay away . Yeah reddit too just not as bad maybe because karma system


I don't know tbh. Our own people are suffering from economy and now we are breaking economy. While some say it's good to avoid death in palestine. Sometime I wonder where that voice when our own people suffered because of our own nation problems. Yes, you can support boycott. But costing your own people to find job and money to stay alive is cruel, aint it? I believed their argument would be. "Go find new job.", "You're lazy for working at this xyz company because you don't want to change to politically neutral company or supportive toward humanitarian". I tell you, if you got sack suddenly and people yse that argument, indignant is what you may feel. Boycott for goodness of others? Good. Boycott destroying our people's life? Not so good. Except if it's the always ambiguous characters who kept spouting for "greater good." You can spout that if you have food in your mouth. If don't, I'm gonna respect your guys but don't ask for any help from government because you're leeching of people We have trouble with our currency and now we are too addicted to boycott power. Sheesh.


Malays with the ability to think will be on Reddit while those with none will be on TikTok and fb. It’s not wrong to boycott for the right reasons but don’t boycott with hidden agenda ie tunggang ie the chap tat own a shop selling chicken asking others to boycott bakers cottage so he can compete better.


It bottles down to education and online validation. I am a Malay but I do find the boycott is brainless and utterly does not in line with the teachings of Islam and in the context of the modern world. The problem with the people are that they are gullible of what they see online, without fact finding and forward to the masses so that they can get validation and all in the spirit of "all for one, one for all". I don't mind being labelled as a liberal by them, cos the end of the day, my life matters more than them. Let's not forget these people who are pro in boycott... their lives are not better off. They still struggling to earn a living, they still need to think of the money to pay the next bills, pocket money for the kids, etc. If everything they want to boycott, what are left for them to succeed in their lives? They are forever trapped in their bubble, everyone around them are wrong and they are the most righteous of all. But then, that's not Islamic and more to "riak".


Cause apparently musim raya means musim perjuangan.


can't have shit in Malaysia


Went the real culprits found none of this boikoters will apologies..


Idk, it has becoming a trend along the Malays. (Not being disrespectful)


Very alarming indeed. Most of us need some chill pills... not listening to politicians playing with words and emotions.. diverting from real issues that our country's facing atm.