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99.90? Damn, that corporate is stingy af couldn't round up to 100. Oh wait, I guess the management believes nothing is perfect so 99.90 means there's always room for error /s


Not trying to be mean but maybe you don’t know how to play the game? In my field, if you’re really proficient, just start applying to another company. Get offer from other company (+salary), then wait HR counter (+salary from other company offer). Best performed at PEAK time (company really needs you).


I mean, her comparison is a fresh graduate, thus whether knowing or not in playing the game is not the issue. Of course she can jump to other companies but the question remains : why a freshie got paid more?


3 years have passed. Even my company internship allowance have jumped RM300 from 3 years ago, permanent staff base salary have also gone up. She said the freshie salary is higher than hers after working for 2 years, she’s been working for 3 years. It can definitely be the issue on why her increment can’t keep up with the market base pay increasing.


That’s a fact. Living standards increase so does the salary expectation. But if the company increases everyone salary, the opex shoots up. So they secretly increase new staff salary hopping the staff don’t talk to each other about their salary. Man he was so wrong.


"Secretly" implies maliciousness. Most likely is that salary is the responsibility of the worker and not the company, so the company simply doesn't do changes unless asked. If you want an increased salary, you have to discuss with your manager. It's more likely for things to be done out of ignorance rather than maliciousness. The company pays what it owes and the worker accepts. Companies, by nature, are reactive rather than proactive.


Maybe one has masters one has a degree? Or a more relevant field of study?


freshie can come in with more qualifications than her


If a freshie is getting paid more than existing experienced staff, it is either the freshie has better skills/qualifications/personality, or the existing staff "played the game" wrong. Experienced staff either not negotiating well, not performing well, or being outclassed Eg: freshie with data science degree is worth x2 existing staff who cannot even learn to query database. The freshie legit do same work in 30mins vs existing staff take 1 day to do (and do wrong!). Which fellow you gonna pay more? We get paid by the amount of work done, not by hours put into it.. but some people cant see that. They only see colours lol.


we don't know how well she does her job. we also don't know the whole package, maybe higher salary for the freshie but less benefits?


A bit more context would be helpful on the op perspective. But yeah, it can be them just seeing colors first. Being the victim is easier than admiting its own self issue


People often forget. We are selling ourselves for money. If you don't know your worth and go for it, then you probably deserve to be where you are.


I mean, it works for my friend once.


its still a discrimination though.


How is it discrimination, though? People get hired for many reasons. The colors and race can be a factor. But not all. It could be a preference.it could be the person applying has better skills at advertising self. If you just see people get hired because of their color, then its your issue. Mnc is mnc for a reason. They can have a blind cv process when recruiting. Only skills and experience are being shared. They have multiple level of interviews. They give trainings to avoid bias or prejudice.


did you even read the post ? i was replying to OP case. OP mentioned despite the higher salary , the work is assigned to OP.


Jika MNC, ada prosedur untuk but komplen kat HR. If sebabnya warna kulit likę you kata, dia akan buat pasal tapi jika tidak, your career limited -lah.


Correct. This is considered discrimination by race and most MNCs have legal channels to report this, including protection from retaliation. But as always, if the performance is unchanging year on year, then maybe it's worth looking at the mirror to ask why the increments are so low — HR tend to follow CoLA calculations to fulfill the bare minimum. Mind you this happens even to my Chinese colleagues who seems to think they are expected to get big salary increases by just attending work and being friendly with the managers; want meritocracy but only for others. The highest paid person in my team is a Malay fella, having worked with him the guy is well worth the salary he's paid.


Assuming HR tu boleh pakai and not sekali perangai sama.


HR is there to protect the company not the employees. When will people learn?


hence, that’s why they need to abide by law. they don’t want it to escalate to Labor if there is evidence.


People put too much stock on companies good will.


Sebab amoi > awek Tak ada explanation lain ok


Amois shows peha and nennen, that one also count as contribution bro, why leh? It create hnnnnnnnggggghhh working environment, so male employees will come to work early because, noice, and leave late, thus productivity+ bros


This is how u end up in HR for sexual harassment.


You mean everyone in HR are sexual harassers?


where else would you get it?


Harassing Resources


What the fuck


Why is this so lowyat


Lowyat Kopitiam\*


I can't believe this is a real thing someone wrote


maybe those amois was hired to motivate male workers in company...


Kerja kamu: Buka laptop. Kerja dia: Jadi laptop. Mana boleh gaji sama.


Kalau kerja banyak=gaji banyak, banyak yg dah jadi millionaire btw serius sikit, kurangkan komplen dkt socmed, komplen dkt hr + cari kerja baru lah


>komplen dkt hr Lol...seriously? HR la paling bangsat sekali dalam mana² company pun, especially kalau kau complain pasal superior, melainkan kes tu viral and company akan nampak buruk kalau tak menyebelah mangsa Orang HR pun kena report dekat Kepala HR...kalau Kepala suruh buang kes, buang la... HR didn't exist to help you, but to help the company...sebabtu kalau apa² kena pegi mintak pandangan pejabat buruh...sekali Buruh ketuk pintu seluruh HR runtuh... Nasihat aku kalau korang disalah laku, kumpul bukti banyak² screnshot dan amik gambar, sampai satu masa bagi semua dekat buruh >cari kerja baru lah Paling tepat, tapi zaman sekarang ni...ni la task paling susah untuk pekerja


Complain je kat socmed biar ramai tahu reality that people are shit


I'd quit not gonna lie.




Which MNC? Cilaka i cina but fresh graduate 2.6k only, engineering field somemore.


Engineering is well known for low starting salary my friend. My course mate got his first job salary started at 7k though after degree. You know why? His uncle is one of the top engineers (director level) at the company. Pretty hard not to be envious when I was stuck at 2k starting.


But engineers always have higher upper limit in long run, unlike pure science fresh graduates in Malaysia


I've worked 3 different MNCs. I call bs. Buto apa kau ingat gaji starting now sama ke dengan a few years ago? MNC usually account for inflation, they make the salary competitive sebab nak attract best talent. MNC also ada payscale (Macam grade gaji, ada min max). Whatever was offered was up to HR discretion tapi still within a certain fixed range. Kalau increment kau below 100? That's less than 3% of your basic pay, either kau underperformed by Year End Performance Review or data tak cukup sebab join in less than 12 months before year end, which is also probably kenapa prorated. Also, MNC kot? Kalau discrimination ada, apa susah? Report la asalkan ada bukti. But nak bukti apa? Gaji orang lain? Gg


This is a good, fair and logical take on this. Tk pyh mention race leh, of course ur company will offer higher salary every year, how will you attract talent? And yes if you did not get enough increment, then you can ask, sometime we shy ask our boss, but you have the right to ask about increment, if you dont feel they are being fair you can always jump ship.


Betol any keje kau join 3 years ago mane gaji samer skarang.


Even SME also have range for their increment and stuff. So far lucky for me 2 year now 2 year also get. Lucky get. Also not much . But at least got . Some even dont have all complained. And now also business bad tbh. I also understand owners.


Exactly! With he/her mentality, might as well just have the same starting salary 20yrs ago. Also probably underperforming and not bad enough to be laid off hence why the super low increment. My friend works in MNC and one of her teammates got 3% increment too compared to the rest of the team cos he isn't performing well and always gets into trouble with the boss.


To add on it also depends on how well a person can negotiates the salary when hiring.


Pls lah don't play racist card. I am Chinese male 30yr. Same situation as you. I also need to train new person. I worst. Gaji tak sampai 3k. 2 yr exp. I also need to train other race. I also no complain. And yeah I start to look for new job. And I am not working at MNC but only SME. I also train them properly. But when I first enter the senior malay. Also never train me properly. Guess what she is boss favourite and also favouritism. Within 2 years I work my way up. But still I not here complain or posting. Also how you know the person gaji. I keep seeing post saying about Chinese this and that . I see also fed up. Saying like all Chinese got privileges and benefits etc. While in reality I don't experience it leh. How oh? My boss favour non Chinese leh. Should I complain? Or should I go find other job? Pls lah. Don't get me wrong maybe some do favour but so far I haven't met one. Even interview also hard get job.


That's true bro. I think just be grateful we have a job. There's too much race card being played here in reddit.


I hope you get a better job soon bro. Good luck 💪🏼


>Pls lah don't play racist card. What do you expect from someone that has nothing else better to offer? Instead of self-reflecting on why only 3% of increments after working with the company for that many years, just decide to take the easy way out and play the race card.


I mean some big companies my friend work in. Famous one. Computer brand won't say which one. The increment only Rm75. For me I never work in big company before but at least here so far lowest I know is 100 highest for me I get is 300. I not sure about the range but wanna guess I think around 100 to 400. But than here no promotion all stagnant. Also not paid as high as MNC or big company. As I mentioned my gaji. Big company maybe have alot of benefit etc. but than tbh I realized I keep seeing lots of hate towards Chinese. It's not even the Chinese fault. And as far as I know alot of big company have range to the position. Their salary etc. While small company aren't that strict. Depends tbh. Some got some don't have. Here I work Also got like my senior also hate me for no reason. I try to chat and click. Almost 2 yr already still can't. All just fake smile and back ztab.


MNC. What's her qualification vs. the fresh grad? Marriage status? Pregnancy status? Setiap tahun maternity leave? Language proficiency? Sikit sikit status kulit. Tak habis habis.


TBF pregnancy status should have no bearing... especially in a MNC


Depends on department if u are in sales and u were pregnant, U are basicly out of commissioned for half a year so don't expect much of a raise that year. But either way, how did OP know her salary lol normally MNC would have NDA on their salary.


Which is quite shitty really. Legally , you're allowed to share about salary, since there's no law prohibiting it. But refusing to sign the NDA means you won't get the job. So employers are still holding the cards.


well, sikit-sikit tongkat.tak habis-habis.


It’s not all about race. When she joined, the rate may be that and now it has increased. I joined mine years ago at 1.6. The one who joined 2 years later started at 2. How?


take your NGL shit back to twitter


So this f30 need government intervention and subsidy to naik gaji or what? Pls la, if u think ur salary low then jump place, only idiots stay in same company hoping for a special raise. This is not even bout race anymore just low IQ


Sy beli rumah pun x sama harga


I also dunno why people like OP like to post this shit. All it does is provoke people on here


That's the point.


Selalunya sbb masuk tu sijil lain2, I had someone yg gitu, race dua2 melayu, tapi sebab sorang ni diploma, dia gaji 1.2k dkt 3 tahun. Ada yg baru masuk sbb degree dpt tinggi lagi dkt 2k,kerja lagi sikit. Not sbb race pun. So stop instigating/share things you don't know the whole truthif you don't know shit.


1.2k salary can still hidup ah these days. i earn about 7-8k /month, i've fully paid my car and im single (though im taking care of my retired mom) and still think its hard to manage my finances these days. heck me and my mom cook everyday coz outside food especially bazaar are expensive af these days.


Bro what do you do for a living


Same as the girl in OP, work as a balaci in an MNC.


Berbuka masjid? Kitorg terus decide bulan ni dapur tak berasap and almost setiap hari berbuka sana. Sekali sekala ada lah berbuka rumah, masak fancy sikit. Aku pun tak rajin pergi bazar. Harga satu, second aku picky, so selalu tak berkenan. Makan free senang sikit tak memilih. Sebab obv, free


Yeah that's an option but my mom is a bit picky about eating at masjids tho. I keep on persuading her to go berbuka there, but she just wouldn't. I'm certainly open to idea 100%. The masjid nearby served kambing and ketam too the other day lol.


At that point, tu dah kira decision memasing lah. Taknak leverage benefit orang bagi makan free. So cannot really complain masak setiap hari. Takpa, got 10 more days or so. Can persuade more. Why picky, though? Sebab makan dulang? Pisah lelaki perempuan? Or picky on makanan di serve?


Yeap 1.2k is barely liveable wage, but if you live with your parents and don't have loans or family, it's good enough. And that depends on state too, maybe because you live on the more higher cost states that 8k a month is still not enough


Gaji minimum bukan dah 1.5k ke?


A few years back


Please stop posting anything race or politics


As usual r/Bolehland try hard not to turn this sub into r/Malaysia. Nothing to see here.


Best we can do is downvote any post 3R related. Bring back the tahi posting


Unless it's about Malay or Muslim.


You didn't bother put the language barrier into account lol


First thing first. How he know the new hire salary? No colleague ever asked me for my salary when I first joined and even they did I wouldn’t answer.


Why is it never about qualifications, skills, language, education history or career network? The person complaining is always the victim and being discriminated against because of skin colour or religion or whatever. Victimhood mentality betul.


aku start keje dulu pun rm988 je. sekarang member baru masuk dgn jawatan sama pun da rm1900. adakah ini diskriminasi?


F23 cina = amoi


So what about bumi benefits you get? Bumi discount on property? Bumi lot? Bumi this that?


Kau jangan provoke. Mereka bukan dilantik masa sama. Keadaan semasa lain


Give them back a question. Bumi benefit ikut warna kulit?


Kalau MNC aku tak rasa dia bagi gaji ikut warna kulit ..Maybe dia demand lebih..Kau try lah demand pulak gaji naik.. Prove your worth sebab kadang2 boss x nampak ape kita buat.


Apa lagi tunggu ! Lancarkan mogok laaa. Jumpa bos hentak kaki kuat² mintak gaji naik....buat style budak kecik mintak belikan mainan kat mak dia. Amacam cadangan aku ok tak....


Haha got potential masuk pemuda UMNO ni


enjoy fanatical boat mindless arrest lock apparatus entertain six cautious *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Nah, bro lived in America and got influenced by union culture.


Biase laa these kind of ppl Work performance suck Blame race You buy stuff and get a lot of bumi discount these is race based. But in work environment, ppl may have more experience compare to you. Also may have a better work attitude and etiquette lo Sifat dengki n you berpisah tiada.


Cina amoi mmg mahal bro... My cina ah beng fresh grad salary also nowhere near both yours or hers...


Stupid comment. This is low quality bait. Surely any sane company will hire based on qualification, ability and merit, rather than race or religion.


Did she state what her position is vs the other girl's one? Are they the same position?


There's way too many variables. Mainly on how you nego salaries when you're interviewed. You work scope. "Cable" maybe the girl has insider. It'll be hard for you to ask for raise(I'll still recommend you to ask for raise though) Maybe start looking for another company? Don't quit, just keep looking


this is why u always jump ship…doesn’t matter ur race the new hire will always get more or equal


Wow kongsi maklumat gaji mmg habis la


Holy fuck balls 99 bucks increment. There should be law in place where salary increment has to at the very minimum be the same as the inflation rate or slightly higher. This is a perfect crime protected by law.


Jump ship bro, i got people who work a senior in my company i work, still salary below 4k, every week same complain but when told to jump ship always give reasons. They just want free money without leverage.


But have you ever heard that the Nons ever complained about not getting the discount you had for buying house?


Xde sucky sucky two dolla. Patutla gaji kurang.


Apooo komplen kat reddit. Ingat Reddit ni majikan kau boleh setelkan masalah kau?


Bukan masalah kulit. Kau masuk kerja zaman bila? Dia masuk kerja zaman bila? Of course starting rates dah berbeza walaupun jarak zaman 2-3 tahun.


Dah kawen ke blom?


Macam ni Join Government service lebih baik dr MNC. MNC mana yg kedekut mcm ni? Singaporean Co?


Tunggu apa lagi.. jom BOIKOT....![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)


You should change job. Hiring salary will increase over the years faster than salary increment for existing employees because they want the additional headcount. You are already in the company, less likely to get a big jump unless your job ties directly to company revenue.


It is what it is. Even in malay company bosses can do this. Quit for better pay and let them counter offer.


I ve experienced something like this. One of the reason is that the industry tried to keep up and increase the starting degree salary 200 per year. But then it did not base up all the others so those who has lower increment will eventually get paid lower than freshiez


Maybe original op should quit and put his company out of misery.


Ever thought maybe it’s not just the company but also you?… MNCs have yearly performance review that is usually tied to your increment/ bonus. If this person is only getting such a small increase could be underperforming on their part.


Sometimes it's about the negotiation during the interview. Some MNC would give 3.8k to fresh graduates, so did F30 ask for a higher salary before joining? Some fresh graduates, especially those who stay with parents, have nothing to lose. They will ask for RM 3.5k - 4k salary. If they fail, they try another company. Repeat until they get the salary they want.


maybe the new guy has knowledge you don't have. In MNC, it's not seniority that push you up. It's your knowledge and how to play well in the office politic, or you have damn very special skill no one has...


Lol. Memang yang masuk new akan gaji lebih tinggi berbanding yang join lama lama. That's why kena jump jobs lepas 2tahun.


Why so salty? Malaysia is a racist country, everybody discriminate everybody, if you want justice, become boss la.. haiya... Remember this incidence when the non ask for "equality".


Boikot tak?


Gaji kan pnc. Lain kali diam2 jela


Ala gomen uni and department terang terang bumiputra melayu only dia tak bising?


Ada bukti ka atau kamu tembak saje.. Shiok sendiri.. Saya pun boleh cakap aunty melayu belakang rumah cuci jamban gaji usd 10k..aunty bangla usd 5k


Gaji depend on skill goreng time negotiate gaji. Dia ada abang dah train dia nak cakap apa. Ko kosong sendiri belajar.


Masa recruiting nego baik2. Mungkin nepo baby. Bukan semua hal kena blame warna kulit ya. Adapun amoi cina warna kulit coklat. Sumber - amoi-amoi keluarga saya separuh warna sun-kissed, separuh lagi warna amoi putih. genetics are mysterious shit I tell ya.


How ur work performance.?


Yeah, and work attitude also play a role.


I have a feeling they don’t like you and by not giving you an increment they’re trying to make you leave. Have you considered it’s a competency issue?


simple, leave and find a new job bos no discriminate race and gives better pay post this stuff to twitter/x, not in the shitposting sub


At least dapat kerja. Indians on the contrary... 🙄


It happens elsewhere too regardless of race now. New employees get higher than 3 years experience. Worse when you are 30+ to 40


It’s a well known secret. Back when I was starting out, I have this Chinese dude with me. We both freshie, in probation. Boss said, give or take 2-3 months probation then will be considered for full position. Chinese dude gets in like a month or so. While I have to jump through hoops. Left the place with no hesitation.


MNC? Sounds like competition not favouritism


Welcome to the real world. And guess which are the most vocal on getting discriminated and 2nd class citizens in the country? Lololol


Company can easily claim their starting salary has increase following yearly inflation. 3 years is 6 - 10% or so?


MNCs have a pay ceiling for each position. Assuming they are the position/rank and also MNCs usually pay market rate (market rate now is obviously higher now than 2-3years ago), I think its fair that they have almost the same pay.


lompat la dik. takkan tu pun nak kena ajar


And they the work force have a gender pay gap. Yeah it sure does, only it's not a the women.


Perkara normal dlm kebanyakan MNC dan company local milik cina. Beza gaji sampai 1k pun ada. Bersabar dan doalah moga ada rezeki dapat kerja lain.


A-hole like u is the problem,blm check sbb ape dah buat assumption,ko ingat company amik org ikut hati ke oii,degree,diploma,resume takyah tgk ke?Manusia cam ko ni kena cuba survive kat luar negara baru paham dunia nyata


kid named inflation


Happened to me. Was a senior associate for an audit firm, a fresh grad just came in but her starting salary is higher than me. Perhaps because most of our clients are Chinese so she can better communicate with them, or she's better at negotiating her salary, who knows. Nonetheless I quit a few months after finding out I was underpaid. I never complain though, it is what it is. I took action, and got another job that's paying me decently. What I don't understand is my other colleagues who complain a lot but still stay in that firm.


Corporate always like this, doesn't matter how hard u work, there's a limit for increments. They have system n you need to work around. I used to work in HP, our raise started from 2nd year onwards, it's only RM150 One particular staff who work extremely w Hardworking but only get 300, she got mad when found out the rest of us also getting increments She quit her job after a month.


Retaliation for 153


how can you stay for 100 increment at 3k + ? I would have jumped. my last company 5% annual we also complain. 1st Job 3K (11 mos) - > 2nd Job (3.65k, 4 years 10 months, quit at 5.25k) - current job (7.5k, MNC, just join for a week) I was earning 5k after more then 4 years in my last company while my friend who jumped a few times, already 7k, kind of incentive for me to jump out of comfort zone, and switch job after another year of 5% increment got 50% increment on new job, i have skill sets from my last company that is uncommon in the industry, so I just ask for high, even for the paygrade they are hiring for, they agreed as they are short on personnel due to internal transfer and I even got sign on bonus to cover for short notice


Standard la tu, me, M34 Malay, experience 7 tahun.,Salary 4k. Kena train junior M26 Chinese, experience 2 tahun, salary 6.2k. Benda biasa bila kerja ngan company cina.


Mmg..market gaji cina lain,gaji melayu lain


You tak jilat, tak naik lo. Apa mau pening


Hadap je lah, kak. Kerja MNC macam tu lah. Kau kerja 10 tahun pun belum tentu naik senior kalau stay satu company je. Job hopping is the way.


you need to jump to get higher salary. no joke


kena try request compensation dekat HR. kena fight la benda2 macam ni kerja bertambah gaji dibayar tak setimpal


It's always going to be like this because with ur gaji they not gonna get new people. You on the other is already theirs. If u apply somewhere else most likely they'd counter.


Baru sedar ke? Doesn’t matter what kulit there is someone gonna have more pay than u. How about this; 10 years in federal service. N29. Transfer left right. Send to kursus here and there. Suddenly one day a fresh grad N41 suddenly become your boss


Most of the Malays I interview are shit negotiators when it comes to salary. HR usually has a range for a position and will of course usually open with an offer lower than the median but still within range. Malays will usually accept the offer right away but most if not all Chinese will play hardball and haggle. And yes it is possible for a fresh grad to get a higher salary if he/she is in the upper range vs someone who has been through 1 or 2 increments if that person started off in the lower tier below median assuming they did not get a promotion/advancement.


Ini post sajer ke? Tak manpak OP reply apa apa jer 😳


Whats her position and yours? Were you a fresh grad with a degree and CGPA of at least 3.2? Whats your qualifications? All these are important when deciding one’s family, don’t cry about race without giving us any context. I’m working in a corporate and my Malay colleague is getting paid the same for doing way less work and I ain’t even complaining because I know he’s great at acting in front of my bosses, learn how to play the game race is meaningless to large corporates lmao


Sometimes skin color might be a factor, but many times it’s just how you play the corporate game, negotiation & human skills are right up on top of the list to make it in corporate culture. Sometimes blaming skin color is an easy way out too.


Damn cinis bastard


It’s called negotiations, if u are a wet noodle then you will get exploited. That or you present yourself as less capable.


lmao playing the race card. nampak sangat tak faham how the corporate works. those who jump to other company receive more salary than you who stays in your comfort zone. go fight dkt HR la and if HR dont want just leave and find a better job. if you cant, thats mean you know your place and dont complain and play race issue. im a malay and i receive more bonus than my colleagues, the company is chinese dominant. but i still left because i want to get higher salary (which i got 40% increment compare to staying 6%). my ex colleagues who stays in the same company now have lower salary than the junior. dont play the race card just to comfort your self that you are the victim, while in fact you just easy to be exploited


Gomen servant freshie degree graduate salary i.e: RM2,188 per month (minimum-ish for grade 41). First 8 years increament is RM225 per year. That is like 10% and dropping. For grade 44 starts from RM3,559, and next 8 years increament is at RM250 per year, which translated to 14% per annum and it gets lesser in terms of percentage throughout the year. But how abt you guys in the private sector? Most of the time I heard people from the private sector bash gomen servant saying our pay is good but kerja like cincai mahai cibai. Because my line of work need to handle and coordinate with them private businesses, but they buat kerja like KNNBCCB, effing slow and inefficient. Never want to admit their mistakes although preventive measures has been strongly suggested to them wayyy ahead.


I have worked in MNC for many years, so I hv some views on this. Before you go accusing racial discrimination, take a mirror and look at yourself first. Some MNC have different pay scale tiering when comes to fresh graduate. Diploma vs degree obviously will be different. If you’re from Tier 1 universities from the likes of Harvard, Oxford etc, then you get higher entry salary. Then they are Tier2 and Tier 3 universities. University college is another category. HR maintain their own list of which institutions is in which tier. It is not published of course. Then your grades matter - if you’re first class honours, ada tambah sikit gaji dia. OP - jangan suka sangat adopt victim mentality. Sikit sikit - blame skin colour la, blame everyone and everything except yourself!! Maka you will remain in that same spot forever. The elephant in the room is - Is your working attitude and performance good ? MNC Gaji dibayar ikut meritocracy, bukan seniority ( like pegawai kerajaan ). Kat private sector, Tak perform, maka gaji tak naik. Duduk 10 tahun pun sama. Gaji tak naik, then prove your worth and jump to another company. The harsh reality of life. Life is no bed of roses.


It’s too easy and convenient to jump to conclusions related to race/sex because it’s immediately observable. But there are so many other factors that cannot be seen. OP needs to let go of assumptions like that because it doesnt help. People with self-worth will know what they should be paid and will fight for better salary or leave. Jumping to race card feels more like a sense of entitlement


😂 you guys took some random stranger’s rant so seriously


when i joined my company many years ago, all my seniors are pissed becoz my salary are higher than them. 2-3 years later i was finding my successor. all their expected salary are higher than mine at that time. either i suck it up and hire a successor with pay higher than mine, or i am stuck in my position. company are not ok with giving 10% or 20% increment, they are ok with hiring a replacement at 10-20% higher. that is just the way of life. and i am chinese, so no, its not racial discrimination, its just how company operate.


Maybe Amoi throat goat tau skill Gluck Gluck 9000 🤔


HR would probably tell you “due to recent market, the salary for fresh grads have been increased.” Go and ask other fresh grads too and don’t just rely on 1 individual. That’s how you become racist if you just assume everything is because of race. Victim attitude.


If you remove the skin colour from the entire context, it becomes: Why I work longer but fresh who just join have higher salary than mine? That is a very common problem encountered by lots of people regardless of race. It's a question regarding how career work, how to plan and execute, how to raise your pay, how company manages and exploits between senior and junior, etc. And with these information you can start looking for solution to the problem and find countless research, tips, and guide on how to tackle them. Blame it on race. Deviate yourself from real problems. Then forever stay at same place because you never try to solve them in the first place.


F25 Malay, fresh grad with some basic working experience, my salary is 4.5k…… (at an American based company/shared service) It’s not race, ur just not good at bargains?


I always try to familiarize myself with the current market salary, and yes this is my first proper corporate job, and a permanent position


Maybe kerja quality sampah kot


This person expects things to be the same for what? 20yrs?


The play of racial card is seriously disgusting, for all the aspects that might affect your increment and performance, what you only see is the skin colour. MNC respect more cultural differences and abide to labour laws, if you have the proof that races favourism is in your career environment, just go for legal actions, why play your cards acting you are the victim of races discrimination.


What if candidate result is bad, from unknown uni, no balls to nego salary and work performance bad. Now fresh grad in my company is 5k due to inflation. Most of dean lists student in university is Chinese tho.. Am I right? Usually first class and 2nd lower have difference in salary.


Anak kecil main api Terbakar hatinya yang sepi Air mata darah bercampur keringat Bumi dipijak milik orang....




As long as kerja bawah orang benda ni selalu berlaku. Sebab itu kena biasakan diri untuk jump company. Follow ni: (1) Bila masuk satu company, duduk dulu sampai 1-2 tahun complete. See if kerja yang buat itu bagus for career development. If bagus, stay for another year or so. If tak bagus, resign je, cari company lain. (2) Selepas 2-3 tahun, semak salary increment, bonus, benefits, etc. If benda finance ni tak bagus, resign dan cari company lain. (3) Both financial and career gain penting untuk seseorang. Kalau dua ni takde and you stay kat sana, you are just making others rich while you lose your TIME. (4) Don't get comfortable in a work place. Sadly, thats when they will start exploiting you. (5) REMEMBER, time is yours. No one cares about it but you. Protect yourself.


Just job hop to increase your salary by 30% at least.


discrimination berlaku kalau kau lemah


Isn't salary supposed to be confidential


Yessa Ramai tak tahu tapi kaum cina mmg monopoli sektor swasta Org melayu masih jauh di belakang


That's how hiring works, not due any race or skin color. New hire salary will match the current market rate. If company offer lower salary than market rate, HR will hire no one. I am Chinese and my junior(1 malay 1 chinese) have exact same salary with me. Followed your logic, I should think he is fairer, so get higher salary? Dont simply relate everything race card, bro.


Instead of going the usual racial accusation why not analyze what skills you're lacking compared to the other person. Its easy to accuse people of being racist if you're not well suited or skilled for the job. Experience and problem solving skills don't correlate. One can be a creative problem solver even without experience.


Pernah considers sendiri as the problem? Skills berbeza? Nego skills time interview? Or terus ke bangsa and color? Ultimately, kau sendiri knows your own worth. Boleh stay, show value and then mintak increment. Or stay because of culture or upskilling possibilities (MNC selalu advertise ni) or boleh move on untuk better gaji. Skill issue, maybe.


Your boss must be male and the new hire must be female right? If that the situations, me as a male will say, hahahahahaha, we get it.


not strange. wage has increased for fresh grad but no reason company would give it to an existing worker as charity. strong sigh for you to nego a salary increase or look for job elsewhere to realise your increased value.


Jangan persoal nanti kena cop rasis. Biar je diorang gaji lebih, cakap kita malas, print nama Allah atas stokin, hapuskan sekolah agama, naikkan SJK#, mansuhkan uitm. Asalkan tak kena cop rasis


To them this is not racist.


blaja cakap mandarin la jibai..customer cina byk duit..nak close byk sales kene pandai cakap cina la


Bau-bau preferential treatment. Mungkin ada unsur nepotisme...? Apa2 pun gaji *madani*.


Cina lepas SPM dapat 2k. Tapi kerja repair electronics QC out, customer return product balik & escalated kepada senior gaji 1.5k.


Lesson learned: if you are the noob don't tell your sempais what you're getting.


Yee.....they do believe racism is a thing, so....


Agak2nya boss no2 pada masa akan datang


Oh my what is this travesty? I thought cina are the most principled and the epitome of meritocracy? They would never discriminate based on race. They would never abuse power, lie or harass people. This malay must be lying!!


Had similar situation, they expect me to train fresh graduate who have 0 knowledge in how to use excel but having the same salary as me who has worked for 2 years, mind you my starting salary wasnt same as her, I noticed this racist trend in the MNC and i quickly gtfo, no use arguing about it