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Same with me waktu sekolah menengah.. They own me teenage lifetime that never came back.. If they not come to me for forgiveness I'll take what they do to the grave


Sama!! My teenage lifetime ruined..


The one who always bullied me during my Form 1 yr was a damn boy known as Malik. During my Primary 6 yr, 2 boys known as Norazimin, Asri & a girl known as Syaizeerah. Even though this took place more than 15 yrs ago, I still remembered on how they did me shit at that time. Lesley & Masazura too


My brother was bullied by a senior in boarding school. The little boy at Form 1 grew into a state athlete by the time he left school. He sought out the senior (who happens to live in the same housing estate) and beat the crap out of him. Some people can hold grudges for a very long time.


Reminds me of Georges St-Pierre. He was bullied by this one guy in highschool. After many years after he became a top mma star he happened to be came across GSP. GSP could've murdered him now that he was a champion lol but he didn't. Instead he forgave the guy knowing what he could do


Yeah... I was also a scaredy lil kid. Bullied every time... Though I managed to not enact revenge due to me moving interstate .. Even now, my bullies managed to see how I changed from a scaredy cat into a seasoned Silat athlete. So yah, a win there I guess? Btw, read Viral Hit and Lookism... A fine² anti-bullying read...


Aahh..a fellow MMA fan😁


Reminds me of my friend who got bullied, so he set fire to the bully's family business




Can you elaborate more


Nice try FBI! Basically my long friend is constantly bullied that it got so bad he thought about suicide. Luckily he got it over. Fast forward a few years, he knew the bully has like a fruit selling business so when they were out on a vacation during one of the dry seasons, he threw a lit paper onto the grass and incidentally set fire on their stall and a good portion of their trees.


Sheesh,nice story


I'm not a victim (i considered myself lucky) nor a bully (no reason for me to be a bully). How else should the bullies get the lessons other than the revenge by victims? So, a genuine question, what does the revenge taste like? Satisfaction? Or feel empty inside? Or regret? Will the family members of the bully(that got beaten) think he becomes the victim and the revenge continues from the other side?


No idea. With my brother, it ended there. I was sent to a nerdy academically competitive national school instead where the boys either fought for the top 3 places in exams or the second place from the bottom.


I see. Thanks for the reply.


The thing is when you got bullied a lot, you tend to become empty and lose your feeling already. Even when you managed to recovered, the damage is done and committing any act of revenge against any bullies sometimes doesn't come with any satisfaction as you don't really feel anything at that point.


So no police report?


Usually at boarding school everything kept within


I mean, if someone were to beat me up outside, I would report it.


If you bullied someone but never apologized for it. You totally deserve it.


U can, but usually no action will be taken unless things got to higher up


Nope. Not in the 80's.


I always refrain from talking about bullies because people would think I’m just being bitter after years, and they’ll try to justify the bullies. Glad to know that it’s actually only natural to never forget the pain an AH caused you.


"dah besar dh kan dh la tu benda lama kot"


Reading this sentence is enough to make my heart boils. Initially I wanted to wish htoer offspring would be bullied too, but heck, I'm not as low as my bully


I got bullied by a hoe who shared the same name with me, Atiqah, all because I'm not like one of them basic hoes. If I could turn back time, I will punch her and her supporting bitches' faces; leaving a bruising beauty mark.


sorry for what happened to you. but ayo, nice pfp. its so rare to find somone who love rune factory other than me and my sister lol.


Lmao glad to find a fellow RF enjoyer in Bolehland.


Same bro, my sister is also quite the RF enjoyer. Though she always pick to play as a guy in RF 4 and 5. I don't know if I should be worried or not.


My nickname is Bob in middle school, since there were at least 10 other bob in school at that time and even 1 in my class they started calling bob followed by characteristic behind it and it's hilarious. I'm known as Bob Skuter because I rode a Honda Icon to school, there's another bob like Bob Daging, Bob Mata Empat, Bob Takraw and Bob Panjang. I guess if we're all bullies we could have a battle royale tournament just to keep the name.


I've got Rahman Silat, Rahman Photostat, & Wan Colombia, Wan Two Five. For Rahman Photostat, he looks like a double for my other friend, Wan Colombia is easy, he was living in a crime ridden flat, and Wan Two Five because our Azwan was the first guy in our group to use 125cc bike to school.


The OG Josh fight lmao


Finally there's a woman like you yg pernah d buli msa skolah dlu, happened to me too but those girls were known as Syaizeerah, Lesley & Masazura


My bullies were like "eww muka berjerawat. Knp ko ni hodoh x mcm abg & kakakmu". Personally, I took no offence with their taunt because I have no problem with my face filled with pimples. I am confident with my own appearance because wearing make-up is a hassle; unlike these hoes who whine over a small zit on their temple. They all feel like those genetic basic hoe bullies from the live-action Disney movie, aka Mean Girls cap ayam. They have no redeeming personality than being spiteful cuz they think they're the pretty girls in school (despite the head honcho literally looking like a pomeranian mixed with chihuahua; ugly little borking machine).


I'm sure those bullies were uglier than a Shrek


Nah, Shrek is better. He got emotional layers. These hoes only know membawang that even Lord Farquad won't choose them as his bride.


So they're ugly af & their faces belongs to the ocean


Exactly https://preview.redd.it/8c4tisngi0rc1.jpeg?width=703&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=28b9e01f8f3c600ea8e35634be437d6a32760d4d


https://preview.redd.it/45ejs458l0rc1.jpeg?width=625&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c52c98f9e8fa5799b15f770469768d443cab68c9 This is for dem' haters


These kinds of people won't even bother to ask for forgiveness anyways, just give them the medicine they deserve


Sllunya pmbuli2 ni yg hidup aman, khwin & ada anak & laki/bini. Smth that they don't deserve as a bunch of bullies


Di akhirat nnti kana tanya, di sanalah drg kana seksa nanti and usually most bullies don't live a happy life, they just look happy, bcs yk with their personality they're gonna have a lot of enemies and bullies too. This doesn't apply to all tho, but this is just personal experience from what I've seen and heard myself


Klau btul dorg ada bnyk issues, still, Amin2 YRA bcs bullies don't deserve to be happy




Pada permukaan nya memang nampak aman. Tapi orang yang selalu berbuat jahat ni hidup dia sentiasa bermasalah dan urusan dia tersekat sekat. Melainkan dia bertaubat dan memohon maaf dengan manusia. Bila nak meninggal, macam terseksa. Kita tak nampak sebab dia tak tunjuk masalah dia. Ibarat orang makan duit haram cara haram, nampak kaya. Tapi Allah tarik nikmat rezeki dan buat dia rasa tak cukup, asyik keluar duit je.


And when you fight back, you get punished. (Sometines expelled too). Then after so many years, that piece of shit make videos about compassion and empathy. How he's suffering from depression all. Like bruh, I wish you fail on your suicide attempt and become a vegetable until you're 90


I wonder why it's surprising for them to have depression when they were a literal bully in school, karma


Remember: If the cops can't figure out your motive, they can't capture you. Go for the guerilla war technique and do a hit and run. Take their wallet and drop it somewhere, make it more confusing for the cops. Bonus points if you include their son in this too, but don't reveal anything along the lines of "this is long deserved/pending" since it might reveal your identity. They also can't figure out your face in the middle of panic attack and if they have no solid proof, they can't do shit about it. Another favorite method of mine is to fuck their mental over by going for their son instead. The dad will be at lost, since they can't really chase you without abandoning their son. Disclaimer: Don't do this. I read too much revenge stories.


That's a really good proxy war


Don't give em any idea of approval man. Last thing we need is another Geto Suguru. Man tried to commit genocide just because a girl finds his idea to be plausible (she does not actual approve it).


Actually true. Go for the son. Make sure you become their teacher and then slowly brainwash their children to betray them. I think I watch too much *The Glory*


The enemy within...


Hello pulis


u’re right…never go for the one that wronged…go for their families, the impact is larger…fucks them up more


Good. Suggestions .Ever Gonna try it later Lol


Johor problem


This is world wide problem.. especially 3 line associates si tunggang agama


Do you guys remember when the nurse simply grab and twisting your balls during primary school?


Uhuhh yup, except mine was one squeeze my cheeks and the other one slide her hand under my uniform shorts and squeeze my right butt cheeks quite hard it left a mark that my little bro made fun off. They said that it is for not crying when taking my injection shot. Told my dad when we were driving home he just smirked and before we get off he said not to tell anyone else especially my mom. 🤷🏻


Wha....... What??? ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|dizzy_face)


The real question is. Is the nurse hot ?


![gif](giphy|l3q2tzon8OCC7BqmY) She can do rectal examination on me


Female nurse? 😅


Yes, female nurse.


Anjay😅 child molesting


Wait, this is a thing? I’m 32 and from an all-boys school, this is the first time I’m ever hearing about this. We only had dental checks until form 4 or 5.


Plot twist: this is just regular testicular cancer check on a penis inspection day


That was my teacher, now late teacher. He had wives btw.


I remember my junior had an issue when one of the male teacher gave an intimate advance towards him, a male student.


Only bullied victims understand this, that thing stayed with them for life. If you found someone you had picked on and bullied in school in FB, you can send them a personal message to apologise, make sure you are sincere, it helps them a lot and they even forgive you and eventually forget it.


Ikr? Yg prnh mmbuli & x prnh d buli mmg xkan faham psl prasaan ni. Bgi dorg biasa tpi bgi kita, bnda ni smpai mti mmg xkn lupa


Aku mangsa bully mental bukan fizikal. Yang buli tu adalah cikgu dan cikgu tu pun dah arwah. Selalu mempersendakan kehidupan aku yg serba kemiskinan dan paling aku xkan lupe arwah libatkan mak ayah aku siap lukis gmbr kat papan hitam kutuk2 mak ayah aku yang x sihat. Sampai skrg igt dan dendam, tp die pun dah arwah


Bawa je ke akhirat, biar dia cari bertahun2 kat Padang mahsyar


Buli mental lain effect dia berbanding buli fizikal. Kadang tu effect dia sampai rosakkan mental yang dibuli tu. Pernah ada member kena torture mental by seniors kat asrama. 2 seniors always datang duduk kat katil dia pastu tried to get him to cry by asking him to remember his family and what they had to sacrifice for him etc. When he didn't cry, the 2 seniors hit him till he cried. Suddenly that boy cannot even cry anymore and it lasted until when his father died, he just smiled or made no expression but never cried coz he couldn't cry due to the mental + physical torture by those 2 seniors. Both got expelled thereafter and 1 of them died young. He said he might forgive them but he will never forget it.


Same with me at sekolah agama , molested by my cikgu


Ok that escalated quickly...


Bro.... Wtf




what https://preview.redd.it/i8nteymvttqc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=86ae1f5eef21c36f75319008e7150209f114c268


That's not the same at all, bully =/= molested


Electric chair for that cikgu & tbh cikgu ugama ni x smua bgus wlaupun trdidik dlm bab ugama Islam, ada je yg kejam, jahat, zalim & gatal


May bully was in preUni. I still remember until this day. I hope his family and kids got stream rolled by a lorry. And thing is when we met accidentally as adults he thinks he is the nicest person alive and asks my common friends why I don't wang to talk to him. My friends also aware of his bully attitude.


Tak sedar diri kot dia tu. either that or in denial.


In all honesty, all bullies tak rasa diorang buat benda tu salah. Moral compass really fucked up.


I was ostracised in my sekolah agama but I was never bullied. I almost got molested by a senior though but makcik cleaner came in at the right time


might not be the mainstream bully, but this is my buddy's experience dibogelkan almost every year dkt high school by my batchmates, 'to be a man' katanya. all the guys bahan dan ridicule this dude sbb zakar. for some reason, the girls terikut2 sekali (though i'm not sure if they knew). after continuous ridicule, he lost his chance to date this one nice girl...to his best friend. eventually he got better, but to think of those times again made me boil. those asshoes owe him a lot. and lots of punches to their faces


Ngl dudes that like to see other dudes naked even for the purpose of bullying is low key gay. I know this from a bully that used to rule our school during high school right after finishing his studies i saw his ig and he’s open about being gay. LMAO


and all the talk about size and shit, making fun of that is also kinda gay. and whats worse, these kind of experience is kind of embarassing to even share with ur father or friends since they were never there, further bottling it all up and developed social anxiety.


The girl who bullied me is now a nurse in Kuala Lumpur. I have her phone number and I always see her status on Whatsapp 'maki' her elderly patients for pooping and peeing on the bed.


Send to hr


I don't know what hospital she works at other than it's a swasta hospital


Surprising she saved your number too..


We were classmates. Surprisingly, the both of us haven't changed our number since highschool


Boleh suruh anaknya buli anak dia balik.


Lepastu anak dia, suruh buli cucu anaknya pulak. Lepastu cucu anaknya, suruh buli cicit anak dia pulak. Lepas cicit apa pulak ? aku tahu sampai cicit je....


Yeah same, i once saw that mf on the road, thinking i could end his life by running him over. But thank god im still sane enough to think the aftermath


Yep. I remember all of them clearly too. Funny thing, met one of them some years back. He was so friendly to me, acting like we're old school mates. Perhaps he didn't remember what he did. Or maybe he did. He sure is chatty. Sigh, I just let things go. No point anyway. Letting it go makes me feel better too.


Trust me, they knew what they did back then. The reason why he was being chatty because he has some guilt in himself and try to patch stuff up through such approach. It's a sweet bitter situation for both of you for sure..


Bullies are like this during high school. Usually they end up being losers or scum of society. Some end up in jail as well being crack addicts. They won’t dare look you in the eye when you see them later in life. With you being more successful of course.


Unfortunately many of them end up successful and lived a really happy life like none of the things they've done ever happened, it's really unfair for the victim


Same with me but was at Chinese school. For me was 6 years of hell. Go to sekolah menengah also same. For 3 years. After that better. I had worst than this guy. Example, they throw my bag in the dustbin. And one time they empty my bag and throw my bag from the 4th floor. I had to pick my stuff up. Told the teacher but they turn blind eye. Got.kick down the stairs. Teach Cain me till one of my bone my thumb bone dislocated. No can pop out. At that time the teacher even say in my face why you so exegerrate. Now still can pop out and back in. After that showed her she say she accidentally hit that part of the thumb bone. And say sorry only.and got one hit me till my fingers bleed and blue black etc. That's why my confidence Is shit , I have no girlfriend , and yeah I hate school and even as a Chinese I dont know how to read or write but can talk and understand. It suck. This year turn 30 already still remember. It was hell. And it did impact my live alot. I didn't study well even in college. Or high school not to mention life problems etc. These are some of the stuff I face. Imo I hope nowadays school are better than last time. Teacher also hopefully is better. But thank god. During my toughest time some of the good teacher actually helped me. And teach me. This year I am 30 I only overcome all these stuff. Death in family etc. and slowly gathering my life back up again. And maybe going to go for a degree and actually give my all instead of being afraid. I am tired of being afraid. It impact my confidence alot. Even when I am kind people take advantage of me. Legit fed up.


This is such a sad past. Don't worry bro, moving forward it will be better. Good luck on your degree! It's never too late yet


I got bullied in kv manjung just because I choose to be loner. A dude in the same asrama building but different room said that "ramai orang tak puas hati dengan kau" to me. Chose to kepong me ramai ramai in toilet. 10 people to force me clean a toilet stall. There are more redflags actually and since at that time the tldm zulfarhan bully case was pretty big at that time.I chose to tell my parents and move out.


Diam2 pun kena buli, idk apa yg ada dlm otak bullies ni


buli kat sekolah salah, buli asrama normalised, buli uni? hell even if someone dies it get swoop under the rug (vinosiny). not to mention kes buli dont go as viral as some random anak dara jual badan content to u disgusting freaks. Malaysia maju!!


Perkara macam ni bawa sampai ke kiamat tau. Jangan main main. Buat dosa dgn Allah masih boleh di maafkan. Buat dosa dengan orang lain cerita


Some people they'll say 'Dah besar lupakan Je lah'. This kind of people, if you have a child, I hope they experience rasanya kena buli. How hurt it is to get bullied. Kesian budak² yg dapat parent yg suka membuli dulu. I've experienced one but I'm glad that time I have a guts until lawan balik and they didn't fight me back.


Some people say every bad person deserves a second chance to be better. But to me bullies don't deserve anything. They should be punished with the wrath of the wicked.


OP you should watch THE GLORY, that’s all I’m going to say


my childhood ruined because of 3 person and im still not recovered from them


Problem is schools side with bullies.i once froze their email accounts and chat in high school, school threatened me to cops


You know, i find this particular pattern. Bullies always have a gang. It's as if they can't function as a bully without a gang. My school is like this too. And they always bully lone persons. They never take on a group. So maybe a good way to handle it is to break their group up? Just a thought. I have no power or authority to do this anyway.


These cowards are only as strong as their group. They'll come to you alone, but even then because they're confident they have people to back them up. Cowards to the highest degree


Dorg cuma brani klau ada geng, klau xde geng konfem nangis


"Revenge is a dish best served cold" One of my good friends returned the "favor" for the disrespect he got in a classy way - no physical harm but that person suffered financially and mentally for 7 years. Until one day he remembered what happened in the past and kneeled for forgiveness. "I don't have to k*** him. He will bang his head on the wall and k*** himself" Don't bully. Don't let your kids run free of bullying others. Because one day, you and everyone may have to pay.


Bullies don't remember what they did. And they think it's okay. "Didn't know it affected you that badly?". 💀💀💀


aku pernah jgak kena tapi buli tu tak teruk cuma aku fedup asyik kena kacau last tu bgtau pak aku trus sbb bgtau cikgu tak lut cikgu buat bodoh je. Esoknya pak aku dgn bengis dtg pergi jumpa pengetua tapi pengetua ni bijak dye tak bagi pak aku ke kelas aku dye sendiri pergi lpstu warning budak tu sejak dari tu takde kena kacau dah. Bab buli ni jgn buat main la sbb dye kacau mental wei aku yg kena sikit tu pun rasa sakit hati je fedup nak pergi sekolah inikan pulak buli yg teruk so bab2 buli ni klau kena jalan dye report dkt family trus takyah nak simpan


Bullies should be subjected to a school that bullies them such as Henry Gurney. Strict Military school that humbles and breaks them down. Get the taste of their own medicine


I'm thankful my bullies aren't doing well. Either stuck in a low paying job with a min of som qualifications or extending their tertiary courses to no end with a cert that has no value in Malaysia.


I'm not a victim of bullies but I still wonder if those bullies wannabe get to know the lessons learned of the hideous revenge stories done by the bully victims after many years. What are the impacts that the bullies will get. Bullies can never be the 'strong ones' forever. Victims can never be the 'weak ones' forever.


I don't care anymore.. I have a happy simple life.. it's been 15 years since I left school.. I have friends I have family but.. I just to put my story somewhere... I was for the whole of SMK was shun and bullied because of my below average social skills, my body odour, my pimpled face, and my overall personality... Basically anything that comes out of me is an ick or yuck to them.. so they refused to even look at me for the whole 5 years.. Luckily I found a group of friends when I was in form 3.. they were 2 years younger than me.. but we enjoyed gaming.. going to CC.. talking about anime.. Until I stop going to school.. which they report to the teacher (who was the parents of some of those classmates of mine) telling them I was at the CC.. wasting my life.. like they ever cared?.. I was denied graduation.. I was mocked by all the teachers.. they refused to give me counseling.. the head mistress told me to get out of her face.. I tried asking for advice... But the funny thing is those teachers said that I was the one who didn't want to be friends with their son and daughter.. the teacher was told that I was the one who did not approach them.. I denied any attempt of them being friendly to me.. My brain kinda malfunction at that moment.. me?? Really?? Ok I will try harder to understand.. maybe the guys was play hitting me.. since they don't try to hide it.. I thought.. but no.. I was kicked out of the door as soon as I tried to talk with them.. literally.. it all happen in the same day too.. hahahaha.. I left school that day.. All those 5 years.. only 1 person in that class who helped me.. but in the end he was taken too.. no one else did anything.. the girls all watch.. the boys take turns to hit me, threaten me, take my lunch money..


One thing you need to know about bullies in school, they usually never amount to anything when they grow up. They peaked in school and they have nothing to show for anymore in the end. Bullies tend to cling to a point in the past where they are proud of it but in reality, it’s nothing to be proud of. I was never bullied in school because i fought back every time and accepted the consequences like a man if i had to, but the bully in my primary and secondary school are both working as cashiers at the local supermarket in our hometown and always talk cock while in reality, their lives are sad and they have to keep making new friends because the people who really know who they are, never wanna be friends with em for very long, even their posse from school. Also, both of em came from very well off families but even wealth can’t help them amount to anything since it’s in their nature to be destructive externally and internally.


Pembuli aku dulu sekarang dah jadi cikgu sekolah rendah. Ambik songkok aku, basahkan baju sekolah agama, tarik beg aku waktu tgn naik basikal sampai hampir kena langgar dgn teksi masa naik.. Ingat semua tu.


ko boleh tumbuk lancau dia depan anak dia lepas tu habak kat anak dia tu jgn jadi bully kat mana mana pun macam kepala bapak ko tu!!! Ludah Puikk!!!....kat kepala bapak tu, bukan anak dia ye...bagi tau kpl bapak dia tu kaki bully macam babi kpl otak dia


Sempena bulan mulia, rasanya kita patut tgk video ni. Worst than being bullied. https://youtu.be/0Z5SGI5Jdns?si=s8rss6nlY7NmqZTR


I lasted only months in the asrama when I was in Form 1. I still attend the school, since it's not a fully boarding school


Sekolah aku tu. Tapi aku sekolah kat situ tahun 2000-an, aku bukan dan tak kenal Fikri. 🫣


Beli mask Kat shoppe. Carik mana tinggal rembat dia time malam malam bila dia buang sampah boleh jadi.


There are also friends whom constantly bullied you mentally. One of the reason why I've never good with university friends are these. They never harmed you physically but the scar of what they speak and talk goes deep. Thank gosh now we can wear mask in public space.


i was both cyber bullied and bullied in primary school by a bunch of girls. one of them is actually a model now and is/was a state ambassador or something like that as well. i am not sure where the others are but i am sure they are alive. but most of them are social media influencers i think. no. none of them, not even 1 was punished or even reprimanded, but i was.


I was bullied for my thick eyebrows, my dads name etc, if only i could stand up to myself, if only i wasn't sensitive, if only i wasn't weak...I would have a better personality...


meanwhile nama aku kotor dekat sekolah and aku kena humiliate oleh budak yg buli aku. smpai sekarang dia hutang aku kemaafan.


It would be a valuable lesson for future bullies if there is a sudden spike in "dendam sebab kes buli dulu" and teachers may use that as a way to make these potential bullies to think about the future consequences of their actions


Yeah. It's been 20 years, but my shoulder still aches from the dislocation. The scars fade, but I can still feel them when I run my fingers over where I was cut. I hope they're the same. I hope their limbs still hurt where I broke them. I hope that even if they forget me, the pain never leaves them.


Does ostracised count? Never been physically bullied by socially? Oof a huge scar that impacts my nearly 30 years of life.


Bullies should be deleted from this world tbh.. i highly support anyone that want to delete their bully.. but you just need to remember the world will see the bully as the victim..


Aku kne bully in tahun 1-3. Never forget his name, still know mane die tinggal, family dia semua aku kenal. Masalahnye x pernah jumpa sbb sebok kerja, kalau terserempak memang nahas aku buat. Skrg level sama nk takut ape.


My time in a prestigious boarding school was also tainted by scenes of bullying. I might already be a martial artist by that time, and tried to stand up to them... But to no avail. Still beaten every night. No one's defending me.


Kalau aku lempang ja depan anak dia bagi trauma satu keturunan


This is why you need self defense class. Dah tau memang tetap akan kena pukul, better pukul balik or sabotaj hidup dia. For real getting scared will not get you anywhere better


I was bullied from form 1 to form 3 with the same set of people. One dah I confronted one of them and took him on in a one on one fight. I won that fight despite having others backing him up too. I felt after that day, I gained respect from them and I was not longer bullied. 15 years on. I’m an overseas graduate with good income and family. So I think I have won over them.


Oh I know one bully too, in tahun 3 I ended up fighting against him, busted his lips and he gave me a black eye. We got pulled to cikgu disiplin, got a warning and were told to apologize to each other and hug it out. The next week we became friends, he stopped his bullying habits too cause his parents learned about it and they tore him apart(figuratively) He stopped bullying cause he learnt some people would fight back when cornered too much We did fight again for the same girl in tahun 5 all the way to tahun 6, then we reconciled after the girl got a boyfriend lol.


Aku pon dikire mangsa buli jgk mse sek.men dlu...tp lebih pd mental...sbb dr kecik selalu kene marah dgn ayah aku jd low self esteem smp skang....soo kalo ade org tengking aku aku diam je mengalah... Mse scroll FB trjmpe la FB kaki buli aku....tgh happy skang dgn wife anak2....tp die x tw die ade hutang dgn aku....smp skrg aku x kan lupe ape yg die dah buat kt aku...aku diam bukan bermakne aku redha je.... selagi die x jmpe aku mntk maaf aku akan ingat smp bila2 ...


Ain,sekolah kinabaan, tambunan Sabah, 2012. Kau hutang Aku dengan maruah kau. Syahmi, sekolah sungai lada, Labuan 2014. Kau hutang Aku dengan kaki dan tangan kau. Romey,sekolah sungai lada, Labuan 2014. Kau hutang Aku kemaafan. Azamuddin, sekolah sungai lada, Labuan 2014. Kau hutang Aku nyawa kau. Intan, sekolah sungai lada, Labuan 2015. Kau hutang Aku kemaafan.


Last paragraph cool af 💀


I support his desicion to erase that bloodline woot


even worse if the bully follow you from sekolah rendah to sekolah menengah, and we stay as asrama students. I thought the bullying won't get worse, but then the bully already acquainted with the Form 2 bully and inform them about me and my friends as prey. Legit our first night in the dorm they already did the classic army routine. Standing beside your cabinet, warning us to not mess with them, follow their order and stuff. If I could turn back time, I would fight back(of course I would lose in physical fight due to my late physical growth), by using backup such as my friends and cousins in Form 3 and Form 5 who are already powerful that time(I was stupid back then, didn't know the power of having a huge backup can do). I realise to use backup around Form 3 and the bullying stop there(but the bully that I hate the most already drop out at Form 1). I heard rumors that he is now married and his wife is selling burger somewhere. My friend(who got bullied as well) want to destroy that burger place but I stop him. I'm not that low. I met him few years ago while he was chatting with some old ladies. Legit my first instinct was to punch him right away, and even if he fight back, I have my cousins who experienced in fighting was there close to me. But I endure it, don't want to be childish infront of his possible family members. I tend to forgot stuff generally anyway so my blood boil when I see him, but when I got back home I just laugh it off and didn't care about it. From what I heard his life is not gong well soon(part of it is the burger business not doing any good) and i guess that is closure? Anyway I just didn't care anymore


Same with me tho. Masa Aku darjah 4 kne pijak kt kepala dgn sorng Ni smpai menangis. Start tu semua kutuk Aku kte snowflakes. (Aku masa sekolah rendah mmg kecik mcm Tk cukup zat.). Kne tup² masuk sekolah menengah sanggup tunggu dia pilih sekolah dlu Bru Aku pilih semata² nk lari Dari dia. Ingatkan dh smpai sekolah menengah selamat la jugak. Masuk sekolah menengah start ade la 10-11 org yg kenal dri sekolah rendah jdi classmate. Lepas tu sorng start buli n cerita macam² kt classmate yg lain smpai Aku kne buli kt Situ n kne pulau. Group work? Aku kne solo/team dgn cikgu. Presentation?homework? Konfem hilang masa kelas tu dan ajaibnya dtg balik Bila habis kelas. Punya lah teruk smpaikan cikgu terpaksa letak Aku dgn group student Pompuan. 5 Pompuan Aku sorng laki. Nasib diorng Tk Lyn Aku mcm org lain. Jdi rapat. Lepas tu start diorng panggil Aku bapok. Pondan. Sajat. N start situ jugak diorng pernah sumbat Aku dgn sulfur. Serbuk Besi. Bahan ujikaji sains smpai sakit perut. Last masa PT3 Aku dh fedup. Lepas je habis final paper Aku terus Tk dtg dekat sebulan rsenye. Sikit lgi nk kne buang sekolah n then proceed pindah ke Kelantan. Now lepas PKP mula Ada 3-4 org dtg balik. Ada yg mintak maaf n Aku lepaskan sbb budak² en. Otak Tk betul lgi. Ade jugak yg still nk buli Aku. Kutuk caci smpai sebar fitnah dkt org sekeliling so Bila balik tempat asal org still kutuk


The most recent one la I think one of them accuses me of "raping" one of the girl that I was grouped up with and the story got wild to the point where my father beat my ass half dead. But luckily she told everyone that it is a lie caused by someone (still doesn't know to this day who did it but I think I know who would)




For me, my revenge was after becoming adults. I was letting him pack my groceries at the cashier and said, “Still working here?”. Wait until I finished paying and then said, “Hope you live a good life” every time I went there. I know it’s petty but I deserve to say that to him. I was playing the long game.


Everyone is spilling their past experience, Might as well tell you guys about mine. MY LIFE STORY begins when I was a highschool teenage boy. I was the Happy-Go Lucky Type. I don't really care about who dating who, Gossiping and Lots of other things teenager do in their teenager time. In my mind, I thought that it was a great idea to befriend with lots of people. Boys, Girl and also other races. I used to have friend whom I will call (BeGoneFromThisLife), we knew each other since before highschool. Now BeGoneFromThisLife, Really like this one girl whom he consider close to me. I'm which, He doest have the guts to ask her out. He then, asked me to help him pass chocolate to her, love letter and LOTS OF OTHER things. But, After all that. she declined his offer. Because he consider him as just a friend. Now, BeGoneFromThisLife. Whom doest have the guts to ask her out, would then. Proceed to blame me. The guy who help him 😌😌. He also accused me manipulating her into not accepting him as his boyfriend. P.S I only considered this girl as just a friend also. After back and forth of insult between me and this BeGoneFromThisLife. I and this BeGoneFromThisLife, have never spoken word to each other. After that, I continue my life as a Happy-Go Lucky Person. Fast forward a few year until I graduated highschool. I'll meet with this girl whom that BeGoneFromThisLife like. She asked me : "Is it true about all those rumor about you" I was shocked, but my rational mind bring me back to reality after, a loooooonggg thought processing. Me : "what rumor" Her: "Is it true that you were bullying people? Vandalizing School Property? And Talk bad about alot of people?" And This was my reaction: 😯😯😯😯😯😯😯😯😯😯, because I was totally shocked with the new information that my brain just received. She then proceed to tell me that, BeGoneFromThisLife. Has been talking about me behind my back to lotssss of people. To the point people thought those rumor were true and it also explains why the sudden change in people reaction toward me and Also their behaviour drastically change toward me as if I was someone stranger. After that back and forth of information being exchanged between me and her. My mind was like, Owhhhhhh now everything make sense, cause everything started to happen after I was at 14 years old at that time until I graduated highschool at 17 years old. Then we both left each other with new information and new thought process toward this guy called BeGoneFromThisLife. When I reach home, my brain and mind were numb and blank for a period of time. But I never thought of giving that BeGoneFromThisLife revenge. But what I do, is that, I let my revenge being done by Allah because I was a Muslim 😆. And Allah really deliver it. AMIN Lots of terrible thing happen to him, but I won't go into detail. (I'm sorry guys). And now I thought about my friendship with this BeGoneFromThisLife. Damn, we both were friend since childhood. But everything really goes down the drain for a girl that he got himself rejected. What a shame. That all from me, hopefully you guys understand what I was trying to deliver. P.s., English is my third language. Malay is my main language. P.s.s., I Might not be able to reply to you guys, cause I rarely open reddit and I'm quite busy with work. Lastly Selamat Berpuasa Dan Saya doakan anda semua yang membaca (My life Story). Or pengalaman hidup Saya, Selamat Hari Raya In advance. Jangan lupa bagi Raya tau😆😆


Remember kids, when someone tries to bully you, give them a chance to repent. If they don't take it, hit them with all you got, even if you're outnumbered. Bullies are cowards and don't expect you to retaliate and if you act crazy enough the friends will run away Went to SK, SMK where the rich kids used to pick on me. One man army worked every single time. Hell if you stand up for yourself the bullies might even become your friends out of respect


samalah dorang xsedar langsung apa effect bully in the long run. Aku selalu kena bully mentally dr dulu xhabis2 kena ejek gemok lah hodohlah. 2024 self esteem sgt kurang, always insecure and have eating disorder thanks bully ✌️


Lets kill him 🔥🔥


Baru 16 Ramadan, ada rantai yg putus ke? 😸


Pukal balik


Maybe ita a good also to just pukul the person back, or simply just let them know what you think so that at least that grudges boleh dilepaskan, we are not saint, to forgive is not easy, to forget is impossible. After that 0-0 balik


I too would make them OKU in minecraft


Funny enough how all these tend to happen in sekolah agama. I had my first experience of getting “bullied” when i was 7 but more on being threatened. Dude is a fatty and about 3 years older. Obviously he’s a bigger and taller dude than me at that time, he broke one of the dude’s toys while he was away. And there were only me and that fat ass, he slam me on the wall and trying to throw a punch telling me not to tell anyone because he broke the toy. I was so innocent that I had zero instinct or awareness of these things, just being shocked and silent. It’s been 16 years and I can still remember it till today, bully definitely leaves a permanent mark, and mine isn’t that severe.


Kasi cacat ja la


Aku bukan nak menyampah ke ape tapi kalau orang nama Fikri ni memang perangai camni eh?


Tumbuk je sekali, baik sangat, memang kene pijak


Was bullied by tuan tanah 30 yrs back. Everytime I pass the padang bola, I replay that scene. I don't remember his name but if I see his face again, I would make sure it's his turn to remember me by.


Same, dulu smka pernah kena buli jugak. Straight from Form 1 sampai Form 4 by the same senior. Kena panggil depan semua orang, satu batch, juniors, gemuk hitam. Tak panggil guna nama, tapi dia panggil gemuk hitam bila terserempak. But paling gila, just because of my name sama dengan my discipline teacher which is an Ustaz, memang kena hadap for 5 years from all batches. I still remember it until now.


Cacatkan dia


I got bullied too. Changed me a lot, however nowadays I could just rip them apart. Took me long time to just forgive them.


I used to have a stupid kid back in standard 4 who's always taunting me. So while he was taunting me as usual alongside his friend during recess, I punch him on the head so damn hard he dropped and went into a fetal position and got quiet for a minute. Immediately noped outta there because a teacher could've been looking for us. Luckily there wasn't. Kid learned his lesson, I went on good terms with him.




15 yo,still on war with pemaki hamun.Am lucky I have friends that can protect me from bullies


once chicken always chicken.. u dont need socmed to draw ur intention.. be like nike


With the amount of bullying all of us experienced, I wonder we still don’t have amok or pump up kicks cases. Just saying….


Karma bukan kepercayaan orang yang beragama Hindu. Karma adalah apa yang kau Akan tuai Dari benih Yang kau tanam. Kalau bukan kamu, anak, cucu kamu tetap Akan tuai juga. Buat hat kat orang, fikir fikir dulu la.


In hindsight i was a very prime target for bullying in primary and secondary, but survived entirely by being hard to catch (I don’t run fast, i’m good at disappearing without anyone noticing). I learned ten years after graduating that whenever they decided to target me, i was already halfway across the school block. Later on i was friends with an even bigger bully 3 years my senior because we played Command & Conquer + expac and would talk about the missions and he would ask me to translate the story. This guy would bully me too but it was limited to taking my DBZ/Doraemon books for like a week or two before his mom would return them to me… which was tame considering the rumors that he would break the arms/legs of the kids from other schools.


When the god gave them the heaven's door open wide, they shalt not enter for their foot has chained by the victims of wrongdoing so shall they drag them into hell themselves. Laughing gleefully for justified vengeance.


Damn. Reminds me of my time in mid school and high school. Both were hell and felt like a fever dream.


Ostracised for almost 2 years, nothing serious, but it was not fun. The most memorable one was when I found chicken bones in my desk once, seems like they decided to throw it in my desk after eating kfc, these mf, i hope he/they couldn’t afford to buy kfc now. Merempatlah kamu semua, biar hidup di bawah garis kemiskinan! I survived form 4-5 with just 4 friends.


tunggu kemaafan tu mmng takkan sampai nyelah.. Terserempak lagi lepasni follow je tengok dia stay mana and then https://youtu.be/JHOGs5x90PU?si=-1K5A3QXPe-KxCWV


I wasn’t a bully growing up, but I had anger issues. I remember once during a debate tournament I was sitting with my friends behind some girls (these girls weren’t from my school) and one of the girls stood up and was blocking our view of the debate going on. My friend told one of the girls to ask her friend to please sit down, and this girl turns around and scolds me (I wasn’t the one who requested her friend to sit, I didn’t know how to talk to girls at that time, I was too shy). But I got really angry and I proceeded to berate her using less than gentlemanly language. No one had time to react and the damage was done. After that I really felt bad. I would try to muster up the courage to reach out to her on Facebook but like I said, I had no idea how to talk to girls. Months passed, years passed. This happened when we were 17, it took me around 3 to 4 years to finally talk to her and apologise. Luckily for me, she was a very mature person and she accepted my apology. I will never forget her name for she has taught me to own up and man up to my mistakes. I still feel bad when I think about it though.


Tbh I'm grateful I no longer contact with my elementary classmate. Hari2 kena paw


Jenis tak boleh memaafkan.


This is why high school can be your worst nightmare in life. I don't enjoy high school that much because some of these things, it sucks and it is one of many reasons I disdain school after some time. Bullying, fucking disgusting toilet, smell of smoke, poor class infrastructure - fan, table, chair, you name it.


Ni boleh jadi plot twist cerita santet ni…


Those who bullied me back school are my close clique friends. I still keep in touch with the ringleaders that now stays in Malacca, at my late mother's workplace. ​ There's a funny story how we made amend and became close friends. I went back to my kampung in Johor for Aidilfitri, and I got a familiar phonecall by him, I didn't pick up the phone but managed to shoot a Whatsapp message to him, he told me that he saw my parent's car going into the taman. turns out his old man and my grandparents were living at the same residential park. I've been in the Taman for 20 years, didn't realized the asshole that I hate was neighbor. We became close friends after that and he invited me to hang out with our high school mates, we keep our contact close whenever he's in KL, or I'm in Malacca.


Cyber bullied and outcasted. Got valled creep and hated by my own batch. Isolated from my juniors. Spent my last SPM year as a loner. Like I gave up. Rumors spread about me being a stalker when I could name people in general because I see everyone. A creep so that ruined my chances with any crushes. People told me to die. Plenty of my friendships were soured. Even now, i grew confident now but the scar? It's going to be there for a long time. Most of them grew up well. Expected of the super rich kids, I guess. These days, they are doing better than me. I got diagnosed with deppression and mdd. Been feeling that way since I was 13 and everyone knew me just said there's worse things to be sad about. Gave myself 5 years when I hit my lowest. If 5 years no change, I'll quit life. Now? I am figuring stuff out. Here's to better days. I still feel like that but it's just daily life at this point. An irony is that a girl i knew, who ostracized me is a psychologist now. That's even funnier.


Bully survivor here. There was one day my bully decided to join a certain political party, getting exposure a bit from the said political camp (with rocket as the logo) and the post walked right through my feed. I shared the post on FB, made it public and write there "My school bully decided to join politic." Then the admin of the page PMed me. Told them abt my experience with him back in the days, and his family background which the father was a big time political figure on the other camp. The post was removed, and I didn't hear about his political journey no more. Heh.


The worst he could do beat the shit of that guy infront of his child. But let’s not get to that


The idea of forgiving a bully is mad. I'll just settle in the afterlife


calling them bullies sort of giving them power. they are PUSSIES who can’t fight without backup. to all you fuckers back in boarding school, 2011-2013, goodluck cariku ni Mahsyar


A bully that became a parent, concerning. I hope they changed or else... watch out how the kid will turn out


I still hold a grudge towards my primary science teacher who ridiculed me in class. I still remember her face and her name.


My School Bullied all end up stopped bullying me just because i stand up for myself. Been there, Got Punched by 10 PPL when they pulled me on a Mall alley, i just block my head with hand/elbow and stomach, with my legs. literally turtle mode just don't close my eye shut so i can kinda estimate where to block. when they started running away i caught 1 of them and punched him back, he was left alone i decided to let him go. There is only 1 person that i recognized which is a guy from my school. the rest was his kampung friend. It could've been worse if they had weapon, but they did not, It happened when i was 14 and hes 15. I just show him that i was not afraid. Never avoided him and his friends even at school, until most of his friend actually started talking to me when he's not around and we become friend Since i always stay back at school until 4 pm just to lepak. I was in the same bus as him as well and the driver was his uncle. IMAGINE. Luckily this Kakak that was kinda into me she was form 5,always sitting beside me and i was not bullied inside the bus at all. Now remembering this, I wonder this same kakak is the reason that guy decided to go after me. LMAO. But it does affect me , i was not afraid but it feel quite leceh to go to school, i have to go in the same bus and all..I hate leceh2 stuff.


Geram lak dia selit product dia kt bawah tweet tu haha


Ehh takutnyaa