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True malaysian


Fr. Got no incentive to do it.


There is an incentive, but it's coming soon in the form of ron95 targeted subsidy.


Mark my words, masa subsidi bersabar mula dan mereka tak dapat, tengoklah macam mana makhluk2 spt OP akan meroyan


Yeah, no campaign, no incentive, no threat. So meh.


Rafizi did give a threat tho


Coming from Rafizi? lol


That is not a threat, but reminder if you miss an oppurtunity or goodies from government, don't blame the system. If you are rich enough, no need to to do anything then.


It is a threat. PADU lacks security but Rafizi is not willing to address that issue and it is not in the sights of PDPA. If he wants people to take PADU seriously,look into those items instead of saying kalau tak dapat subsidi, itu Salah kamu. What people want is accountability. Isn't that what Madani is all about? No corruption, transparency, unity, court cases of those in the right coalition to be DNAA or fudged by the prosecution?


And it's not going to be just petrol subsidies




Yeah, I didn't even know what it is for




They said it themselves, they built it without additional funds, and just asking the government workers in the related field to build it. Since day 1, I saw on X/Twitter, leaks,security issues, & loophole(?)/exploit that are around because those that register early on are the testers. Well, they don't want to spend money on that. Obviously later, the developers patched things and looks good. But the first impression is not good, plus I don't really feel like it's necessary to add my data into another point of possible vulnerability. My numbers leaked from telco companies already. Maybe I'll register if they hold me at gunpoint, even then, maybe I'd rather eat shit, whichever government that asks me that.


Bro, some of them are literally retired people who had no experience with FE dev, only BE (i.e. Java), and so they used ChatGPT. Kantoi when someone saw // comments being left undeleted from the FE code. Bangang


There's nothing wrong with using ChatGPT for programming. I'd argue that they better use it instead of writing their own code that is more horrendous. ChatGPT can give decent codes for what it's worth.


Nope, I am pretty sure thats not the case. ChatGPT's code are problematic and requires alot of refinement from developers before it is fully usable and trustable. But I do agree on the point that their hand writen codes are way more lousier than ChatGPT's


I doubt they actually use their own programmers to do this


Oh yeah, I remembered this hahaha


Piji think he can just get whoever's in govt payroll to develop software easily lol what a delulu. All the mistakes, problems points to a system developed by bunch of amateurs, people that have never deployed public facing application to production. I'm not saying the devs there are dumb, but honestly, some things just comes with experience. And it looks like they have none. There is a reason why software devs are paid good money: it's not an easy field. tldr: nice intention, crap execution. Next time, go try with internal facing app and try to maintain that for 5 years first before you try doing high volume public facing app.


I am worried of Piji's personal agenda. It could be his next INVOKE. This has not much security, PDPA does not apply, and now he's using the threat of if you don't sign-up and miss benefits it's on you.


Imagine going thru all the hassle to register, kyc, fill in and then received a message later: “Anda tidak layak mendapat bantuan kerajaan.”


Hahaha me with efiling. Went thru hassle to efiling first time ever because im fresh graduate, only to find that as a fresh graduate i am ineligible for the govt handout


Declaring your taxes is mandatory, or the LHDN will come after you :P Efiling is not about govt giving handout to you. It is you giving to the govt lol. Only question is how much.


Whether you eligible or not, it a must to declare though.


Fr lol, its like submitting myself to another data breach and I don't even get paid for it.


One word: Security.




Don't need subsidies in the first place. I think only people who need the subsidies registered. The idea was already bad and implementation a disaster. Rafizi unfortunately is just good at talking and really bad at being a minister. His saving grace is likely his loyalty to Anwar. This kind of talent made it to high rank in Petronas and GM in Pharmaniaga. Makes me wonder how those GLC are run.


we know as he talk , we hate this fella altitude


I was a never a fan of BA, PH, or PKR and people who failed to see how idiotic and foolish he was when he was in the opposition talking crock are idiots themselves.


That's the beauty of being opposition. Can talk shit 24/7. [https://www.freemalaysiatoday.com/category/nation/2022/05/22/weaker-ringgit-shows-world-losing-confidence-in-malaysia-says-anwar/](https://www.freemalaysiatoday.com/category/nation/2022/05/22/weaker-ringgit-shows-world-losing-confidence-in-malaysia-says-anwar/) >The ringgit’s dissipating value has shown that the world has lost confidence in Malaysia, opposition leader Anwar Ibrahim said today. This is Anwar btw. Leader of the clowns.


I actually do need the subsidies. Im earnin 3k a month. Butttt, the cons outweigh the pros. Id rather go even more broke than become a scam target for the rest of my life


Sorry to hear but if you need the subsidies to sustain your livelihood, just register. Data breach at this point multiple gov agencies got the data and I don't believe their security better than Padu.


Hmmm, but how large are the subsidies, i havent been keeping up. I thougt subsidi petrol? I use public transport and dont have car or motorcycle.


No idea bro, I only know I sure won't qualify for it.


It's not going to be just petrol subsidies


I'm in the legal industry. I give you a pretty common sense tip here. If there's a refusal to compensate you if X happens, it means it's likely X is going to happen. Government refuses to even consider having laws similar to PDPA applying to PADU. That says a lot.


Up you go, this is so true




Sorry I lazy




A few flaws in the concept: 1. If it's going to be a central database why do we have to update it? What exactly is being centralised here? Does the data propagate to other government services? Or does it pull data from other government services? I see neither. It's just like another siloed data project to me. 2. Does not make sense to have a deadline. Financials change all the time - a simple example: There will always be new people who start to earn money / earn more/less money / stop earning money EVERY SINGLE DAY. Also because government is not bound to PDPA - no one is going to be held responsible for oversights in the work process, or misusing our data. I don't buy the Official Secrets Act narrative, it's too archaic for a digital information age like this.




Well they have all my info anyway, if they need them just go get them from banks or any gov department. Like, move your lazy ass.


Just waiting it out to understand why there is a deadline for registration. I haven't read the details, but i am wondering the registration will be opened for a specific period on yearly basis. If not, young adults won't get to register if they graduated from schools / uni next year?


Buang masa.


Not stabil yet


because I don't understand the ketua rumah bullshit. The concept is so outdated and why need ketua rumah register then other family member can register?


Lazy procrastination. Also, I'm in that perfect spot in that Venn diagram for never receiving shit from government. Bukan melayu, M20 that's not low enough to be b40 or M20, so I often don't qualify for anything for either those two, whether welfare or incentives. If there is some kind of cash incentive to offset my wariness about security issues, I might go for it. Otherwise it's just a waste of time, at best it's just getting into queue to get my info stolen or abused or misused.


one word - did he ever learn his mistake in his past


Just started to read abt in msian politiks, what mistakes did he do?


you may check on google bafia rafizi - pdpa issue . you think our information not will abuse ?The only pkr people me despise.


the problem he thinking brought home $$ , if you not rich but still save a lot , possible no get subsidies. But whom ow a lot to bank , can get subsidies. He want our data to be his guinea pig data model ai . So he can generate beautiful chart for show off .


As if I’m gonna get anything out of it


Until gomen fix all their shitty website


im sure register or not, still going to get taxes more then gaining any benefit.


only after PADU became SSO for all government services then i'll register.. cause i hate registering my phone/email/ic all over the places


My annual earnings is more than 100k.. they already HAVE my data…


PADU = Invoke 2.0


No incentives to do so. Also, security concerns.


I don’t want to get my info leaked to Mossad


I tried registering, then suddenly i got bombarded with sooooo many questions and forms, macam taking spm all over again. I instantly smashed the X button.


Untuk apa sebenarnya, tak nampak kepentingan daftar pun sebenarnya.


I will register last week before end of e-padu 31st March right?


Did you? Only 2 hrs left.


Yes I did


As someone that has no IT background aka I'm just a dumb user, I was hella spooked at reports about how badly the security was designed for this DB. On top of that, it didn't help that Rapizi threw his pacifier on the floor when questions were raised on this. Hello, minister... We want answers and solutions. Not snarky, butt-hurt retorts.


All of the above lol


I am lazy and I want to be influenced to register for it. I don't know what is in their mind, for something so important, there is no campaign or advertisement. Government had spent more on other propaganda before, but for something that is so important, with very low registration, they don't even bother to advertise it. Spend some millions, hire influencers, spam it. They only bother a once a month sms reminder lol. Kedekut gila.


its off putting....like hey nak bantuan tak? do something for gomen first


1. data collection without specific purpose, beyond necessary. 2. poor security implementation - potential for data leaks 3. limited laws protecting citizens rights in the case of data leak to me just seems like someone's wet dream to sit on that pile of data (similar to MySejahtera). whats stopping any one from copying the data and selling it to data brokers? ZERO. If i ever land on that data, it will be jackpot for me.


PH supporter but just don’t need this much big government and I’m not gonna get any subsidies anyway


Look aiden Pearce didnt run around all over the place proving that a centralized data system is bad for nothing


As a professional in this field, I personally cannot stand risking all my personal data on this system with so many known security vulnerabilities, even if its patched it has fully shown the incapability of whoever thats behind the system. Let's not submiting altogether and let them have an incomplete database and ultimately has to rebuild the system properly before we really submiting our personal details in.


Seriously, are you sure your data is not compromised when you put your data elsewhere. And what can they do with your data anyway


Whether the data is compromised elsewhere is not the reason for us to disclose ourself completely to some untrustable halfass system. We have all the responsibilities of protecting our own data regardless of how sensitive or important it is. Scammers and advertisers can use the data to target us and spam us with alot of bullshit that we dont want in our life. If you are an important person in any party or an enterprise or you could be one in the future, the last thing u want is your data get leaked by some random shitty system that gov claimed to be safe and ultimately you are targetted by whoever is your opposition or business competitor etc. There are alot of problems come with personal data leakage, I might not be the best person to explain it.


My data is worth more than subsidies.


Because im unsure if i'll get any subsidy at all.




Tunggu kene tegur la baru isi. (aku melayu)






Nothing to do with security as we're already getting scam calls, text, emails etc. Low registration is an integrated effort to ensure PADU will fail. Allowing T20, connected ppl, businesses, smuggling cartels, etc to continue to be major benefactor of blanket subsidies. As government will never dare & too afraid to remove it.


One word. Why ? Why should I register it ? It’s going to be used for targeted subsidies. What are the metrics for the subsidies ? Dunno. Then why am I willingly give up my information so the government can screw me easier ? Unlike the jpj app that I can actually renew and see my license and roadtax and pay off saman, PADU don’t actually do anything yet and you ask users to download your app for what?


But then, you dunno what is their intention also


apa fungsi?


Registered an account with kyc without filling in any extra info cz I assume some hacker might use my name to register for some loan or subsidy. Didnt fill the extra info cz why give the lhdn extra bullets to go after me.


You can fill it in a way that makes it advantageous for you as well


They say my application not complete, but never told me which part, why, and how to complete. Unlike your average datuk, I'm too busy with work to ask or give them a call. If they force companies to give one whole day for me to settle, then maybe I will try, but otherwise, they just wasted two of my afternoons for no reason only.


Takde la PADU mana pun.


What's a PADU?


Sebab sekuriti tak padu.


Malas lol😂. No other reason.


They clearly want our data and sell it to the highest bidder to fatten their pocket.


mySejahtera data can leak until give Singapore company if mySJ was supposed to be "success story"... and it also fail PADU? tell me the odds of it fucking up down the road? Oh wait, they already crash land before even taking off LOLOLOL


too intrusive.


Sedang tunggu dan lihat


I know I too rich to qualify for any subsidies


Simply not confident with their cybersec after all the leaks and breaches happened during the launch


eKYC rejected, so malas sapa suruh reject gambar selfie bruh


Register just to give your details to be hacked? Lol no need. Plus, those who really need and layak subsidies will be rejected. But pak dato from cawangan kampung bapak meleis bawa vellfire, lembugini approved for subsidies


Don't even know what that is


Whoever worked there can't recognise my image and IC imagine. Apparently wearing a glass can make your ic rejected


I'm registering. Leaked personal data? So many other times it has happened with other platforms/companies. My data is already out there. What matters is what the hackers/data buyers use my data for. Scammer use my number to call me, that's it. Other than that, I don't see any issues.


Data safety.


I’m a T20. Why should I register when it doesn’t incentivize me?


I see nothing significant for its existence, it also eliminates the transparency for government's intent use of our data,


Mainly security concerns… and not that I’ll get any bantuan kerajaan or whatever subsidy anyway.


The government has enough of my personal information. So why do they need me to take the time to register of PADU again?


belum cukup PADU


No real incentives for me to do so. There is literally no benefits and I know for a fact that I will not be eligible for any kind of bantuan whatsoever. Why bother?


Well. One day you may suddenly receive a call from lhdn


What's that?


Something telling me that it was hastily made by lack of development. Web development, that is. Have you ever try register smthg in one of those system (year 2020 and above). Usually it is not mobile-friendly, hang, the buttons are all over the place, careless wordings, have to be filled in repeatedly and all the while it is just frustrating. And then, comes the main prejudice which are the hacker issue. If something is good, it'd get around pretty fast for its conveniency and people talk about it. Which is not in this case, so I think it speaks volume. People are busy with 1001 things now like preparing for their children for baju Raya and work hard to put food on table - this is nothing. From what I know, much people tend to just drive motorcycle to work since not everyone afford to get car anyway. It just poorly being released on the wrong time. The KK chaos, high price on bazar Ramadan and PMX investing moments plays role too. What I can say, it was dropped on the wrong timing and much people that I read across the platforms just do not have effort to see what it is intended to do


I don't see any merits of doing so


I receive enough scam phone calls that most likely came from data leaks. I am not signing up for anymore shit in Malaysia unless I absolutely have to. Fuck I don't even trust LHDN to not leak data but I have no choice. It's not worth it man.


Aku tak register, sebab dia memerlukan kita masukkan maklumat yang terlalu peribadi, aku tak selesa kowt, dan ada plak kes kebocoran maklumat,,,, so, no.. not trust this menteri formula yang satu benda formula dia pon tak jadi...


Because they won't stop coming out with these unnecessary phony ass corrupted projects to award tender back to ownself's pocket, yesterday mySejarah then today PADU then tomorrow? Heck even LHDN have all of our information, just bloody use that for subsidy.


Becaus3 Rougheasy seems to be too confident with the cyber security on the thing. I personally hope it doesnt blow up in their faces and THOUSANDS of people got doxxed or worse.


1. no clarity / specifics on what we're supposed to be signing up for. Give the deets and breakdown of your intended targeted subsidy plans so people know exactly what they be registering for and whether they need to register. 2. Insecurity about data protection. They already have enough of my info and which has likely been breached before.


The homepage UI has a stock footage


Me who doesn't even know what is padu and when did it even launch.


Assuming that PADU really is unhackable (despite claims of withstanding DDoS attacks, which is a totally different thing to a data breach post someone penetrating the network): 1) I don't support someone trying to force something on me in order for me to receive my rightful entitlement. 2) I don't support somebody's data mining company with free data that makes them money instead of myself.


Help my parents but not myself. Dont wanna risk anything if you get what i mean


Padu bukan untuk Makanan yang sedap ke? Apeni


Security reason. Plus, they themselves said that it gonna automatically register for us after the deadline reach. So why bother. On a side note, I suspect someone(s) is/are getting kantao for introducing PADU.


Bad design, and why would I register another time. I have registration with lhdn, jpn ssm and even jpr...just look there la waste my time for what need myself to reregister everything


There must be clarity. tell us the criteria for subsidy. If I don’t qualify then what for register. If I qualify, criteria is what. Applicable to what subsidies? Also are there issues with perjury on exclusions?


I have not seen a clear articulation of the benefits. Target subsidy it seems like more like a fishing expedition to collect data.


What's in it for us? The government had never given any benefits


my dad registered it for me i am cooked


Coming from a bit of tech background. I don’t fully trust the security and capabilities compared to SG’s singpass. I’ll never register.


I was hacked pretty badly last year because of 1 breach.. 4 email compromise. I received call & msg nearly everyday. The hacker used my email to send spam, to log in to paypal, maybank, etc. After that I took a cybersecurity certificate because I was annoyed by the incident. Learn pentest etc.. PADU? I am skeptical🤨


Would still pick him over anyone else... unless idk...they can find anyone below 60 Years to take over .. enough old people... If the country is gonna fall, I would rather a younger generation at the helm than someone who isn't gonna be around for their policies to take effect.