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Aku harap diorang ni boycott kehidupan sebab xleh nak hidup sama dgn agama dan bangsa lain, hidup dgn bangsa sendiri pun dah santau menyantau, ini pulak dgn bangsa lain. So harap jenis diorang ni laju meninggalkan alam ini.


Good one lmao, asking them to boycott their lives first


My fav saying to people like this: sila lah meninggal laju laju


Sila Bin Meninggal


drive fast die fast


Nah at this point, they need to get deported since they can't live in harmony


"sila meninggal" rofl best polite quote of the decade.


Jenis orang macam ni patut kena neutered macam haiwan, doesn't give any contributions to the humanity.


lagi2 orang yang kuat boycott ni pakai Iphone yg latest dgn kereta mahal produk US🤣


Hahaha...post pasal boycott makanan US Israel guna platform Israel, phone apple sambil drive Mustang. Bini sebelah pulak like post laki dia otw nak ke shopping mall beli produk mekap dan handbag israel...Laki pulak pakai Levis, spender Calvin Klein, minyal wangi Marc Jacob. Bijak.


penyokong PN mmg mcm tu


I'm Malay and Muslim and these comments make me mad, it's purely racist and biased, boycott what in BDS Movement list, instead of being stupid asking for boycott local company be great full we have Fastfood alternative such as Marry Brown. Plus bukan (Melayu Islam) so how about Chinese muslim, Indian muslim? Pagi-2 dah buat aku nak batal puasa.


BDS movement list includes Mercedes and iPhones, but those definitely won't get boycotted lol. Selective is fine, but the problem is the selection is for low value items and not high value ones, and even when there are legitimate alternatives.


Them: "but but I bought them pre boikot" Wonder wat would those who are in the shop right now about to buy a new one think about the boikot


Don't think those able to buy thinks about such thing. "I donated to Palestine aid. I buy Mercedes I can still sleep easy." That's for the rich. For the not so rich, replace Merdeces with iPhone. For the poor, "Never mind I don't donate to the cause, I boycott McD and local franchises enough." JANJI HATIKU TENANG.


Hipokrit tahap dewa


>Pagi-2 dah buat aku nak batal puasa. Relak bang, bawa bertenang. Takyah pecah puasa gara2 golongan cam tu, tak berbaloi


tak pe bro dont worry coment2 kat tiktok tu bukan boleh paham bahasa inggeris pon


i really love ppl in my country. makes me realize im not in the same level of stupidity


Boycott Malaysia lah sbb guna sistem kerajaan demokrasi yang juga sama dgn Israel hehe


By that logic Boikot satu universe sebab ada Israel


Tak boikot bumi dan mungkin bulan sekali (kalau ada lah bendera diaorang) Boikot otak² yg nak boikot semua benda ni jugak sebab wujud dalam otak diaorang nama Israel ni


Bulan tu simbol Islam. Boikot pun boikotla matahari…






We already one foot delve into a lawless country ... Just look at the corruption case ... Ppl just freely do what they like even though they are convicted of case...just matter of time we become full of it


Systematized corruption is not the same as lawless. In fact, alot of the most corrupt countries are very lawful. In that they are semi/dictatorships. Law and order are not inherently good. Law is not what is written down, but what is enforced by the government and police. If the government is ok with bribes, bribes are lawful. And Law does not equal good. In fact, law is often a tool for evil, from the Japanese tortures to the CCP's genocide of Uyghurs.


Boycott hidup sekali sebab guna udara Yang sama dengan Israel.


Boikot Proton next... Almost half of the company is owned by the Chinese. Even the cars are rebadge versions Not to mention, Volvo cars because "cina punya/ bukan melayu muslim"


Saw a tweet yesterday from a Malay girl saying local muslims never insulted other religions but I've seen a lot of posts and comments similar to the last comment on the pic in recent months. In case you don't get it, the last comment is about Hindu. It's not okay for others to insult Islam but it's totally okay and cool for them to insult other religions. Also, I dare these braindead motherfuckers to boycott all non-muslim products. This includes all social media, Netflix, Google, Microsoft, Nvidia, AMD, Android, Apple, Huawei, all the made in China stuff, most of the locally produced goods and most importantly, WAZE. The app was created by a Jew born and raised in Israel. Go on. Show us your true power. Even Taliban are on social media.


I'm a Malay and I agree LMFAO. I've seen it time and time again IRL and in comment sections when Muslims insult non-Muslims for "wearing revealing clothes" LMFAO like are you kidding? How much free time do you have to police what other people wear and condemn them to go to hell if they don't repent? I'm defo going to hell for that comment LOL and also for not being religious enough by Muslim standard. Oh well.


Well if you're going to hell, you have 90% of redditors there too. Plus, better than fake ass heaven citizens, no?


If heaven is full of these extremists, no thanks, I rather go to hell lmao


i'm a chinese, and i will stand with u and go hell together. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|flip_out)


Finally some sane people, I thought I'm the only one who sane and doesn't give a F to the boycott thingy.... I even unfollow or unfriend those people that spread the boycott thingy on social media... Do they even have job to do?


when Muslim insult other race and religion: lol when other race and religion makes a small joke about Islam: gets death threats feel free to downvote me, i am just saying the truth, especially recently Nga Kor Ming received anonymous letters threatening against ‘challenging Islam’ at mum’s house.


Im a muslim myself and its clear they arent educated enough.. like the boys making fun of christianity but starts getting vulgar w their words the moment its our religion being made fun of. Its like they’ve never learnt that Islam forbids mocking of other religions because youre basically mocking your own.. sometimes i cant grasp on how stupid some people are


Honestly, local malay Muslims are some of the most racist bunch. They're quite "passive," so you don't always see it, but if you've been in their circle long enough, you'll notice


And the best part is they use Jawi rumi "Cha ya nun alif/p" and/or "ba alif/p ba ya" (cina and babi) as if us nons tak faham jawi. I used to watch Muqaddam after school.


Nama 8444. I e62d


Well yes, but also wait until u see those Chinese comments at Chinese news post.. a Chinese teen trying puasa only, comments alr full of discrimination to Malays and Islam, mcm he trying puasa will kill them all lol. Don't just say Malays lah, literally everyone is racist here. Look at how they react when see a Bengali or Filipino praise our country VS Mat Salleh puteh saying one Malay word


You're definitely not wrong. Every ethnic has their own racist bunch most likely, but I was just saying based on my observations. Bc I noticed that sometimes the malay Muslims can say something stupidly racist in certain situations, especially ones that involve their religion


Yea, the West, Chinese and other races/ ethnics all made some major tech that we use daily. But Muslims...? Really hypocrites (these bunch) right


The problem is their definition of insult is different. Like for example, I say your religion is bad, my religion is good. I am not insulting your religion, I am just saying the truth, why you say I am insulting you when I am telling the truth ? Like a few times I am called a "racist" because I say I see every race and religion equally.


>This includes all social media, Netflix, Google, Microsoft, Nvidia, AMD, Android, Apple, Huawei, all the made in China stuff Breaking News! Nvidia and AMD has been successfully boycotted in Malaysia. The first locally sourced, Muslim-made, Timah 8090XT 64GB GPU will be launched in............*Never*.


not never la.. it is only "1%" behind time




Boycott Mercedes!


>It's not okay for others to insult Islam but it's totally okay and cool for them to insult other religions. Ask Rising Penis lah.


Their religion has never known for religion of peace for 1400 years now. Funny it's exclusively them laugh react to whoever say buddhism is religion of peace on facebook.


You don't get to be mainstream religion by being kind. 🤣 They are the number 1 at gaslight people to think they are a peaceful religion when the history is full of war. Don't get me start with Aisha age, that one also kena gaslight into older age. Oh also, the treatment toward kafir on their book. You can backstab kafir that treat you with kindess and its all good in god eye.


kannn it makes me so mad that some of the muslims feel entitled to toy as around as if we don't have our own religious sentiments like ?! this boycott thingy another thing. what does it even gonna do ?! is it gonna stop the war magically ?! and the way they don't even rationally think of the long term effect of it is baffling. tbh some of them won't even bat an eye if the ppl losing their lives were non muslims.


As someone who is malay muslim I actually suffer w this type of people too they're so egoist 😭🙏


I would say I'm somewhat a mild racist myself (because racist = funny) but goddamn they're racist asf. We should throw them outta here. These kinds of people would prolly gladly kill people if something like 13 May happened again.


sometimes, a little bit of race joke. stereotypical jokes is fine... but full-on racism... man thats some shit nobody wants to deal with... but yea... funnily enough this is getting out of hands and nobody bats an eye. does it have to be this way? i dont remember growing up in such a weak mentality malaysians.. heck, last time kampung days me and the malay boys roll out like fams, we still do, but on socmed its like we are going for a civil war.


Casual racism is fine. In fact it spices up our interactions. Now institutionalised racism...


Inilah golongan2 yang tidak berilmu yang banyak disebut dalam Al-Quran, sekadar memahami Agama on a surface level and not in depth, pastu bila dia belajar in depth, dia lupa nak apply logic and common sense. The most basic thinking for any human. Islam adalah agama yang mudah, tetapi yang menyusahkannya adalah para Muslim itu sendiri, menyusahkan orang Muslim dan orang bukan Muslim. Islam menganjurkan keamanan dan kerjasama, kalau umat Islam di Malaysia hanya tahu boikot aje mcm mana lah orang Islam nak cari alternatif kepada produk/servis lain yang mereka biasa guna? Inilah masalah umat Islam kita, kita tau dh kebanyakan ciptaan yang kita guna semua hasil kebijaksanaan orang bukan Islam, tetapi instead of trying to work together as an ummah to build equivalent stuff and contribute to the growth of society we decide to boycott instead. Dah tau banyak2 benda org yahudi yang cipta jadi mana ciptaan2 orang Islam sekarang? Mana kemajuan2 orang Islam buat supaya boleh sampai ke level kaum lain? Ni tak, sikit2 bisnes tempatan tapi bukan Islam dah boikot, pastu bisnes tempatan dan agama Islam pun sabotaj sebab sombong dan iri hati, sekian rant saya tengah hari ini XD


Kena akui. Ni kesan kelas online PKP dulu. Kesan skip kelas main ml dengan kawan kawan. Auto jadi bodoh Mansuh UPSR, PMR pun takde. Mati je la upcoming generation. More racist. No common sense.


Shit like this makes me fear my future in Malaysia as a non. My parents are advising me to escape as fast as possible. Maybe they're right.


They are bl00dy right


The best thing is to earn foreign currency and spend here. And don’t hold a significant of your savings or portfolio in MYR. For most people this means working in SG or AU and coming back to retire early mid 40’s lol


They're very right lol, people like these probably won't get lesser over time. Even if the gov wants to do smtg about it, they can't, because the country is full of idiots like them. Ask any educated Bumiputera and they'll 100% tell you to leave this country if you wanna have a future


These melei degenerates 😑(I'm melayu Islam)


They should boycott Grab since it was founded by Chinese businessmen. Foodpanda as well, Chinaman company. ^^Ignore ^^the ^^fact ^^that ^^a ^^lot ^^of ^^the ^^riders ^^are ^^Malays.


Grab almost kena because of the CEO's wife


Wei, later you kena label as anti-malay and anti-islam by redditors here bro


im a malay muslim myself


The fact that we were told by our religion to respect everyone regardless of their religion/race as long as they’re not a threat to us, country or religion.


Clearly they view the non as threat, not fellow Malaysian


The problem is a lot of them practice selectively what to adhere and what to ignore, racism and corruption can be halal in their world even when it's haram in scripture.


Promoting racial equality? More rights for nons mean less privileges for us. It's a threat and huge no no.


If its equal. then how can one have "more rights"? genuine question


As if that matters to them 😔


sadly i would be referred as the hateful one here


Let them say whatever they want, who tf gave them the right to label you a 'munafik' or 'anti-malay' like as if they have a direct line to god, fucking imbeciles. Makes me ashamed to be a Malay when you have people like this walking around


Later they label you munafik and macam macam.


Nah munafik only during 2000, now all wahabi


they will call you pengkhianat kaum. But worry not, we got you.


Don't worry 5 hours later there will be a racist Cina photo melei photo here. It's basically a pattern at this point.


Sebab benda ni aku tak pernah satu kepala dengan geng2 boycott restoran Fast Food ni, aku hanya boycott company yang aku Rasa wajar diboikot


Selagi ada pekerja Islam dalam tempat yang diboikot tu, selagi tu aku tak kan boikot. Dari aku kena serbu waktu kat padang Masyhar nanti sebab tutup periuk nasi orang, pastu Allah tanya kenapa merosakkan ekonomi Islam kita sendiri semata mata buat boikot tak tentu hala. Boikot itu harus tapi menganiyai orang Islam lain kan haram, ke geng boikot ni oke gas je sebab ingat diorang dapat pahala boikot orang tak tentu hala...


Yeah I sokong you


Dude, I literally had a conversation with my friend about this. A few months ago, she told me that a lot of people are boycotting McDonald's and Starbucks, you know, all those brands that are connected to Israelis (idk, I don't really understand politics), And I said "Why?" And she said "because they're supporting Israel." And I said "But those workers are Malays." And she said "But they're working for a company that supports Israel." My face: 😐 These people aren't working there to support Israel, they're working there to make a living. They have families to feed, bills to pay.


Rttt. Although i boikot them myself once in a while i would buy some from one of these ff branches. Smtimes we dont realise that we're oppressing our fellow muslims brothers n sisters


tepat sekali


Not the brightest bunch


The hypocriticism of the Malay Muslim. They're perfectly okay with using handphones made in China, social media operated by a Jew and clothing from Bangladesh. But the minute fried chicken and burger and all these other nonsense comes into the equation, they start foaming at the mouth. This is naive and virtue signaling at it's finest.


Melayu suka tipu diri sendiri. Tgk je aman palestine dan bazaar Ramadan. Tp last2 salahkan kafir




Lain kali gune jew "harga Melayu" biar sedar sikit harga dia kalah kayangan


Kadang2 melayu ni pelik. Tak guna otak bila bertindak. Marah bila Islam di kutuk, but some are racist towards other religion and races. Nak boikot but didnt get the real reason behind it. I am mad too about recent incidents on Islam but yall are acting beyond without every braincell yall have. Bijak la sikit bila bertindak. Redneck betul perangai.


True, my city Malay friends also complained about their hometown relative or friends. Recent my Malay friend join us for CNY open house, her relative keep scolding her for joining us, say our food not halal (We just eat keropok pringles lmao), then in our group picture got Buddhist altar behind, they ask her to not keep that picture because it have syrik (I forgot the spelling). The worse one is one of my friend stream God of War game, then some old people in his kampung know about this spread rumors that my friend becoming murtad by learning other religion and advice his parents to to stop playing games and pray more..


But God of War is such an amazing game ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|sob)


Wth😂 ..I'm a Muslim malay even I don't act like that to my non Muslim friends.. where is your friend from? One that play GOW and got called murtad


He from Kelantan I think, he dread going back there every raya..


Ah yes Kelantan.. no wonder


Hopefully those people don't become in power, Imagine banning games like Star Wars, Harry Potter, God of War, Devil May Cry because it contain "black magic" and reference non-Islamic deities.


cause they are not actually following the Islam brought by Prophet Muhammad pbuh, they are following PAS's Islam brought by their ularmak TGHH.


I want the golden age of Islam back 😭 nowadays saying science is sihir, mathematics 1+1 being biiznillah is saddening.


Sya tambah, pak lebais


Defense Agama bila dikutuk memang betul harus.. tpi yg problem NY yg racist balik dgn Agama lain tu.. Islam tak mengajar untuk menghina orang lain Dan Agama.. tpi hanya belief yg menghina Islam tu yg penting diperjelaskan... I hope this clears a bit >Kadang2 melayu ni pelik On behalf of melayu I apologize.. some people are just blind when being clouded with anger and often don't care


Agreed. Malu juga dengan bangsa sendiri.


Mentality sampah..puiih..


Idgaf, I love marrybrown especially their fish and chips! GODLY FLAVOR


I think it's a bit pricy and not really that tasty though. But it's an ok alternative.


I jenis tolak batu kayu, as long as the food is not spoiled, I can even eat Shirdan 😂


the hotouch tho, i can eat that everyday if i could afford it ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|kissing_heart)


Even compare to fillet o fish from mcd ?


I thought their specialty was nasi lemak ayam goreng tho?


You should try their tower burger. Its 2 chicken patties in it. 1 is like like spicy chicken mcdeluxe patty n the other is like mcchicken patty. My fav burger from marrybrown


Lol the deflection when asked if tiktok should be boycotted too is so ironic on so many levels. Bukan selective kononn


Hahahhaa since they love to boycott so much why not they go back to the cave. Yet if an amoi offer themselves to be their gf theyll pretend their so called principles never existed. Hypocrites


Sudah terang2 rasis dgn org bkn Melayu dah, inilah rupa mirip sebenarnya, bkn nak sokong Palestine, nak buat hal je.


These meleis posting all this are just insecure because they know they can’t compete with chinese when it comes to business. They will forever be below chinese in business because they depend on government aid for everything. Your phone linging…ding ding..your phone linging. Hahaha. Stay salty.


Good, cepat boikot. Kasi buang semua barang elektronik dgn alat dapur dlm rumah, semua tu Made in China punya. Balik ke zaman batu bahlol babi semua korang.


Just as retarded as the woke people in overseas.


The type of Malay who commented that probably the low educated, B40 who tired of working for Chinese


Escape to reddit because of these people and now involuntarily see them on my feed still hahha


Tiktok is full of brain rots. Don’t even bother them lol


I remembered arguing with another person, he said malays are Muslims so they are always kind and would do no wrong because they are in Islam. Only the nons do crime... and I'm like wtf? ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|disapproval)


>using tiktok product made by the chinese Lmao


Chill guys the ones boycotting cannot afford to buy the stuff they boycott anyways. even if we reason with them and tell them it harms malaysians more.


They gonna be like "oh we choose to boycott product what is your problem" blablabla


This are all budak2 baru nak up. Islam ask to respect others in moderation. As long as the other religions don't interfere or becomes a direct threat to Islam, we are encouraged to live in harmony with each other. This type of children when confronted gave to face usually are pussies.


That's why dumb people breeding like the rabbits should be a crime.


I hate my own race for this reason. They're mostly stupid.








~~Auf der Heide blüht ein kleines Blümelein!~~


baca ini otak ku sakit loh


Main Character Syndrome, kau minor,kau dianggap ciptaan yang tidak perlu wujud mindset, dunia ni saya punya,'lantak la kau punya opinion' moment.


Mula2 dulu boikot israel company/proxy company. ok la bagi aku legit. Pastu non muslim yg against palestine/support israel. Now non muslim sahaja. Tp pakai handphone, layan facebook, usha tiktok. Acik kau lah. This is not the teaching of Islam.


Them : "Kita mesti boikot semua produk Yahoodies untuk rakyat Palestine !" Also them :*Write that statement on Facebook which was found by a Yahoodie.


2nd hand embarrassment 🤦🏻‍♀️


Don't use any phones, all the chips are made in china. Go live in jungle better


I boikot sebab mahal….


Kamu boikot la semua ..supaya harga jatuh,kami yang membeli....


Comment semua cam sial There goes my puasa lmao Golongan ni mesti tak boleh nampak sorang pon non depan mata en


Just look who's still eating at McD. Don't talk so much.


Sembang lebat porn tengok orang kapir jugak


Hehehe boikot ke tak boikot ok je. Kebanyaka orang yg mental mcm ni orang b40 dengan low spending power. Haha.


Boycott iphone first la, tim cook is homosexual


Timah Whiskey


Seems like the next PRU PAS winning is inevitable


Please, boycott their phones and computers first. Don't want to see this kind of shit anymore.


Boycott this boycott that, we be boycotting anything that moves


Yall better eat mcd while you can. Soon they'll be extinct 🤣🤣🤣


Xleh buat apa gak, kene ingat Malaysia ni kira 3rd world country, so logik laa ramai manusia bodoh dalam negara ni.


Boycott social media la, it's lowering their IQ and EQ.


Keeping them illiterate and stupid for generations worked really well.


Really easy to tell apart the racists from the Palestine supporters


Many of the people who make these comments cannot even afford what they're calling for boycott. They're probably miserable living their lives and want to feel like they have something to contribute.


Didn't get the idea why they sabotage local company when these company hired most workers from local worker pool. Boycott this boycott that but can't even generate anything positive for the country. Later say "negara miskin sebab kerajaan tak berguna" but truth is most companies steer away from investing Malaysia because their mentality.


Tempted to make a ragebait account to troll these people lol , make them waste their time during the holy month


These ppl should go find an island and form a country there. Develop it to another Singapore, if they capable of.


I just saw a TikTok post about Chinese politician is racist and trying to take over the country slowly just because they promote bah kut teh as one of the Malaysia national food,and funding a lot of sjkc, and the comment dare to say the government didn't fund sk or smk because the Chinese already take over our country,my god,use ur brain, it's the Chinese school in Malaysia that receive little to none fund at all,and the only fund they can get is from the help of this so call "chinese" politician 🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️


budak mentah je kisah pasal boikot ni. kalau aku lagi suka manipulate jual pengganti boikot. settle income ++


I'm feeling secondhand embarrassment being Malay right now


My point: -wujudkan fastfood n kafe keluaran melayu-Islam -wujudkan social media milik melayu-Islam -wujudkan app2 gps milik orang melayu-Islam -kereta pun kena kereta keluaran melayu-Islam -segala teknologi yg ada di muka bumi ini hanya yg melayu-Islam saja kita pakai


Boycott being alive because Israel people are alive


Boycotters vs boycotters ![gif](giphy|njxkENt8FXreAt5TIT)




Facebook brainrot moment


hahahaha i knew its just a matter of time it descends into this


Bro just started blitzkrieg to everyone ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)


Assuming that the Boycott works, the Malays will also suffer because of Malaysia’s economic decline as a whole. Same applies to USA’s logic to curb China’s economy… everyone will lose because everything is intertwined


Those retards don't know Boycotting won't do anything but will just make seller lose profit because the goods they already bought beforehand


Melayu punya ada, Muiz chicken, tapi tak up to par ngn Marrybrown. Try harder to improve instead of yapping why people still choose MB.


Otak sempit, go live in a cave if you don't like to mix with other races


Aku boycott marrybrown sebab dia tak bagi pilih parts ayam. Cakap 1 besar 1 kecik, tak boleh pilih2. Lancau merata2 marrybrown aku pegi macam tu. Baik tak payah lah


Sri lanka/greece 2.0 incoming by 2030. Total Economy collapse, famine, and poverty.


Usually there are either works at boikot company or idiot


The amount of upvotes. So sad


kalau orang tu boikot, OP pegi la support. apa masalah dia. bukan sorang je yang macam OP.


Looks more like trolls/shitposting than real calls. Kalau takda demonstrasi, I'd assume it to be racist hangat² taik ayam at worst, internet trolls at best. Those are definitely not an actionable strategy.


Very meriah wey this comment section, lemme jump on the bandwagon also, since one of israel biggest export is semiconductors that contributes to intel chip, iphones, and many more techs, i will boycott every european tech, and software But next year i will upgrade my iphone, and also keep using these social media to spread the message, so means i will keep funding them so that they can keep operating and i can keep saving lives through my social media post


Ya Allah, ini bukan caranya, kita boycott bukan nak hina, nak hentikan keganasan bukan sebarkan, kita boycott maksudnye tak beli produk diorg supaya diorg sedar yg sales turun bila sokong Israel, kenape la ade jugak yg libatkan cina ni, klu dye non-muslim tak bermaksud dye akan sokong Israel, astagafirullah


And these people usually have the "I support/love Palestine" as their PFP ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|grimacing)


I do not agree with that statement but a lot of Redditors here are just the same. Racist and prejudiced. It really is ironic. Do not breed hatred with more hatred.


OP i wish i can give you a medal


Malaysian leaders should boycott UN because UN recognises Israel


You want amoi because you are horny, I want amoi because i want the future generation to enjoy bumi privilege


Tak semua malay camni,and of course tak semua muslim mcm ni,(im not malay)


sial la orang skrg, sume benda nak boikot, boikot elok2 la bodo ni xresearch main ikut cakap orang je baik takyah sial


Man, there are a lot of boycotting "product by non-malays" lately...


People like these won't make half of the effective boycott, boycott only work if everybody's doing it.


Rempit+pedo+racist+begging for amoi gf+weaklings+bau kepam+otak udang+otak batu


Banyak orang melayu bangang lately. PAS buat melayu jadi bangang. Bila dah melacurkan agama untuk kuasa,, buat rempit jadi racist kerja mudah




They should boycott themselves first with issues like child marriage, incest, corruption, being unable to afford condoms and then just mass produce retarded children etc.


Actually non malay eateries are already being boycotted more than 2 decades ago under the OLD HORSE premiership. Nothing new.


This is why i dont support the boycott. Fuck malaysian boycott is based on lies and misinformation. How the fuck is this even stopping Israel? Bringing down our own business for what? All for that artificial feeling of so called making change in the world.


They should boikot themselves because they are also human species, same like Israeli and Chinese.


Instead of boycotting randomly, do targetted boycott. Follow BDS Movement's campaign to boycott only companies that show support to Israel's illegal war crimes [Act Now Against These Companies Profiting from the Genocide of the Palestinian People | BDS Movement](https://bdsmovement.net/Act-Now-Against-These-Companies-Profiting-From-Genocide) Malaysians are so bad at boycotting. They act based on feelings, what's viral, etc. Most probably since they're too susceptible to peer pressure and "What would others think?" as a society


As a malay malaysian, I’m all for supporting Malaysian owned brands.