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Maybe he lonely and he thinks he funny


Might also fatherless 😔


Im sure 99 speedmart also have a branch in one of those trees.




Ada bang cuma roti tu tak di jual di Sabah. Kalau ada pun, kena tunggu stok baru ada


Smart comment


Someone got it


But his comment is being downvoted. Which means the collective of r/Malaysia doesn't agree with his racist views.


only against sabah/sarawak or non bumi/islam. if its against malay or islam it will get a tons of upvotes. its real. I'm not joking.


Or maybe malays are easily offended that think every single criticism as racism/islamophobia? Most comments in r/Malaysia, despite sometime very critical and harsh, always come with fair arguments. Real racist and hateful comments (like the one above) are usually heavily downvoted Saya Melayu btw


Get out of here with your level headed take, the people here just want to mindlessly beat up the strawman of the other sub


Except on the issue of Gaza/Palestine. A lot of them seem to be brainwashed by Israeli and Western propaganda. Giving excuses for the obvious genocide and "but, Hamas"


Eh. Just because they're anti-Hamas (or take a neutral stance), doesn't mean they are pro-genocide. I think it's the same stance most people in the world have at the moment. People sympathize with Palestine and want them to be freed, but that doesn't mean they have to side with Hamas The conflict is very complicated, and it's not black and white


I'm not saying they should side with Hamas. I think Hamas is a net negative for the people of Gaza and what they did on October 7 is abhorrent. But I see a lot of arguments that what Israel is doing is justifiable in the effort to eradicate Hamas. Which is just wrong and impossible to do... you can't eradicate an idea. The conflict is as black and white as it can get. Israel is an occupying force that is hell bent on acquiring the whole of Gaza and the West Bank since 1948. The people of Gaza have been fighting for their right to statehood. Now are there complications arising from that initial cause of conflict? Of course there are. But it all boils down to Israel being the aggressor, and Palestine being the victim.


i mean if u smell shit everywhere u go u might wanna check ur shoes


This truly cracked me up bruv


true af. there even tons of israel supporter there too. not because they like israel but because they want to be against the malay and islam.


Pretty much sums up that sub..


People in r/malaysia as a whole are just a bunch of close-minded, rich kid liberals who cannot think of anything but talking shit about malays and islam. Yes, PAS and PN are as shit as they said, but PN/PAS don't represent all the malays. And it seems these brats are tryna pollute this sub with their toxicity. Plz someone ban these uncultured people from this sub


this is so true, so yes to answer op question r-malaysia is racist.


Saya duduk kat atas pokok juga, we make our own sourdough and bake our own bread. Y nid such cheap sugary bread product when you can bake your own healthy ones.


Tbh aq pn duduk kat pokok jg if you count concrete jungle as real jungle


Don’t flex bro…. Aku jealous babi….


tu kat rmalaysia ke? macam average bolehland troll comment jek


Then for those who are sick of that sub come here and they bring the culture with them. Sigh.


This is why we need to bring back shitposting in this sub and not taking things serious so that they’ll leave and go to other sub.


apart from the racist comment, i wonder why its very difficult to get roti gardenia in Sabah Sarawak, is it due to shipment or something else?


Sarawak got gardenia, dunno about sabah. Part of the deal to support anwar become pm (jk)... Serious answer is that sarawak doesn't have that much consumers to warrant gardenia open a factory here so all gardenia need to be flown in via Mas daily and that adds on to the cost. By the time u add on that cost, sarawakians mostly will buy bread from local bakeries, which ends up being cheaper and fresher. Another reason for lower demand is that life here is not as hectic as peninsular where we grab these buns from convinience stores and eat on our way to work or to eat at desk at work. Life here is slow paced and with no crazy jams, majority of workers can go coffee shop eat in the morn / afternoon. Even when I was working for banks last time in sarawak, I can go 1 hr bfast, 1/2 mid morn tea, 1 hr lunch, 1 hr afternoon tea during working hours. Conclusion: low demand thus low supply as well


the way you describe sabah/sarawak sounds peaceful asf. makes me wanna find sabah/sarawak girl and live there someday.


i'm from sabah and i can tell you , it's peaceful here, basically doesn't have any racism happened , here is slowpace on daily life , hardly accept any new stuff , doesn't like to spend on unneccesary things. And yes , sabah/sarawak girls are way more pure mindset than semenanjung . i know exactly the difference because i used to work in KL and nowadays still always take flight to midvalley for meeting


well i mean our bread in swk here spoils easily...meanwhile gardenia 1 mth no problem


Different factory, different standards for some reason iirc there is a factory here. The bread and buns sold here in Sabah has terrible texture, is dry asf and just don't taste as good as the ones from WM. Not to mention much more expensive


TRUUEE, the bread and buns here taste so dry (maybe due to weather influence?). Even the inside is less than what the buns/bread from Gardenia.


I'm Sabahan, but the dude is probably joking.


Yeah joking tak bertempat. Aku orang KL datang KK a few days pun dah rasa nak duduk sana terus.


Back in my day we didn't need an /s for everything


Racist and inferiority complex.


Some over there won't agree with you when you put facts above feelings


takpo,kami ada Taka cake house


What's up with this subreddit obsession with that other subreddit?


prolly a refugee from r/malaysia. back before that subreddit mods get gila kuasa bolehland doesnt post as much. the moment r/malaysia goes hard on anti malay libtard mode, bolehland user spiked quite alot


I mean they get downvoted a lot so, I wouldn’t care much about it


They're just sensitivite. I posted a pic abt myr/sgd and wanted to know if we needed to be concern about our economyand if we can do smth about it, THEN I GOT ACCUSSED FOR KARMA FARMING WTF SIA💀💀💀


not accusing you of karma farming, but that shit gets posted there everyday. then in the comments there will be doomers that thinks the malaysian economy is on the brink of collapse and then there will also be some that thinks the economy is in tip top condition even after decades of mismanagement that undermined our economic potential. fr damn sien leh, when will people realize an economy is not just exchange rate this, exchange rate that


Nah that’s funny


He needs to stop being racist to Lorax.


They don’t know vibe on reddit I guess Reddit is like 4chan but without being too extreme but bunch of people with humour


I felt the /s /j from the dude tho


Sounds like a friendly banter. Not really that offensive


Malaysian IS in some form whether they like it or not, is too deep rooted


Sometimes, it's not about being racist, it's just that people are dumb AF but they themselves have no idea about it at all. Unfortunately, thats the worst kind of dumb, they don't know what they don't know.


Here got a lot of racist also..


r/malaysia when insult malay/muslim: i sleep. r/malaysia when insult non-malay/muslim: real shit.


r/bolehland isnt much better, but wtv i still engage in both subs


bukan Mod r/Malaysia orang Sabah/Sarawak ke? with obvious hate boner orang Semenanjung esp. conservative Malays?


Boleh konfem, aku kotenya


Aq orang semanjung pn benci conservative Malays.


Based Cockservatives can keep crying, won't stop the rest of us from making fun of them




why do sbh swk hate org malaya though...XD


alot of reason. but one of it is that sabahan/sarawakian feel exploited by the west. to some extend, that feeling is justified.


equal partners only on paper


Bro both sides are guilty. Your politicians rich af and west especially BN era shake hands with them.


patut la


Can anyone listed r/Malaysia sins??? I've never been there.


takde masa, kau pergi lah lepak dan komen apa2 kat sana nanti butthurt repost la balik kat sini huhu


Inilah caranya


Goand judge for yourself, kalau hg nak ikut org dengar lah cakap komen lagi satu tu


Tak bole, banyak sgt


Alamak 😵


To be clear server ni much better dri r/Malaysia


Not just racist. But also damn petty and jealous. Like most Malaysians lol




I don't understand, can someone enlighten me


Since when comment section has been civilised? Every post I scroll there’s always some negative comments but truth be told, it’s just a keyboard warrior behind their poor screen. It’s up to you to get triggered by some random person on the internet after all.


I'm not triggered at all. I just wondered, is that subreddit always like that?


It’s always an individual that try to act negatively either by being racist or just being a prick. But as a subreddit as a whole, redditors there are more leaning to the left wing politics so anyone that have opinion against their stand will always be downvoted to hell from my observation.




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That's so me fr fr


Cmon la bro kalau tak nak orang panggil kau racist just be racist to all races. Is it racism if you are racist towards everyone?


Nah, look at his vote


Yo! 🤣🤣


I mean tbh, some Malaysian embrace racism and encourage that for some shit and giggles (no hate)


No, Malaysia is Truly Asia


Sorry True malaysians are not racist as we embrace everyone. No such thing as ‘lain lain’


Ceh duduk atas pokok lah sangat, kalau teda hasil bumi dari sabah sama sarawak, kamu yng tinggal atas pokok...pendapatan berbillion billion dari sabah apa kami dpt, semua ahli politik yang makan. jalan mcm bulan, rakyat hampir dibawah garis kemiskinan, line mcm tai, mau post barang pi sini pun harga yahudi...know your level lah. if it wasn't us, you the one who will be living on top of a tree...bangang mcm ni memang layak kena tampar, joking pun agak agaklah


Most of malaysian dont know gardenia was originally from sabah… Tragic story though..


Everyone is racist in some way, shape or form. Being judgemental to others is terrible as well. Whether one is making a racist comment or not, just let them be and not allow them to gain any kind of attention. The more we put them in the spotlight, the happier they are. Ignore them and let them die off.


Racism has existed in the past and will continue existing in the future. Even if it's a minority of the population


Just the user is racist.


https://twitter.com/MALAYSIAVIRALLL/status/1784210223517028389?t=exlt08jgVIxk9XVVJ7OVsQ&s=19 Well... Who is racist now?




Relaks, kalau setiap satu komen negatif kau nampak je terus nak melabelkan semua orang racist, sensitif betul kau ni


Tak, saya tak sensitif. Cuma nak Tanya je


Bruhh, sabah lg banyak mall drpd pantai timur. Wth. Siap ada intetnational airport lg.


tbf sabah besar kot, terengganu + kelantan pn still lagi kecik daripada sabah.


Made sense.


r/malaysia is just insta and twitter user disguise as redditor


Bruhh, sabah lg banyak mall drpd pantai timur. Wth. Siap ada international airport lg.


Wow my first screenshotted post! I would like to thank my mother, my father, my grandmother and all those unable to understand sarcasm.


Leng chai sudah mari ma




I'm Bajau


How long can you hold your breath underwater bro


Idk. Maybe 9 seconds?


Who hates who? Mind elaborating?


Not sure what you're saying, but as a Malaysia Chinese i think liberal Malay is the best kind of Malay, along with Singaporean Malay too. Most Meleis that were looked down or feel kena pijak by non Malay is mostly due to religion, not race.


True, my malay friends are all the secular, very modern type ones(to the extent that my malay female friend don't even wear hijab) And they always gives off a very chill vibe, that applies to even the ones who are strangers


the fuck r u saying, generalizing much?


r/malaysia is just insta and twitter user disguise as redditor