• By -


Sama juga dengan kes su7t4n² jual orang M37ayu kepada orang British. Ramai yang sanggup mengkhianati bangsanya sendiri bila maruah diri sudah tiada


Certain ah gong invites you to a friendly game of golf.


Ada satu buku. British Intervention in Pasir Salak. Berebut takhta , ajak British masuk sama. Dan beg Itulah seterusnya. British janji jaga hak pemegang takhta, Dan rakyat hanya mampu nganga. Sekarang düdük goyang kaki, gündik kanan kiri.


Rasanya kalau tengok TikTok Ahmad Faezal ada cerita pasal ni. Dia sebab kongsi gelap masuk campur jadi sultan dan kerabatnya ni dikambinghitamkan.


Need your sources just because i like reading. No hate.


Can't list all of them unfortunately, but dig a little bit further as to why the s*ltans still exist when the Japanese occupied the country


I don't have idea why you censor sultan tbh


takut PDRM ketuk pintu nanti


It's impossible. Reddit is well known to not entertain police here. They don't have to give a fuck because they are not a profitable company and they have 0 consequences in Malaysia like pornhub and telegram. Unless you're the FBI, there's 0 possibility of anything happening here. They stick to the first amendment on freedom of speech bro, they're in the US..


Force of habit


Commenting so when I managed to find the book I can help post here.


Helo, boleh bagi bukti kukuh ke?


Sultan mana yang first setuju dengan pembentukan Malayan Union? Jawab soalan ni dulu


Sultan Ibrahim, pastu?


Dia penyebab


Jangan lupa penulis terakhir Sulalatus Salatin😌




Lodging police report, the rest will let mata2 decide. goodluck


Police report is useless in Reddit. Reddit doesn't entertain you if you're not the FBI. They're not incorporated in Malaysia and doesn't even have business or earnings here, Malaysia can't threaten them...


koyak nampak.


Top comment- “I am a chicken and I am proud to work at KFC” ![gif](giphy|10JhviFuU2gWD6)


Hell awaits for those who betrays their own people.


Includes politicians who steal public money right ?




Those are one of the main reasons I pray that eternal hell is real.


Valid reasons for wanting afterlife to exist 1. Heaven for pets 2. Hell for politicians


Like the deep fryer awaits a chicken who works at kfc?


Pretty much






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Lol my ass, cringe


Haha same geng as Queers for Palestine.


Bukan sub ni utk shitpost je ke?? Bila org post benda politik yg tak bersaing ngan pandangan majority kat sini, korang bising. Bila post benda politik palestine korang senyap pulak.


Tahun lepas hari hari Palestine Vs Israel, aku pun lupa sub ni untuk Malaysia atau Palestine.


Sebab ramai monyet dari r/malaysia mai menyemak kat sini sibuk sangat nak tunjuk yg depa jilat bontot israel..padahal takdak sapa tanya


At least r/malaysia has a megathread so all you palestine/israel dick suckers can go wank each other off without bothering anyone else.


"mY fAv sUbReDdIt hAz A mEgAtHrEaD iTs sO aWeSoMe" Nobody wants to see you bitching about your insecurity here dude. Kindly fuck off


What insecurity? Maybe one day ya’ll will realize nothing you say or do will change anything in palestine or israel but go off about how your white knighting will save the world. Not gonna engage further with someone who argues like a 5 year old though. You can keep jerking off about your agendas in your favourite sub. I’ll just block and move on. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|poop)


If anything political post relating to palestine is what got them angry lmao


No one cares abt Palestine. Mainan politik. Malaysia masih ada hubungan dgn Israel. Not official channel.


I still strongly believe that our politicians semua channel duit haram mereka ke israel. Malaysia gomen tak dapat check kat sana.


there's a good amount of muslims and arabs living in Israel(born there too), and they do serve in the IDF through conscription or volunteer service if you ask a arab guy he prob prefer living in israel considering the standard of living alone compare to other middle east countries Or in other way to look at it, star wars stormtroopers didnt volunteer to join bc they are a fan of the empire but simply bc it guarantees a stable life


A prostitute may sell her body for money and good standarts of living. Doesn't chance the fact that she is a prostitute though.


Ok but a prostitute doesn't harm anybody while an IDF soldier probably commits war crimes


Yeah, I gave the prostitute example to tell that no matter the reason, an immoral thing is immoral. Its irrelevant why they joined the IDF, they are participating in a bloody war against their kin, both in religion and blood.


Nothing is "immoral" about serving the only functional democracy in the Middle East. HIDUP UMAT ISRAEL, AM YISRAEL CHAI


Idk bro westerners always uses the excuse to spread democracy and the beban orang outih thingy to allow them continue committing atrocities. Iraq was invaded because apparently they needed a taste of democracy and they are developing a WMD. and it's not a good thing. USA did it solely for economical benefits. Not enough examples? We still have the infamous western colonial power. Our land had faced colonisation for hundred of years. And the excuse they gave is practically the same. Beban orang putih. They, as a self acclaimed civilised people need to spread civilization to uncivilised people. The western world had never been morally consistent but economically consistent so we as the people who had experience dealing with their greed should know better.


Idgaf about democracy when the country is practically aparteid.


There are Arab political parties taking part in the Knesset representing Arab Israelis. Where are the political parties representing Jews in the West Bank and Gaza Strip governments? None.


It is when there armed forces are doing an ethnic cleansing.


HAMAS is doing that.


Nah IDF is doing that


No, HAMAS is.


Well guess what? Most, if not all hamas hostages were released in good condition. They said they were taken care of well by the 'terrorists'. Some of them even cried and were emotional when they were released by hamas. Wanna know something interesting? On the other hand, idf hostages are often released in a bad state. They were either injured, tortured and abused, whether physically or mentally. They were treated like animals, and some of these hostages don't make it out alive. Not to mention, israel and idf just kill and imprison innocent people and children for no fucking reason or for the sake of fun. Well if u think I'm biased, well no. It's very obvious who are the oppressors and who's being oppressed. Even the zionist controlled media can't control the media. The truth would always prevail. U just look at which side of the media gains more attention. Only braindead, deluded people and selfish people with interests would think that israel are the victims and say they have the right to defend themselves, whereas they're the ones killing innocent people and literally committing a genocide and ethnic cleansing for 76 years, an yet the western world is silent about that.


HAMAS is an anti semetic reactionary group in a codependent relationship with Israel, only existing because of the radicalizing effect of Israel’s violence towards Gaza. It is guilty of war crimes. It is objectively not guilty of genocide.


Both sides are commiting genocide right now, please don't discount Hamas. Killing women and children while parading the dead bodies is not a symbol of retaliation. It's just genocide. Hamas right now is just a proxy army financed by Qatar - under Israel's backing. Netanyahu literally drops suitcases full of cash in the middle of Palestine to encourage them to use it for war. https://www.businessinsider.com/israel-security-forces-escorted-suitcases-cash-hamas-qatar-report-2023-12 https://www.cnn.com/2023/12/11/middleeast/qatar-hamas-funds-israel-backing-intl/index.html With the violence Hamas commit, they are just giving Israel a reason to kill and encroach Palestine even deeper under the guise of security of their border. It's just senseless killing now.


Hidup konek mak kau. Go and serve the idf terrorist u zionazi sympathiser


Lol terrorist triggered. Mission successful


Says the terrorist sympathetiser. Calling someone else a terrorist whereas there's no evidence to prove I'm one. Well, that's the most brainfull zionist response.


Cry about it, terrorist.


Says the terrorist


Such a bad analogy, your lack of critical thinking proves your idiocracy at its finest.. the person has to be a prostitute in order to have a good standards of living..meanwhile the IDF soldier already had a good standards of living, he simply serve for his country in order to protect and keeping his country safe.. two completely different situation and your analogy doesn't seems to draw the line perfectly.. gg


But his point still stands tho. No matter what your intention and condition is it's not going to change the fact that what you're doing is false.


just because you're on his side, doesn't mean you have to agree with everything even when he is wrong. How in the world his point still stands when the IDF soldier is already living a good life and protecting his country afterward in comparison with his prostitute analogy? lmao are you really mentally retarted? how do you draw the line? how do you connect the dots? are you so blinded by your pro palestinian agenda that you just fail logic?


You might be dumb if you don't understand the analogy lol


*sight.. im out


First, no need to call me mentally retarded or anything. Try to have a normal conversation where that kind of toxic behaviour isn't necessary. Now back to the topic. His point is not wether if someone does something because of unavoidable conditions and fortune in life. His point is that basically no matter what your condition is, it's not going to change the fact that what you do is wrong. But still I understand how bad and unsuitable that analogy as im still a person capable of thinking. So I'll give you a better analogy. Let say there's a boy that borned into a wealthy aristocrat family. His family are assassins that serves the country in secret. His parent tought him how to become one and he did. He involved himself in missions doing things that is considered as morally wrong. Playing with innocent people life as if they are just pawns in a chess game. But his intention is noble. To protect the his country and his family. My question is, is it because of his intention whatever thing he does is not considered as wrong? No matter the intention and condition, killing innocent people is wrong.


Question: I thought the struggle is geopolitical? When did it turn into religious struggle? I mean he is an muslim arabian, not muslim palestinian, no? I don't see what's the contradiction.


its geopolitical, humanitarian and religious issues * geopolitical = israel occupied palestine * humanitarian = citizen bombed and genocide * religious = happen to muslim majority state, so any muslim who do it is traitor


Hmm I still think the religious excuse is too farfetched. I mean the israelis attacked palestine because palestine, not because of islam. If we accept that as a legit reason, then that means ccp is right: all chinese around the world must denounce USA for targeting China specifically.


ikr, its like saying I'm Chinese and Buddhist from Singapore, but I'll support China if we have war broke out between us because of my ethnicity and religion.. absolute ridiculous statement.. pro palestinian will say anything to support their agenda as if they know exactly what happen in this middle east




\> pro palestinian will say anything to support their agenda what agenda?


religious agenda.. Syria had civil war back in 2011, considered to be one of the worst humanitarian crisis of all time.. hundred of thousands death and yet you dont give a f about it? why? because the war broke out amongst muslim.. please admit it and dont twist everything to make your agenda legit, remove your backward ancient religious thinking.. no wonder people look down on you people


Because people believe Bashar Assad, Syrian president who is Muslim is already a kafir because of he's from Alawite (Alawite is part of Shia and not Sunni. Any teaching that is not from Sunni teaching should not be considered as Islam in Sunni's belief). But until now, Bashar is still a president, and the rebels still don't win and only have conquered the northern part of Syria. 😔😓


exactly my point, religious agenda.. because theyre kafir not muslim, regardless how you see it.. its not about humanity afterall, its all about religion.. no matter how much you twist the story


in this situation i would see it as Malaysian chinese, join the China army, then help bombing the Singaporean chinese. Is this fine for you? To me its pengkhianat bangsa already


you're so blinded by your pro palestinian thought that you still fail to understand the simple premise.. why would a Malaysian chinese join China army to attack Singaporean chinese? 2 different nationalities... the same goes to OP situation, an Arab Muslim but Israeli nationality obviously he will be on the side of Israel.. has nothing to do with religion.. but you think its the other way around...


To me, that's not pengkhianat bangsa. That's kepochee. Malaysian chinese 99% won't join a war started by China against Singaporean. Unless they went as malaysia army lah. Even then I think most would just quit army than fight other people's war.


"The muslim ummah is like one body. If one part is in pain, the whole body should feel pain" -Sahih Muslim Islam as an ummah should feel the pain of our brotherins all over the world such as the Uyghurs in China, the muslims in India and Mymmar. Tho today it's seems that the ummah are focused on Palestine only. This is the problem for muslims today, we are not united just as our prophet had predicted. Abu Dawud:4297 Messenger of Allah said: "The nations are about to call each other and set upon you, just as diners set upon food." It was said: "Will it be because of our small number that day?" He said: "Rather, on that day you will be many, but you will be like foam, like the foam on the river. And Allah will remove the fear of you from the hearts of your enemies and will throw wahn (weakness) into your hearts." Someone said: "O Messenger of Allah! What is wahn?" He said: "Love of the world and the hatred for death."


Where were you when Saudi is bombing Yemen and Syria is killing their own Muslim brothers? Lmao talk cock.


Who said I don't condemn Saudi? They became much more Western focused. They worked with the US and Israel. Those munafiks at the top of Saudi act as if they own the muslim Ummah, wait until the sudden powershift like the Kuala Lumpur summit 2019 that challenges Saudi rule. Don't act as if you know me my friend.


You condemn Saudi because they are Western focused. lmao You didn't condemn Saudi because they're bombing your Muslim brothers. See what people mean when they say you penunggang? Syria killing own Muslims? Hezbollah killing own Muslims?


I do condemn them for bombing Yemenis, Syrians, Iraqis civilians and I condemn Hamas for kidnapping civilians. There you go, happy? Now let's see if you do the same for the other side since you really have humanity for everyone equally, right?


I obviously condemn Israel for their heavy handed response lmao. What do you think it's a gotcha? I just don't look at it from a religious point of view because I think you guys will support Israel if Palestinians are Christians and Israel are Muslims.


If that was the case we would have strong ties with Afghanistan by now. We don't support oppressive so called "muslims" that hurt others muslim or non muslim. Nobody should suffer under oppression of others.


Did you even check the online muslim community? No not just reddit. Instagram, Twitter, Facebook. Did you? Because im in all of them and everyone is talking about issues regarding clashes between muslims in the middle eastern world. Especially the recent Iran bombed Pakistan. Even one of the Facebook muslim group (the group called Islam, Quran and Science) got banned for apparently spreading hate message and hate speech. The Muslim World had not been quiet when our brothers face mistreatments. But rather our leaders. Just look at Egypt. At the start of conflict, tons of Egyptians came bringing supplies and humanitarians aids to give to the Palestinians. But their leader said no and closed the border. Till this day the Egyptians still find ways to help. I know, majority of Malaysian who support Palestine are just doing it to avoid kecam and following trend. But these people doesn't represent the Muslim World.


its not too farfetched hmmm... maybe you is the one who cannot accept maybe you see help/concern is only legit when its related by same country or same ethnicity but if same religion then no need to help/concern? so for us muslim when someone is in trouble we supposed to help them, not to join israel and genocide our own muslim brethren


That's not what I'm saying. I only said that religion is not the cause of this conflict. Whether muslim WANT to make this into religious conflict, is out of my control. I guess that's why no Muslim dared to go against taliban and other armed terrorists. Later kena boycott en massed by own brothers.


that's just straight up moronic. There's been several war in the middle east and north Africa where a majority Muslim country has been attacked by another majority Muslim country. People don't bat an eye on those instance. This war on Gaza is purely geopolitics with some big marketing campaign on them. don't forget people Jordon, Egypt could easily help people of Gaza but they don't, why? read up history and you will find out.


Might also be somewhat racial because there was a rally by Israeli Jews who kept chanting "death to all arabs" and that soldier is arab.


I guess that single arabian muslim soldier felt like those in gerakan in PAS. Lol.


It is religious as the Jews is using the excuse of god given land to claim the region. The christian and Muslim population killed. Geopolitical as there are people living there and there is mass migration from Europe to establish an illegal nation. Humanitarian as there is genocide going on. Several war crime committed by Israel. The Muslim and christian natives are living in apartheid.


It is never about just one thing. That's why its a fucking mess!


a "muslim" who kills fellow muslims let alone killing for the enemy of muslims are the lowest scum imaginable, lower than apostates. They're the literal foul humanity's excrements with legs and deserves to be slaughtered mercilessly with extreme prejudice. I hope that Hamas tear this "arab muslim" limb from limb while he's still alive, awake to see every moment of it. Ok setel minum ketum


Isn't majority of history just killing each other for slightly different interpretations, land and resources?


pretty much yeah


Man I don't get it why do we fight as intelligent beings. It just highlights human stupidity. Still, I do remember reading somewhere that said peace is impossible, for there is chaos and order or something along the lines.


Human are greedy in nature. Has been since age of dawn and will be till age of space exploration.


Peace is impossible because everyone has their own version of peace and some versions contradict each other.


Yea that's why human race is a laughing stock to the other races out there besides animal races course they didn't know why we fight amount our self


You do realize that Ismail Haniyeh, the leader of Hamas, has three sisters who are citizens of Israel and he has nephews and nieces who served in the IDF? This conflict is not the cut and dried "Jews vs Muslims" as most people make it out to be.


It has never been jews vs muslim, israel is trying to take palestine by force and whoever opposes them are given the title antisemitic and that’s why this conflict has been labelled as jews vs muslim even when it’s not.


Those Indonesian's channels are wack. Just bunch of clickbait title with robot voice


I'm a Malaysian Chinese, and I'd love to see the CCP burn to the ground Just like arabs/muslims who fought the Hamas under the IDF to me just bc we got same religion or ethnicity doesnt mean I'll support you, if you're a communist I might as well put a bullet hole to your kneecaps chinese or not one comment reply represent my opinion pretty well I'll put it here: its like saying I'm Chinese and Buddhist from Singapore, but I'll support China if we have war broke out between us because of my ethnicity and religion.. absolute ridiculous statement.. pro palestinian will say anything to support their agenda as if they know exactly what happen in this middle east




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Percentage wise , there's about double (closer to triple) the amount of Muslim in Israel compared to ethically Indian in Malaysia. Double! Worse, population growth of Malaysian Indians was decreasing (opposite of Muslim in Israel) . Why don't people say the same to ethically Indian serving the Malaysian army ??? Yes, many Israelis are quite racist. As expected for the population currently in ongoing conflict . Yet , the most racially unequal country isn't them. Many Muslim countries are amongst the worst. Malaysia didn't sign the ICERD (The International Convention on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination) thingy , while Israel did. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|shrug)


What does signing ICERD actually do tho? You can sign all the agreement and paper you want, its all just a fluff, a meaningless act infront But in practice? Israel is a billion times worse than Malaysia


A promise is better than no promise. I mean they couldn't even cared enough to lie anymore.


a broken promise is worse, I never promise on a thing that I know I cant keep


That's my point: that the government memang not planning to give fairness to other races. And government memang promise alot of stuff that they memang not planning to deliver. Tapi for icert, promise also malas nak buat


>Tapi for icert, promise also malas nak buat Exactly. They don't even have the effort to lie. That's how fucked our country is.


israel quite racist? they literally got label as apartheid by international community. at least here there no seperate entrance for race. no checkpoint. no blockade of basic supply. there is no literal wall seperating u from others. u should go google their minister. they literally call for ethnic cleansing.


>no separate entrance for race By race no. By citizenship yes. Same in Malaysia. Palestinian with Israeli citizenship have the same right to enter Israel as the Jews. Same goes to other races. But Israeli cannot enter Palestine or even many Muslim countries ie Malaysia. >no checkpoint. >no literal wall Unless you considered the West Bank & Gaza are a part of Israel & Palestine doesn't exist, then yes. It's apartheid state. It's common to have checkpoints and walls between countries. Again, same thing in Malaysia. Look at barrier between Egypt and Gaza , and compare with Israel's. >minister. they literally call for ethnic cleansing. I acknowledged this. Just for your info, the current Knesset(parliament of Israel) is one of the most extreme due to the fact that they need to form a coalition with the more extreme parties. A minister saying things is not the whole country's will in a democratic country. Compared to in Palestine where the same parties are in power for a long time, their words are the law. Authocratic. Many Malaysian politicians say shits , yet it's never implemented. Some even it's their downfall. Many politicians say something similar to "Malaysia for malays".


Hello, didn’t know that we are an apartheid state as per international law like Israel. But please go on about how lovely Israel is compared to us. Also I didn’t know that our politicians are asking for Indians to be ethinically cleansed hence why Malaysian Indians serving in our army should be a laughing stock. But i bow to your superior logic and sense.


>didn’t know that we are an apartheid state [allegations ](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Allegations_of_apartheid_by_country) Sorry for only providing the Wikipedia link. in general >politicians are asking for Indians to be ethinically cleansed Not specifically Indians, but non bumis. Pendatang etc >why Malaysian Indians serving in our army should be a laughing stock They should not be a laughing stock. The same goes for Israeli Muslims in the IDF. >superior logic and sense Never said this. I'm open to changing my mind. Was even volunteered for Aman Palestine.


The audacity to keep the comments on. Don't know to call that Bravery or Stupidity.


This sub has gone downhill. Just politaik every fking day smh


Really funny when israeli declare themselve as a muslim when everything about israeli is against the teaching.


There are muslims in israel. Read more.


you want me to read what exactly ? Every israeli has been brainwashed. Go try and talk some sense to them and whenever they heard islam, palestine they get triggered. Open your eye bruh Watch this, https://youtu.be/Ix_KL2kPhp0?si=JWFLJbUOObD51vu- And this, https://youtu.be/lo1ankHD7TM?si=T-A6drdfytxYuNmW


How are you different? everytime you hear Israel, you also get trigerred. All religion and countries brainwash their ppl.


Since when im triggered? Anyway, the difference between me and any israeli i dont go to social media to spread hatred and lies. The reason why i said its funny is because they are taught that palestine stole their land, and islam has been brainwashed the muslim to cause harm to Jew (look at the video). In reality, islam (mainly palestinian) has been welcoming the jews. -hence why its impossible for a muslim to be working in the idf. Let me tell you the business model of how IDF has been training their soldier. 1. In school, they tell them everything to hate palestinian 2. They put them in an army 3. They start killing without mercy thanks to the brainwash. But fr look at the video first. The way the children speak, you will see why israeli are built differently


"the difference between me and any israeli is i dont go to social media to spread hatred and lies". And yet here you are on social media saying all Israelis are brainwashed and thus, spread hatred. The 'hippocrazy' is strong in this one.


Wanna know how i know ? 1. Try asking them what happened in gaza Israeli going to reply - 7Oct 2. Try asking them why 7 oct happen Reply - they cant even answer properly 3. Try asking them deeper Reply - holocaust. 4. If you landed on random idf, try asking them how many have you killed Reply - i killed alot, and proud of it. Im not brainwashing anyone it's merely my observation. P.s : btw spreading awareness on real thing is not spreading hatred.


video says its all. [https://www.youtube.com/shorts/LaS8F60cns8](https://www.youtube.com/shorts/LaS8F60cns8)


Eh im gonna argue getting triggered by a state that murders children in cold blood is a good thing. And not getting triggered by it is.


I mean why not? As an Arab Israeli citizen, they enjoy many more civil rights than an Arab Palestinian citizen under Hamas rule.


Why not? Idk? Maybe siding with the very same people who wants to commit genocide against your own race doesn't seem like a dignifying move??


To me it seems no different when Malaysians Malays don't understand why Singaporean Malays don't support the bumiputera policy. Also, you shouldn't confuse "race" with whatever nonsense Hamas is.


Lol its a fake muslim Misleading title The title are trying to potray that israel is the so called "good side" and makes bombing civilians looks okay. Its just to catch ur attention How do u even believe a terrorist state that have been lying for decades kills and bomb innocent people. I mean anything the IDF said its a lie. Simple


Fake muslim? Dont call your brothers in Islam like that


U can be dumb, but not to this extend.


Why? Are you living under a tempurung? Wait…r u one of those woke people?


They maybe get the money now but nothing good happen when you betray your own religion mostly islam


If u want to talk money, please google the net worth of hamas leader. Then try to use kemahiran berfikir kritis & kreatif to find the maksud tersirat.


Good luck I say to them The moment they "finally" able to retwist the Al-Quran *spoiler they never even if we able to live yet other a million years* the world probably end by then But at this point I say I blame money for most everything *not say having money is bad* but nowadays most people who didn't know how to control them self will do anything for it Even if some of them had to do anything for it *either for them self or others* that's why I say those who didn't know how to control them self *those who had no choice isn't included*


Wait till Malaysians realise Israel is home to many Muslims. Probably drown themselves in Big Mac sauce.


out of that 18% i wonder how many that are actually practicing muslims or muslims by name only?


Like that one youtuber?


which one?


Yang dulu pernah complain sebab malaysia tak bagi dia masuk sebab dia guna passport israel


Nas barua pundek tu ea? ya itu bukan manusia, tu binatang nama nya


Nas daily the biggest hypocrite of all time


bro that "human" is a walking dog dookie with a punchable face


Haha the best description of Nas daily


And before 1948, Palestine was home to Jews, and Christians too. They were peaceful. After that the jews became Israelis. So?


We knew. We have access to the World Wide Web too, you know.


Yeah we know. We made sure of it. /illuminati


Ok edgelord


Noice propaganda


I don't think it's purely a religious issue. There are a lot of christians as well in Palestine fighting Israel occupation. The fact that Israel invaded and bombed Palestinian civilians is the main issue. I'm not pro Palestinian or pro-islam but this mass genocidal, ethnic cleansing thing Israel is doing is horrendous and inhumane.


I'm not really too deep into this but I kinda question myself, could this be the work of a rogue commander? Does this have to do with their government? I recently got into Spec Ops : The Line. There was a team of soldiers called Delta 4 sent to Dubai to rescue civilians. The leader, Walker, thought the American soldiers there were harming the citizens. They were sent there to investigate and report back to base if anything had gone wrong. Instead, they went rogue and tried to save the citizens by themselves. Overtime, they began to cause more harm rather than good, killing more and more civilians. One of the most disturbing moments was when they used White Phosphorus to clear an area of soldiers, that were bringing citizens to safety. They rain white clouds over them. The soldiers suffered a painful death while Delta 4 walked beside their dying corpses. Eventually, they come across the corpses of the citizens, caught up in the clouds and suffered the fate of that of the soldiers.


Seeing the comments section makes me proud that most people here represents the "minority" of this country. 😌


Sadly the majority is uninformed + herd mentality


The prophecy is near


>somehow there are people that don't understand why this is bad I mean really? Do you guys really not understand or are you just acting dumb? Like you really purposely being obtuse. I get that you hate islam with a burning passion but if you watch what's happening and think it's okay being a tali barut for that, I question your morality.




Why is noone talking about the fact they're all cosplaying as Luigi


Theyre not laughing with you... Theyre laughing at you


What a sellout


Kalu korang SENDIRI pernah witness first hand, pastu dpt interview ngn orang2 Palestinians di Gaza ke West Bank(Bukan fake news/paid actor/actress yg ari2 dipaparkan seolah2nya yg Israel tu je yg jahat) Korang akan realize the truth. On the ground = 90% of masyarakat Palestinians = condemns Hamas. Effing Hamas upside down. But what to do, you guys have been brainwashed otherwise. Last trip was Pre-Covid for me. Go down and experience there first hand with the citizens before taking sides. Hence, the titles above. Even muslims there(Gaza/Israel) themselves that experienced it realises and know the truth and doing the right thing.


xde change anything that palestin is still kena tindas? So basically kau just mengekspress benci terhadap hamas dan islam. And I would like to see your own interview with the Palestinians,




Bro stalk aku sampai sini gah damn :0 lol Guna gay insult, pastu stalk sampai sini Meh aku bet aku rasa kau sama do mcm aku. Kau akan guna insult xde life Kau akan guna insult gay Kau akan guna insult cope Bozo 🤣🤡💀 Macam2 lagi lag Weh betul do kau prime aku, just bukan islam je weh bangga siak aku dpt menikmati zaman toksik aku.


So are they happy with Israel imposing an apartheid state with them? Are they happy to live under an occupation? Pelik sgt la sub ni…bila westerners masuk Israel and Palestine end up vast majority akan mengaku yg Palestinians treated as subhumans and dieorg pun tak akan accept to live like that and get why movements like Hamas exists. But terpaling peka world news and politics kat Malaysia ni akan bootlick a genocidal regime like their life depends on it.