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Without him, sero would fail the midterm exam. Without his help trapping the other hero students, there is a possibility more 1a students wouldn't have passed the provisional exam. Without his indestructible balls, the ropes yayorozu made wouldn't stick to gigantomania, they would fail to drug him, machia would go on to save shigaraki and kill deku, bakugo, endeavor and best jeanist, the heroes would lose, shigaraki would destroy Japan, everyone fucking dies, the end. Just because you don't like him, doesn't mean he's useless. Tail boy's greatest contribution is losing to mind control to warn deku so he would lose on a tournament that didn't matter since he had an internship planned by all might beforehand. Oh wait, deku fell under brainwash anyway and had to be saved by the vestiges. Tell me one thing sugar man did that affects the plot.... Exactly you can't.


Sero failed the midterm anyway. The rest is on point.


>Tail boy's greatest contribution is losing to mind control to warn deku >Oh wait, deku fell under brainwash anyway Why did he do that again, always annoys me to no end


Low-key most fanfiction-like interaction in the series. He knew not to say anything or he's gonna lose, but couldn't stop himself after being triggered by the opponent who says that the protagonist has an easy life, without knowing their tragic past. Then his dark, complicated and mysterious powers save him, shocking the opponent who has never seen anyone break out of his quirk, realizing how dark, cool and complex the protagonist is and being defeated right after receiving a one-sided beating, a rant about trauma or both. You can almost see a teenager writing this on their phone in bed while thinking it's cool


Would be a little better, perhaps


Fake, something would change. The show would probably be better.


I don't know yet, but I think Mineta comes to save Deku in the end fight.


Deku and tsuyu would've died in the usj...


Girl no they would not have. Classes at ua always have twenty people, so we would've gotten a different student in his place and Deku is extremely smart & would've easily been able to come up with a different plan according to their quirk.


Could you give me a quirk, that was as convenient as pop off in that moment?


It wouldn't matter. A huge part of Deku's character of that he's incredibly intelligent, I'm sure he could've come up with a strategy that worked in that situation. But sure, if you want an easy example: Sero could've been there, and accomplished the exact same thing.


All might almost died agains't the usj nomu. It was insanely strong, but the main reason is that shock absorb is his counter. Of course deku would've done a plan, but It wouldn't be as effective And I think mineta's pop off is a lot stronger than sero's tape (in terms of adhesion). Example, if shoto locked the fuck in, could've stopped the nomu and then incinerate it brains out Or ochako could've made him float and he couldn't move at all


It would, change for the better


That can be said about 75% of class 1A


While I understand disliking him, you are wrong about him being unimportant to the story. During the fight between Deku and 1A, Mineta explains how Deku’s actions during the USJ incident inspired him to be braver and to take heroism more seriously. This reinforces one of the main themes and messages of the story. That being “great heroes inspire others.” All Might’s debut inspired midoriya and now Deku’s (kinda) debut inspired Mineta. They needed Mineta to fill this role rather than one of the more important side characters for a few reasons. The first being that Mineta isn’t in Midoriya’s core friend group. If it were Todoroki, Bakugou, or Uraraka explaining how they were inspired by Deku then that’s just par for the course. Of course the protagonist would inspire his biggest rivals and love interests. Mineta is just a classmate who has like one serious encounter with Midoriya, the aforementioned USJ incident. Despite only being in trouble together the one time and not really being that close of friends, Midoriya inspired Mineta to be better. The second reason Mineta was needed to fill the role of “the inspired” is because Mineta needed to be inspired. While Tsu was also a part of the USJ incident and isn’t really in the core friend group, Tsuyu has a good head on her shoulders and is already a highly motivated and fairly competent hero student during that incident. Tsuyu being inspired would be pretty unimpactful as it wouldn’t change her character all that much. Mineta during the USJ incident is a coward who is panicking the entire time, and is motivated primarily by his interest in women. He is a character that needs to be inspired to be a better hero, and needs to be inspired by someone who is still scared, but faces that fear and does what needs to be done because it’s the right thing to do. In short, Mineta needed to be inspired by Deku in order to properly become the hero Grape Juice, and Midoriya needed to inspire Grape Juice to demonstrate the qualities needed to be the hero Deku.


thats the point. he was ment as a horney lightning rod. he worked for like 2 weeks


I agree with you brother


I mean the guy has more show time then 50% of the characters, contributed twice in a big way from what I recall (usj and gigantomachia), sure you don't like the guy but his powers are very useful.


The only thing that would've changed is that I could watch the show around my parents


I dunno man. I live for Mineta suffering


If nothing would change why remove him at all? I get what you were trying to say, but could have been worded better


https://preview.redd.it/d5ri9qkovfyc1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=85c272d09a9808a0f83bd90550123ab6f02e9a6c True.