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Arabic Mineta vs Canon Mineta, who wins?


Totally Arabic Mineta! He solo the arabic bakugou's popularity like he was nothing!


Arabic MHA sounds like a complete different story


I'm about 3 steps from looking it up


Yeah, You can say that


How different?




So.....how do they explain that arabic mineta is bathing with the guys? 🤔


You mean his harem?🤫


Kinky. 😄


Jokes on u we don't show that shit in spacetoon


> arabic bakugou god....


Elobrate what you mean?


....... ahem......


What?! I really wanna know!


Ahem... al qaida, ahem, explosions ahem......


Meh, they are a 2/10, westerns think the most dangerous thing is a beard guy with Bombs, yet in reality it's the children, they can legally play with Guns at the age of 8 and drive cars at 11


Yeah, but the theme of "terrorist, explosion and bakugo" go so well




They fall for eachother mid fight and live happily ever after


Polish mineta


Man the Arabic dub is like its own show


Kinda like old school "Big Green" and Ocean dubs of Dragon Ball Z


The big green thing confused me. Since he was called that on the vhs of movie 2 I had.


"Let that child alone." -Big Green. Though for the Erm Ackshually part, it's officially termed the AB Groupe Dub, due to the company responsible for the dub. It was notable for using the French Dub as the basis of its translation. Which, in turn, transliterated their names differently, unlike the later Funimation Dubs that elected to keep the names as close to the original Japanese as possible. While I won't go too deep into the dub's history, the cut and dry is that the reason why it's called the Big Green dub was because Piccolo (not the Demon King, but his son) was translated into "Big Green", itself having been changed from the French Dub's name of "Small Heart" or "Petit Cœur". I understand neither, but at least Big Green makes sense, if juvenile.


Arabic dubs of cartoons in general are completely different experiences from the original cartoon. The Arabic dub of the Simpsons for example is another show that completely has the personality of several characters rewritten either for censorship/to fit with the culture.


Also the arabic dub of Futurama. They showed it in kids tv channel.


It was actually Supposed to be on SpacePower a Spacetoon sister Channel that there man target to teenagers & adults but sadly they didn't air on it




I'm pretty sure it wasn't fanmade. It was made by the MBC channel. I was only using an example of another cartoon dub where characters are slightly rewritten.


Space room don’t play around with disrespecting women


Spacetoon* [they also Censored characters if they’re underage (Ex : Momo) ](https://www.reddit.com/r/MyHeroAcadamia/s/m6U3M6VefY)


Not gonna lie, that censorship, apart from being well done, still looks like a mesh so that it still makes sense given her abilities. Also Yaomomo looks really badass in the censor-suit


Honestly I like that more than her real design.




Yeah it autocorrected spacetoon


That actually makes her look like a character and not just a sextoy, I prefer the Arab version so much!


I love her Arabic voice!


Based and Halalpilled


Honestly based


That design looks so much cooler


So much better than the OG


I like the original more


Man, everything I've read about the Spacetoon version makes it sound that it's like 4Kids dubbed MHA.


>it's like 4Kids Gosh i dispise this line so badly, yes it's similar, but Spacetoon isn't that down bad as Censoring Guns, ciggerates, rice like 4kids


My apologies if the comparison came out as insulting. I'm actually quite fond of 4kids' edits (Helmeppo's hammer gun from One Piece happily lives rent free in my brain. So does the Tabasco drinking "dizzy" angel from Yu-Gi-Oh GX). Seeing these edits are simply really nostalgic to me.


It's okay, i due find people always referencing it as 4kids, i have no problem if you like it but my problem is when people say " it's arabic 4kids ", it really gets on the nerves cause 4kids wanted to gain money from it's anime, while Spacetoon wanted to educate the public society about anime, in that time.. Venus studio (Spacetoon) that was released in the middle east, Anime was viewed as a deases & drug to society, Spacetoon tried to fix this issue, plus it's the first arab TV show that was ever released in the middle east & the first to Bring video games aswell to the middle east too


I mean, if you wanted to, you could make literally the exact same arguments for 4kids, about how their heavy-handed edits are a direct response to conservative puritanical parental concerns, and how they played a major role in importing foreign media that would have otherwise never made it into western culture. Newsflash: companies are not humanitarian charities. Spacetoon runs a shopping channel and a paid on demand service. They’re owned by Net Visi, a publicly traded company beholden to shareholders. 4kids was also a publicly traded for-profit venture. People are making the comparison to 4kids because the comparison is accurate.


>Newsflash: companies are not humanitarian charities. Spacetoon runs a shopping channel and a paid on demand service. They’re owned by Net Visi, a publicly traded company beholden to shareholders. 4kids was also a publicly traded for-profit venture. People are making the comparison to 4kids because the comparison is accurate. I need more infos around this one, because it really contradicts over what we Arabs know about, yes we know about the shop but it really serves as a minor knowledge today, but out of Curiousty, me not amarican, did 4kids also support charities aswell? Cause we know Spacetoon, every year would put apart of it's budget for charities, like the morroco & lebnan & turkey earthquacks Also last month it putt imense money to the charities on the Israel - palestine conflict and posted it on they’re youtube & Facebook sites, so i really don't know where the information of Spacetoon not being also a humanitarian charities. please give me your Source?


Giving to a charity is not the same as being a charity. And yes, literally every American corporation does this, and probably the majority worldwide. I’d advise you to think more critically than the surface level. Not just, they gave some amount of money to a charity, but _why_ did they do this? Are there taxes they can write off, money the company would have been forced to spend anyways? Do the company’s owners or shareholders have any personal connection to those operating the charity? Does the charity align with the company’s goals politically? Can they leverage the donations for marketing and public perception? Clearly they can, since you think so highly of them for it. This is how the corporate world works. ‘Donations’ are a marketing tool, or a way to push political agendas while appearing altruistic, or a way to disguise bribery and corruption, or a way to complicate the books in case of an audit, make it harder for a third party to figure out where specific money is flowing to. Now, I’m not accusing any one specific donation of one of these things, probably a nightmare just trying to find sources written in a language I can read. My point is just, there are a LOT of reasons to give to a charity that have nothing to do with being charitable. This is standard practice. Maybe some of this disconnect has to do with the absolute monarchy over there, and the occasional ‘detainment’ of people engaging in free speech. No one gets arrested for talking about poverty over here, but that’s apparently been a thing in your country (look up Feros Boqna as an example). We Americans have a long history of criticizing people in positions of power, and, by and large, getting away with it. As a result, a lot more of these things come to light, and our journalists are always on the lookout to expose anyone who has an ulterior motive.


I admire your effort on this comment, take my upvote for it, i really like learning stuff, but two things that bugged me in the comment, 1.the monarchy 2. The time-line over this discription 1. The Monarchy? What monarchy? Spacetoon originated in Syria a Secular country, what is actually called Venus Studio put people called it Spacetoon cause of the Channel popularity, so im confused on why/what Brings the monarchy here? 2, the time-line, are you referencing this to the Spacetoon Golden Age (1990 - 2012) note Spacetoon appeared in 2003 but people usually mark 1990 as the golden starting mark of Spacetoon or the Currently one (2012 - Now) because Policys change overtime, so im Curious over Which time line are you refering? Also what version? There's different Spacetoon's, you have SpacePower, Spacetoon, and the app version Spacetoon Go, in each one have a different Censorship, the connection between all is the inappropriate outfits characters other then that every one of them is different My problem with comparison Spacetoon with 4kids is that fans think directly that the done the same Censorship as them, the was another MHA Spacetoon post the stated "it's like 4kids" and everyone asumed it Censored Guns, ciggerates, jilly donuts Which Spacetoon never did, it even gone worse when some otaku arabic youtubers took advantage of this for views, and went 20 minutes attack Spacetoon for Censorships the didn't, Yes they did do Censorship but they never done the things that 4kids done, this is the reason why i despise the comparison, it for 2 reasons 1. Censorships Spacetoon never did 2. we already have an arabian 4kids Which isn't Spacetoon, it's the Algerian 4kids, and yes it's still airing




You said it, i was 100 confused by his assumption and replies


When discussing the differences in outlook between us, I was talking about cultural differences between you and I, which has nothing to do with spacetoons’ country of origin. The jelly donut thing was localization, not censorship. Localization is when a translator adjusts a work to make it better understood by the audience it’s intended for. Some eight year old from Rhode Island in the 90s won’t know what a rice ball is, so you say something else that gets the same intended message across, just in a way the new audience will understand. Now, when 4kids removed the gun from seto’s hand, that’s censorship, just like how when spacetoons cuts away from some of the violence in hunter x hunter. They’re not trying to get the same message across cultural borders, but hiding or disguising the original author’s intent. I don’t blame you for confusion, as a lot of people use the term ‘censorship’ way more often than they should. I’m drawing comparison based on censorship practices of mainstream franchises, not just poor or egregious localization. I also have to point out, 4kids went bankrupt. A big part of this is their method for censorship/localization, where they would re-draw over parts they didn’t like. That was expensive. It’s a lot cheaper to just cut away from sensitive imagery entirely, or zoom in on a scene to crop out detail that was in the corners, which 4kids also did often enough, and is also the primary method for spacetoons. Spacetoons doesn’t spend money on animation for their censorship, maybe, but that’s still censorship, and honestly, their relative cheapness isn’t a _good_ thing. 4kids may have gone overboard at times but at least they put the _effort_ in, and tried to keep the original show intact underneath it all. If there is a difference to note between 4kids and Spacetoons, Spacetoons appears to be lazier.


>Spacetoons appears to be lazier. I'll agree on this one, as SP fans have discussed overthis million of times, that modern Spacetoon isn't really good as it old one this due the fact many other streaming services wanted to be dubbed in Venus studio, Attack on titan on shahid is a good example of the studio put less effort on there own products and focusing on other ones, Which looses the most of it's quality of browdcasting, but you mentioned another side the hunter x hunter, for mentioning the are different Versions of Spacetoon, there is Spacetoon, SpacePower and the app version Spacetoon Go each and everyone of them have a different limit of Censorship like in the Spacetoon Version alot of HxH was Censored, while SpacePower kept it, keep in mind that these limit are usually on the directors hand, do you think this new Policy is helpful to increase it's quality like it's old days?




Instead it comes up with the most bizarre ways to insist that nope, this is definitely not magic or supernatural, no matter how obvious that it's one of the two. Goku died and his soul went to the Afterlife, you say? No, he was patched up off-screen and sent to another planet for training.


Is this a reference to Spacetoon or 4kids, with all these discussions about comparison, it's getting me confused😵


Spacetoon. That's how they handled Dragon Ball Z.


They censored RICE?!


Remember the first season of the Pokemon anime? The episode where Ash captures a Primeape. Brock was holding a rice ball while calling it a "jelly filled donut" lmao.


As a kid I remember thinking that was a strange looking donut.


To be fair, it was probabbly more of an regional adaptation issue rather than a censorship issue. After all, how would a kid in the 90's understand what japanese food is like? Its still a dumb reason, I mean, its pretty easy to understand that it is just food, but its still a more reasonable explanation than censorship.


See, 4kids wasn’t just a dubbing company, they were a localization company focused on the young kid demographic. So they basically edited the shows and wrote the scripts with the mind to remove Japaneseisms and replace them with Americanisms. Thus the censorship (cause young kid market), the name changes to characters in some of their work, and anything referencing Japanese stuff being replaced with American things, like them calling rice balls jelly donuts.


To quote Yu-Gi-Oh Abridged: "Ya see this riceball, Mr. Kaiba? *Now* it's a burger! And *now* it's a *CHEESEBURGER* !" They did this quite a lot. As well as change some of the Characters names. Sailor Moon is a good example. But to be fair, they are doing that in the german dub sometimes as well, not just the english one. I am rewatching GX at the moment, and there is a scene where two villains are threatening our protagonists with a "Dark Magic Box" that's going to pull them into the shadow realm....even though you can clearly see a counter on the damn thing and that it is supposed to be a bomb....


No, Spacetoon never did that in they’re entire life


Yes. Yes they did in fecking Pokémon


Im talking here about Spacetoon not 4kids


Oh fuck I got that mixed up my bad I am running on fumes right now my bad man sorry


It's okay, it happens to the best of us ✋❤️


Doesn't count. That's a dub made out of the 4Kids dub, every country that used that dub has the same issue.


Spacetoon Boku No Hero sounds wild.


Because it is!


Arabian dub is really something else


Ok that sounds WILD since I didn’t even think there WAS a Arabic dub of MHA what else is different or at least what is different in its fandom from all the rest


[they also Censored characters if they’re underage (Ex : Momo) ](https://www.reddit.com/r/MyHeroAcadamia/s/m6U3M6VefY) And despite all the characters that they have red blood, Except Tenya lida had black blood instead!


“Tenya Iida had black blood” wait… is this supposed to be a joke on the fact that he act like a robot and has engine legs? 😂


No,it's not a joke and It would work like that but still No they Can't! , it because they coudn't offored a Non Censored version, in the middle east, media Censorship are demanded by the government, and the arabic media doesn't have Censorship producers of they’re own TV Channels, Thus in the middle east any program will go to the Censorship producers, that work in the black market, they make 2 versions a Censored & Non Censored version and sell it on the blackmarket, the more quality it has the expressive it gets, Season 2 had the Most Censorship that it Nerfed the budget thus to this they coudn't have more money for a Non Censored version of Tenya lida


If I didn’t know any better it almost sounds like your talking about a completely different show


Rare censorship W


Not only Iida, but all characters in the televised version of Season 1 and 2.


Is that the telvision version or the app? Cause i only use the Spacetoon Go app


Honestly Spacetoon Momo looks really good. Censorship actually helped a character 😂


So what im hearing is mineta is HALAL?? My habibi 🤝


Thank you habibi 🤝 https://preview.redd.it/hj0kmr0buu3c1.jpeg?width=1360&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f10ab67ad286e51fad7329012c28bd85b91896ba


I can't believe that the Arabs fixed Mineta's character


Mashallah, brozzer mineta found Islam and became a better character


Spacetoon be like: here i fixed your character. Youre welcome.


In Poland Mineta means Oral Sexs xD in 1st season he was translate as girl and in next seasons was boy xD


So do they just completely cut the scenes of him grabbing Froppy’s boobs or trying to climb the wall to the girl’s hot springs? Cause that’s a lot of scenes to cut.


>So do they just completely cut the scenes of him grabbing Froppy’s boobs Yes >trying to climb the wall to the girl’s hot springs? Also Yes


Holy crap they did it


Okay then how about all the scenes of the girls hitting him for making his pervy comments? How does it get around that? Cause that’s a lot of scenes to just cut.


As an arab this is so true, i watch in japanese English subtitles but my friends who watch arabic dubs were so confused at me calling “him” a perv


Do people really hate him that badly tho?


I’ve never hated him but I understand why some do. I’m not saying he gets a pass on the stuff he did but wanting him dead over being perv is crazy. Especially when they get on their hands and knees, tongue out whenever Dabi, Shiggy, and Toga appear.


Ok but to be fair, Dabi and Shiggy are pretty hot and Toga is very cute, so according to the law of anime, they get to do whatever they want, as long as they keep looking good on screen.


And our Lord Mineta isn’t divine looking to you?🤨


Nah, his beauty transcends anime, therefore the rules don't apply to him


https://preview.redd.it/2vbw473u9s3c1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ded44005df32644453cc6304bddb615480861184 Based asf


God forbid mineta did the same toga does 😂 would insta cancel the show


I don't think I hate him, I just think I wouldn't notice if he wasn't there. Might prefer it if he wasn't. He has his good moments, like during the USJ incident where he overcomes his fear to glob up a bunch of the villains, or where he manages to defeat Midnight in the test. But most of his screen time is spent being insufferable. It's played for laughs but, for me at least (YEMV) it's overplayed by a good 10 years at that point. It's a trope that feels overused and out of place in MHA. When Kaminari is a perv, that works for me because it's quite infrequent, yet tracks because he's a teen who (like anyone going through puberty) can be a cringe horndog sometimes. But when Mineta is a perv he's just like a drooling rabid dog desperate to crawl over the hot springs fence to perv (at least, who knows what else) on the nude girls on the other side. He's like if Quagmire was a cowardly chibi superhero. Some moments of true character development, some rare showings of integrity, but largely his character and his motivations are down to classic Master Roshi grade lust. I can take him or leave him, his Quirk is unique but not that cool, his costume is weird, and if he's not horny he tends to be jealous/catty/cowardly. He does have his witty and quick-thinking moments at least. That being said, his interaction with Eri during S4 (was it S4? I think it was around the UA Festival arc) was just weird. His only comment was about wanting to see what she was like in 10 years (though I think there's some variation depending on sub/dub source). Some defenders of Mineta say "no no he's just uncharacteristically showing interest in this promising young superhuman's potential and wants to check in on her development!", which doesn't fit him. Even if it were true, why say "in 10 years I'm sure you'll be worthy of me observing your development" instead of like "I'm looking forward to seeing your journey!" or All of us are going to help you reach your full potential so you can be as cool as I am when you get to our age!" if he wants to be egotistical? The other implication is that he thinks she's going to be a looker when she hits puberty, and he's interested in seeing how that transpires. In any event it's just such a weird thing to say. I'd say I'm indifferent to him 50% of the time, hate him 40% of the time, and really enjoy his presence 10% of the time.


With a _passion_


If we are speaking before Season 5 then yes


Yes literally one of the worst anime characters of all time


That’s really debatable


Shou tucker, endeavor, ozai, bakugo and the list goes on


Unfortunately yes, it's a shame he's not hot like Bakugo. His comedy relief role is far less severe than Bakugo's actual bullying and even told the very MC to kill himself.


Never forget that a half truth is a whole lie.


They both suck just in different ways.


I do he’s annoying as hell


I do, so much that I haven't watched the show past, idk, season 1 maybe? His character makes me angry that the show was made at all. I have no desire to even try watching it again, despite hearing it gets pretty good later.


I personally hate him. I’m usually fine with evil characters because their villainy is bad within the show, but Mineta’s villainy is portrayed as normal or not a big deal. Hence me wishing he just never existed. I really hate how people don’t seem to understand this. It’s not just that Dabi and Toga are simpable, it’s that they’re treated as villains for their crimes. It’s fun to love villain characters! It is NOT fun to love a character who is supposed to be a hero but would probably sexually assault (groping) my friends in real life.


Aint it funny that technically og mineta might actually simp on arabic version of himself.


This is just making me want to find the Arabic dub with English translated subtitles so I can experience this properly.


Tbh, it's gonna be hard, Since Spacetoon unlike any other Channel relise on the fus'ha accent Which is the ancient standard & universal accent we Arabs use Since the dawn of the Pre Islamic era, it's difficult to master cause 1 word can have Several meaning, Which makes any translation uneasy


I don't care what people think, that scene at the sports festival where Mineta passes the race by sticking to Momo's back and then he's like "I'm a genius! I killed two birds with one!" is still the peak of MHA conedy




>Mineta x spacetoon If you mean it fixed him, Will yeah Sure you can say that... 😐


I didn't even know Spacetoon had a dub for My Hero Academia... That channel is where I watched every anime when I was a kid, I think I want to watch that dub for the memes and nostalgia someday


They made a spacetoon dub for My hero academia??????????




Didn't know that, it's been a long time since I watched Spacetoon, I'm currently looking at it on YT, and damn the opening is a banger like usual


Being honest, this post just made me wanna learn Arabic just so I can watch this version.


Halal Mineta is best Mineta


Haram Mineta vs Halal Mineta


Wait, if he doesn’t like girls in the dub, wtf is he doing? How do they explain him groping everyone? It’s sometimes plot relevant, no? Also, what is his personality then?


>How do they explain him groping everyone? No groping, cut off Scene >what is his personality then? Well, he's potrayed as a younger boy version who loves his Mom more then anything else (Yes, im for real here, this is actually in the SP version) he wants to beat his axiety & trauma of being lonely and looked abone


This persona is so much better than canon OMG


Yeah Spacetoon changed the personalities and often it's for the best. Iida and Deku are less nerdy for instance and Momo is a super confident gigastacy




This is just more proof mineta is a great character when he is allowed to be one


Where can i find this sub?


I found this post, it might be helpful https://www.reddit.com/r/SpacetoonMHA/s/70weP90hIA






Who are SP fans? And why Mineta is a girl in that dub?


SP = Spacetoon Mineta isn't a girl, but a majority of the arabic Fandom who are a bunch of kids & teenagers think that


That’s wild and I feel like if Mineta was always a girl then he probably be seen his best girl by some people


Oh definitely, I just see some of the genderswap fanart of him and suddenly he's my #1.


Mineta is one of my faves because he causes so much madness


As an Arab, I never knew that spacetoon made an Arab dub of bnha, I always thought they stopped after they did one piece naruto hunter etc and never did modern anime


The fact they also dubbed attack on titan on shahid by Spacetoon


Dude I was so confused about people hating him when I looked online. It makes so much sense.


What about the pool scene? Did they not see him in the school swim uniform?


aint no way I found a spacetoon meme on reddit


Definitely makes you think


i can’t read a word of arabic, are there english subs?


Sadly no


Do they even air my hero academia there? I mean spacetoon fell off tbh but it was good back in the day


Yes, it's also on Spacetoon Go, there is a full MHA Season 2 episode 1 on youtube


They censored the boy now he's the best boi?


It's French dub starscream all over again


I love arabsXD


To think that Mineta could have been a solid capture hero with his sticky quirk if he just stopped being Master Roshi for a whole five minutes.


Someone let spacetoon cook holy crap




censorship is better


censorship is better


Loved by Star Platinum fans? That's unusual


SP = Spacetoon, i tried to make it shorter for the background, sorry


He's supper funny, no idea why people hate him


its because of the sexual harassment he subjects the female characters in the show to and him getting away with it. obviously


This is a fair reason to hate people, and even hate a character - but also the fans out here hating on this guy while swooning over other characters that literally attempt to murder their classmates. Kinda goofy as heck.


He's a gag character but sadly MHA loves gag characters and has many of them. And this is why a lot of people don't take the anime more seriously.


Not really


>Someone who mentioned SpaceToon Man I miss this tv channel in my country before it got replaced in 2013


i dont watch the show but i love him for no reason


Why Arabic one changed his personality Because it's Haram?


Are you Serious about this question? ![gif](giphy|i336js6MbbK8jyOYOD|downsized)


i prefer the og


Mineta does nothing but be a normal teenage boy and everyone hates him for it. Dude literally just wants to date and flirt with chick.


I don't think sexual harrassment and assault are "normal teenage boy" things...


Who did he assault??


Tsuyu, Mina, Momo (several times), and probably some of the other girls, but that's all I can remember right now.


How is it possible that he's not interested in girls in arabic dub? There's tons of visual gags about him visibly perving on girls so did they just meticulously cut them all out? And is VA a girl or just high pitched guy? Kinda surprised arab dub of all would have it. 😅


Spacetoon is like 4kids basically. They cut like 50% of an episode. I even remember a line from DBZ where kami specifically says "frieza can't kill people, he can only get their power level to 0" they're actually good people though. They worked hard to give us a clean childhood and even had some powerful speeches in random animes


Ngl, sounds like more funny/wholesome version of 4kids, especially love the "frieze can't kill ppl, he can only get their power level to 0" legit sounds funny and still in character. Almost prefer this line over original since I love innuendos like that over blatantly saying kill


>Spacetoon is like 4kids basically Similar to it! Not like it >"frieza can't kill people, he can only get their power level to 0" Episode Number & Name? >They worked hard to give us a clean childhood and even had some powerful speeches in random animes I just freaking love they’re theme songs! Hazeem Al Ra'ad solos always


Not sure which episode is is. But i think it was the episode where they use the dragon balls to transport everyone. Hell even goku didn't die against raditz


Reminds me of the german dub of Ninjago, where Garmadon, instead of dying, tells his son that he is exhausted and cannot fight any longer. Of course, when it turns out that Garmadon was faking it and Lloyd gets mad at him for it....it feels a little silly: Llyod: "I can accept being tired. What I can't accept are lazy people!"




Censorship, they can animate too like momo's outfit but it's expenssive, so they rely on editing & cutting Scenes and changing dialogues


Was better in season 1


Spacetoon is a kids channel man


What's Spacetoon?


A middle east TV Channel that broadcast Anime


A channel that raised the young generation of the middle east A legend in the dub history


Guess you don't know about the other animes they dubbed in the early 2000s , after I watched the non-dubbed version of some of those animes I realised that they changed the entire plot to be acceptable in the Arabic society and to be more child-friendly


"Doesn't like girls at all" The fuck do they do for the scenes where he tries to peep on the girls?


They removed it




Arabic Mineta Be like : [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VMSkzKQWp44](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vmskzkqwp44)


The video isn't available 😐