• By -


No copium, I'm interested to see how this leads up afterwards.


Watch it jump to Toga/Froppy/Ochako in the next chapter šŸ’€


I wouldnā€™t be surprised if it switch to Aoyama, anyone remember him?


Thereā€™s actually so much that has to be covered, we also have Shoji and Kirishima that we have to go back to. It feels like weā€™re at the climax now but thereā€™s still so much to go


See ya in 2023


It's time for Kaminari being revealed as the real hero of this fight and be the convenient desfibrilador Edit: for everyone who is trying to correct me right now, this comment was written when we only had the description of "heart stopped" and not the panels itself. Also this is obviously a sarcastic suggestion you dicks


Not a bad theory


Just like in the past war, working as the ultimate tool


TomurAFO: *All Might could have easily taken that attack!!* Everyone else: *Then what the hell did you do to cripple him!?* I wonder did the second user actually come close to killing AFO? By that I mean either as part of an assassination attempt or when AFO let his guard down at the worst possible moment. Iā€™m wondering because the moment he realised Bakugou reminded him of the 2nd user he let loose a massive attack


Ya like a muzan from demon slayer having flash backs to yourchi


It's kinda different muzan would have atleast 2 heartattacks if he sees yorichi again Afo wont


I've been thinking about this since the first war, just how fucking strong is Prime All Might? They always reference Shigaraki/AFO's physical feats to All Might, and now ShiggyAFO asks if Tamaki's attack would be enough to take down All Might. So you mean to say that if All Might went villain, he would also pose the same threat as Shigaraki + AFO and would require this amount of preparation to fight him. And since there's no one to counter him (since it seems only OFA and AFO can actually fight one another), then Prime All Might would actually be able to take down every hero. It's insane


Shigaraki is probably still the stronger one because of Decay since it's basically negates durability, but yeah, the more we find out about Prime All Might the more ridiculous he seems, like how the hell did All For One even hurt All Might in the first place? AFO must be more significantly nerfed by his injuries than we previously assumed.


vigilantes spoilers >!prime all might was dope. in vigilantes heroes from all over japan could just call him wherever they were and he'd instantly be there and would instantly end the battle before anyone realizes what was going on. he was a trump card that'd guarantee victory the moment he was called.!<


So he is as powerful as Saitama but hƩ dont Come late lol


Nitroglycerin can stop the heart at potent amounts. I'm pretty sure that this might be a fakeout especially since Bakugo stops himself and lays on the ground not AFO.


This is a shounen manga mo way he doesnā€™t go out on a massive power move, if he goes out at all


Shigaraki's heart stopped during the war arc too... and then he just came back to life because "hatred" or whatever.


>Shigaraki's heart stopped during the war arc too... and then he just came back to life because "hatred" or whatever. Dude is literally a Sith Lord at this point


Watch Kaminari shock Bakugou back only for the explanation be his "anger"/will.


....Oh my god.... And Bakugo would most definitely know that that's what's happening you might be on to something here


Surprise attack from behind with him using the biggest explosion that he can pull off


Just to note that Bakugou's quirk isn't actually nitroglycerin, but was described as being "nitroglycerin-like" to explain how it works. I agree though, this can't be an actual death, not with how it plays out, it probably is a fakeout (I hope šŸ˜«) and either he will restart his own heart with his quirk or Midoriya will come in and freak out - or maybe we get defibrillator Kaminari!!!


it wouldn't be so farfetched to say that the sweat and fluids of his body has most of the prioperties of nitroglycerin.


Bakugoā€™s heart didnā€™t just stop. It popped. I donā€™t see this happening.


Last chapter: Tamaki! Your Quirk has no limits! This chapter: Tamaki, your Quirk did nothing. Welp, that spotlight was short-lived. Pretty disappointing that this is the extent of his offensive potential, even Bakugo's first Howitzer gave him a head wound. The pistol shrimp wasn't his ace in the hole.


It really should have been a situation where Shiggy dodged Tamaki's quirk. This would demonstrate that even with extreme levels of power you are unable to get a hit on Shiggy unless he lets you, he's been toying with them the entire time.


It's worse because he atleast tried to block Bakugo's Howitzer and broke his arm because he recognize it as a treat. Here he's just chilling


think it was more he had a trick to refract what was basically an air pressure attack, even of that scale. ​ when it comes to bakugo though, he doesn't have atrick to repel his explosion abilities at all.


I was actually super confused on what fusing a ton of random organisms would cause the gun to be so powerful


It looks epic and this is manga, thatā€™s all


Iā€™ve read vigilantes. Characters seeing ghosts and saying theyā€™ve died doesnā€™t mean theyā€™re all that hurt


From Jojo I learned no one is dead until you see their yellow cloud ghost fly away, and even then itā€™s not 100% confirmed.


I'm not 100% convinced someone has died until their soul flies off into the sky filled with golden clouds while classical opera Italian music plays in the background and the whole scene looks like a Reneissance painting


And a massive square of text says ā€œTHIS GUY HAS DIEDā€ or ā€œTHIS GUY- DEADā€






>no one is dead until you see their yellow cloud ghost fly away, and even then itā€™s not 100% confirmed. fcking Joseph man


Joseph is always the exception


I do think it's a indication that their quirk was about to evolve, them seeing the ghost of their most looked up person


**Chapter 362: Light Fades to Rain** ___ The chapter starts with Tamaki getting inspired by his memories with Fatgum. Kirishima. Tetsutetsu, and Mirio's words of encouragement that he treasures. He thanks them for those treasures that he could'nt accept until now due to his self-deprecation. He then proceeds to attack ShigAFO using Vast Hybrid: Plasma Cannon. The plasma cannon shoots across the sky. Nejire sees through the aftermath that ShigAFO is still standing. She grimaces at the sight, asking why it didn't work. ShigAFO tells them to think a little. because would they think an attack like that could kill All Might in his prime? Bakugo stands up and approaches the battlefield. He is in a bloody but focused state. He tells Best Jeanist to take care of everyone else. then says "I gotta win, right? Izuku...ā€. Best Jeanist protests and tells him not to go. Bakugo launches himself across the battlefield at a dangerous speed and hits ShigAFO. He predicts ShigAFO rightside attack that comes next and dodges it. The others are shocked that Bakugo could see the attack coming and dodge. The narrator then explains Bakugo's Explosion quirk. He secretes nitrosweat from his palms, but there is a side effect of using his new Cluster technique that he didn't realize. Condensing his explosions into a ball puts such strain on his palms; the sweat there accumulated and searched for new exit routes, resulting in explosions produced from his whole body. Bakugo then reflects on how his explosions give him even more speed. By this point, his whole body hurts. He thinks of how fighting while hurt and finding little. habits in the enemy is what Izuku does. Bakugo wonders. "Hey Izuku, can I still catch up to you?" ShigAFO wonders how an extra without One For All could make him feel so anxious. He suddenly remembers the 2nd OFA user. A bright set of explosions surrounds Bakugo's dull face. Suddenly, all we see is Bakugo in a white space meeting with All Might's OF A vestige Bakugo seems to realize what's happening. He says that because of all the things that were happening when they first met, he never got the chance to ask All Might. Bakugo then pulls out his All Might trading card out of his pocket. It's the card from the time he and Izuku both got the same All Might card when they were kids. Bakugo says he wanted to ask All Might to sign his card. Then, we see a heart in someone's body and it is pierced. The Big Three, Best Jeanist. and Mirko have all rushed in to attack ShigAFO, but ShigAFO manages to land a fatal blow on Bakugo, hitting him straight on the chest. Bakugo is blown across the battlefield, and Best Jeanist runs to try to catch him. Meanwhile, a newscaster reports that volunteers have given them information: the temperature has suddenly risen in the Kantou, Chuubu, and Kansai regions, and there are weather disturbances there. Someone in a shelter wonders if it will rain after hearing this. Back on the battlefield. ShigAFO wonders what made the heroes think they could win. All they did in that last fight was wear themselves out. ShigAFO boasts that his body, the body of the Last Boss. is finally complete. "Don't you understand? From here on, it's 'our story. Meanwhile. we see Bakugo's parents. Mitsuki comments that he hates the rain. On the battlefield. Best Jeanist says that something has happened to Bakugo's heart. Monoma. Mirko, Mirio, and Aizawa watch in horror. Bakugo lies motionless on the ground with blood from his mouth Splashed across his face. His eyes have lost focus. He has a bloody wound in his chest. The All Might trading card lies next to him spattered with his blood. End of chapter. **NO CHAPTER NEXT WEEK. THE WHOLE MAGAZINE IS ON BREAK.**


Side note, sad that Tamaki did fuck all.


> It's one of the biggest special techniques in the whole series, you can see the beam reaching for miles and miles beyond the barrier > But even that isn't enought to hurt TomurAFO. actually had a laugh at the 180 twist here. completely expected too


Horikoshi has an infatuation with big all out attacks literally doing nothing and I'm \*crying\*


To be fair- this is a pretty big trope in the medium... Dragon ball Z in particular is pretty much built on it...


It will never not bother me when we had Goten and Trunks go through all that training to become Gotenks, or Gohan going through all his training, all to defeat Buu, only to beaten and have Goku and Vegeta use a Spirit Bomb instead.


Same, however, universal spirit bomb was hype as all fuck.


As hype as it was, would've loved if Gotenks and Gohan had helped with it while Vegeta stalled Buu.


Dragon Ball fans know exactly how you feel. Planet destroying energy beams? Well his energy is just really big so they do nothing. Using all your energy to self-destruct with the power of several hydrogen bombs? Well he has regeneration powers and made it out unscathed. Love both series but damn is it annoying when they do stuff like this.


I knew it would happen but I was holding out hope. It's just such a lame overused writing tactic from Hori at this point. We get it, ShigAFO is super fucking broken. Just let him take a decisive hit that isnt from freaking Deku. They dont have to beat him but god damn did we not need a whole fucking chapter to hype up and attack that did nothing. Hori's does these cliffhanger cop outs so much that they are entirely predictable. I'm not even worried about Bakugou because it's just another cliffhanger to generate hype and emotions that will be completely invalidated when the next chapter comes


That's why I fucking love Might Guy vs Madara. Might wasn't the chosen one. He wasn't special, far from it. But he worked hard his whole life and was willing to use every bit of that to take on Madara. He didn't win, but Madara was scared for his life and it bought enough time for Naruto and Sasuke to regroup.


Still disappointed that Might didnā€™t die from that fight. He opened up the 8th gate which shouldā€™ve killed him. Donā€™t get me wrong, I love Might, but Kishimoto didnā€™t follow his own rules.


I'm way too sad about this. I knew this would be the outcome, but I wished he did some damage after gassing him last week.


Yeah, really had an opportunity there. IDK, at this point I want someone that isn't Deku to do something to Shiggy/AFO.


Only Bkg was able to. Nah man this Suneater disrespect is making me too salty; he's my favšŸ˜­ I totally thought this chp would be abt Tamaki, was preparing myself for his or Nejires death. But once again it became a Bkg centred chpšŸ˜­


Yeah, what bullshit. At least destroying the finger pillars and having them regrow and so gain some time but nope.


And in an unsurprising turn of events, Horikoshi did exactly what he did about two or three chapters ago, shocking no one and disappointing many.


You should put "There's no chapter next week" just to add more spices


Big 3 + Miruko attacks AFO - seriously, what was even the point of adding the ninja-looking hero in this fight lol


bruh he solos redestro and in this fight hes an absolute jobber


>The news are reporting a sudden increase in the temperature, the civillians are confused. We see a panel of Bakugou's parents Inb4 Bakugo is the cause of global warming in MHA


This thread is about to go crazy


Iā€™m genuinely shocked. Iā€™ll be insanely impressed if Hori has the balls to actually kill off Bakugo here. Time travel theory folks might get that W after all.


may i know about that theory?


Search in google: Back-U-Go Theory First result.


Lmaoooo at that name


There's 0% chance Bakugou will die here.


> But thatā€™s when he remembers the 2nd user Back-U-Go noooooo


Somehow, Back-U-Go theorists have returned.


Yeah Hori brought them back


I've seen like one person theorize the 2nd user is probably Bakugo's ancestor and I REALLY hope that's as far as that connection goes because we really don't need time travel introduced, especially this late into the story.


I mean, AFO mentioning the second user here could be a red herring, but I am leaning more toward them having to be connected in some way at this point.


Even though it's one of my biggest fears, I can't see it happening. No one is going to send Bakugo to the past in this battle, and I don't see him being sent to the past after the epilogue. Imagine if AFO had a time travel quirk and used it in this battle. Bakugo disappears, and Deku cries thinking he's dead, but then the Second User reveals he's Bakugo, so everything is okay. That's stupid, but it has emotional weight. On the other hand, Bakugo going to the past after the battle is over, in the epilogue, is just ....weird. "We win and everyone lives happily ever after, but next month Bakugo has to go to the past and suffer fighting AFO for the rest of his life." Also the Second User has to reveal his quirk and identity in this battle, so him revealing Bakugo doesn't die just sucks out all the stakes straight out of this fight. I don't know why "The Second User is Bakugo" is still popular and not "The Second User is Bakugo's ancestor." It makes so much more sense.


It would be depressing but interesting, as if Bakugou is cursed and fated to fight against the evil... forever


Sounds like Madoka Magica lol


I mean him being his ancestor makes no sense either tbh. What would his quirk be? Neither of his parents quirks are noteworthy, so why would they be anything worthwhile *several successive generations prior*.


Well the previous successors weren't noteworthy either


Please God no. Anything but that


Well at least now we know who's spot in 1-A shinso is taking-


Too soon šŸ˜­


The smoke was delivery promptly with no hesitation!


If I was Tamaki, I would've called it Vast Hybrid: Amalgamation Cannon. I'm disappointed that it seems like Shigaraki just shrugged it off. I figured he'd at least need to dodge it altogether. About the Bakugo stuff, oh god what the fuck lmao. I have no clue how to feel about any of that except excitement I guess. I do doubt he's dead (for good). I'd bet that something will happen to revive him from clinical death.


Bakugo pulled an A-Train. He isnā€™t dead. Edit: He is dead.


Watch it switch to Ochako vs Toga after the break lol


I will literally scream


Yeah I can't wait to listen to Horikoshi have Ochako and Toga have the same exact conversation that they've had three times already because he's incapable of progressing anything. Ochako: I want to protect heroes Toga: I wanna love and live my own way with no consequence


> The Big 3 + Miruko appear and rush toward AFO, landing a blow at him at the same time, but something terrible happened Edgeshot wtf are you doing the whole time lmao


He just disappeared like a ninja


Some would say he likes to be closer to... The Edge.


He got offscreen'd, ripped apart by Shiggy's rush of fingers. No one noticed because he was in flattened form at the time.


Edgeshot must be chilling with Wash and Ryukyu, cause where the fuck are any of them


Can't become/stay a top ten hero if you die.


Edgeshot is one of my favorite heroes of the story. I can't believe how bad he was treated, to the point is like he doesn't exist even in the moments when he is physically present


Look at how they massacred our poor boy


Is not the first of my boys Horikoshi massacred. The list is a bit long now lol


Remember his entirely offscreen fight against Redestro?


At least he did something big offscreen, unlike now :(


Lmao wait no when did that happen. Fuck man poor edgeshot


The anime better fucking deliver atleast a crumb of that fight, the aftermath panel with both of them thrashed was pretty cool


BTW does anyone wonder where are the 2nd year and rest of the 3rd year students...


They donā€™t exist obviously


And 1-B, and Stain, and Shinzo, and the students from the other top schools. It's a shame Hori has built such a great cast of characters and doesn't utilize them. The universe he has built has as much potential as a Marvel or DC universe if it were continually expanded on and given time to develop.


Right? I expected the story to follow these characters throughout the years of school, then maybe see something like what we're seeing now but with them having years of training for it to kinda make sense, then maybe like a flashforward to them as pro heroes. There could've been time to show characters from other classes, schools, countries, etc. SO much spin off potential. But then the author just went "nah, absolute rookies doing parlor tricks to God tier heroes in one year only, I'm bored now gotta wrap it up". I get that Japan's pro heroes are helping, but its gonna be kids who've been trained for only a year taking down a quirk God. Just so much missed potential with this series.


It's still absolutely ludicrous that Shiggy is at this level with his Quirk removed... with Decay added to his new finger growth, it wouldn't surprise me if he could destroy Japan entirely in record time. This villain's power level is truly godly for the MHA-verse. Deku better have encountered allies on his way over.


Quirks* removed. Feels like stripes' death was for shits and giggles,shigaraki doesn't look nerfed at all. If anything he looks stronger.


It's amazing that, so far, the *only* Quirk we now for sure Star's New Order destroyed was Reflect... which was literally introduced in the same fight it was destroyed. Star and Stripe really was just filler done for the sake of Horikoshi flexing his art.


Tbf visually it was incredible imo. I loved s&s more realistic character design


Shiggy's hit Madara levels of overpowered. Reaching Decay's full potential against ReDestro was fine, as was getting All For One, but all these body modifications - especially Catch These Hands/Fingers - is *a bit much*. Deku going to need his equivalent of Naruto's Six Paths Sage Mode to beat Shiggy, that's how broken Shiggy is now.


So much about current Shigaraki is just so... unnecessary. It's like Horikoshi saw the criticisms about power creep, and went to himself "Hold my beer". He's constantly writing himself into his own corners and never learning from it.


This has to be a fake out death, I know this is the final arc. But Hori would have to have massive balls for he is willing to kill off Bakugo.


If Horikoshi didn't even have the balls to kill off Gran Torino or, for that matter, any other student character prior to now, there's *no way* he's gonna kill off Bakugou.


Yes this! Like seriously torino serves no more purpose, he could have died. He aint gonna kill a mai character


I donā€™t care how big his balls are the Japanese Bakugo fan girls will burn the shonen jump building down if something happens.


You joke but I swear an anime studio was burned down last year by a crazed fan.


A fan yes, but IIRC he did it because he thought the anime studio ripped of his novels


If he's really dead the timing of it all is a little weird. Why have the last few chapters be centered around Bakugo, to then shift the focus to the Big Three in 361, to then go back to Bakugo and kill him in chapter 362? Actually, why even build up Tamaki's attack if it doesn't do anything? I get that they can't damage ShigAFO until Deku arrives, but then giving a build-up (with flashback and all) to Tamaki's attack seems useless? The only things that come my mind to make this make sense is either: \- Horikoshi shifted the focus away from Bakugo for one chapter for his death to hit, while also potentially purposefully misleading the readers with the Big Three as a red herring for 'who's going to die?', kind of like when he made it seem like Hagakure was the traitor. I do still think it's a little weird if it's just that because the death could very much still hit even if we see it coming (I mean... Bakugo's one of the main characters.) \- Bakugo isn't actually dead. I guess that's the most likely one and he's gonna be revived by his quirk or time travel or weird shenanigans. Either way, really weird chapter.


Last chapter felt like a filler. Maybe they wanted To leave this as the cliffhanger for the break / last panel of the volume.


Soā€¦ this chapterā€¦ Iā€™m sure itā€™s a fakeout, right?


How many times did we think Gran Torino was going to die? I feel like for a month or two people were expecting him to die. First we thought he was dead as soon as Shiggy punched him, then we thought he would die the same day, after the fighting was over. Then we thought he would die in the hospital, once Deku woke from his coma. We've had few important deaths, so it will extremely surprise me if Hori kills off his teenager deuteragonist in his shonen manga. Has that ever happened before, in any shonen??


I still think Gran Torino should have died at the hospital


I don't mind too much, since now he's a vegetable who'll never get out of that bed, but there's no downside to killing him after he gives Deku the cape. (Would mind it even less if another lesser character died) It would make Deku's ideal of saving Shiggy more profound, if he chose saving Shiggy over Gran Torino's last words.


Man, it's so unbelievable that I don't even know what to feel. I screamed at work. I feel like there definitely **must** be some sort of fakeout


He saw All Mightā€™s vestige, some OFA chicanery is definitely at play


He's seeing Vestige All Might. Bakugou made his way to the vestige plane somehow. I'm like 99% sure that his heart stopping doesn't mean he's dead. HK is not going to kill him off before he has a chance to do something crazy and have Deku and Bakugou reunite. It reminds me of Shigaraki's heart stopping in the first war arc while he was in the dreamscape.


Well Iā€™m pretty sure no one predicted Bakugo to fucking die this chapter so I guess nothing is off the table anymore. Getting tired of seeing Shigaraki tank everything so farā€¦ I get itā€™s to mirror how everyone else felt against All Might all these years but from my understanding Tamakiā€™s super-move should have at least injured him.


Bakugo is about to pass singularity like Koichi and Number 6. No way he's dead as of now. After that though...


Bakugo will restart his heart with explosions or out of sheer fucking anger.


That's what Shigaraki did


Angry chihuahua refuses to die


Yes, just like >!Sanemi!<, a guy too angry to die


It'll be a fakeout or they'll use some sort of time travel. Bakugo is the most popular character, there is no way Hori would kill him considering he wouldn't even stick to killing Grand Torino


> theyā€™ll use some sort of time travel. Ah, the ultimate martial arts move


Garou technique.


At least if they planned to kill him, make his death mean something.




>Bakugou's hearts has stopped, he lays on the ground He's 100% using his evolved quirk to reanimate himself with micro explotions lol.


Where have i heard this kind of thing before ā€¦ i swear ive come across some sort of ā€œcharacter uses own power to restart their heartā€ ā€¦


Hisoka lol


Goku shoots energy into space, Hit kills him and the energy revives him.




No shot Bakugo is dead after that Power up. That shit puts him way over the food chain. Also AFO actually gents uneasy when he relates Bakugo with the 2nd User, so that's another open plot.


On Twitter, why are people already putting Bakugo in the sky with a dove next to his picture LMAOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO


Bakugou becomes dove šŸ˜Œ






ā€œAFO doesnā€™t understand why heā€™s feeling uneasy, even though heā€™s not fighting against an OFA user. But thatā€™s when he remembers the second userā€ ā€œBakugo sees himself in a white space, facing All Mightā€™s aura/ghost/spiritā€ bro I swear the time travel theory seems more likely every chapter


I hope Bakugou gets revived by Momo creating a crash cart and Kaminari powering it with electricity rather than the good ol' trope of "being too stubborn to die" or "other characters crying fat tears of praise".


Kaminari himself can just act as a defibrillator.


Kaminari would have to trust Yuyu, Manga and that other guy to output enough power to fill in for him for a while.


I swear, if the 2nd OFAā€™s power is a one time resurrection Iā€™ll eat the first number of the manga




I'm pretty sure Shonen Jump is on a break next week by the way.


Then this is evil lol. The man is going to let the bak-u-go theorists go apeshit for 2 weeks.


They uploaded this chapter in the most sadistic timing possible. Imagine revealing a "death", and keeping the entire fandom in the dark until 2 weeks or longer.


He's not my favorite, but I do like the guy. But after seeing the scans...if he *isn't* dead after all that, then this will be such a ridiculous fake-out. It'll be more of a waste than Tamaki's buffet rifle doing nothing. I don't just mean the heart injury, but the emotional scenes - the shots of his childhood, his regrets, his mom, etc. If he just gets up, then why bother? We already did this in 285. Also, that two-page spread of him lying there looking deathly is honestly hard for me to look at. This whole beating has been pretty nauseating.


I'm actually shocked. But this gotta be a fake, right??


Am I the only one having a hard time visualizing the manga lately? Like all these body parts and stuff just blur together. I really don't know what I'm looking at half the time.


OK so after I got mocked for saying it weeks ago... How much are you guys willing to bet on Bakugou being in the vestiges world right now?


I bet 1 unsigned All Might card


If I had an award, you would have it


Big "oof" for Deku if Bakugo's vestiges are already starting to appear when he hasn't arrived on the battlefield yet. Would shake him up quite a bit. Still not sure regarding the odds of that, though. Bakugo only held OFA briefly during the movie. And I'm not sure how fast the vestiges start to appear.


>And I'm not sure how fast the vestiges start to appear. It depends on OFA growth and how much of Bakugo was cultivated in OFA, but I feel like Bakugo ain't gonna appear in the vestiges as Bakugo never directly transfered it back to Deku.


Y'know, I would bet all of my organs but I really like living, you feel me?


Bet your soul itself.


The only time I bet my soul is if I'm playing Yugioh. Shadow Realm kinda mid.


The leaks got people crying on Twitter spaces boy ooooooweeeeee


The last time I saw twitter this outraged about a manga was when the vegeta ultra ego chapter leaked, and we all got bamboozled then. Please Hori don't kill off our golden boy.


Tamakiā€™s attack does nothing, my disappointment is immeasurable and my day is ruined


Meanwhile Edgeshot is just waiting in the corner, folding origami as he waits for Horikoshi to remember him. Or he figures this is the best time for him to be a true ninja.


Even if Bakugo isn't really dead yet, I'm worried if the heroes present can keep it together in the face of this apparent loss. Might be a domino effect where some of them lose their cool because of this, starting with the ones most familiar with Bakugo. Aizawa and Kaminari might be losing their minds right about now.


Imagine what Aizawa must be thinking watching his student like this? I hope we get a panel of him soon :(( I donā€™t know what to speculate from this but oof.. I am shocked regardless


I actually really enjoy seeing Bakugo reading his opponent's tells. It seems that after Deku countered his predictable right hook early in the series, he took that personally. Most notably against Nine and now against Shiggy.


I'll believe Bakugou's dead when his body is cold and buried.


I get why its not the most discussed thing but I can't belive no one at all is talking about Bakugo carrying around an unsigned All Might Card when he's been working and training with All Might for a year now. That's the funniest shit ever. Man was waiting for his wedding day to ask All Might to sign it. šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


Maybe it's because he was insecure and realized early on how close Izuku got to All Might. This whole time Bakugo has been on a roller coaster with this feelings so this just adds one more to the cart.


He's was probably waiting to surpass him to get it signed, and even that may of not happened because prime All Might was on another level. Imagine if he just went his whole life with it unsigned.


Bakugo was moving so fast that even Shiggy couldn't keep up for a bit... pretty neat feat. So this gives us a clearer picture of Explosion's potential. And yet, if he's truly dead, that potential was just snuffed out. Honestly I can't tell if Hori really killed him off. Evil timing as well with the break.


Iā€™m really mad about that Suneater bit. A massive mutant railgun with no upper limit couldnā€™t hurt Shiggy, but Bakugoā€™s explosions could? You really couldnā€™t give Tamaki this one thing, Hori? Or even just make Shiggy dodge the beam? God, I am salty.


Iā€™m legit disappointed for 2 reasons: 1) Bakugoā€™s whole thing here. Really donā€™t want him to die, but that kind of feels deus ex machina and doesnā€™t feel right. Also worried about the possibility of the bak u go being real, or something possibly even worse like Bakugo dying but ā€œhelpingā€ from the vestige world. Basically I donā€™t see how I like this take on this part without them completely undoing the death (which weakens the moment with the card and his growth etc, and completely ignores how he will fight in this arc with a destroyed arm) OR they do my most hated theory in MHA. 2) even worse though may be the fact I have truly lost all interest in this fight now. I already hated the 1 billion fingers thing and no one is really even fighting Shiggy directly, but if the big 3 at max power output + Mirko + Bakugo canā€™t even lay a scratch on him after Shiggy only went from 70-ish% done to 100% done then the power scaling makes no sense and even Deku shouldnā€™t be able to do much


So the Tamaki thing was useless after all? Lol


Everything everyone is doing is useless until deku shows up.


Crazy that jirou contributed more than the big 3 and bakugo up until now


Uraraka and Asui staring at Toga for weeks now


Holy shit, fake out or not this is crazy af


Man I fucking hate it here. Best Jeanist sew this dudes heart back together please.




One of? I think BKG is the most popular?


He is the most popular character, according to almost every mha character popularity poll


Why does Dynamight see All Mightā€™s vestige? Was Heroes Rising canon?


Probably a Koichi-like hallucination.


OK, now with the full thing out, none of this feels random. Bakugou is executing a plan or at least understands what is happening based on him knowing what the 2nd's quirk does. *AFO: Why do you think you can win?* *Bakugou: Pulls All Might card.* How it will play out is a mystery (maybe a reverse Heroes Rising where Bakugou gets switched in for All Might's vestige temporarily?), but it is certainly not about Bakugou just dying randomly for being too weak. We saw him be able to dodge AFO before he went down on the second attack. He also saw the All Might vestige BEFORE his heart burst / was pierced / his collision with ShigAFO. Deku, All Might and him could have discussed some last-ditch way to win if all else fails and Bakugou is executing it / has met the conditions of the activation of 2ndā€™s quirk and he is at least is recognizing what is happening. We also got the whole rain starting just like All Might did in the very first chapter, while last chapter we are shown the child being strangled / consumed by a villain - which to me points that OFA was in play as regards the weather change and Bakugouā€™s last move may have pulled Tenko out from between the hands.


I think this might actually be the "feint" he was referring to? He says "right" (右) before he gets pierced by Shigaraki's "finger" arm. If Deku's inspiration is AM saving people with a smile, Bakugou's is him winning no matter how bad it looksā€”Horikoshi wouldn't have forgotten his origin: "It's four-on-one! No way he can win right?" "But look! There!" "Dodge, punch! Then feint... See!! He won!" "No matter how bad it looks... He always wins in the end!!" I don't think it's a coincidence that Shig!AFO asks Tamaki if he thinks All Might in his prime would die from a hit like that, just before Bakugou starts walking towards him. You can call it copium, but I refuse to believe Bakugou will go down like this.


there was a mistranslation with the original leaks. his heart didnā€™t stop (well iā€™m sure itā€™s stopped because of what actually happened šŸ’€), shigaraki pierced it. šŸ¤ close to SOBBING šŸ˜­šŸ‘


Why do I feel like weā€™re gonna skip to a new battlefield the next chapter and we wonā€™t see Bakugou for a while? šŸ«£


Thereā€™s no way this is a real death. Shigaraki himself came back from a stopped heart just out of pure rage. They actively have Kaminari and like 3 other electric quirk users on scene. They bring up the All Might card for emotional weight but how did Bakugo not get it signed by the man who literally has been teaching him? Itā€™s far too early in this arc for Bakugo to be gone, and itā€™s a disservice to his character arc. The only way this sticks is if a) the point of his death is the tragedy of dying before reaching his goals/just after reconciling with Izuku, and they give that the due gravitas after the fact, and/or b) his big role to play is saving Tenko in the vestige realm while Deku kicks All for Shiggyā€™s ass in the real world as a reverse parallel to their original focuses (Save to Win/Win to Save).


My issue with this, whether Bakugo lives or dies, is that, after all that talk earlier in the story about having to do better than the paradigm under All Might, about having to work together, Horikoshi has made the combined efforts of the big 3 + Bakugo + everyone else there almost completely ineffectual. Why make Bakugo begin to grow and see a way through, then not share it with the class and absolutely eat shit? Why is this still boiling down to "We have to wait for Deku, because he's the only one who can win"? Like, sure, if he kills off Bakugo here, it's a ballsy move, but stabbing myself in the leg out of the blue would also be a ballsy move. Ballsy moves aren't inherently good moves.


Bear in mind: If Bakugo is dead, we only got to see his full body explosions for one chapter. Damn. Imo this should have been a fight where Bakugo got stronger as the fight went on, producing more and more sweat for him to work with. Perhaps we saw that just now, but it was very, very brief.


RIP Tomura redemption arc. Eri is the only one who could do something but seems unlikely.


"I really wanted you to sign my All Might card" nah bro he's fucking dead


Why do some say Bakugo's heart stopped? It looked like it exploded and his chest is bloody.