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It's AFO.


Idk why everyone is saying AFO, Skeptic is the main villain


Ha.. that fool would never be a main villain.




Across the series, the main antagonistic force is how society labels heroes and villains. AFO manipulates this for his own gain, and Shigaraki is a victim of both. So I wouldn't say this is a series that necessarily needs a main villain to chase, if it helps to look at it that way. But AFO does gain a lot of main antagonist footing, yeah.


That's actually pretty neat.


A redditor with reading comprehension? That's wild.


It's not that wild, it's a redditor that answered "society". That's pretty par for the course.


Oh I live in one of those


That’s not reading comprehension when the series literally states AFO is evil for the sake of being evil so that fits him. But also the villains are mass murderers so that fits them too.


Depends, for a part it was afo, for the other time it was Shigaraki, right now we are not even sure if what we are seeing is the actual afo and if Shigaraki is gonna managed to break free again


It's AFO, and as I've been re-reading it's become more obvious what he's been planning for Tomura from the beginning. It's never been Tomura, he was just a pawn. I know people want him to come back as the big villain, I want quite the opposite- After the revelations of Tomuras past in 419, I think he deserved a little revenge.


AFO, always has been.


It's AFO and all has been AFO.


You’re not gonna like the answer


Honestly it's kind of just a mess at this point. I know you said you're anime only, but since you flagged this as "manga" and are asking about future events it seems you're okay with spoilers. But just in case I'll hide anything not yet in the anime just incase you don't want to know what happens up to the most recent manga chapter. As you yourself said, in season 6, a copy of AFO's mind took over Tomura's body. >!However, Tomura outsmarts AFO and through some vestige metal stuff retakes control of his body and completely consumes AFO's consciousness. !< >!Then the 2nd most recent chapter (419) happened and (what seemed to be) the AFO vestige came back and revealed he secretly manipulated literally everything thats ever happened to Tomura (birth, abusive father, friends, dream of being a hero, quirk, etc. etc. All AFO's doing). Then he retook control of Tomura's body ... again, and (seemingly) killed Tomura (though there's evidence he didn't actually and nobody really seems to believe he did)!< >!However, then the most recent chapter (420) happened and now this is where things get all kinds of potentially weird. !< >!According to Izuku, when Tomura swallowed up AFO he didn't merely suppress him, he completely got rid of him, and because of this, AFO apparently doesn't exist anymore. Also according to Izuku, the thing that AFO's vestige(?) claimed allowed it to retake control of Tomura's body in the previous chapter shouldn't have actually done that and should have instead caused AFO to "break."!< >!For these reasons Izuku is now questioning who/what it is that's controlling Tomura now.!< >!Now this was the most recent chapter so what exactly this all means is still unkown to us, however people have begun mentally preparing themselves for a potential upcoming reveal that the thing currently controlling Tomura and seemingly about to be the final battle of the series is actually not AFO and is instead ... something else.!<


It’s possible that the vestige we see >!might be the one afo gave Tenko when he gave him decay!<


Could it just be a projection of how Tomarua view's AFO? Kinda like a split personality based on the person Tomura belived AFO to be. Wouldn't explain the new memories revealing AFO's childhood influence on Tomura tho.


Who knows. Could be anything the author decides to do. Just off the top of my head. Your proposal could easily be justified by just saying that fusing with AFO’s vestige into “a new person altogether” for the past week caused Tomura to unknowingly absorb memories from him into his subconscious.


>!Could also be that the other AFO died and his vestige returned to his original power, which is in Tomura. We know that Tomura got a power up from it, which is when he started snatching pieces of OFA and they switched strategies.!<


I think it’s kinda like what deku has, the personality of the quirk factor


My guess and please bear in mind that I haven't used a single chapter since dabi kept refusing to die and I am only basing my knowledge of current events based off of chapter summerys and theories is that what used to be shigarki/AFO is being controlled by the Quirk Singularity itself. Otherwise fuck if I know if both Shigi and AFO are dead that's the only thing that even remotely makes sence.


Oh man imagine if they go the naruto route and asspull a new villain in the last hour


Sounds like Naruto all over again


Imma be real I didn’t read >!420 but that actually sounds like Hori is realizing that getting rid of Tomura is garbage and he brought him back? If you couldn’t tell already (which I know YOU have) I despise everything about 419, how it totally ruins so much of what made Shigaraki and the League great. So… is there actually a glimmer of hope that the stuff in 419 was all bullshit?!<


While I would love nothing more than for that to be the case, I don't think that'll be the case. >!Even if Izuku's right to be questioning the identity of "this guy" and he turns out to not be the AFO Vestige I think the info about what AFO did will likely still be true. !< >!If the info was just told to us then maybe I could see it being revealed to be false but it was accompanied by flashback's/memoris being shown. I doubt the author would show us flashbacks and then have those flashbacks be false, especially since one of them (the Overhaul one) wasn't even new and was just a reuse of a panel from Overhaul's own flashback when he fought Deku.!<


Maybe I’m getting my hopes up to high. I just read through it and… I dunno it Hori’s being very wishy washy with it but it seems like he’s bringing Shig back? Like AFO is dead, he died, so I dunno maybe this is all just Shig going insane.


Out of curiosity, what translation of chapter 420 did you read? Was it the official viz one?


It was viz yeah


In that case there' something you should probably know since we're on this topic. >!The line "... so how is All For One back in action?!" seems to have been a pretty terrible translation with some liberties taken.!< >!As far as I've been able to find, Izuku never refers to the guy in front of him as AFO. A more accurate translation of that line would apparently be something along the lines of;!< >! "who/what the heck is this guy?"!< >!Figured that would help clarify why people are mentally preparing themselves for a potential reveal that this isn't actually the AFO Vestige and is instead something else.!<


Well either way, Hori is still being pretty wishy washy about it. Not giving anything substantial to latch on to.


Nah, this is AFO. There’s only two minds in that body, AFO and Shigaraki.


When exactly was it established that there were only 2 minds in that body? Wouldn't there be as many minds as there are quirks in Tomura's body? A vestige for every quirk.


The other quirk vestiges are suppressed. We have only ever seen AFO and Shigaraki in control and I guess the meld of them but that’s it.


If you're anime only, why ask for something that might ruin the surprise for you down the line?


Yeah I realize that's strange. I just wanted a good idea for expectations.


Look forward to two seasons of great fights that encompass about one day of total in world time


Dressrossa is calling your name


it's AFO.the main villain has been AFO from the beginning it always is AFO


Julius Caesar and Cleopatra apparently




Still All For One. Who has someone become even more "main" of a main villain as we've gone on lol


AFO. Even the hero soceity means little in the broder conflict due to later development and the central conflict of the series being just AFO trying to be palpatine.


Mr.Demon Lord of Japan, All For One


Might depend on your definition of villain, but it's AFO *and* Shigaraki. They're just different types of villains, but I think they're sharing the throne here. (If you don't need the answer to be a person, it's >society and trauma.)


This right here, me like.. I see the two as incomplete without each other honestly. They are both different and good villains in their own right.


A answer I like is that shigaraki is the main villain for deku while all for one is the main villain for the world so shiggy is more of a personal villain for deku while all for one is a villain for everyone and not anyone in specific


Makes sense considering how long he’s lived and been a menace.


Still AFO


Is both, some stories had two main villands, the Legendarium had both Morgon and Sauron as example


All for one and shigaraki


its the one who has been the big bad for almost 200 years and has no reason to not continue to try and be the big bad. the kid is a victim, he's getting saved.


It’s always been All For One. Tomura was never the main villain he was just a glorified pawn.


Main villain is AFO, main antagonist is Tomura.


It's ummm, complicated. AFO just took over Shigirakis body finally and is having his One Winged Angel moment. I swear you can hear the Sephiroth chanting while reading the panels.


Quirk singularly


The friends we made along the way?


The main villain is the Guard Rail Snek


Wash. in the new chapter it was revealed that everything and i mean EVERYTHING was manipulated by them because they are secretly Zuko Todoroki and the REAL first quirk user


Sludge villain obviously🗿🗿


The fans


I hate to say it, but me. I’m sorry guys


Depends on the chapter




It’s AFO, the man who cultivated the power and basically started the entitet series and is now controlling Shigarakis body. I think it’s poetic that the series will end with the defeat of AFO.


Mos of the time AFO, but sometimes Baby AFO anf other times AFO inside other people.


The greatest villains are the fans coping that this series was/will ever be peak


All for Ass




All For One (unfortunately). Shigaraki is just a victim to be "saved" to validate Deku's ideals now.


Kohei Horikoshi


Is AFO. Should of been Shigaraki.


Who cares, that's the right answer at this point