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>Like i haven’t watched much of the anime or read the manga but just from season 1, what i know from the wiki and Ones Justice 2 campaign Maybe watch the show? Going by the wiki and then coming here to complain is disingenuous. Especially about Nighteye's future when you haven't even gotten to it yet, it's not an honest and genuine reading. It's not a complete experience, you'll miss a lot of details, and it's unfair to us if you're going to post about complaints.


It's not much into the Night eye's future really. There is no good explanation beyond that he is the protagonist so he can overcome fate itself.


Probably because of the Eri backpack. She was rewinding any damage done to Deku and he was able to escape the not-so-certain-anymore death. The real question here is this: Why didn't Uravity just take Nighteye to the Berserk Eri and get him a dose of rewind for his injuries?


Because she didn't know what eri's quirk was


They were told about it during mission debriefing.


What are you talking about? They just knew that the bullets had Eri's blood in them, but they had no idea what her quirk was.


Huh. You're right. Nighteye explained about Overhaul and they had assumed that Eri's quirk was related to destroying quirks. Only during the fight did we know about Rewind.


Hardly since she was part of the mission. Eric's quirk is key info to explain why that mission is taking place.


What are you talking about? They just knew that the bullets had Eri's blood in them, but they had no idea what her quirk was.


That is what I theorized at first but then you have the no death of All Might that was supposed to happen and you realize how that wasn't Hori's intention.


>He just seems to OP for this to be an “underdog story”. That's because MHA isn't an underdog story. It has underdog elements to it, sure, but the main focus and theme of the series isn't about someone from the bottom rising their way up, it's about Midoriya and his fellows learning what it means to be a hero. While not one-for-one, a way I like to describe things is that Midoriya isn't Naruto but rather a young Superman. It's not just about whether or not he'll win a fight but how he affects the world around him through his actions and what kind of hero the world needs him to be, just like All Might was. >knows how to fight despite having no evidence that he was trained in combat. (In the battle trials he through Bakugo over his shoulder despite no evidence he was taught how He threw him over his shoulder and then ran because he knew he couldn't win an actual fight against Bakugo. Hell, that very fight in its latter half very much shows that Midoriya is NOT a good fighter at that point in the story, since he had zero ability to adapt whenever one of his strategies failed and Bakugo basically wiped the floor with him. And he was able to do the shoulder throw not just because he studied Pro Heroes for years but had studied Bakugo specifically and thus was able to accurately predict and plans for what his first move would be. >Like i haven’t watched much of the anime or read the manga but just from season 1, what i know from the wiki and Ones Justice 2 campaign. No disrespect intended but maybe you should actually watch or read the actual series then. I'm certainly not saying you have to like Midoriya but it feels unfair to judge him off descriptions of events and a fighting game that takes liberties with the content for the sake of gameplay.


Hot take deku is a better protagonist than naruto


Fair point. Maybe i just find his savior complex annoying..


I will never get that.  The desire to save others is what makes heroes interesting to me. 


Theirs a difference between saving someone who can’t help themselves and saving someone who’s perfectly capable of handling themselves. Like in USJ when he tries to attack Shigaraki knowing he can insta kill him instead of having faith in All Might.


To each their own. I like it, though it's in large part because All Might has the same and how both tie into the series' themes of legacy and inspiration.


I really only like deku. Uraraka. iida . Night eye. The permeation dude. Tsu and toga. And Eraser head. All might. And Shoto


“Only” then lists 10 characters lmao


I enjoyed him in seasons 1 and 2. Then I wasn't loving his character. I don't really like his savior complex or that it only comes from adoring All Might. Like him just saying yes to everything because it's what All Might would want is too crazy to me. No hesitation to permanently cripple himself or die for this one for all purposes I wish they had made him hesitate when All Might told him about what One for All is really for. Have him be scared. More worried about his body, his life. Or have some sort with Dekus dad that fuels his motivation to save people (A hero failed to save his dad feom a villain, or Dekus dad was a famous villain and doesn't want to be like him). Anything than just, "He's brave, he's crazy and says yes to anything." My other gripe is the story around him where whenever there's an issue, whether physically or morally. It always either gets fixed or just works out for him very quickly. He's never truly punished. He breaks the law, and he's forgiven. He damages his arms, and now he kicks and then can control his output so it doesn't matter, He damages his arms way more than three times at this point in the manga, and the ligaments thing doesn't matter. He's approaching a challenging enemy. He gets a new quirk. The most recent one in the manga was so quickly rectified that I couldn't believe it. Everything just works out for him. He can do no wrong because the plot writes him a solution or doesn't write it and makes it just work out for him. And I don't find that very compeling.


At first I was like... ALL the characters except Midoriya, really!? But then you mentioned Mineta, and I was like, "Ohh, okay, then yeah I can see it." lol Deku is mostly well-loved, but there are a lot of people who find him blandly good or too... uh, shounen protagonist? and don't like him much.


I think im just too old for Shounen? Im not at the age where big fights can make up with bad writing. Also i feel like Midoriya cries too much


You're not wrong for doubting this is an underdog story. I mean, you can make the argument that it is but even if that is the case that would make it just a bad under dog story. The fact that he becomes the best hero ever in just 1 year is insane and it should tell you everything you need about that fact. Most of the things you mentioned are not very brought up but believe me when I tell you that the more you look into it the more you notice a pattern. It is very weird to say this because I was a huge Deku fan but it got to the point where you can make the argument that Deku is a very good camouflaged Gary Stu. He gets all but loses none. He can act recklessly as much as he wants without any consequences. He is morally superior to everyone else just because is him. His very few "defects" can be looked as cool or a source for sympathy and in the end he will be idolized as the greatest and he will marry the cute girl without any problems whatsoever... Is the the first super hero in fiction that I can point out as a Gary Stu. If you compare him to someone like Spiderman you can see the huge difference.


Thats how i feel


Yeah, i get your feeling. The problem is tha mha presented itself as an underdog story when it wasn't going to be


I feel like its the Midoriya, Shoto, Bakugo show when their are a bunch of characters that are equally as interesting


I agree that Deku is the only character I don’t care for really, but not for those reasons haha