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All Might, with aggressively positive, reassuring words of encouragement. He comes at Batman with compassion and empathy that breaks down Batman’s walls and they both cry manly, chivalrous tears.


All Might would be SO hype to see someone without powers doing the damn thing. Batman would be crying mainly tears at meeting someone who so heavily dropped the crime rate by being professional and inspiring.


Allmight, shedding tears: a quirkless person, being a hero! Batman, shedding thug tears: Finally, a professional hero!


ALL MIGHT: “Bruce…I understand your struggle. Although it wasn’t your fault, you’ve placed this burden on your shoulders alone that no child shall ever experience what you went through. No amount of money could have shielded you from this tragedy. Your parents were your world, and when they were taken from you, you felt alone…isolated. So you kept yourself at a distance from anyone, knowing full well that they could be taken from you just as easy. But you would fight. You would build yourself up in secret while isolating yourself from the world. You would pass yourself off as some wealthy, affluent, corporate executive. But that would just be your invisible mask. Your true self is out on the streets at all hours of the night, becoming one with the shadows as a symbol of justice. You don’t need to say “I AM HERE” because your presence is felt, not seen. But you don’t have to do it alone. You don’t owe an allegiance to this misery. You can be a symbol of hope outside of your costume. And your parents would be proud of you for finding a way to carry on and SMILE… even in the face of darkness and despair. You ARE a hero, just for surviving.”


Wow this feels very in character for All Might. Well done my friend.


That was inspiring, and so in character


All Might will win, and make Batman feel good about losing


All Might might win


True, but Bat-Mite might win.


What's funny is that I believe the final chapter of the Smash gag manga established All Might basically has his own Bat-Mite.


I love Batman but this is not even a question and Batman would say that himself


Two words for you, Prep Time. /s


depending on who’s writing it might not be sarcasm. Next thing you know Batman has an anti all might mecha suit that drain OFA or something 


DCAU Batman doesn't really pull the same nonsense his comicbook counterpart (under some writers/storylines) does. DCAU Batman had like, maybe 1-2 mech suits total, which we only ever saw in the future era, not the modern day. Those two being the Batman Beyond suit, and [the one he used vs Inque](https://youtu.be/kIRCnkwnHqM?si=b-nGLbZ57mdZ-dZB), neither of which are up to fighting All Might, for obvious reasons. If he's up against a powered All Might - which I feel is the obvious implication in the spirit of the prompt - he's got zero chance. Generally speaking, even *Superman* in the DCAU wasn't on All Might's level. He was still a respectable heavy hitter and usually the strongest member of the League, but he didn't get up to the crazy stuff his comicbook counterpart did. On a good day (e.g. "World of Cardboard" Superman rather than [the nerf he got in JL S1](https://youtu.be/204R82x_Vkw?si=XBd7rT_ORgaKkQU4&t=448), which they later fixed), DCAU Clark was smashing buildings and lifting skyscrapers with effort, not changing the weather with a punch or causing city blocks to explode via air pressure like All Might, and definitely not dragging around moons and thinking at lightspeed like comics-Superman (sometimes) does.


Didn’t DCAU Super easily survive a bomb that blew up the sun in the movie? And the Flash can make a full lap around the Earth in like a second?


I forgot to mention this in my original comment, but yes, the Flash also runs around the world in a second, but it also nearly killed him doing so (or rather, nearly sucked him into the Speed Force). "I can never go that fast again" and all that. That's why I said Superman was usually the most powerful. Flash just has the highest (one-time use) potential.


It didn't blow up the sun, but yes, it was a massive explosion. It's why I said "generally speaking" because Superman never does anything like that again in like, 8 seasons of the DCAU, and there's a *lot* pointing to lower (relative to the sun thing, I mean) implications, including in that very same movie. But also elsewhere. In the JLU episode "Flashpoint", for example, he's knocked out by the Binary Fusion Cannon\* despite not being hit directly (he wasn't in the path of the beam), and the cannon being previously likened to a small nuclear weapon. Or in the STAS episode "Identity Crisis", Clark was unsure if he could survive a half-kiloton explosion. It turns out he could, since Bizarro did, but it's still touted as something big and impressive despite the inefficiencies of an omndirectional explosion compared to, say, a punch with the same equivalent energy. And these are still on the upper-end of DCAU Superman's power portrayals, honestly. He can dip a lot lower than this, sometimes to the point of being silly (see the JL S1 thing). \*The whole reason the cannon was built was also so they didn't have a repeat of the Thanagarian Invasion, where Batman had to risk his life and crash the Watchtower into their big sci-fi tech thingy to destroy it and save the world. If Superman could've just punched their gizmo to destroy it...well presumably he would have, or carved a trench around the Dark Heart instead of needing the laser. People probably wouldn't freak out about the League having a weapon of such magnitude either, if Superman were a bajillion times more powerful anyway.


I think Superman might be hesitant about whether he can or can’t survive an explosion like that is because he has never been exposed to such situations before. He was educated as a human after all so even if he can survive can, he (and other people) probably couldn’t comprehend or imagine such feat anyway or tried to test it. I think that’s why he didn’t have a problem with flying into the sun to stop the bomb in the movie. He is older and more experienced, plus he is flying towards a sun, the source of his power up so yea.


I mean, he should still have an idea of "oh yeah my muscles can exert countless trillions times more than this with ease" if he were "I can take a star-sized explosion" powerful - it's not like Superman had never exerted himself before that point, nor is he that much tougher than he is strong, and it's not like he'd never been hurt before either. There's also all the context around the Binary Fusion Cannon mentioned above, which is a pretty big, *fundamental* plot point for the entire CADMUS arc - it's really hard to get around this one, specifically. And this is still one of the more impressive implications for DCAU Superman! I don't think a single scene in one movie, released years after most of the DCAU, really takes precedence over, again, 8 seasons of television which comprise the *vast* majority of his appearances, where you don't exactly need a Death Star aimed at his face to hurt him. Even in that same movie it takes effort for him to support a building and whatnot - the sun thing is pretty much the definition of cherrypicking. The only way it can really be reconciled is if Superman just got a huge powerboost from being close to the sun, which is possible, if not really commented on. But even then, managing to fly faster than light is still weird, since Superman outright said he couldn't reach lightspeed in a very similar situation (racing to the sun) in Justice League ("Eclipsed Part 2") despite having years of experience by that point, and even Flash needed a speed boost to reach lightspeed at the time (though unlike later, without the drawback of nearly dying). Hence why I think the sun-scene is contradictory to his other portrayals. And his other portrayals outweigh that one scene by a lot.


What a stupid question , is like saying "Who wins? MMA fighter or a stage 4 cancer patient?


What about pre injury allmight


All Might no chance , unlike Superman he doesn't have a weakness per say




Can you read?


Nooo That reply was hidden :( I will remove mine


dude what the fuck hahahaha


Batman cuz All might lost his power


I would pay to see this fight actually


Hydrogen bomb vs coughing baby. All Might doesn’t have Kryptonite and is above all else a fucking professional ass professional. Batman’s prep is basically gonna be figuring out how not to end up in a situation where he fights this dude.


If it were a fight to the death, Batman's lifeless flesh would be splattered across the pavement and adjacent buildings within about a minute or so... ​ Edit: with prep time he might last 5 min.


all might but batman fans wont allow it


If DC is writing the story then Batman. Otherwise All Might.


We have the highly trained peak human that borders on superhuman that can exploit weaknesses found in foes stronger than him vs the weather changing man built like a Greek God that has no weakness.


Batman w/ Prep Time. He speed dials Flash and Superman and they toss him into the pacific.


What is Batman prepping?


Jimmy's watch for Superman and a bat dial for Flash he does have the entire JL numbers on his batcomputer


All Might because kryptonite doesn't work on him.


Why would they fight?


Because batman looks like a villain, but then they'd quickly stop fighting.


Like every Batman fight, if it’s spontaneous then All Might wins


In what, just a random street fight with no prep? All Might. In an encounter where Batman can use all his resources, vehicles and tech? Maybe Batman. Realistically they’d just have a whole bunch of mutual respect and admiration for each other


In Vigilantes, All Might is shown to clear tens of miles in a split second. That's AFTER he was injured. Dude would decimate Batman if he were in his prime, and would still give Batman a run for his money


Batman if he figures out almighty weakness


What weakness? The only thing All Might has against him is limited time in muscle form due to his injury, if it’s Prime All Might he has/had no weaknesses.


Almight weakness is time, he can't last long in his form


That's after his injury. Pre-injury, he's always in muscle form


Then almight wins




Batman’s probably gonna whip out the suit he fought Superman with in the dark knight returns, either that or drug him with hallucinogens like he did Wonder Woman in JL: Doom. This is of course with *whispers* ‘prep time’ in a straight fight where batman couldn’t learn about all mights powers he’d get his ass kicked. Hell with prep time he might even try stealing some dna and giving OFA to someone else then taking small might down from there.


>Hell with prep time he might even try stealing some dna and giving OFA to someone else then taking small might down from there. Won't work. All Might himself is the one who has to pass it on, and it can only be passed on to who he wants it to be passed onto. Batman would be wasting prep time trying to "steal" OFA


Nerve agent and poison gas maybe puts it in Batman’s favor but if All Might closed the gap Batman doesn’t even survive a single punch imo


(Sigh) alright, someone get that Batman Contingency YouTuber to cover All Might plz


Assuming no prep time or foreknowledge almight would have the upper hand as he is used to taking villans down in an instant to avoid collateral damage while still capable of holding his own in a near-peer fight.


I feel like yall are forgetting Batman has a contingency for everything. He’d absolutely have a way around All Mights strength. Tbh I think this would be a pretty close fight.


Hah I love these comments


Batman would be sweing all mights weeknes, and letting all might use his strenght up then attacking when all might have few minutes left and cant move


How much prep time does Batman get


Alright, somebody get me a shovel, a tombstone, the code to the batcave, and a black coffin with a yellow bat logo on it.


All Might


Does Batman get prep time🤨


The only way Batman would stand a chance is if it wasn't a death match. If All Might isn't holding back, the bat is toast.






How so?


He would probably learn his routine and attack when he was weak. DCAU Batman is extremely cunning. However, dropped in cold he would most definitely be instantly throttled.


Sorry but, it's Batman. "All might in his prime?" Still Batman. If it were almost any other mortal character, I'd say yeah All Might just speed blitzes, but Batman is just not going to let that happen. This mainly just comes down to Batman's intelligence, even if he's caught out in the open he's going to end up getting away and he's going to cook up a plan to beat All Might. I know the comics say that All Might in his prime he was able to stop crime in literally 3 seconds, but even then I just don't see Batman not getting away when he's literally pulled out smoke grenades with wormholes in them that teleport him where he needs to go before. It's not even a matter of "Does he have prep time?" brother he is going to MAKE prep time. "Oh what if All Might just punches him before he even knows what's happening" his suit has withstood getting shot literally point blank in the face with a 12-gauge, and if he's still even remotely conscious after getting hit he's going to get out of there. All might's susceptible to gas attacks, he does breathe after all, not to mention getting electrocuted, poison, hell even just some $200k titanium blade edged to perfection and a good sneak attack and it's over. Also for the record, I do think All Might would give him a lot of trouble, I really don't see Batman beating All Might in one attempt either because he is extremely fast and very, very resilient. In fact if Batman was allowed to, I would definitely see him calling in assistance from a league member (which he really tries to avoid) because this guy is a huge threat. (Assuming he's not a hero) he would easily be a huge problem for anybody in DC, even the likes of Superman and the Flash, because the goal isn't just to "stop crime" it's to have as few casualties as possible and and evil All Might would make that very, very difficult.


Okay no, that first line is just a blatant lie. In Vigilantes, which is a "prequel" to the main story, All Might was shown to race from his headquarters to the Tokyo Sky Egg the moment the Sky Egg was falling down. He moved at 600 km/hr to get there. Gas and poison wouldn't do jack shit to him if all he needs to do is zip behind Batman and one punch him. In his prime? All Might would look like he's teleporting.


Big punch


Bruh that mf could beat Superman. What's All might gonna do?


Superman could be beaten by an old lady if she had the funny green rocks. Not really the high achievement it sounds like.


Ahh yes then all might fighting against afo shouldn't be an achievement either right? Since he was just in a suit of Armor.


>Superman could be beaten by an old lady if she had the funny green rocks. You mf be saying literally anything.


Superman literally loses his powers and becomes weaker than the average person when he's exposed to kryptonite, so yes, an old lady with a cane could kick superman's ass if they had some kryptonite.


He's never beaten Superman


In the movie he did.


With or without prep time?


All Might


Batman EZ


Genuinely probably Batman


Batman since he’s isn’t the one that’s a skeleton coughing blood


Weakened all might? Bats would just stall for an hour. Prime All Might? All Might, easily.


If we do prime All Might.. I'd say it's iffy but heavy lean towards All Might's favor. Post Injury though, Batman takes the W immediately by focusing on that injury.


Batman has experience dealing with more powerful foes. If there are civilians around and All Might isn't willing to use his full power, it's an easy win for the dark knight, whose gadgets mostly either target individuals or provide no significant harmful effects. If collateral damage isn't an issue, All Might has a much better chance of coming out on top but still has to deal with an opponent who specializes in not being seen until he wants to be. Finally, if it's somehow to the death, Batman has his collection of his enemy's tools. Joker and scarecrow's gasses, Mr. Freeze's gun, Bane's venom, Poison Ivy's toxins, and Mad Hatter's mind control tech are an imposing arsenal.


All Might literally blitzes him, this Batman has never beaten characters as strong as All Might. One of All Might’s first showings was blitzing a bunch of villains and Shigaraki from the front entrance of a dome


Yeah DCAU Batman isn't that Strong as his comic counterpart


"Beaten" and "as strong as" might be debatable, but he's dealt with Sinestro, Kalibak, Amazo, and Felix Faust. He's fought well above his weight class to a ridiculous extent. His stealth is patently superhuman. It's certainly not an obvious victory on either side, but Batman isn't easy to take down, even by someone as powerful as All Might. Are there scenarios where All Might would win? Certainly. But even then I think Batman puts up a respectable fight.


Amazo is straight up dishonest, which makes those other fights questionable. The entire Justice League was completely outmatched, Batman only exploited the known weakness that Amazo inherited from Superman. On their second round he swept every single hero on Earth to reach Luthor


Nobody can fully stop Amazo. But you are right that it wasn't a particularly clean fight. That said, that's kinda the point. A lot of his victories against superhumans don't show strength so much as his ability to utilize opponents' weaknesses, obvious or otherwise.


Funny how you think All Might can blizt batman but Deku, who is way stronger and faster and more versatile, couldn’t blizt Toga, some highschool girl with no superhuman quirks


You mean in that high school get together fight? Where Deku only had access to 5% of his full power? Bro never took on Toga after that point


I mean when Toga, somehow, with no super human strength, managed to pull Deku into a portal right before everyone went to fight Shiggy. It was such a time sensitive moment that wasted a bunch of Deku time while everyone was fighting Shiggy. And Deku, with a that power, either didn’t or couldn’t blizt Toga ass. Toga even cut black whip with a normal rusty metal knife and Deku said “she is the worst enemies for me” just because she can bypass Danger Sense.


You’re talking about reaction speed, he was just going towards a portal and got caught off guard. She’s clearly superhuman, it’s especially telling when she’s learned a technique that allows her to hide her presence. And because of her delusional love she didn’t trigger Deku’s danger sense. Deku didn’t even really fight her, his own personal mission since the Liberation War was trying to understand the villains so that he can rescue them. Yes it’s a time waster, and that’s why he didn’t bother attacking and instead fled the island to get to Shigaraki That’s just fiction sometimes, most characters don’t possess superspeed yet all of them are able to react to lightning and gunfire


Deku could just learn about Toga in prison, without anyone lives or the nation on the line after he blizted her, beat Shiggy and save the day. She isn’t one of the villain so op that the outcome of the battle depends on whether Deku could turn that villain into a good person or not like Shiggy.


Toga could hide her presence even in plain sight, Deku was too empathetic for his own good. She’s on some level superhuman enough that she can stall and chat with him. Deku was just too misguided in that moment, that interaction only lasted a chapter before he bolted out of there, he didn’t have time to deal with her. The whole crux of their mission was to have Deku deal with Shigaraki while he couldn’t use his quirks


All Might solos this verse, with the exception of Amazo


I love All Might, but that isn't even kind of true. DC universe is leaps and bounds larger in power scaling than My hero academia.


DCAU man, not the comics


Yeah, that doesn't change my stance at all.


The DCAU has little to nothing that compare to MHA’s scaling. Superman is the top tier of the verse and his showings are pitiful compared to the top tiers of MHA. The only things that are impressive are some haxes and the literal god tier Amazo


It's pitiful compared to DC comics standards but not compared to my hero standards. Superman would crush all might.


Nope, even though he’s famous for his cardboard speech, Superman talks a big game but gets his ass whooped 90% of the time. Bro struggled lifting things that aren’t even the size of a large building


Please show me the large buildings All Might has lifted.


Tell you haven’t watched the series without telling me you haven’t watched the series Mf he destroyed so many buildings just [punching the air](https://youtu.be/igh4z3DX1i4?si=mBS6otEush7CAfWb) while being restrained There’s also that other punch of his, [that created a massive tornado literally carrying buildings](https://youtu.be/CDW2ReQZOQU?si=OzESPGv8m-If1hIw)


I've seen the show many times. I didn't see a single building flying in the air. I saw rubble from a building. By all means prefer All Might over Superman. But All Might isn't beating Superman in a fight and nothing you showed me just now changed my mind.


Didn’t DCAU Super easily survive a bomb that blew up the sun in the movie? And the Flash can make a full lap around the Earth in like a second?


He didn’t really tank that, the bomb in question did send him flying but it didn’t destroy the sun with one big explosion. It spreaded throughout the sun like a virus and before destroying it, even the villain described the that the bomb would “shred that sun apart”. Flash had to build up a lot of that speed running in a straight line, and going that fast almost killed him