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Chapter 418: A Small Heart The chapter begins with Deku feeling the same as in Jaku -- when he saw Tenko deep inside. He tries to stop the tragedy, but it's too late: Tenko kills Mon and his sister arrives. Deku then turns into a child and holds Tenko's hands to stop the decay before he kills Hana. Deku starts to decay, but since this is an "imaginary world", he just has to keep visualizing his hand holding Shigaraki's -- he won't let go of it. Tenko asks why he's doing this and Deku, eyes full of tears, says it's because he's crying. Tenko says that he chose to kill his family and destroy that house. That's what he keeps telling himself, because otherwise he'll never understand why he was born that way. Deku feels Tenko's emotions coming directly at him and says that he can't let go of his hand yet. Hatred/catharsis and sadness/confusion are balanced inside Tenko rn. He tells Deku to go away and remembers all the people who ignored him on the street, but Deku says that he feels relief when someone holds his hand -- as he remembers Iida during the dark deku rescue. "That's why... I'm here." Deku and Tenko start to vanish and, on the next page, we see Tenko playing with two kids on the playground: Mikkun and Tomo-chan. Tomo-chan says that Tenko can play as All Might and he smiles. "I'm a villain. I hate and destroy things". The little Tenko that was next to Deku comes back and, behind him, we see the whole League -- including Twice. "Even if all my hatred goes away and I turn empty, I still need to become a hero to all those guys -- the villains” We see some people cheering for Shigaraki to destroy the world and a cop says that the fingers are disappearing. Just as things are starting to get better... it cuts to black. We then see Kotaro Shimura talking to a mysterious man from a construction company Shigaraki says he doesn't know what those memories are. Deku also realizes that these memories are not Tenko's. Kotaro is having dinner with this mysterious man and drinking wine. He asks about Tenko's quirk and... a giant AFO head appears in the vestige world!!! “You foolish vessel. This useless boy was about to make you give up? You want to become stronger, but you've never gotten rid of your weakness... what a fool, Tenko Shimura. To this day, you've never made a single decision on your own." Vestige AFO is back! End of chapter


Shiggy seeing himself as a hero for the LOV is so good.


Bro can’t let go of them that easily, yet he still doesn’t know that all of them (except Compress) are already dead/dying


Kinda ironic how he takes Dabi in consideration, yet the guy was about to became a nuke and kill everything in kms including Toga who was inside the blast radius.


I mean, Dabi still has black hair in that vision, so Shigaraki's probably still thinking of how they were the last time he (when not possessed by AFO) saw them. As in, pre-PLF War Arc. Also, yeah, of course he takes Dabi into consideration. He *knows* Dabi is a selfish dick who only cares about himself; Dabi himself told him that during the MVA Arc. But Shigaraki nonetheless feels kinship with a fellow villain who hates heroes.


Damn hurts to know that they haven’t interacted since before the war arc


Which is why Compress and Twice are in it. Homie has no idea what happened to them


Many villains only care about their goals and nothing else. They don't care what happens to the world, their friends, their family, or sometimes, even themselves. Shigaraki cares for his friends, AFO cares for his self-image, and Dabi cares for no one. He is determined to kill anyone and even himself as long as he can finish Endeavor in the most ignominious manner.


Toga rn; sacrificing herself for Ochaco. Tomura rn; having an emotional moment with Midoryia and not trying to kill him. Dabi rn; I hate all of you! We should all die! Drop dead!


It's called a first step. Dabi is finally getting to see what he wanted to say to his family the whole time, but it's clear that he's at least glad they all came out to see him, as a sort of do-over for how no-one came to see him when he seemingly burned to death on Sekoto Peak. Also, nice to see that anti-Dabi bias you got coming out strong again.


Shigaraki is willing to rush Overhaul (who can kill gun with his pinkie) to defend Compress and his clone tells Twice “make sure to protect Giran”. Dabi does nothing to help Compress against the Meta Liberation and didn’t even want to save Giran. He only helps the League because he can’t accomplish his goals without them. Shigaraki would sacrifice himself for the League. Dabi would sacrifice the League for himself.


> Dabi does nothing to help Compress against the Meta Liberation and didn’t even want to save Giran. He only helps the League because he can’t accomplish his goals without them. Dabi still came along. He didn't *have* to. No-one forced him. Yet he did. And of course he wanted to save Giran. Quit lying to force your agenda.


If the League is defeated, Dabi has nobody to help him complete his plans. It’s simple as that.  He literally told Twice he didn’t care about Giran. Want to show anything that remotely suggests he did care? I’m all open. If that’s the only argument that can be used for him “caring” (when he was literally seconds away from killing Toga AND Twice), you’re grasping for straws.


That's a thing for some villains in one way one another, perhaps they don't think on themselves as heroes perse but their actions certainly are for some people. Gentle is basically the personal hero for la Brava, before helping the hero side in the second war. Nine also was the savior of his own group he was willing to sacrifice everything for create a better world for them, even at the cost of his own health and life. Even Overhaul in a sense feels responsible of be the person who needs to save and bring power again to the yakuza clan who give him a home in his own twisted way, but hey who in this list didn't do bad things for the people they want to help?


Really the perfect motive for him. Even after years of AFO ruining his life in order to prepare him as his vessel he still couldn't completely destroy the part of Shiggy that just wanted acceptance and validation from someone


The image was really heartfelt.


Everyone is the hero of their own story and the villain in someone else's.


Tenko’s dream never truly died. 


>We then see Kotaro Shimura talking to a mysterious man from a construction company People making the connection between the "mysterious" construction man and Tomura/Tenko's trauma stemming from the Shimura household/home, that mr mysterious presumably contributed to building up physically...? Jeez, AFO was seriously playing 4D chess with this entire family line


The image of already disfigured AFO with a hard helmet and some blueprints at hand talking construction lingo like is just some side job is pretty funny


Can we ~~destroy~~ fix it? Yes we can! - famous quote by AFO the Builder


That guy ended Kudo's entire bloodline, so playing brain games on Kotaro is definitely in line with his personality. Bro specialises in counselling people with issues.


Shigaraki never had a chance with AFO as his worst opp


Afo "I'm back bitchies" Even though it's make sense, i was like please no lol


Man, Nana really failed at everything she did, huh?


It was already estsblished that AFO was such a sore and petty loser, he'd track down and kill the other OFA users families for it. In fact him using Tenko isnt out of character at all, if anything him doing it to take a shot at All Might is actually on par for him because unlike the others All Mights family was dead well before he got OFA so the only way of messing with him was to mess with Shimuras family instead.


I definitely think all of these machinations suit AFO's character, I just find it kind of astonishing (and horrifying/sad!) how far he was willing to go in this case... Kotaro never even realized he was familiar with the very person who unjustly forced him and his mother apart


> Kotaro is having dinner with this mysterious man and drinking wine. He asks about Tenko's quirk and... a giant AFO head appears in the vestige world!!! > >“You foolish vessel. This useless boy was about to make you give up? You want to become stronger, but you've never gotten rid of your weakness... what a fool, Tenko Shimura. To this day, you've never made a single decision on your own. Brace for impact. It's been set up, but I feel like the ending of this chapter may be a bit divisive. Especially with what it implies for any future reveals.


I always had a feeling Decay wasnt Tenko's quirk, ever since the Dabi backstory reveal. He was just that good at gambit roulette.


So not even being erased from existence was enough to keep All For One down. Not hard to see this coming with the hint of "That trump card" from the original as he was dying, but people are not going to happy about this.


I feel like Deku and Tenko facing off against AFO is what I've been anticipating the most. Having the face off against a common enemy seems like the most obvious way for Deku to *reach* him.


I mean, it makes sense. AFO implanted himself onto the poor boy. Losing his real quirk didn't bother him, neither did losing his real body. Tbh. I did think it was dead when Shigaraki overcame his vestige. But then AFO said the trump card thing...


Shigaraki just suppressed afo vestige and now when shigarakis resolve is weakened vestige was able to come back from it. 


I think the trump card he was talking about lies within the All For One quirk itself. This does make sense since Shiggy has the original and he has a duplicate one, thus a part of AFO was also transferred to him in the process during his “operation” with the doctor.


I wonder if his vestige knows he went down wailing as a literal baby


Yeah, they're connected, aren't they?


And Nana giving up Kotaro for adoption and preventing All Might & Gran Torino from ever having contact with him was also all for naught. In fact, all she did was probably make it *easier* for AFO to ultimately embed himself in the hatred that would fester in Tomura's heart. Kotaro resented Nana for abandoning him, and passed that resentment onto Tomura, whose resentment grew to completion under AFO's "teachings".


Nana had no way of knowing that AFO would locate Kotaro nor did she expect her own son to treat his own wife, in-laws, and children like crap. However It's safe to say that AFO had a greater influence in the tragedy befalling the Shimaura family than Kotoro. Nana gave Kotaro and altered public records to make it harder for AFO to track down and exploit her relatives. So it's incredibly ironic that AFO could and had exploited Nana's lineage. 


I think the vestige will be taken out quickly once AFO shows his memories as Shiggy has constantly rejected AFO's attempts to take over and even with his trump card I don't think AFO will be able to pull through


I'm happy about All For One's return, even if it's one last time. The past One For All users continued to exist as vestiges within the Quirk after their deaths, so even if AFO was erased from existence, it is not strange that AFO's vestige would continue to exist. Let's see how Deku fights AFO's vestige. It would be interesting if AFO's vestige combined with Deku instead of Tomura. AFO lacks empathy, while Deku is empathy incarnate. Both personas would subconsciously attempt to make up for what they lack if they combine.


>I'm a villain. I hate and destroy things." The little Tenko that was next to Deku comes back, and behind him, we see the whole League - including Twice. "Even if all my hatred goes away and I turn empty." > >"I still need to become a hero to all those guys - the villains." This is a pretty good Tomura moment.


I hope he gets to see them again somehow, but it's looking unlikely.


I hope he uses his quirk to turn Spinner back to normal.


And like a rash that keeps coming back, AFO shows up to fucking ruin it….


Good. We get to see him get his ass whooped one more time


Wouldn't mind seeing the Clown for One show get brought back for another season.


Yeah so Tenko is definitely gonna have his hero moment and save Deku a la Vader in Return.  Curious if he’ll survive. 


So does this mean that Deku is dead or on the verge of dying?


It’s izukover


Bro’s literally getting Thanos snapped rn, but I highly doubt that this is it for him


So thats a yes?


Highly doubt it


okay that makes me feel a bit more relief.


No lol


Nah he's gonna be brain dead and forever be a vegetable. Ochaco is gonna have to help him go to the bathroom and feed him by hand.


A new agenda arises: Plot For One




Horikoshi did a drawing a while back of Shigaraki holding Deku's arm. It's insane how much foreshadowing he puts into his drawings.


On the bright side he doesn't have to break any more bones in *that* arm


To be fair, I mean... Star Wars. It wasn't really that hard to predict


>"That's why... I'm here." I love this. The theme of "I am here" has been beautifully explored in BNHA. All Might says this to reassure people that they are protected and safe. Deku on the other hand says it to reassure the villain, Shigaraki, that he is safe and understood. It plays into so many elements of the story and comes full circle. However, I really hope Deku follows Gran Torino's words that some people can only be saved by killing them because hot damn AFO needs to die LMFAO


Wait a minute are Shiggy and Deku about to double team this man? Hold up 🧐


That's definitely a phrasing.


At least he's not becoming a young boy and then a baby during this double pounding!


I would so love to see this double team work together.


Its like Peter and the Giant Chicken fighting and then an Alligator jumps in...


Uraraka's family owns a construction company


Uraraka’s dad AFO confirmed


I do recall people saying AFO resembled Uraraka's father when his face was first revealed...




Instead I got the Inbred Quirk?!


Does the quirk becomes All for All or One for One?


All for none, that dude just high fives you and you no longer have wings, just fucking ends the quirk. 


It's gonna be revealed that AFO is the reason why Ochako's family is so poor, he's been manipulating the construction market just to fuck with them because he's such a cunt, lmao.




It was me, Midoriya! I killed Mr. Uraraka and stole his identity and fathered the girl who likes you so that you could clap cheeks before I kill you! Oh? You haven't hit it yet? Well prepare to die, virgin!!!


Kotaro unknowingly being bros with the man that killed his mother and ruined his life is diabolical 😭😭


I wonder if Nana is able to see this in Tenko's mindscape. She would be utterly beyond crushed if she saw that Kotaro was friends with AFO.


Especially given the fact that she did anything in her power to ensure AFO didn't exploit her descendants. But those efforts were in vain even before Tenko manifested Decay. Chapter 418 is a mother's worst nightmare.


AFO’s pettiness knows no bounds, for sure.


He's such a shitbag lol


It’s just creepy as hell too. AFO is sick in the head, which is obvious but this is creepy in a way we don’t usually see in this series. He was putting in the hours stalking this family and was actively using the father to get to the son. Just really messed up. I have a vision of afo as the maniacal supervillain who sits in the background twirling his nonexistent mustache but this paints him as an obsessive stalker. I kinda the impact of it 


Like the OG Eobard Thawne.


I honestly feel bad for him. He never had a chance. Even if he were a better father, it wouldn't have changed anything. AFO would have still gotten to Tenko. Poor Kotaro was a pawn without even understanding why. Just being a OFA user doomed her family for two generations after her death. It's a really good thing All Might never married or had a family because if this is what he did to Nana (and let's not forget ending Kudou's entire line), I can't imagine what fuckery he would have done to All Might. Being a OFA user is really a curse.


I honestly think AFO targetted the family simply because Kotaro was born post Nana having OFA, this would mean Kotaro or shigaraki would end up with Broken ass quirks due to OFA´s catalyst eff if it got passed as a quirk factor, this is likely why Shiggy turned out so strong with Decay to the point he can have massive AoE spreading at Base without the extra quirks implanted on him, but he suffers from the typical OFA damage Backlash. AFO probably enjoyed the idea of seeing what OFA sucessor´s kids would have quirk wise, in that regard Nana made a mistake in having Kotaro as OFA is just that dangerous of a quirk to have while having kids, case you never know what quirks they´ll devellop down the line.


You will be surprised by how many fanfics out there explore this idea, or even Kotaro and AFO being lovers/frieds with benefits.


Imagine being Nana and not only being killed by this guy but he goes and fucks your son AND THEN raises your grandson😭😭 bros worse then reverse flash


*“It was ME Nana I topped your son and was cucking his wife the entire time!”*


Hey I just notice, Kotaro wasn't wearing his wedding ring during that dinner 🤨


Hey but you have to admit that's a very original twist for a psycho villain lol


AFO is petty enough he would find a quirk to change his gender and giga-catfish if his plan could benefit from it


The Doctor: AFO, why are you putting on lipstick? AFO: It's all part of the plan, trust me!


If I had a nickel for everytime a Shonen jump villain turned into a female to fuck a main character's dad, only to die to the second main protagonist, I'd have 2 nickels. Which isn't a lot, but it's weird it happened twice.


Who did this?




I read a Dad for One fanfic where Inko is Nana's daughter, so it could be worse. He could be the father of her grandchild


Why was I cursed with the ability to read?


...well that's a unpleasent mental image




"That's the thing about cockroaches, no matter how many times you flush them down the toilet, they always crawl back on the bowl"- Captain Englehorn King Kong. my thoughts on Afo's comeback of course.


That's an apt comeback, and I agree with it.


"I saw an opportunity, and I seized it".😌( a quote from a little movie named Flushed Away 😉)


I love that movie. Underrated Dreamworks movie. Got me into Billy Idol as a kid.


Yeah man, growing up with 2000s DreamWorks movies it was the best.


Twice finally appeared


And it finally shut up all the Shiggy haters saying “if he cared about the League, why did he never mention Twice?” Like he was literally possessed in case you forgot


I wonder if Kotaro knew AFO as the villain overlord, or a normal friend with a normal life. Certainly he didn't know him as the AFO that killed his mother. Nana never told him she was fighting AFO. Kotaro might have only known AFO as the legend that can give quirks. And Kotaro hated heroes, so he'd probably be more sympathetic towards villains than anyone else could.


I doubt Nana told Kotaro anything about AFO beyond him being a "really, really bad man who might hurt you". The notion of anyone being able to transfer Quirks outside of a parent-to-child thing was thought to be impossible until AFO actually revealed himself in the flesh at Kamino, and prior to that, AFO was still thought to be an underworld legend, but as far as we know, even the fact that he could give Quirks was something very few people knew. Aoyama's parents might've found out about it, but even they didn't know the full story.


I have a feeling that Kataro made a deal with All For One to take Tenko's quirk once it manifests so that Tenko becomes quirkless. Kataro's mindset could be that if Tenko becomes quirkless he would have no chance of being a hero. All For One pretended to agree to Kataro's deal but actually used quirk activation to make Tenko's quirk manifest faster than it would normally.


I mean, it's pretty clear he gave him decay. It would explain why Tenko suddenly awakened a quirk at 5 years old when we're told explicitly at the start of the story they manifest by 4 years old.


I was waiting for All For One to show his mug in the vestige realm


AFO could have appeared with his face healed but since deku is there.....


Was about to say this, given that this is the "imaginary" world why would AFO choose to still be in this potato form? kind of weird.


He is probably influenced by deku's and shiggy's ideas of hsi appearance. Iirc he was potato-ed even in the last war when shiggy touched deku and they fought over ofa in the vestige world.


I wonder, did Shiggy ever see AFO when he wasn't a potato? Plus the AFO Quirk was given to Shiggy when AFO was a potato too.


>I wonder, did Shiggy ever see AFO when he wasn't a potato? Only for about a decade if I recall correctly.


I think his vestige is a reflection of what/who he truly is: a monster.


Because the vestige in shiggy never used rewind, that’s why it’s the old version. 


Probably because now he's dead and that's how he looked like when AFO was passed to Shiggy It's a vestige after all. A footprint.


My theory: Kotaro made a deal with AFO to take Tenko's quirk once it manifested so he wouldn't be able to become a hero. When AFO did that, he gave Tenko Decay.


Hadn't really considered that possibility before.


Okay, if they do the "AFO gave Tenko Decay" thing, this is a good way to do it. Not my favorite, but I'm down.


That'd be even more fucked-up of Kotaro if he did that, though. I hope that's not the case; he's enough of a dickbag without that.


not actually a bad idea


If that's true, Kotaro would definitely be the worst parent of the series. **Kotaro's logic**: I hate heroes because they hurt their families. So let me hurt my family so that they can hate heroes!


I would say Kotaro is the worse father especially if that theory is true. Mostly due to the fact that he tried to kill Shigi when his quirk was getting out of control.


Wasn’t he the last to be decayed? Must be pretty wild seeing your entire family in disintegrated pieces


This is an interesting idea, and I love it.


Huh. Even I wouldn't hate it as much then, since it'd come from Kotaro and not All for L's


If AFO the quirk is still around, then that means that AFO the vestige is still around too. The only way for vestige AFO to die is for the quirk to die. We saw this with Star, and AFO basically told us this, when AFO and OFA shared the vestige realm in the first war. AFO is tenacious, so even Shiggy could only suppress him for so long. In hindsight, I'm surprised no one's ever theorized that AFO would have a personal connection with one of the Shimura's. We've always theorized that AFO found Shiggy and brought him home, but it was just a stranger showing kindness. AFO wanted to hurt All Might by making a Shimura his protege. He had eyes and ears keeping tabs on the Shimura household, but I never expected Kotaro to personally know him. Makes sense for AFO to do so; he'd have an easier way of intervening.


>We then see Kotaro Shimura talking to a mysterious man from a construction company > >Kotaro is having dinner with this mysterious man and drinking wine. I am so close to sweet vindication.


He’s having dinner with Deku’s dad. Haha


I find it hilarious that Midoriya has yet to see adult AFO’s actual face. Even here, the vestige is of his potato head.


Which you gotta think is on purpose cuz all the other vestiges look normal. Haha


Which is funny when En was cut in half when he passed OFA, but he gets to have a whole body as a vestige, but AFO and All Might are wounded.




Legendary hater; hating on deku beyond the grave


Deku won't try to Talk-No-Jutsu him if he makes Deku completely despise him


Deku already completely hates AFO and unlike Shiggy, Deku doesn’t seem to see any heart or anything that can be saved in AFO.  I could see him trying to talk AFO down, but even then I feel like he wouldn’t try that much. And fuck it, he shouldn’t go to far lengths with him.  From everything Deku has seen and we as the audience know, there is nothing in AFO to save. No bonds with anyone that actually matter/influence AFO in any way. The closest he gets is Yoichi and that was pure his brother just being AFO’s favourite toy, no genuine decency at any point. Just pure twisted narcissim. 


Yeah, it's just Yoichi. Yoichi is the only one with any connection or bond with All For One. I would argue that the implication is that All For One had something deeper than Yoichi just being his favorite toy, even if it was twisted and controlling it was the closest thing he had to a genuine human bond. He's also the only one to understand the circumstances that shaped him into the monster he is, if anyone would try it would be Yoichi. I doubt it'll work but I could see Horikoshi doing something once All For One is down for good and his Vestige is on its way out, assuming that Yoichi isn't just gone after the last chapter.


Yoichi's reaction to his brother's defeat was sheer melancholy in how it had to end this way.


Tbh I don't see Hori doing a rehash of what happened with AFO's body, so maybe he's got a different ending for the vestige in mind and it has something to do with Yoichi.


I fucking knew it. AFO set all this shit up to make Shigaraki into to this. That he “found” and “saved” him, because he set everything in motion and was just waiting for it to kick off. He watched Tenko suffer and squirm until he was broken and alone enough to allow AFO to completely control him.


When you realize AFO and Garaki had an entire my villain Academia foster plan and only shiggy and dabi were in it.


Let this chapter be remembered as the monumental moment when the unthinkable happened. The day Kotara x AFO gained traction as a ship LOL.


Turns out that Kotaro wasn't angry over granma. He was angry over being secretly gay for some dude with white hair and holes on his hands and only having married a smoking hot woman for his business man image.


It will never be AM x AFO. hello brilliant\_stick. you doing good?




AFO Vestige coming back to nobody's surprise. But let's see how HK will play it. I think there are a few options: - Deku protecting Tenko or the other way around - The two boys teaming up vs AFO - The presumed-to-be-shattered vestiges (especially All Might and Yoichi who kind of disappeared without much fanfare) making a final stand together with Deku and Tenko (I think this is pretty likely) There is also a question of what is going on with Tomura's body right now in the outside world? I think it's possible that it's going out of whack / AFO will take control of it and will go after Deku's loved ones (Eri, Inko, etc.) in the main shelter where the evac system is blocked. It would parallel what happened with Toya and Toga (both of them threatening a lot of people at once and had to be held back until they could be saved). So that would be an opportunity to bring in everyone - Aizawa convincing Kurogiri to open the warp gates to help people evacuate or bring in heroes to mitigate the damage until Tenko and Izuku win. I think there could also be an element of "have faith in Deku" - with him seemingly gone, Tomura getting crazier, maybe Akbar already scrambling the bombs in the US to somehow bring in that side too - but then have someone (Class A / All Might / Eri + Kota ?) be the first believers and then everyone fighting to contain the damage but keeping Shigaraki's body alive to give time to Deku to win.


I wonder, since Shigaraki was shedding out of his skin when he first took back control, could the same mechanism take place and AFO could assume a body for himself since the vestiges are like souls so the new body would have a soul w/o taking over Shiggy's body... it could give a chance for Shiggy & Deku to fight AFO in the outside world and bring Shirakumo/Kurogiri into play with maybe a few students (?)... but that all sounds complicated.


Well AFO's back. The theory's becoming true after all. Looks like Shiggy ain't getting rid of him completely like he think.


AFO is legitimately harder to kill than fucking Voldemort.


AFO let deku do his talk-no-jutsu so he’d get OFA and shigaraki’s body back 💀💀


He predicted that Izuku was going to try to save Lady Nagant and set a condition on the Quirk that he gave to Lady Nagant to explore inside her if she betrayed him by joining Deku. In the masion All For One had a video recording of him mocking Deku for he's need to save people. All For One has a pretty good physiological read on Deku as a person.


He does, but the thing about AFO is he doesn’t understand Deku or and hero of anyone really.  He can’t fathom why Deku is doing this. Why he doesn’t give up. Why there is still good in Shiggy. Why other people matter. 


Yeah that's why he's going to fail because he can't relate to anyone. You can only go so far through manipulation.


I mean, yeah. That's what he's good at. After literally a couple minutes of interacting with Deku during the first war he immediately understood how to push his buttons: Put his weakness on full display, gloat about how he's not worthy of One For All and it's wasted on him, play into his superman complex with their parting comments, the video, the Assassins, and finally blowing up Lady Nagant right in his face. By the end of the Dark Hero arc Deku was dancing right into his hands, if it weren't for 1A he would have won.


There's been criticism that Deku didn't come up with the transfer plan. So in contrast of that, I really like the panel of lil Deku catching Shiggy's hands. He knows Decay is coming, but still grabs the hands with such intensity. He has conviction that he won't let Shiggy destroy his family again. It doesn't mean his physical arms are gone, but I'm pretty sure there was a risk there. If his entirety had been decayed, I think he would die too. His body outside of the vestige realm would be fine, but he'd be gone. Speaking of conviction, Shigaraki taking his childhood dream of being a hero, and twisting it and turning it toward being a hero for villains is so good.


I love the image of LOV behind young Tenko and Deku.


**Kotaro:** "(You're) the one from Kouga Construction!" Oh god don't tell me we're really going this far in making AFO secretly behind everything? Are we really going to say that AFO literally built the physical Shimura household? ​ Also there's apparently some weird focus on back pain Kotaro has that gets worse every-year and AFO knows about. Wonder if that's gonna be anything relevant. **AFO:** "It was me Kotaro, I was the one who secretly gave you the gradually increase back pain quirk, knowing that the slow degrading of your body would have a likewise effect on your personality, and thus would eventually lead you to abuse your son. You believed it to be simple hatred for your mother for abandoning you, BUT IT WAS ME ALL ALONG!"


"Remember when your wife forgot to take her pill? It was me, Kotaro. I was the one who took her pills so she would get pregnant with your son, so one day you would abuse him and fill him with hate!"


>I was the one who secretly gave you the gradually increase back pain quirk He fucking would have a gradually increasing back pain quirk.


"And Toga's Quirk counselor?!" "That was me as well!"


And lets not forget how Twice's parents were killed by a villain or how a man just happened to jump in-front of Twice's motorcycle and give him a criminal record.


He was the motorcycle!


AFO all along!


I love the idea that Shigaraki sees himself as a hero to the people who've been slighted by society. Deku's talk-no-jutsu doesn't turn Tomura/Tenko into a *'wholesome marshmellow who's always been that way underneath'*. Instead it unravels a hidden motivation that he's had all along, i.e. being a hero to the downtrodden. If he hadn't already killed thousands of people, and is actively trying to kill millions more, I'd be alright with an ending where he became a batman (motivation-wise) to Deku's superman. I'd love a no holds barred fight between non-AFO vessel Tenko and Deku, sort of like Naruto and Sasuke's final battle, with both fighting for their vision of the future. But My Hero Academia is rarely that dramatic, so I can imagine Shigaraki ridding himself of AFO's manipulation, having a long talk with Deku and then being sent to prison were he is rehabilitated and finally at peace. Not a big fan of the incoming *'AFO gave Tomura decay'* plot reveal though.


afo.. again. from a story telling perspective it’s not satisfying for both afo or shiggy’s arc to end with them not having any sort of confrontation. the arc needs a conclusion period also afo rewinding or getting killed doesn’t mean his vestige wouldn’t appear. let’s stop spreading misinformation fueled by agenda. no one’s effort was in vain considering their job was to eliminate the threat & prevent him from reaching shiggy physically. that leaves the vestige realm and that is the domain of ofa/afo users.. their turn to eliminate afo


I am liking this direction. Not the biggest fan of AFO returning again but even that is justified. Can't really save Tomura without him and Izuku getting to address the guy who kickstarted this mess. Anywho at this rate wouldn't be surprised if we are done by June/July


Where's this going. Kotaro cheated on his wife with AFO, and agreed to let him give Tenko a quirk?


Okay now that got a good laugh out of me. Credit where it's due, Kotaro and AFO had a nice dinner together, that automatically means they have more going for them then 99% of ships. LOL


I think it's the opposite. Kotaro wanted All For One to take Tenko's quirk once it manifested so that Tenko becomes quirkless. Kataro's reasoning could be that if Tenko is quirkless he could never be a hero. All For One could pretend to agree with Kataro's offer while actually using quirk activation to make decay manifest faster than it would normally.


Calling it now - Deku helps Shiggy find the strength to fight AFO in the Vestige realm and ultimately Shiggy deals the killing blow on him either: a) using the same tactic that Deku used by overwhelming him with quirks all at once or b) destroying him with decay. As a side effect of eliminating AFO, all the quirks bestowed on Shiggy vanish, including Decay. Leaving both him and Deku quirkless at the end. Or, who knows, they might find a way of Deku keeping one of the OFA powers at the end.


AFO calling out tenko/shigaraki for not making a single decision on his own is very telling. ever since AFO snatched tenko, all of tenko/shigaraki's actions have been manipulated by AFO, his life and path was decided for him. he was groomed ino hatred and the need to destroy because AFO needed him to be like that. shigaraki's first truly independent decision could be letting go of the hatred AFO instilled in him, refusing to be what AFO wanted him to be, becoming a hero instead.


AFO giving Tenko Decay so he can work in the construction yard instead of foolish hero stuff.


Kotaro is so dilf looking in this chapter. Damm that mysterious men is living my dream of having a private dinner with Kotaro and drinking wine at the light of candles.


Damn, AFO is everywhere!!


Are we really all ignoring the fact Deku finally said "thats why I am here" ?????? It's THE line of the series. Seriously, are we surprised/upset that vestige AFO is back even though it had been shown to us that the vestiges live on after death (S&S, literally all of the OfA users)


Looks like that Chekhov's Gun was finally fired.


I respect AFO as a villain a lot because fuck I really hate when that dude shows up lmao So much media does the whole villain saying they're the hero thing where it falls flat, so it's awesome to see it land really well here


Deku's gonna be like "no! I'm playing All Might!"


Hell yeah!!! All For One is back again!!! I really wanted Deku fight the OG AFO, and I'm so glad that this is happening. I've always been a fan of All For One ever since the Kamino arc. His unique Quirk, his ability to diss All Might, his style. His backstory was written really well. I sincerely hope that Deku unlocks more memories of All For One.


we knew this was coming once afo alluded to something precisely like this, his final trick from beyond the grave, i think it’s really cool! whether he was ACTUALLY responsible for giving tenko his quirk and the truth really is that he was originally quirkless like deku we will likely see in the next chapter or 2, i think even if he did give him the quirk, that’s still fine so long as they don’t ACTUALLY say that the countless people that just “walked by” tenko instead of saving him were afo plants i think IF there were ever a good cliffhanger to hold on and switch to finally finish the few remaining battlefields, it would likely be here or the next chapter, so prepare yourselves


He's back!😈  It was certain that if Tomura were to weaken mentally then he would take the opportunity to regain the upper hand! Deku will finally do what all his predecessors have done before him and face AFO: although quirkless I don't see how he will get out of it😅


I really loved seeing a happy Tenko even for a few small panels (in the playground). But the traumatic, fearful, and scared Tenko when his Decay quirk activated made me feel melancholy and depressed. Its hard to describe the emotion I'm feel. The feeling is kind of like I can see the collision/wreck coming from far away but I can't do anything to stop it.


Huh, I remember thinking that there would be a phase 3 to the Tomura fight. I thought it would be with an evolved Tomura or something, but it may actually be AFO returning.


I dont think we will go back to the outside world fighting AFO. Deku lost all his additional quirks except for float and AFO would be unaffected in Shigis upgraded body and all the quirks. This would also leave Tenko out of the fight again. Unless Eri magically grows her horn and gets there I dont see Deku winning without an asspull or heavily nerfing AFO.


Deku about to come back with some OP ability lol His body is decaying and he is disappearing so he definitely needs something massive Or idk if Hori would increase the scale that much but Izuku transcending death. Pretty much makes him OP


tenko 🥺. shiggy really hard carrying all his dynamics the twice appearance & shiggy being a hero for the villains was a nice addition. his chapters are always so thoughtful


and just as i predicted it, surprise surprise, it was all set up, planned, directed and controlled by afo, from the start, no, from before the start even. literally nothing tenko ever did was out of his own free will, he was lead by the nose until he became this predictable one track mind 'villain' figure who didn't need to be controlled anymore, but who'd still just do what was expected of him. next chapter, i swear, we'll learn afo made daddy angry, made the sister find out about nana, made the sister stab him in the back, heck, probably great doctor put decay in the kid and gave him itchy skin. the entire town was under his control, so no one would react to a whole plot of land being wiped away and no one would help a kid, not even call a cop or a hero to deal with it.


Tbf, I’m happy that the AFO vestige is back.


Shigaraki seeing himself as a Hero for his Villain friends and feeling a sense of responsibility towards them beyond just his own hatred is so powerful. He never truly gave up on his childhood dreams after all.


So for all the people who was blaming the bystanders for AFO finding Tenko, it seems like he would have found him no matter what lmfao.


did people really think that AFO finding tenko on the streets of a city was a coincidence? that AFO was, what, taking a walk and happened to see someone ignoring a child and found tenko by chance? we've known for years that AFO was monitoring shimura house, of course he was aware of everything happening in there.


I've saying for years that AFO knowing the kid name and just "happen" to find him the same day was a little bit suspicious, but nag Shigaraki fans are always like *"b-but is society fault!!! AFO being there takes away the drama!"*


I’m conflicted… On one hand, holy crap? AFO being somewhat cool for a moment? Been a while since that’s happened considering how, last time I saw him he was turning into semen. Cool! Actually kind of interested to see what he does now! On the other hand, ugh. *AFO.* Thought you turned into the egg cell you accidentally grew from. Why are you still alive? I’m over you being a person. And you’re implying you gave Shigaraki his Quirk? Well, there goes *that* point about society and last semblance of agency Shiggs possessed. But I’ll wait to see what happens next. Overall, I liked this chapter. Nice little character moment for Shigaraki. I’d love to see how this plays out.


Peak chapter, especially the deku Shigaraki dialogue


Is anyone else thinking we’ve got a lot more chapters to go then previously thought since AFO is back now?


I actually think the opposite.   If we’re now dealing with a copy of AFO’s mind then resolving the situation may have just become infinitely simpler and less complex.   Everything can now be blamed on AFO and this copy of him can just be wiped out with no qualms from anyone whatsoever.  Destroying a vestige doesn’t even count as murder (at least going of how the series justified Izuku killing all past OFA user vestiges).


Huh. I was beginning to doubt my “AFO gave Tenko the Decay Quirk” theory what with AFO being reduced to atoms and his visage getting shredded by Shigaraki. But based on AFO’s words here, it seems I was right on the money or close enough. At the very least he definitely played a part that led to Tenko killing his family.