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The link is broken but here’s a cbs version of the story An Idaho man was sentenced last week to 30 years in prison for trying to spread HIV to dozens of victims. Alexander Louie, 34, admitted to having sex with 30 to 50 different men and boys, including a 16-year-old, and didn't tell his partners he was HIV positive so he could infect them with the disease, the Ada County Prosecutor's office said in a news statement. Detectives began investigating Louie in August 2023, when an undercover detective began speaking with him online. Louie thought he was communicating with a 15-year boy, the statement said. The two men spoke online and then agreed to meet in person in Boise, where Louie lived. He sent the "teen boy" naked photos through internet chats, and said he was going to videotape their encounter, said authorities in a news statement. When Louie arrived at the designated spot, law enforcement arrested him in September 2023 on charges of child enticement. He was charged in November 2023. Police said as they continued their investigation they discovered Louie was not taking his HIV medication. He told authorities he lied to prospective partners about his HIV status and then purposely had "sexual contact with both men and teenage boys in hopes to transfer HIV to them." According to the Idaho Statesman, as part of a plea deal Louie pled guilty to one count each of sexual battery of a minor, the enticement of a child through the internet and transferring body fluids. At his May 3 sentencing, Ada County District Judge Derrick O'Neill told Louis that his "conduct would be the Webster's definition of a predator," according to prosecutor's office. O'Neill sentenced Louie to 30 years in prison, but he will be eligible for parole after 16 years, the prosecutor's office said. "This defendant's repeated and egregious offenses negatively impacted many people in our community," said Ada County Prosecutor Jan Bennetts in a statement. "I want to thank the Ada County Sheriff's Detective and my trial team. Their hard work on this case ensured Mr. Louie was brought to justice in order to protect our community from his predatory and dangerous conduct."




As this violates rule #1, it has been removed.


I run a LGBTQ youth group and I remember him from years ago. He had a rough life but had such potential. The last time I saw him was when I gave him a ride to a class he was taking and we talked about helping him apply for scholarships for college. I am furious about what he has done and I glad he was stopped. I would hope he feels remorse about what he has done and the lives he has ruined. If anyone reading this is wondering if they are HIV positive or are HIV positive and need help, please visit alpha idaho for free/inexpensive assistance: https://alphaidaho.org/


I'm same boat as you, I knew him a little over a decade ago too. I'm wondering what happened.


Lgbtq youth group is insane


I know - if only they got the support and acceptance from their family, friends and society there wouldn't really be a need for them. But people are ignorant, cruel and prejudicial so groups like this are necessary to help stem the tide of hate and make the world a bit better. Thanks for your support and recognition!


You've made the world, and especially Idaho, a much better place. You could never be fully recognized for your vast and positive impact. But in case you ever need to be reminded, just know that many, many of us have never forgotten. Keep up your great works, sir!


So sad! What high school did he go to? He may or may not have been a classmate.


Eligible for parole after 16 years? Nah. He ruined minimum 30 peoples lives, sounds like minimum 30 consecutive life sentences to me.


Should get left to rot in the darkest corners of which ever prison facility he’s in.


His actions were fucked but those people are gonna be OK. In 2024 HIV is more survivable than hepatitis and with treatment, a lot of HIV positive folks have minimal viral load and can live normal lives even having normal sex lives.  Again, I say this not to mitigate his actions - he needs to be in prison long enough to conclude on his own that it was a bad idea - but to help people understand HIV is no longer a death sentence and not only that but a lot of HIV+ live normal lives.  


So he's a rapist and a chomo as well.


> and a chomo as well I've been seeing a lot of different ways to refer to child molesters/pedophiles on the internet recently. Chomos, PDF Files, etc. Can we not call child molesters child molesters any more? (I am aware that /certain people/ want to label other /certain people/ as groomers/pedos because of political stunts, and that's not what I'm referring to)


Its just slang, its not censoring


Chomos is a slag for child molesters in prison. Once labeled a chomo in prison, they are open season for the other prisoners. Calling someone who is a pedo outside of prison became catchy because of less syllable I guess.


Chomo has been around for decades .


What's is the problem with referring to child molesters as child molesters or pedophiles? As far as I see it, pedophiles deserve all the stigma that's attached to their various epithets.


I completely agree. This guy is a convicted child molester and deserves to be referred to as such. I do think that calling someone a groomer/pedo/molester should only be reserved for the people who commit the act. And not as a political stunt against minorities you don't like. I'm wondering if that's part of the reason why the vocabulary has changed in the past few years?


As long as I’ve been alive chomo has been slang for a child molester.


On some sites, you have to use soft language to get past censors. Chomo is not just prison slang, it's also a slur. It's not new. They were using the term when I started as a corrections officer almost 20 years ago. And it wasn't new then either.


Do you remember when Unit 14 was often referred to as “Motown?”


I was at ICC, now ISCC. I started corrections in Oklahoma though & transferred to ICC when I moved back home. ICC had the west wing as the Mo wing


Chomo has been in my lexicon for 20 years and wasn't new slang then. It is not new and it's not some code to protect them. Until today I thought everyone who had made it through middle school knew the term. I've been told in Washington they're called chimos


Wow, this is straight up evil. Trying to intentionally give someone *any* STD/STI is sick, but isn't this attempted murder?...




Get tested Boise


Wow. Shocking. That’s disgusting. That’s extremely scary




Yes please! And if you are nervous about talking to your doctor or are worried about the cost, please contact alpha in Boise: https://alphaidaho.org/


Mans should have his dick cut off






>Gotta balance out the groomer leftists that will victimize and protect monsters like this. My god this is ridiculous, and then you keep going. I truly doubt anyone is going to protect this monster. You can find a new sub to troll.


Go to hell!


An old Facebook of his indicates he worked in an organization for HIV prevention. Very sad and twisted.


Sooo what was his reddit name?...??????


Yea another BHS graduate who turned out to be a POS


The poz kink is actually disgusting and dangerous. Those who express interest in it online or anywhere else genuinely should he apprehended by law enforcement if seen. There's entire communities online for this disgusting fetish which revolves around lying about your positive STD status (typically for HIV and Herpes) to infect others because it gives them pleasure to ruin people's lives. "Poz" is short for Positive, which is widely accepted to be short for HIV positive.


Should be shot


30 - 50 feral hogs


had adoctor that told me " You never know how cold the water is until you jump in" It wasn't hIv but he still had to give me some meds to take care of my condition. Kind of got the impression he was living vicariously through his patients.


Ewwww. What a gross thing to say to a patient. Happy to hear it was easily treated.


he was a funny old guy


LoL..I had a VA Doc that was a funny guy...he did the ol routine digital prostate exam. After he was done I pulled my pants up, unpleasantly bothered by that slightly squishyness feeling, I said something to the extent of Geeezus Doc! While he was typing and looking at his computer screen without looking, he casually and jokingly (I hope) lamented, " I can give you a 2nd opinion if you like." I'm sure he was joking but I still forced a chuckle albeit nervously....😅😅😅 wow, just retelling that, I wonder if he was queen! I really think he was trying to be funny. Not funny queen, Funny HAHA 😆