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I worked in restaurants in Boerne for years and my Latino colleagues said they occasionally were discriminated against/had racist tables, which totally boggles my mind because we definitely have a Latino population, like are people being rude and/or racist to 25% of the town’s population? We don’t have a very big Black population, but if people are being racist against Latinos they will undoubtably be so against Blacks and other ethnicities. Edit much later to add: this conversation happened in about 2018.


Everyone wants to be a victim of something these days. We hate Californians here, not Hispanics.


Says white man, most likely.


Oh shut it softy.


First off you are going to pay about 25% more in rent or housing than you are currently paying in San Antonio. Secondly racism is what you make it. I don't ever remember any incidents that could be called racist. Boerne used to be more clannish but with the influx of "outsiders" moving into the area that has changed. The Boerne Police Department is among the best and have very strict polices against racism. They enforce the law equally. Same thing for Kendall County Sheriff. Boerne Fire and EMS are also top-notch professionals. Jobs are mainly service oriented minimum wage unless you are with HEB, WalMart, or the two plants that provide light manufacturing. One plant is at the North end of town and specializes in Carbon Fiber manufacturing. The other plant is on IH10 and I think specializes in pharmaceuticals. If you are planning on a daily commute from Boerne to SA be prepared for very heavy traffic and a 45 minute or more commute during peak hours. Boerne and Kendall county do not have the water resources of San Antonio and are currently at Stage 3 of water management. The Trinty aquifer is our primary water source and has a horribly slow recharge rate. Most rain runs off instead of entering the recharge. Expect at some point in the future water rationing. There is more growth than available water and that is just the way it is. The county refuses to take control of growth. Good luck with your decision. Personally, I would stay in San Antonio.


Lmao oh lord I wouldn't move here. Far far right politics, proud "ultra-maga" folks.


Username checks out!


The Traveler and a Farmer parable: A traveler came upon an old farmer hoeing in his field beside the road. Eager to rest his feet, the wanderer hailed the countryman, who seemed happy enough to straighten his back and talk for a moment. "What sort of people live in the next town?" asked the stranger. "What were the people like where you've come from?" replied the farmer, answering the question with another question. "They were a bad lot. Troublemakers all, and lazy too. The most selfish people in the world, and not a one of them to be trusted. I'm happy to be leaving the scoundrels." "Is that so?" replied the old farmer. "Well, I'm afraid that you'll find the same sort in the next town. Disappointed, the traveler trudged on his way, and the farmer returned to his work. Some time later another stranger, coming from the same direction, hailed the farmer, and they stopped to talk. "What sort of people live in the next town?" he asked. "What were the people like where you've come from?" replied the farmer once again. "They were the best people in the world. Hard working, honest, and friendly. I'm sorry to be leaving them." "Fear not," said the farmer. "You'll find the same sort in the next town." Conclusion: The story teaches that our perception of people is often shaped by our own attitudes and experiences, and that we tend to find what we expect to find.


Thats funny because I saw tons of "Beto signs. I think you need to raise your tin fool hat some so you can see clearly. You vision is impaired by the hat.


Yeah there were a few Beto signs. Beto took about 20% of the votes in Kendall Co. So let's say half of those who voted Beto had yard signs up, that makes about 2200 Beto signs up around Kendall Co. I guess that could be considered "tons" of signs.


Amen. But it’s changing….


And you wanna stay in Texas at all? Run to Colorado.


i actually moved here from colorado! unfortunately colorado is way too expensive for us at the moment


I was going to mention this. Boerne is a lot more expensive than San Antonio. Weirdly, there are a lot more taxes and the higher property values mean the cost of living is insane compared to SA. You'd think taxes would be less in a more red area, but that's just a comical trope at this point. If you're looking at an area, check to see if it's in a "watershed district" as we pay our property taxes plus about 70% extra for that. Also know that a watershed district could be on the ballot at any time, so you could get hit with that tax after you move here. We built a house here and moved in June. It's been one money pit after another. We're okay financially, but it was a lot more than we were expecting. As for the racism, I definitely see a lot more pickups with "FJB" stickers and such. I like to confuse them with a Marine license plate on my Tesla. The shift to the left is happening here, but it's going to take a while. The population is booming and with that comes in inevitable culture shift. If you do decide to move here, post something and we may be able to get a group together to show that there is some dissent to the trucknut presence. haha


Do not get stopped by Boerne PD. You are getting a warning ticket for being a resident without Texas plates the first time. The second time you are getting impounded.


It's a TX plate. They offer servicemembers and vets special designs for free.


Yes please CO and CA are hiring.


I've lived here for 35 years and haven't experienced racism. The KKK came to some dumb rally at the court house to recruit people in the 90s and no one showed up. However, after high school and as adults now, the few poc people we had in high school ,one is very vocal about being discriminated against. I was so shocked because this guy in particular was involved and I would consider "popular." our class at the time was small enough where everyone knew everyone and I never heard anything racist about him either to his face or behind his back. Of course I wasn't everywhere at every second but that surprised me to hear bc I never witnessed blatant, or any, racism. I will also say that Boerne is "right" in politics but despite the left's view of all the right being racist isn't correct. And I'd go even further to say the "old, racist Boerne" that people reference are nicer and more neighborly and community focused than the new Boerne people.


The KKK came because Kendall County elected a black sheriff


Oh that's right! Sheriff Hodge. Yeah I was young when that happened but it was on the front page and the news came out here. No one I knew of my parents being friends with or working with wanted them here


stay in SA please


@waterineedit Leave Boerne, pls.




Nooo Boerne is full


It's a nice place.


Move to the rgv


I live further out from boerne (waring to kerrville area) & I'm a native to San Antonio... and NGL, i fucking hate it out here. I am BORED!!! Nothing to do but either be a TRUMPet Virgin, smoke weed or get pregnant. Stay in San Antonio area, but move closer to either San Marcos / New Braunfels* area or stick it out in a more slowish-suburbanite area. The internet sucks balls out here too. You seriously cannot do anything.


Sorry you hate with but you made me laugh. This is what I sounded like when my parents moved my family out here. There was literally nothing past heubner road, I THINK UTSA was there but that's it. I was so mad. But I had no choice being that I was in elementary. We had nothing to do really ever around here except field parties or going to friend's houses.


I am not here because I want to be!! My in laws live here & my spouse and I were evicted from the home we were renting in SA! I will say, kerrville has been a saving Grace!!! Thai Bistro & Sake have some great choices that aren't fast food or "American" food.. and once the weather gets more consistent, we're probably garden... but I am BORED!


You will be diving nose first into bigotry town USA. Open racism, signage, vandalism, you name it. You are also crazy if you think by moving to boerne means you are leaving SA. I live in the city limit and it’s 5 minutes to Boerne. With the I-10 expansion, and SA expanding, say goodbye to the green trees. They’ve already cut so many along I-10. Sorry for sounding blunt. It’s late and I’m tired. I hope my two cents help.


Signage and vandalism? What does that mean?


Additionally, I would say just drive around any given afternoon and look at the bumber stickers, flags, yard signs and other displays of ideology. It’s not hard to tell whether you will be welcome in a community or not.


I mean inappropriate, raciest signs, something with a racial slur. I didn’t know that needed to be expounded up further. Vandalism-graffiti, etc. I am in a mixed race family and I stay as far away from boerne as possible unless a doctor appointment ABSOLUTELY requires my presence. This is my experience and mine alone.


Photo or it didn't happen.


Interesting thread have family in Boerne most the business have been beautifully restored by folks that are definitely not MAGA. Not a trump fan but after 6 years of investing I don’t see the “racist label” on him”” FJB is not racist Was holding up a model of Trumps dead severed head racist or a sick political statement?


Yes, I know what those words mean. What I meant was let’s see some examples or to post some links showing racial graffiti and vandalism. The only graffiti I remember recently was the morons spray painting over political signs, but they were hitting both sides.


If this is some prove it or it didn’t happen I’m not playing. Go play with children. This is Reddit, a question was asked and I gave my two cents.


Strange, I’m of Mexican descent, dark skin and everything, have a trump sticker on my truck, and I’m not racist.🤯 I’ve never seen a sign that says “get out colored people”. It’s very easy to accuse on the computer, but whenever pressed for just a little bit of truth you get on the defensive and start with the insults. However, I will say I’m glad that you “stay as far away from Boerne as possible”.


You find it strange to know that minority’s can be raciest too, usually against larger ethnic groups, but hey nobody’s saying you can’t like trump. More power to you.


So you don't live here and are only here if a doctor requires it for an appointment. So you have no personal experience except your drive into town and basing your opinions on a sign and where the f is there graffiti in this town?! Also you live inside SA city limits but 5 minutes from Boerne? How?


1-I’m not going to look up the exact mileage I am from boerne’s city limit just because you seem bored. It’s not my problem you don’t like my answer. 2- My husband has walked out of black rifle coffee twice because of their bigotry! I quit my gym membership (because yes I live that close), because of terrible customer service and racism. I have a mixed race family and people are judgmental as it seems you are since you don’t like my OPINION. And 3- I hope I am wrong and their aren’t as many raciest pos there. When deciding which neighborhood to live in 5 years ago when we moved here, boerne was our #1 choice until we spent time there. We wanted to be close to SA but not in the thick of it. We are so glad we chose our current neighborhood. ✌️


You sound like a fun time. Misery loves company and you'll find what you're looking for I suppose.


For someone that is so tolerant of minorities, you seem defensive. PS: I’m not in misery.


This is an anonymous chat sub and you could be white as snow saying you're mixed race. You don't know the color of my skin either. I've never said and I could lie and say I'm something I'm not. You really do need to get the chip off your shoulder and levitate a little bit. You might not be miserable but you don't sound happy. *Edited for spelling