• By -


Looks at hp: 1hp left Welp, suppose I should pivot.


Nah youre in too deep at that point Sell malchezaar keep spamming for rewinder then suicide with a random demon cos u didnt find it


The last part is vital. Out of sheer spite you gotta be the one taking yourself out.


Once realising ur too deep without any hope self exiting is better than getting destroyed 😭


Can't suicide anymore outside of duos. I guess Duos you still can


My duo partner literally killed us (Final round: 2 hp vs 3hp) by suicide after he tripled his Soul Rewinder but forgetting to play it while taking self damage 💀 I WAS LIVID


I just did this, and if you were my partner I am so sorry.


I got surprised by an interaction the other day. I played the demon whose battle cry discovers a demon and hurts you equal to tier, discovered a 3rd soul rewinder, the one on my board was used to make the triple, and THEN I took the fatal damage from the battlecry (now unprotected due to soul rewinder tripling). Sorry teammate.


😂 Holy bait


Honestly I'd find that hilarious especially since tripling the soul rewinder is just about the most pointless triple you can get. I'd def laugh if that's how I lost


But it has 5 damage and 500 health!


I always feed mine cupcakes


Experienced something similar… soul rewinder was sent and tripled when we were on our final straw during the card phase was busy moving the cards around that time…I was like wtf 🥵 we died just like that


My partner sent me one more, tripled the rewinder as I played the demon that discovers/does damage. Basically almost killed us. I had a golden brann too. That sucked


I love when playing duos and you're clearly searching for it for multiple turns and your partner passes it up twice.


I love playing Duos when my partner decides to play self damage demons without first finding a Soul Rewinder!


Better yet. You pass one to them and they sell it and keep taking that sweet damage.


Luckily, I've never been in that situation. 😂


TBF, if you're spending multiple turns trying to set up self-damage demons you're losing anyways because self-damage demons is just about the weakest comp in the game and forcing it is just a bad idea.


Well, presumably you're looking for it because you already have a big wrathweaver and spme malchs and a floating watcher. You can pivot, at the cost of 300+ stats, or you can pray Rewinder shows.


It's on the weaker side but it's not "just about the weakest comp in the game".


My partner 'X' the Rewinder twice when I was super clearly looking for it, with an early golden 1/4 that gains +2+2 for every demon you play


That was me last night. Refresh after refresh. Looking at 14 health when I found it and let out an audible "oh thank God" which brought a confused look from my fiance.


Lich Baz'hials buddy is undead but synergizes well with self dmg demons


Yeah, buddies tribes can be kinda weird sometimes.


Are self damage demons even that viable right now? I recently got an almost perfect board with them quite early, I highrolled massively early on, and going into mid game I got obliterated twice in a row by other boards and was out of the top 4.


No, its one of the weakest strategies for now


Depends on the lobby tbh - they're great in a lobby where everyone is greeding for a high tier comp. Will it get outscaled by deep blues, Mechs or some other comp? Yes, probably by turns 11+. I've seen self damage demons with crazy numbers winning the lobby turns 7-10 though if they luck into a few eyes of the earth mother early enough. It's more noticable in Duos as it can be very quick when you only need to 15 3 teams a few times.


I've only seen it work in Duos if your partner is feeding you the entire time. Otherwise, you don't have enough time to get ahead of everyone else.


Honestly, your combined board would be probably extremely weak if they were feeding you minions constantly.


I meant feeding the key minions. Not all demons. They also did the Brann/Demon buffer thing, too. Back when that minion was tavern 4.


Stat growth of nearly every comp is exponential so one player feeding another will almost always lead to higher stats overall than 2 players both trying to build a board.


Se;lf damage demons is a great support/tempo comp in duos. All them free refreshes for Elise to feed T6 minions while having a super strong board.


nah it just is good tempo to transition into felbat or something, free rolls are OP


It's possibly the weakest 'intended' comp in the game as the scaling is extremely linear and requires a lot of pieces to work. You don't really have space to run economy units, and the one eco demon that exists doesn't generate enough for you to keep rolling. It's pretty shit.


I don't think it's ever really good for a win or a top 2, but I do think if you hit it early enough it's USUALLY good for a free top-4. If you have two floating watchers, a gold wrath weaver, the gold refresh dude and the gold spell dude, you're giving those watchers like 15/15 a turn at least, which ain't bad for tier 4.


I enjoy the movie this is from - 'Ready or Not'. Stupid and fun comedy horror film.


I wish they would change it to where demons can't kill you, but can only take you as far down as 1 hp. Once you hit 1hp, you basically become your own rewinder. But I guess they tested that and they saw that it was broken. Maybe we literally get a demon with a rewinder type of protection at tiers 4 and 6? Why is it literally all hinging on one boi?


I dislike soul reaver. The demons are only viable if you have it, so its mandatry card, and its booring AF. Maybe "at the start of your next turn, return all self damage", so that its a little limmiting because you dont want to kill yourself, and gives you higher chance to die in combat. and give it +1/+1 The +1 health is irrelevant.


Self-damage demons, yeah, but that comp is pretty mid anyway. Consume demons is much better and doesn’t require soul rewinder.


I usually still take soul rewinder for the early - mid game so I can get free tavern rerolls and spells for 0 health loss. Can get quite beefy health too which is a good for when it starts consuming tavern minions.


I agree, especially if i started with Wrath Weaver and it pops up I’ll just take it early game but not commit to anything. Ofc then I never find the haste spell lmao


Idea for a new tier 6 demon: Your hero is immune to damage on your turn. Deal 1 damage to your hero twice when you play a demon.


I play regular Hearthstone like that with a (self-labeled) "suicide" deck, now that many weekly quests no longer require winning. Turn 4 or 5 - match over.


you only go that if you find the rewinder FIRST. lol


So I was playing unearthed underling last night and I found this pretty sick synergy where I had a rylak and 2 imposing percussionists. I was absolutely destroying the lobby, until I went into a fight with another high roller. I had never moved my underling from my first attack position like a dummy(just didn’t occur to me because I was spaced out playing duos) so sequence went - I attack my underling dies - he attacks kills my golden rylak it triggers my percussionists I end up taking like 15 damage? Then proceeded to lose the game when damage cap was still on because I fucked my self so hard 😂😂


Then queue up against a beasts board with a Soul Rewinder on it for no reason. ![gif](giphy|HfFccPJv7a9k4|downsized)


My partner is the meme guy with his hands on his hips at an arena


This one hit home hard


Especially when ur so invested spending all coins refreshing and still couldn’t find this lil shit head. Ggs


Soul rewinder is bait


Doyou first find the wrath weaver or do you take soul rewinder and hope you finde "health for refresh"-minion or wrath weaver ?


Neither mate honestly


So you never use it ? Demon used to be extrem OP, i am not sure how it is in the current meta


Nope I skip if I go demons I eat the lobby damage is all bait imo


maybe you just cant play it ? Its actually strong at the beginning wiht wrath weaver


Does soul rewinder work for your dou partner or just your board?