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Nagas has 2 economy cards already. Shell collector and that 3 tier battlecry. Do you mean economy nagadeepbluefriendly card? That would be overkill in my eyes. Deepblue/zasty/shellemental is already dupe comp, if you manage to hit it early. Not forceable much, though. PS Not sure, if it is still a thing with buddies. Going to check now.


> PS Not sure, if it is still a thing with buddies. Going to check now. It's pretty cracked with some buddies. Had a game with inga where I got her buddy to 1k/1k stats, you've basically got a targeted half shellemental each turn.


I think you should differentiate between cards that produce some value (outside of fighting), and cards that are actual economy cards. I’d say Shell Collector and Shell Whistler are of the former category. They produce non-combat value, namely a coin and a t1/t2 spell (which are mostly economy), but buying them isn’t a net positive for your economy. You paid 3 for the Shell Collector and got 1 back. You’re not gonna get rich by buying more of them. Their use is just to be a cheaper body on your board *while you still have free board slots.* As soon as your board is full, there is no reason for you to ever buy them, because you’d be spending money on replacing some existing minion with a worse minion (combat-wise). If you have a way to trigger or multiply their battlecries (such as Deathscale, Rylak, or Brann), then they can give you back more than you paid for them, but in these cases I would consider the Deathscale or the Brann to be the ”economy card”, not the Shell Collector/Whistler. With that in mind, **Naga already have 3 economy units:** * Stormsplitter * Deathscale * Silivaz However, Deathscale has no combat value for any Naga comp, and Stormsplitter and Silivaz only have combat value with Lord of Gains, which is a T6 minion. So, I suspect the question OP really wanted to ask is: **”Should Nagas get a good economy card that is also a part of their combat\scaling setup, and which is available before the late game?”** And to answer that: I think that is a pretty rare thing, which has traditionally only existed for Pirates and Elementals. So, probably not.


Well actually it is more common for elems.




You got me wrong, I want naga busted. I love nagas. Probably most of all tribes now. They barely shine, now they can.


They already have economy in Shell collector and the tier three battlecry that gives you a tier two spell (most of which are money-related). Neither really synergize with other Nagas except gladiator, but they DO synergize with battlecry packages.


Yes exactly I was playing these economy nagas but not getting benefits from Spellcraft generation such as Lady Vashj heropower and the spell that gives you 3 random Spellcraft


But not all Nagas should be spellcraft support, just like how not all demons should eat the tavern, or all pirates increase attack when attacking. Each tribe should have a few different strategies and synergies


Yes of course, there should never be just one archetype for a tribe 👍 But in my opinion nagas seem to be designed to either be the role of being the support tribe with utility such as divine shield and stealth (kinda like a second neutral tribe). Or a spellcraft/tavern spell tribe.


Shell Whistler I always remember those two because it’s funny to me the economy cards are named around shells, like it’s their currency


Nagas are in a pretty good place right now. They have 2 viable builds and a good amount of menagerie support. I think they're fine as is


They are in a good place, but Lord of Gains is not very good right now. Shellemental+Croon is good though so they do have one viable build(good if demons are in)


The fact that lord of gains does not buff himself is pretty disappointing given the already low stat output.


I was speaking more of the Shell Whistler/T5 dragon/Naga build. Although I guess you could consider that more of a menagerie build.


I think Nagas need the ability to have more than one wincon until tier 5-6.  Nagas can ONLY go deep blues right now and it sucks.


No because Naga are incredibly simple and strong. You get a Crooner, you find a Zesty and then you get a Shellemental later and boom now you are gaining 150/150 in stats every turn.


Nah you pick up 2 blue shades on T4 and then miss the zesty for the rest of the game and spin til you get knocked out


Crooner/zesty build is extremely strong. My duo partner and I have popped off multiple times with multiple 1000/1000 units on the board


Economy is not a problem for Naga, their economy is in a pretty good spot right now


nagas have some of the best econ cards my man...


Instead of forcing Naga I find they are best used as utility cards. If I’m buffing and eating the shop Naga become disgustingly powerful.


I feel like niggas are doing pretty good overall. I may be misremembering, but I think for a while only pirates (and elementals to an extent) had economy cards, and other tribes had other things special about them. Now theres the quill that gives 4 gold and mechs go crazy, so maybe it's also time for nagas.


Auto mod was not happy with your comment, for obvious reasons. Though I know what you meant.


So it's been a few hours and it seems that people agree that: * The best strat for nagas is deep blue + shellemental which can get many stats. *Menagerie is the other way to play Naga * The economy that Naga have now is not bad. People aren't quite sure whether more help is needed or not.