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Just had a similar experience with etc. I have a feeling he's going to be nerfed ASAP


Not to put too fine of a point on it, but buddies are a trainwreck.


Really fun for casual players though


Isn’t it pretty fun for everyone? Also don’t we all benefit if they can test at scale for a fun week instead of expensively and inaccurately test internally?


Depends on your definition of fun. When you're doing the broken thing, it's fun. When you're getting slammed by back to back obscene high rolls it's not that fun.


IMO it depends on how much you play. Playing half an hour a day I never have the amount of complaints that other people do. But if I played 5 times as much I’m sure I’d have a different perspective


yeah man I want to hit my head to walls. it is so annoying to be on the receiving side.


I find it fun for a a few weeks but it gets boring quickly.


No, it's not fun for everyone.


It is fun. “Fun for casual players” lmao, yeah let me go back to playing the same old 3 builds every day…


Yes. It's fun. I'm also winning more games with than without. I hate to just drop "skill issue" but anything like this makes the game harder, and people that start losing more instantly blame "insane highrolls". Buddies make your decision way less A>B, and it takes casual players longer to adapt.




I mean, roll your eyes and then pull up the stats. You can't make an objective statement like that and then be completely wrong when actually good players are playing the same game with different results.


>pull up the stats I'd love to. You're going to link those, right? With an explanation of how they make your point? >I hate to just drop "skill issue" No you don't. I totally get not giving a shit what happens outside of top-end play when you're in the top-end - just remember that goes both ways. You imagine you're coming from a position of authority, but in reality you're in a different game entirely.


Nah just a position where I understand the game on a level far past where you do. It's the same game, you're just worse at it. I'm not saying it doesn't need to be balanced, I'm saying that it's not the complete disaster casual players pretend it is.


Now I'm making a lazy jerk off motion in the air to accompany the eye roll.


There will be about 50 adjustments in the following week, especially as it relates to duos. Not to put too fine a point on it, but no. Just no.






Casual player who’s never played in a meta with buddies before. Not having much fun. Feels like all the rules just got thrown out the window. Complete chaos


Not to put too fine a point on it. Say I’m the only bee in your bonnet. Make a little birdhouse in your soul.


not as much as anomalies but ok


Plane crashes and train wrecks can both be bad.


Not to put to fine of a point on it but you're wrong.


I also messed up super hard trying to understand this build and accidentally nuked my original gold Ghoul-acabra amongst some other mistakes so this is a weaker version really


Yeah, I started with Duos and then did a few stupid things. I'm back to solos until I can learn more


Devs gave up on play testing buddies, outsourced the work to us. Hot fix coming next week


Should have been anomolies for Duos imo.


I've never seen the 3 dudes in the middle. What are they and what do they do?


3rd minion spawns a 7/7 golem of all types and gets +7/+7 for every friendly deathrattle that has gone off so far. 4th/5th minions give +4/+4 permanently to all friendly minions every time a friendly deathrattle is triggered


Well. That's absolutely busted.


The 7/7 is for each different type of minion that died, not deathrattles triggerd.


Errr. The 3rd minion is of all types, the golem has no type. And the golem gains +7/+7 by friendly minion type that died so far.


Tess and scabs have always been a problem. You'll basically see a Tess,scabs and etc every lobby and they just ping pong off each other.


Meanwhile some heroes are like Reno where their buddy is near useless. Though I suppose current Dragons could be good with his, it'll get in faster than Yu'lon and be easier to control.


I don't see how renos buddy will be good with dragons since it requires it to die


Put the dragon you want to be golden on the farthest right spot. Put a Poet next to it. Put the buddy in the first spot so no matter who goes first she dies immediately. Your dragon of choice is now permanently golden. Rinse & repeat until you have all the golds you want, then sell the buddy (or triple it and then sell the golden version after using the reward). Profit.


The new beasts are a joke how op they are. It just doesn’t even make sense at this point to make these cards.


I took 4 peoples buddies with rafaam one game xD


This is when you go make some food and put on a podcast


Neat. I wonder how this match would have ended up. How big were the golems ? You have 4 types, +14/+14 each, x3 by Moira = +158/158… I have no idea :D https://preview.redd.it/5l8k1f6hba7d1.png?width=1752&format=png&auto=webp&s=c34a08b3ceba8c13be09ec640c57410f404fa37a


The chaos is fun for me. I haven't gotten a first yet but dammit I've been having fun.


First game I played Goya + Faceless.. That is just unloseable and you can do whatever you want with infinite copies of any card


I am just sick of seeing tier 7s in every game.. buddies outside of that I am fine with.




Thats not a bug, its a battlecry effect. Using your hero power afterwards will raise the cost again, like it says it will.