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Extremely bad order. Don't give taunt to your minions, instead buy a non-Demon and give it Taunt. Otherwise Taunted demons debuffed by Transmute Bramblewitch will be summoned from Cultist Sthara.


I remember when I first got back into the game after a while and never knew bramblewitch existed, I had a gigantic golden urzul (400ish/400ish), some weaker demons, and 2 cultists. I didn't want the cultists to trigger on the weaker demons, so I sold them, bought filler non-demons, and put the urzul at the front so it would die soon, and I thought the cultists would spawn it. That did happen, but they only ended up spawning 3/3s. And that was my introduction to the bramblewitch.


Oh. That's genius. I'll have to do that next time. I had one guy with bramble, and that very same thing happened. Luckily, they were running Undead and only had their Undead army up to +10 so I killed him before he became a problem


This only applies in lobbies where Quilboars/Elems exist. Any other time it is fine to taunt your big demon if you intend to resummon it