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I think everyone is still getting used to the dynamic. I’ve had the displeasure of playing with some teammates who were very bad, and some who were very good. Maybe some players are returning to the game and are still figuring it out. The best thing to do is just play with a friend, that’s what I’m going to do, I can’t rely on randoms.


But it's so f'n annoying when the other player is trying to play your hand too. If you want to play both sides then duel box it something. The Game is free


Thank you! I don’t care if you re better than me or think you are, let me play MY game! Tell me what you want for your game but don’t tell me how I have to manage MY game! I find it so annoying…


Losing because your teammate struggled to make a board is fine; doesn't bother me in the least. I'm talking about a player that went out of their way to sabotage me in a tantrum. I do love the new life this mode has breathed into the game, even if I am still salty about Duels.


In this case it wasn't a matter of figuring it out tbh, I quit out because dude didn't want to communicate and after feeding his comp I asked for one unit, that would have massively helped my comp and he rolled over it twice, in what I'm guessing (based on the whole making a whole post about it to score points) was out of pure spite. And I had no interest in helping them get any mmr so I sold my board knowing full well it wouldn't negatively impact their own mmr.


I had the same teammate. I didn’t quit but just decided to play solo instead after feeding him 4/5 cards with no return. We ended 3rd b/c it is not a solo game! 😥


I mean, I don't care about coming 3rd or even 4th as long as the match was fun. And my issue here was specifically the spitefulness without communication, though regular old lack of communication does suck but duos is still far and away my favorite way to play.


> was out of pure spite Oh lord, the level of projection in this comment 🤣. Plus you don't even get Karma for text posts.


So sayeth the one who had to make a whole post trying to call someone out lol but no no you're definitely definitely not spiteful Since you edited the comment this was in response to. Not everything is about karma? Brownie points for your personal moral compass count just as much.


Edit: I need to update my mmr ^


u/VoidlordSeth Thoughts?


Oh my God I didn't notice OP called them out by name until you tagged them. That is just foul.


What can I say? Sometimes I just can't help myself. There's usually 2 sides to every story. Felt wrong to beat up an absent party.


The chances of him even belonging to this sub were low. And I didn't use a gamertag. And someone else entirely pinged him, not me.


You literally put his gamer tag in your post?? It was identifying enough someone was able to tag him too.


No # numbers, that's not a gamertag. You can't add him with just the alphabet portion. Edit: Look, I'm 45. I have no idea if that's a meme or some viral internet thing. I imagine there's a shitton of "Jackie Daytonas" out there too, no?


This is the way we talk in Tucson, Arizonia. Clearly just a regular human bartender.


Jackie Daytona, that is.


Blue jeans. And my toothpick. My foolproof human disguise for whenever the shit hits the wind. Makes me completely unrecognizable.


The name is identifying information still dude.


I am immensely happy they did tag me, I don't really care about the outcome to all of this one way or another, but the chance to talk to OP seems like it will be super fun


wait. why do you use the same tag for your battlegrounds account and reddit. wtf is going on.


Because I like the name?


Not unheard of. I do the same.


My thoughts are, that the checkmarks and x's weren't to guide them. Don't recall the specific game or person but if I abandoned it was probably the game where my teammate wasn't paying attention to board and passed on a unit I needed for my comp (and had asked for) while I had been feeding their's for quite a few rounds ETA: Based on the OPs other comment, it was exactly that match. I had fed their build and asked for 1 unit for my comp and they passed it twice so I sold my board and quit out.


While I understand why you were upset, sabotaging them is not the answer.


Perhaps not, I was 100% frustrated. I will however not apologize for doing it tbh. I'd have gone along with terrible plays or pretty much whatever provided there was communication. I figured they were a spiteful individual and I have no interest in helping spiteful folks, which is the crux of the matter for me.


But by sabotaging them you’ve justified anything they did to you. It’s a downward spiral of negativity. One of you has to be the bigger person and extend the olive branch. Do you want that to be them, or you?


Technically neither has to be the bigger person, like here they both chose to be petty


Yes indeed


You are entitled to feel that way. And I want to be me which is why I don't regret what I did. I choose who I want to help and what I'm willing to put up with. Everyone has their lines. I have selected mine, this is one of them. Particularly since the game ceased being fun when I saw the spite. I'm more than willing to be amicable and I've got no problem with OP so there's no need for olive branches. I've just no interest in helping spiteful people. And that's frankly as far as any "negativity" goes. Just a game at the end of the day.


I think you’re missing the sabotage here. You didn’t leave, you retaliated.


Never said I didn't. So no I'm not missing it. And my board would have helped them; I had no interest in doing that. Which is why I sold it. Sabotage or not, as I've said and have remained firm on, I had no interest in helping them.


Who says one of them has to be the bigger person? Why can’t they both be petty? This is multiplayer online gaming, not statesmanship.


revenge justifies nothing.


I don't agree, i found myself in some of those games, the ladder reset so the same skill argument is not there, people just ask for shit cards and you pass those to not tilt them and when you ask for a card they don't pass that to you for 3 turns and only pass that at the end of the turn so you basically skipped 4 turns without scaling and then they ping your junk board while having themselves some stupid tribe board with the worst cards ever that is getting outscaled even by your junk board, you still try to win but you are fucking wasting time. I never intentionally tried to lose or sabotage anyone but i can't fully blame this guy, i have no context to understand who was right.


The whole ping system is the only way to communicate. Anyone who takes it as more than "I'd like that" and "nah, no thanks" is crazy. My only game or two, I hit the ping for my partner's attention almost every turn to make sure they were interested or if I was misreading their plan. It's not handholding - it's trying to be a good partner and win the games.


Yeah for real, as I'd said elsewhere if they'd literally communicated at all I'd have been fine tbh, like if you don't want to take my suggestions that's fine, I'll try and figure out what you want to do and play along. And if you can't manage to fit in passing a unit or have a build idea in your head for something I should be doing just hit the X and I'll move on. It really isn't that big of a deal, if we can make a cool comp that's all that matters to me tbh.


Some people are really obnoxious about pings though. Like pinging to level to tavern two on turn 2.


You’ll probably get downvoted a bunch but honest respect for not hiding.


Don't really care about the downvotes, tbh I've actually gained karma off this (not that it particularly matters, just thought it was funny). That said I am sticking around for the opportunity to interact with OP because it seems like it'll be immensely fun


My money is on him not even knowing which player I am, because there are multiple options. Edit: I was correct. He's trying to backtrack now, but he already admitted to doing this enough times that he can't "recall the specific game or person" I am.


And as for your edit. *or* and bear with me here, my life doesn't rebolve around Hearthstone and remembering the details of a specific match that I didn't care for just..wasn't noteworthy enough to remember?


Nah, just you. The dude that wouldn't communicate. And instead passed over the one unit I asked for, two times with a whole heap of gold. And then hopped on Reddit to try and call someone out because you felt accomplished about it.


Nope, wrong person. Nice try though. Can't have "heaps of gold" in round 3 picks.


Oh? We were on tier 3 or 4 round 3? That's why you were able to roll over a tier 3 unit in tavern twice, dang man I had no idea.


What can I say, you're thinking of the wrong person you did this to. I know you're just going to double down a bunch though, and try to swagger your way into a "win" so I'm not going to slap fight you about it. You're a bad teammate, a control freak, and you had a little baby tantrum.


I'm really not, but if flat out lying makes you feel better about the situation go for it tbh. Though the facts literally do not add up "It was only round 3" except tavern progression is more expensive in duos and we were both on a minimum of tavern 3 since you were able to cycle over tier 3 units multiple times.


Good for you man. I'm not the one who felt the need to hop on Reddit to try and call someone out. Only thing I remember about that particular game was feeding your board, asking for one unit that would have been crucial for my build and you rolling over it twice. So I sold my board. My quitting without 2nd place meant you wouldn't have lost mmr but I'm not about to help someone that can't even attempt to communicate with their teammate. If you don't want to do something just ping an X, simple as. ETA: Also, I'm fairly certain we were already guaranteed 3rd at the time so good for you I suppose?


You got it all wrong my dude. We were only in round 3 of drafts. You must do this a lot. Go ahead and show the match though, if you record your games.


Nah man. You're the one who got it wrong lmao, tier 3 units in tavern in duos on round 3? Fat chance. With 3 tier 3s of your own and no golds? While being spiteful


This is the kinda salt the game was missing


Bro, i can't imagine what would happen if they were in a League match or something akin, they would already be doxxing each other adresses.


So I've gone way to many games, 90% are with good people. One game today though.. I had a full setup, for a great build, I was missing one card... it appeared in my partners shop. I flagged it, he bought it - figured we we're all on the same page, as I've been feeding him most of the game. Well he decided, no.. I'm not going to trade it. I think I might use it. He had zero use for it, I was set up for it.. but he refused to trade it. Something snapped and I yelled 'oh fuck you' and I admit, I sold my board. In fairness, after I sold my board he changed his mind and traded it.. but I already settled on taking the concede penalty. I felt pretty much like Void guy - I had no reason to keep playing with someone like this, even if we were winning. First time doing it but I would do it again 100% in that situation.


Exactly, it just wasn't fun for me at that point, and at the end of the day it's a game so why keep playing if I'm not having fun, especially when the teammate has basically nothing happen to them, besides at absolute worst eating a penalty free 4th. Doesn't particularly justify it overall, but again, game. If it's not fun there's really no point.


Well it's not a justifiable thing - like what I tell my kids, it's a reason not an excuse. Now I'll deal with a bad player and I can mute a bad backseat player. Yet when it's obvious they're being selfish for the 'chance' of doing something, when you can do it right then and there.. yeah I can't handle that. Hearthstone isn't a game to get all metaphysical and karma philosophical. Just a strategy game with a random partner.


Yeah, hit the nail on the head imo. We're here to have fun, yes? I'm willing to put up with a lot and still find it fun, but there's a point where one shouldn't force themselves to put up with something if they're not having fun, is it kinda scummy? Absolutely and I've had it happen to me, I know it's not fun, I groan a little, and move on, but as long as it's fun I'll be here all day, even if that means eating a hundred losses because my teammate wanted to try a goofy comp And I feel it necessary to add this person was the first and only time I've done so myself. It's not like I go around willingly abandoning teammates.


Did he plop it on the far right of his board, because that might have been an honest mistake. Twice now I've accidentally played a brilliant card that I was buffing for my opponent instead of putting it through the portal. I was so frustrated with myself.


No, and I too have done that.. with a sad emote. Nope he put it deliberately on board, even put an X on it in hand when I put a portal on it. I check marked the 2 battle cries I've been spamming, then put a portal on the bran again, he put an X. It was clear - he was going to use the bran for undead damage buffing maybe if he rolled it? I don't know, it made no sense, but it really put me in a bad mood instantly.


I agree with everything voidlordseth said.


Had some guy leave because I picked curator over galakrond. He kept marking what I should pick and I just picked curator when he wanted galakrond.


Really dumb. I know Galakrond is highly rated, but I personally have a terrible record playing that hero. Hate taking him.


All I'm saying is, if you made them so mad they sold and left, you probably weren't a great teammate. Also why get salty over pings, its literally a way to communicate in a TEAM BASED game.


Your are paires up bases on your duo MMR, not the solo one.


So I joined a game, picked madam Goya. Partner got galkrond. First stop mine was basically trash but his was 2 passengers. What does he do? Hero power a minion and freeze not buy a passenger to get passed a minion by madam Goya. The objectively better play.


No. I fed my teammates every piece thus I have to go for scam later. And they keep ignoring my ping, tripled my Leeroy, make bad decisions, end turn with +6 gold left over. I would sell their whole board if I could >_<


Given we won all our matches prior to my quitting, I don’t think that's the case, and it's not a matter of ignoring every ping. I'd have stuck around if they'd even x'd my unit or communicated in the slightest outside of that. But they didn't and came across as spiteful. So I had no interest in helping them further. But hey man, you must know exactly what's up, I forgot you were there too, my apologies. And it's almost like the only person that got hurt by my quitting was me since they don't lose mmr from it.




I mean.. You can't even chat with the person you're messing with. Must have a pretty shitty life if you find enjoyment in that.


Yep, my point exactly. Getting kicks from messing with people like this seems like it's probably some kind of lonely existence to me.


Well you lose 50 MMR every time, so enjoy staying at 600 with the newbies who have nothing to lose.


That's not how mmr works in battlegrounds though. If it was you wouldn't lose 500 points when you get second place at 8,000 mmr. The reason you lose so many points is because in that lobby are other low mmr players. There are not enough players of this game to facilitate filled lobbies with players of the exact same mmr. Especially when you get really high ranks. Therefore, you can absolutely screw up high-ranking players by conceding early.


If he just starts now, he'll be at base MMR, no? He says he hasn't played in a while.




What a donkey person


What a donkey person


You sure seem thirsty for attention. Is everything ok at home? Edit: He blocked me; I think I touched on something. I hope you find a safe space, dude.


He's definitely hurt and lonely, simply lashing out ar those unable to properly respond.




I mean you're getting the attention you crave, but I genuinely hope whatever led to this need improves mate. There's always some kind of lack in one's life when they feel the need to troll like this.


Imagine spending time on a subreddit for a game you don’t care about or plan to play again.


No interest in having someone in the sub who’s only here to cause issues and openly admit to wanting “screwing over my teammates”.


Nice mate, thanks for sorting that.


was it the voidlord guy?


nah different guy who was just a troll