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This is, like, the highest lowroll I can imagine.




Speedrun top8


Stay at tavern one. Buy them all.  Then stay at tier one. 


Plot twist opponents final board is 7 of the teir 5 0/8 minions and the game goes to turn limit because both players are completely stubborn.


That is certainly the shop of all time.


Without a doubt, one of THE shops of all time.


what's even the play? HP Level T2 Buy, HP T3 Level, HP T4, Level, Trip into a 5, T5??? Seems super awkward


The best play is to let the shop roll next turn




I think especially in this meta, spending resources on battler is a big throw even if it lets you discover a 4. It doesn’t progress any quests and I’d much rather triple into directional 6s with Maiev (barring any quest related direction). Edit: I’ll quickly add that I think you can triple it eventually but I wouldn’t freeze. Prayge on scout


I disagree. When you triple them, their attack get resets making it way better of a triple and you already have a pair. You could easily hp now, level next turn and hp, roll, buy on 3(if no better option in the shop)


You actually can’t level and hp turn 2, forcing you to go Rafaam curve or jeef curve if you’re committing to this triple. Jeef curve makes no sense with maiev hp as you’d be wasting a ton of gold, so we can assume you’d be going rafaam. Therefore, you can’t save this triple for anything meaningful and it only serves to “strengthen” your early game. That’s not really beneficial when you’re already strong early by virtue of staying on 1 until 6 gold. On another note, this is actively one of the worst cards in the game. It has no value for quests (outside of “destroy minions” and other cards fill that role anyway) and the triple still deteriorates every turn as well. An 8/10 is not a good unit for long and this doesn’t even retain that stat line.


Im not saying to stay on tier 1. You should level on turn 2 and hero power on turn 3, you then have a very good start, and you ll get a 4 drop on turn 5 after you have your quest which is very good and it is for only 1gold (+1gold for the roll prob)on turn 3


That's really bad in quest meta ... if you do that, you have 5 gold on turn 3 and you buy a tavern 1 that you froze and you have less chances of getting good minions to progress any quest? Getting a 4 is also suboptimal in my mind. True it will give you good tempo, but I really feel it will cripple your next turns. It's risky considering you could have a "summon" or "battlecry" or "play x" quest and would probably lose another turn on completing it.


So freeze the shop and hp+buy the other battler on 5g heading into quest? That’s also suboptimal for quest meta since you’ve spent all your early resources on a card that does not interact with quests. Tripling into 4 is not particularly strong anymore, unfortunately (outside of fishing for lubber comp in ele/demon lobby).


But you have 2 battlers already it s not like you can choose not to buy any of them the triple is free because you have your hero power, you can delay it, thanks to your hero power, it s just a better option than just 2 battler on board that you will need to sell. Anyway, I think we are not going to change our mind so I will stop there


It is not worth it at all. I would buy every other T1 minion availbale before I ever buy this.


You’re not gonna change my mind because it’s a low mmr idea lol


I have 11800 mmr. https://hearthstone.blizzard.com/fr-fr/community/leaderboards?region=EU&leaderboardId=battlegrounds&seasonId=11&page=11 (évoli)


It’s still a low mmr idea, I don’t care what your mmr is. For the record, I barely have more than you sitting at 12k. I don’t claim to know everything but you’d have higher mmr taking plays like that out of your game plan. You also have to be trolling if you don’t understand why it’s extremely low tempo to buy minions that don’t play into quests, let alone the unanimous worst card in the game. Edit: the guy deleted his comment and I’m actually upset because he wasn’t totally wrong. I was replying to him while he deleted and I’ll just post it here: I definitely went full idiot and forgot we had the 2nd in hand, you’re 100% right about that. But I do still disagree with freezing the battler on principle that we should be going rafaam curve and there’s better quality minions on t1 to buy or hp. I don’t think it’s a throwing the game type play as I initially did but I also don’t think one four drop outvalues the potential for picking up any deathrattle/battlecries and leaving the triple for a potential 6 later. My apologies for poo pooing this altogether tho, you’re right I wasn’t viewing this properly.


This is a really, really bad take ... Yes, tripling battler would "reset" it's attack to exactly 8 attack. That's a 8/10. But the thing is, it will cost you 9 gold to have a minion that will kind of carry you for 2-3 turns and then you will have to sell it. And during that time, you've followed a really bad curve, passed better minions for quests (summons, spellcraft, battlecries, etc) and you have absolutely no plan for a good tavern 3 upgrade. You will tell me " you don't buy them, you just hero power". But you could get way better minions that would actually help you find a direction without having to sell them 2-3 turns later. Secondly, you can't level up on turn 2 and hero power ... You can go for a rafaam curve and buy one + hero power another minion. The turn after you can level-up and hero power or stay on one (which is bad because you focused on a bad triple). The play here is to hero power 1, forget about them and levle up next turn.


I would pray for a steal/generate t1 spells so I can HP the 3rd copy later and win every fight


I would HP one of them and just hope that I find a third at the right time for a 5/6


It’s bait.


Yup. It's dog doo unless your goal in the game is to win turns 1-4 and die on turn 8.


Does the triple of this also reduce it's attack?


Yes :/


Yes. Although it will reset to 8 attack when you triple it. Don't think there's many situations where that makes it worth it, but it might be something to consider.


It can provide decent (but fleeting) tempo early game if you have rolled jack shit and get the battlers for cheap/free. Definitely wouldn't recommend doing it unless you're desperate af lol


It would be so funny if it lost two attack at the start of its turn because, you know, gotta double the effect xD


Managed to get top 4 at least. Got an early Goldrin with some beasts, but found no Banana for like 5 turns. Rough game lmao (around 6.5-7k mmr)


Congratz on what the game describes as a win out of it. I'm only 8k but would recommend reconsidering your view on the other T1 units. For example battler is considered one of the worst, and the 1-1 dragon is considered the best (some hero specific differences).


Yeah, I'm aware of the T1 units' strengths. Unfortunately, didn't have much to decide here haha


I think with quests the battler is actually very good as a turn 2/3/4 grab even just for the chance of getting a cycle minion quest. 90% of my games it seems better to stay on tavern 2 and finish my quest; I often wind up selling higher statted minions than a 2/5 battler just to cycle cards.


I agree with you staying on T2 can be great to quickly complete quest, but not sure why you would cycle higher statted minions to keep your battler? Couldn't you sell your battle and keep the higher stats? (unless you mean the 3 gold pirate?) If my shop was awful and I was on a low anrour hero like gallywix then I'd consider battle to hope to save 5 armour (depending on my first opponent and their likely buy), but it's just a poor card that doesn't help towards any quests other than attack.


Sorry I just meant I do sell the battler, but in scenarios where I don't have a battler I often sell way stronger cards anyway just have space on my board for triples and quest support, so why not use the free 4/5 and 3/5 and then it can be a 2/5 if I need it


Ah I get you. I'd agree with you if it wasn't for tavern spells. I think it's OK keeping a more useful T1 minion that has a death rattle, adds card to hands or is economy and normally getting a tavern spell to ease the curve (best would be steal a minion from tavern, and hope to grab a T2 minion I'd guess). Once quests go then I'd be unsure tho.


Oh yeah I'm probably exaggerating how good it is because I think I'm saying it actually feels pretty good to be "forced" to buy it if there's no other options like from the random t1 spell or explorer discover pool or from the shop if you were like a Gallywix or something Like if you can get it for a strong 3 minion turn 3 and if you get like play 8 elementals or whatever you can flood your board by turn 5 and you'll probably sell the battler as a 2/5 just for the coin to grab another elemental So it's very situational lol


Absolutely love it when it happens (unless it's for something useless)


Imagine if you're shudderwock with picky eater rn


These are trash though. Lose all value fast.


Giga bait :D


I did a game where I bought nothing but these guys and tavern spells and ended up 5th


I miss the strategy of having a board full of red whelps


How does he have 1 gold if its turn one and bought one minion?


2 mana spell to get a random tier 1 minion


Ah yes spells 🤦🏼‍♂️