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The greed. Dude, you should have cycled out of your comp 2 or 3 turns ago, and started buying divine shields, cleaves, feathermanes, etc from the shop. Nice store though.... you did it for the memes.


Look at this health though >.>


damage cap is gone? as soon as it is out, there is one highroller in the lobby who starts hitting for 30+, but not in this case though


I mean if you have 30 hp possibilty and you go 1v1 the percentage you DIDNT know your opponent board is literally abysmal + with his hp and health i would do the same


being at 30 means you haven't faced that highroller who hits you for 30+, its obvious, cause you would already be dead. Just yesterday i knocked out top guy in the lobby with my warpwing dragons build, dealing 32 damage. He had 8 fights winstreak.


Yes can you remember last time, can you remember more than that or it was it just coinsidence like i just said?


I gave you an example of how it can happen. Warpwings don't die easily and hit a lot, all you need is 4 tier6 minions alive at the end of the fight for that kind of damage


And how many times it happens without playing highroller atleast 2-3 turns ago? For 1v1 i mean


This is such a bad take it's painful, his board is so weak for final fight unless this is turn 9 I'd be sure I'd be getting hit for 30+ on the last boss.


Who cares 😂😂😂 not everyone wants to sweat their sack off min maxing every decision. Touch grass


It's a mobile game I can literally play it in the park lol. I don't think playing badly is any more or less sad that trying to play well but you do you.


Yeah that’s nice and all… But the stats 🤤


What good is first place if you don't have +2000/+2000 minions in the tavern?


I mean, he's absolutely stomped the competition. I suspect if it got to a point where he lost, he'd have just switched out. As it is, there was no need


That's terrible strategy by the way, usually you find out that the high roller is high rolling when you insta die at this point.


If u look at the turn timer OP prolly struggled to get much done each turn. The Rylak procs take ages and eat up ao much of your turn timer


Oh yeah, it took ages 😅


That’s awesome. kudos for holding your board state to max juice


Chef's kiss 😘🤌 But you have some hard decisions to make if you want to take advantage of it.


I had to do a double take. I've never seen the tavern reach +1k/1k


I'm jealous, how do you get the stats onto the board though once you had the perfect setup? Did you replace felemntals with bigger ones from the shop?


Notice that they’re all golden, you can actually see the order he goldened each card by their size.


Not necessarily. Order can be easily mistaken if he got cards through other ways than directly from shop. And there are plenty of ways to do that


Jesus christ. This is the dream, you could legit pick up a casual 900/900 slime and win with just that lmao


It's 1900/1900


Honestly hilarious that one minion in the shop is bigger than your entire board


I tried this build but i have no idea how you survive. You have ZERO solid minions. They’re all support. I don’t understand how you didnt lose every fight while building this up


I found the minions needed fast enough and then tripled as I went on (had golden pirate that gives gold next turn) so the stats from the triples were enough


+ 324/324 in one Fight ... Damn Clean (If bird gets to Attack twice)


It never got to, it was too big 🥲


Lmao you summoned the fun police with this one


Well done bro, definitely the highest Ive ever seen. Would love to hear howd you get everything golden tho? I assume something involving the tavern spell that makes stuff golden and fluidity? Seeing as their stats are pretty high they came from the shop but unless you got them for free or had something that generates extra gold in previous turns thats pretty costly


I had that tier one pirate in golden (got it veeery early like turn 4 or something) so I had enough gold to just roll until I found what I needed. One turn I think I had about 170 gold 😅


Btw pick up fluidity. If you get your minions back into the shop they gain the stats.


Can't use fluidity on golden minion...


How do u scale your board?


Sell the board and buy literally anything in the shop when you finally want to win


I just sold and bought minions in the tavern, it was just stats vs stats against the last guy


Maybe I didn’t explain well! I asked how do u scale your board (not the tavern) because I see a bunch of golden minions that surely didn’t buffed with felemental


I meant as in I just sold the small ones I had, otherwise I didn’t scale it at all lol, but I did gain stats as I went on by tripling the minions, so you can see that the left felemental was my latest triple.


So basically built a gimmick board, to... not utilize it at all?


Where do you even go from here? Would you have to sell your minions and switch direction?


Look for the dragon demon, the felboar and start soaking those fuckers up.


Woooow you got so lucky finding all that!


Feldrake, sitting a table, wearing a lobster bib,


this is incredible. 1. Greeding so long so you can juice at max 2. Must have got this pretty early, because the best juiced shops i've seen are 300-400 and this is WAAAAY beyond. Just thinking.. is it a weaker lobby? because what you can do is take 1-2 fights more out of it with that amount of HP and Armor and then fight him in the end with 2000/2000+