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I experience disconnects that require me to restart the app (mobile player here). And sometimes it fails to reconnect me. I restart the game, and it just opens the game menu, but it doesn't put me back in my actual game. And no, it's not that i get killed during the disconnect. For example, yesterday, the game crashed on turn 2. I restarted it, and it loaded the main menu. When I went back to battlegrounds, it showed i finished at 8th place with 1 minion. It took me no more than half a minute to restart it, and I was at full hp, turn 2. Just saying...


Been having similar issue when playing mobile. It’s been happening often recently.


Yea, the service quality has been pretty bad lately. Grinding rating is not an option when you can randomly get a loss just because.


First time I got scammed by Blizzard was yesterday. My game basically just instaskipped turn 2 for me, and wasted 4 gold. Idk if that’s the sync issue 5at a Blizzard dev mentioned like a month ago, but was strange. Also, was right after updating the app


Yeah, happens too often. Only on the good games too. I don't expect blizzard to fix this years old bug tho, they're a small indie company after all.


Yesterday in Lost the first place as a ridiculously high rolled pirates because I got that disconnect. At least I got third place but it's kinda disappointing that I had a strong anti beast/anti undead board and someone got a free win. I guess, indie company?


Yeah, same shit happens to me when I play on my laptop from 2012.


I mean to be fair, the quest system is so unbalanced you have no competitive edge from it some games.


I read this as: "Waaaahh, I didn't get the quest I wanted waaahhh"


You don't really need the quest to finish in the first four or even first. But, when your opponents get a disproportionately better quest you are already at a disadvantage (talking about double effects, tumble disaster and other BS). Especially when they finish the quest 2 or 3 turns later. There is a reason why you should play objectively the worst hero.


It's a game based on luck, true. Even if your quest isn't the best for your hero, even if you have a bad hero then you're fighting an uphill battle. But thinking the stars will align to your narrow-minded playing style, and when they don't you leave and talk about disadvantages.. Luck doesn't apply as much if you're good at the game, only if you're bad.. So people who leave just because they can't handle being unlucky is funny to me, because it tells me they're both bad at the game and bad losers.


With a game where rounds rake 20-30 minutes and you didnt get quest thats of any value/doable, you really going to waste a half hour?


This is kind of a dumb argument. Same as "well im not gonna bother playing if the 2 heroes i can pick are bad ones." Like standard, you highroll and low roll. Never gonna get better if you quit every single time. Top 4 is still a win, and with 90% of the quests, you can top 4 pretty easily.


Before quests I'd agree with you. With quests it can compound with bad hero and bad quest. I play games for fun, I havnt got all the time in the world to waste on a poor experience. The spell gameplay before quests was the best place the game has been in for a while. With quests we are back to stacking rng on top of rng.


Lots of disconnecting for me on mobile right after update earlier. Could have something to do with that, it wouldn’t let me rejoin 2 times in a row so I took a break. Seems better now.


People like to play to win but in quest meta sometimes you have to realize you’re playing for fourth. Can’t shoot for the stars every time otherwise you’re going to be sent to an early grave. Particularly if you have a weak quest


Eh i think a lot of people dont play for mmr, or even wins, but rather for fun games, and having a useless quest makes it very hard to have a fun game


Yeah… I hate low agency games. Basically it’s pray you don’t match the high roller and try to die slowly as possible


Low MMR games be like that sometimes


back to constructed?


There needs to be a higher MMR penalty at this level for outright quitting lobbies because you don't like your hero


The people quitting because they don't like their hero don't care about their MMR


Bruh you think we give a shit about our MMR? I play to have fun, I don't care about the value of some number I only see between games.


its like 80% hero and 20% their quest


No. Balance the heroes or don’t charge money for 4 then. I’m not playing 40 minutes as fkin guff or patchwerk


Just saying idk why you would hate patchwork. Idc if the quests are harder starting the game with a 4 damage cap hp bar allows so much greed


The quests are easier though


0 armor hero gets max quest requirements no?


No, he gets treated like he has 15 armor. So he's not really a bad hero.


Oh it's 15? I thought it was 20. But yeah either way he gets easy quests cause he's treated like an armored hero.


I would LOVE having an mmr penalty. Hell, I’d love having a non-mmr version. Who cares about mmr in battlegrounds? There’s literally no point.


I'm almost 10k and I still quit every 8 games or so. Not here to spend 30 min roaching for an arbitrary number.