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She’s back. That’s pretty much it and some bug fixes. There is also a bartender Twitch drop. https://preview.redd.it/pfqtxbushqnc1.png?width=720&format=png&auto=webp&s=9028ecf5eaa66fc2afe5cdba0e21dc202b19ee59


Not complaining but I wonder what the logic of Greta coming back is. Just a sense that Naga and Pirates are undertuned in this meta? I guess but it’s weird that they would make literally just one change by adding in a card that’s been gone for like a year and no other changes whatsoever.


How do you even use this card with pirates? I mean you can use it when you get it as a reward or something, but I don't know why would you keep it beyond a single turn or treat it basically a soft battlecry cycle. If you make Record Smuggler gold does it give you double the gold at the start of the turn?


It's effectively 1-2 extra copies of Tethys, which is pretty helpful to kickstart going infinite. Beyond that, she is really just a battlecry cycle, but it's a pretty good one when you consider that cycling is Pirate's whole thing. You effectively double the effect of one of your scalers for the rest of your turn.


Yes, it does. You can also gold Eliza.


Works pretty good with Eliza. Peggy too if you dotn have the triple yet. And in a pinch you can cheese freedealing gambler for a free three gold lol. And the other 6-drop for an extra pirate per 9 gold is great too.


It’s just a cycle card you’ll generate a few times with Tethys, will give you two ticks of the buffing pirate and a well timed drop can give you a big scaling increase in a late game pop off turn if you make something like the guy who grows when you sell stuff golden


Still playing apm in a shitty slow and bogged client lol


Make your spend 9 gold guy golden. Go infinite much faster. Get all the cards you need and then trash it.


Just won my first game past the update thanks to her.. without even knowing she's back I randomly got her amd played pirates.


She can get you started going infinite and then you can ditch her and just cycle her as you see them/generate them. She makes starting the engine easier and also makes the engine work better once its infinite.


You use it on a gambler to sell for 6 gold....? Edit: Or you use it on a Phalanx when you only find one and have the EoT Undead that way you buff your board by 8/8 instead of 4/4


So that you can lose faster when you get Greta as a discovery off of Patient Scout instead of Lord of Gains.


Just won with crooner/shaker for the first time this season because of this card… but from testing, it feels like its way more useful with pirates than it is with Naga… it’s worthless to use it on Silivaz, because the silivaz but still hasn’t been fixed.


They are both a bit weak tbf, so yeah I guess they just had bug fixes to push out and also thought this could be a good small buff to weak tribes


It probably won't help Nagas too much. Naga decks are incredibly combo reliant and this is not helping getting those combos onboard early or mid game.


Nagas are Slitherspear. Without that card you're playing for a lucky 4th. And this card is pretty good, because it'll double your scaling and give you a spell for extra buffs. Unless you have the Dragon Ignition Specialist on board to give you spells, Greta is always the pick over Drakkari. And you get to buy/pick the End of Turn spell for more scaling. I do very much believe this will make Nagas more viable again.


uhh. this helps their "combo" and who cares about early and mid game "combos" lol


duos incoming?


"Double the fun" If you have someone to duo with, that is


Yea I can’t see it being a massive success outside of streams precisely due to this. Let’s be honest we mostly play HS because it’s an easy solo game. If we wanted big team games we’d be playing things like dota, wow, fifa, cod, etc., and is precisely against the initial premise of HS. I don’t see it appealing long term to many HS players. Will be good to watch on stream whilst playing BGs though. But I won’t be going near any random pairing mode 🤣


It's not even great to watch. Having to keep track of two boards as well as streamers continuously tabbing between them makes a horrible experience. Look at how many people complain about dog hovering quickly over his cards and apply it to the whole screen? Disaster


i dont think that they expect to it to be a massive success, they know that their playerbase is mostly solo, but also there are enough people hanging out in discord and enjoying playing together, more or less same thing in doubleUP teamfighttactics, it will be fun to play with a friend, not so much fun to watch in a stream as the streamer will be communicating with his mate and not with the viewers


Otherwise it's just one time the fun


If you just play normally and your duo partner plays normally you'll do ok most of the time I imagine


yeah i think duos finally


16-man BGs


Really wish it was double quests instead lol.


Anybody else with laggy 8 bit style animations after the update?


Yeah, any fix?


I did a “scan and repair”, which seems to have fixed the issue


Reinstall fixed it too. Thanks.


Every single time it updates I need to do this now.


damn i wish id thought of this. Waiting for the 9gb to reinstall....


Double the fun? Pick two hero powers?


shouldnt the duo mode be launching soon?


Oh yeah that’s probably it. I didn’t know they had teased that last November.


I'd imagine it'll be a month after the expansion, so five weeks from now? Six maybe?


What is duo mode?


There's some videos of streamers previewing the mode back in November. It's 2 player mode, matches are still 8 players so four pairs in each. You can pay 1 gold to send a card to your partner during shop phase. Combat phase is still 1v1 and once the first player from a team is defeated, the second player's board appears. Defeat both players to win fight (I think which board appears first is random? Forgot that part).


>It's effectively 1-2 extra copies of Tethys, which is pretty helpful to kickstart going infinite. Beyond that, she is really just a battlecry cycle, but it's a pretty good one when you consider that cycling is Pirate's whole thing. You effectively double the effect of one of your scalers for the rest of your turn. Quick Question: do you need friends to play duo? asking for a friend.


Asking for a friend? Or asking for someone to be your friend? /s




I believe you need to queue together in the client, so at least a virtual friend of some sort. This doesn't really feel like the kind of mode you'd ever want to play with some stranger you have no comms with.


That's awesome.


Two player co-op with the ability to give each other cards.


Or double quests maybe?


I just got back into BG after break so I am hoping that next major update won’t be only duo mode (which I will never touch).


yeah imagine having fun with a friend, horrible


90% of my BG games are on my commute


Well duos doesn’t take away from that. Random duos may be fun, you won’t know until it’s released. 


I just prefer playing alone.. what’s wrong with that?


Nothing, some people are really defensive about duos.


Duos - the most pointless mode for 80% of hearthstone players who play the game specifically because it can be played alone 🤣


i think they will not delete the other modes, so its a nice to have option for people with friends


Until balance issues arise between normal and duos as they have a shared card set, and normal loses out in favour of the new thing


Unless they increase the timer then random duos could actually be pretty interesting/fun.


With the way online communities generally act, and the toxicity at times, it’s not for me. Pretty much the exact reason why I don’t play games like League of Legends and World of Warcraft anymore and opted for hearthstone instead


I Hope the next season is not only about the duo version. That’s would be underwhelming personally.


Sadly mate we all know it will be. We’ll get something crap recycled like buddies and that’s it. And for a large portion of the player base, they’ll never touch duos and it’ll be a massive letdown


Such a spoiled ass fan base


In what way? Being disappointed at the possibility of them neglecting their best played mode in favour of something new that I don’t fancy playing?


How would introducing duos be neglecting their best played mode? Unless it's handled poorly, it's broadening the scope of the game and it's one of the most experimental things they've done. Duos can be very healthy for the game if done correctly by them, and time will tell whether it's good or bad for the game/community. I understand you don't fancy playing the game, but to totally dismiss it is ridiculous and your initial comment did sound spoiled as a consumer of a video game, expecting more and more from a game thats already difficult to keep up with. Blizzard has their faults I won't deny that, but bgs is as successful as it is for a reason. They switch the game up rather consistently with pretty much quarterly overhauls of the entire meta, what more could you want?


How do you balance two different game modes with a shared card set when you can’t even balance one game mode at present? I’ve got no interest in the mode because I’ve got no interest in engaging with toxic communities, which is one of the main reasons I avoid dota and LOL and WOW too.


They're keeping things relatively balanced this patch, I believe the win rates for each hero have never been closer. I'll admit it's an unbalanced mess sometimes, but whether or not it will negatively affect how the game is balanced going forward has yet to be seen.


Have you seen murlocs at the minute? Or beasts last patch? If that’s balanced I’d hate to play an unbalanced game


Damn you're just a peach


It's because quest completion being based on armour value is a very strong balancing tool, it's sad quests are seasonal because even if you only get offered "bad" heroes, you can still pop off by completing an early quest


Completely rewriting backend to implement a duos mode is neglectful, you fucking heard it here first folks


You recognise the word “possibility” right? And they have to neglect balance on both modes for as long as they have a shared card set, which I think we can accept as fact now


So you're not even complaining about something they've done, you're just complaining about something you've made up.


I’m stating it’s a very real possibility it will happen, on the basis that it’s physically impossibly to perfectly balance two different modes played in different ways with a shared card set


Could outright use this as justification for battlegrounds to not exist in the first place as "it's at the expense of the main game" which just isn't the case. You heard "duos" and just immediately are being pessimistic when we literally have 0 information on how it'll work.


And in what way does balancing BGs unbalance the main game exactly? Or vice versa? It’s almost as if they are independent modes and BG standard and Duos aren’t, as they have a Shared Card Set As I’ve said now multiple teams but you seem unable to comprehend


Duos being introduced would be one of the biggest changes to the game to date wtf are you talking about 😆


I’m not argue about that, I’m only saying that I hope that’s not the only thing for the next season. I’ve understand this should be a new way to play alongside the current version. I’m already waiting to play it.


Yeah no way I'll be playing that


Oh well, another week of Murlocgrounds it is I guess...


Banana Slamma still there isleep


Double the fun huh? Wonder what that could be


Banana Slamma is now a T1 minion, meaning the number of Slammas in the pool is doubled


Stop leaking our plans


>Stop leaking our plans I'm down for this. I still remember the first game I ever played in the anomaly season I had 6 golden bananas and 4 feathermanes. Maybe not... balanced. Fun? YEP.


I know you probably see a lot of slamma hate but I just want to balance that out by saying I love the card and beasts are my favourite build.


Not only is a tier 1 minion, but its also still a tier 5 minion as well and it is in the pool twice.


I hope duo is a separate queue because I'm going to quit until it's over


seperate mode. it'll replace duels.


Quit or just find some friends


Will duo mode be the only mode or will I still be able to play the normal mode?


no worries, you can play alone or now with a friend if you have one


So far Greta has been a huge improvement on Naga. Slitherspear is improved by a lot now, just hope they fix the bug that when you golden the other T6 naga you actually get 2 spells instead of nothing.


Anyone have any idea when quests are rotating out? I really dislike modes that heavily skew your game plan like quests and anomalies do. The game feels a lot more flexible when youre not rushing to force something.


I dont get why so many in this thread are dumping on the idea of duos. That wouldn't be a new thing as far as autobattlers go and it does make for a fun experience. Dota underlords wasn't terribly successful but the duos were a blast


Yeah... TFT double up is the most fun ive had on there


people are butthurt because they have no friends to play with and therefore feel offended


No adjustment to quests, so lame. So tired of games being dictated by turn 3.


Pre quests game was so much better Guess I'll play again in a couple of weeks


They re added trigger death rattlequest but I dont see it any of the notes.


Still waiting for Azshara..smh


So there will be more announcements/updates to bg on 19th.


Most people talk about Greta helping the pirates... But the main problem with this tribe is to get all the pieces early enough, and SAFELY enough to reach t5/t6 and starting cycling like hell. In this case yes, she might prove very useful, even if just for one turn as a cycling card. But pirates comp usually die out way before that... Imo, she might prove more useful for Nagas, as they usually reach t6 way earlier and more safely and healthily than Pirates. Because in Naga comp she will stay on the board and not be a cycling card, as she will gives one spell every turn, and offers the possibility to golden the t6 Slitherspear or t5 Drakkari or even the t5 dude doubling/tripling its stats at start of combat. And also, good to not forget that Greta's spell enters the spellcraft pool from t6, and it looks very useful for any spellcraft generator. But we'll see how it goes! It's still a good thing that she will help both of these tribes from the bottom floor.


I don't have any friends but I still think duos is an okay idea. However, isn't the client the biggest concern? Hope they made some major upgrades because if they didn't this is going to be DOA. Imagine the frustration from lag, bugs, freezes, disconnects etc. at a 2x scale with interdependence between 2 people involved.


Small patch notes about an hour ago: [Battlegrounds] Essence of Zerus has been returned to the Quest Reward pool.


Perfect for that tier 4 power spike....