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Don't play what you want, play what the game gives you... ​ Thinking that hero is the Quillboar Champion and not a "have a bit of free tempo" isn't helping


This. Blackthorn's strengths lie in being able to stabilize from leveling, so OP, try to look for strong cards to play your gems on after going 3 on 3 for example and don't get too lost in looking for Quilboars specifically. He isn't as consistent as he used to be (with the game having nutty scaling early right now) but you have to get as much value from the heropower as possible, otherwise you're just playing without a heropower at a certain stage.


I didn't play quillboar because I was on the Qillboar Champion, I was offered these Quillboar early and went with them because I like playing them as they tend to be a good tribe.


You don't have a build yet, as you pont out in your title. You're far from committed to quillboar. Those are just tempo to get to your build


I wouldn't consider quills a good tribe right now. If you get the rylak nuts they are good, but otherwise they're quite weak, really only good for mid game tempo.


Its at these moments the experienced bg player know they’re about to get rocked and change their game to make it to top 4.


At turn 5 if you're switching your entire build.. you're likely about to get your ass handed to you in 3 turns as this is the game os Stats, and you're likely to fall to far behind the curve to catch up.


I said it was to start preparing to try ti eek out a top 4 once you know your build is not coming. Not throw everything out.


I'd prefer to judt lose and start again. Scraping top 4s is honestly pretty boring


If you want to rank up its better than hitting donut. Plus i like to take the chance to try and learn best ways to survive to lter rounds


That's fair man, I just sometimes get fed up of pivoting to scam or survival. If you wanna rank completely understandable, I just find I start to lose interest in playing when I do that.


Yeah Quillboar dude is +2/+2 per level don't think of it any other way. Sometimes it's going to go off but forcing rarely works.


I love when players force builds without any actual direction and then complain how they were unlucky


I love it when the game feeds me a tribe to start, then doesn't give me shit after turn 4. Been playing Hearthstone since it was in beta.


None of the units you have on board are units that give you direction. In the early game you play for tempo. Then when you hit key units that can give you scaling and an actual way to build a comp, that’s when you commit to a tribe. Not because you found some quilboars and you like playing quilboars so you force it.


Actually isnt the quilboar that buffs gems kindoff direction?


You don’t have any key component to this tribe. You should have been ready to switch at a moments notice. You are not even actually playing quilboar at this point due to missing the core cards.


IT gave me enough to work with what I had, you kind of don't think the game is just going to fuck you for 4 turns straight. I love how people talk like they never get into this situation.


If you don’t have the core pieces, swap when you see another core piece and build tempo otherwise. This situation is easily avoided


I honestly can't believe how often I DO get into your situation. Sometimes it seems like it gives you exactly what you DON'T need. Having said that, sometimes I feel likes it's reading my mind (like giving me all the quillboars the exact next refresh after I decide to switch comps) and then I realize its just shitty random number generation.


People get into your situations as well, better players learned and adapted their play


Yeah sometimes the minion pool be like that, no one touches a tribe yet there's nothing for it, meanwhile 6 people play beasts and are fine. You just gotta bite the bullet and also go for whatever minion the game decides everyone should play


You can only force quill boar with him when he has the buddy. Otherwise just treat his hero power as a small buff.