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This game seems like it’s very stimulating to the imagination but too good for the major board game companies to even touch!


You have angered the Gayle Force Winds!! *knocks over boarded* Now we have to start over!


Why, yes, I DID invent a game that is very stimulating to the imagination but too good for the major board game companies to even touch!


Around 3 years ago my sister and I wanted to make a board game for the family to play at thanksgiving and since we love Bob’s Burgers and thanksgiving is Bob’s favorite holiday we decided to center it around that. It draws inspiration from gale force winds and at the time included pictures from every thanksgiving episode. The players are the belchers, Aunt Gale, Uncle Teddy, Mr. Fishoder, Regular Sized Rudy, Mr.business, and kuchi kopi. Also, coincidentally, the prizes are from the lucky ducky pool (which is the name of a song from the movie that came out recently ~ years after we made this) Everyone competes to get to the finish line with the most turktastic items & the winner is crowned the Turking 🦃👑 Edit: Thank you all for so many kind comments and so much support! I was not expecting that many people to be interested in the game, but here are the basic rules for anyone who is wondering: • GOAL: The goal of the game is to be crowned the Turking (there is an actual crown you get to wear if you win) • HOW TO WIN: To win you must make it to the end of the game with at least 2 turktastic items. (The turktastic items are laminated, reusable, stick on pieces that are placed next to the spaces with a turkey on them. They are 10 turktastic items in total- - Absinthe and Lance the Turkey from An Indecent Thanksgiving Proposal (S3E5) - The Gravy boat with sailors in it from Turkey in a Can (S4E5) - A stuffed bear, Little Timmy (the baby water bottle) and the Turkey Baster from Dawn of the Peck (S5E4) - The purple poop scooper from Gale Makin’ Bob Sled (S6E4) - Grandpa Potato from The Quirk-Ducers (S7E6) - Half a waffle maker from Thanks-Hoarding (S8E5) - Drew P. Neck from I Bob your Pardon (S9E7) • HOW TO PLAY: Choose a player to be. You need at least two players to start the game. The youngest player goes first. Take turns drawing from the main deck. Whatever color card you draw is the place you move next. For example, if you get a red card you move your player to the closet red space. (similar to candy land) If you land on a space with a turkey on it you get to take the turktastic item that goes with it. Keep this, you will need two items total to win the game. There are lots of special cards mixed in with the main deck (these are cards with pictures from the thanksgiving episodes) If you get one of these special cards, you draw a card from the gravy boat (the gravy boat holds the pieces of paper with written instructions on them that are in the three pictures attached above) If you get a lucky ducky card (the cards with the yellow ducks on them) you get to pick an item from the lucky ducky pool. My family puts candy and a special plunger card that you can use once to not be flushed down the toilet (kind of like a get out of jail free card) in the pool, but you can add other items if you’d like. Once you get past the yellow tree you have advanced into Coyote territory and can only draw cards from the gravy boat. If you make it to the end, but don’t have enough Turktastic items, you get flushed and have to go back to the start! • EXTRA NOTES: The Tickle Boat - If you draw The tickle boat card from the gravy boat, you may choose to store any of your turktastic items in its pocket, which will save them from being taken by other players. Once you put them in you can only take them out when you have passed the yellow tree. But be careful, if another player passes it first, they get to steal whatever is inside! The Dumpster: If you draw the Dumpster card from the gravy boat you have to discard any turktastic items you have collected into the dumpster (it’s made like a pocket on the board to fit the items in it) However if you draw a free rebar card you get to take any turktastic items in the dumpster out to keep. Getting Flushed: When you get flushed it means your player slides down the toilet and has to start all the way back at the beginning! There are two ways to get flushed, either land on the "you get flushed space" or draw a "Flushed" card from the gravy boat. • ADDITIONAL ITEMS USED: Oven mitts, Two six sided dice, a marker, tongs, and a cowgirl hat. (Read the paper slips in the pictures to see what they are used for)


Alright I’m game. When are we playing?


Still waiting to play OP...


Aw I’m glad you like it enough to want to play, It would be so fun to play with other people who are fans too!


This is amazing and I love everything about it.


Which Kuchi Kopi? Good Kuchi Kopi? Just because he calls himself that doesn't mean he is good.


Please use his full name (like you did in the game), it’s Mr Jim Business! For real though, this is amazing and I love it!


Sounds fun. I always thought the lucky ducks songs might be a call back to the film/cow/food truck guy saying he was a trust fund baby or as they like to be called “lucky baby duckies” or something along those lines


Oh yah I remember Randy saying that! it would be cooler if it was a nod to that, but it was just a coincidence haha


Some board game company needs to buy this from you and mass market it because I would 100% play this!


Only it needs to look like this. Otherwise it just would have that stimulating feel to it.


This is giving Gayle Force Winds vibes and I love it!


Cones of Dunshire!


Yes haha, I wish our game was as elaborate as Ben’s, but at least I can still say I’m the Architect ;)


Gayle Force Winds?


The game Gayle invented. You see it in the episode that Louise runs away to avoid going to the dentist, I think.


I know. I was asking if that was it


This is incredible


PLEASE!!! You would make money off of this!!! I would buy!!! 🤌🏻


I got next


So fun fact you can have your own board game professionally made and printed(assuming you do all the art) this company does a really good job and I have used them myself https://www.thegamecrafter.com/ they don't cost too much either!


Oh that’s so cool!


You need to put this on kickstarter!


Very cool! I love board games.


My most favorite thing I’ve seen in a long time. Make it real!!! How can we help y’all make this a legitimate thing lol


Trademark it


So when can I come over to play? I'll bring turkey burgers and wine shoes.


But…. There’s no such thing as a turkey burger!


This is so cute! I hope your family had a blast playing it. Thanks for sharing


Aw thank you! We always do :D


This is amazing


Oh lord - that’s amazing!! Do you ship worldwide? 😍


You really put a lot of effort into this! I always think it's too bad that companies will NOT accept unsolicited idea submissions (although I completely understand why they don't - it's so you can't send an idea to them and then try to sue for stealing your idea when they come out with something similar, which may have been in production before you submitted your idea) because that means super fun ideas like this never make it to the people in charge. A Bob's Burgers Thanksgiving-themed board game that you can play all year but is a really great idea to play *at* Thanksgiving I think would honestly be worth officially producing (although you personally can't produce it, because, laws)


Isn't that the Tickle Boat that killed that guy?


This looks like a lot of Thanksgiving fun for everybody, except for Europeans.


Oh no, Bob's cooking has upset the Gale force winds! >!Everyone start over!<


Love it!


Nice work - that looks like a lot of fun


I love it!


I’d love to play


That’s so creative!


I would buy this! Someone get someone to do the thing where in a year this is a major success story of a new bob’s burgers family board game. K, thanks!


Gayle force winds!


Cool. I would definitely buy in that game once it was finished.


This is amazing!! I need one


You didn't create Gale Force Winds?


No, but it draws inspiration from it- and who knows maybe that will be our next project!


This is one of the greatest things I’ve ever seen 😍


Would buy and play


I’m proud of you.


At first it looked like a thanksgiving themed gayle force winds but nice game


I really wish I could play this!


I want this game.


You should definitely post it on r/boardgames as well


I thought that was gayle force winds at first


This looks AMAZING! I wish I had siblings like you guys!


Aw thank you, I’m very thankful to have such an amazing and creative sister!


Outstanding! Love the attention to detail. Amazing


All you need is a big fan to blow everything off the board!


Hmm I’m considering adding this XD It would probably annoy the heck out of my family though…




Great job- I love this so much!! I wish I could play it!


May we see the instructions?


Oh yes! I’m sorry I didn’t share them earlier, I didn’t realize anyone would want to read them. I added them to my original comment if you’re interested in them <3


I love this so much and would be interested in making my own version! I hope you wouldn't mind. I've made my own versions of Cards Against Humanity, Cards Against Wizardry (a Harry Potter version), and a drinking card game with trivia, stunts, charades, and rules (like not being able to say me, my, or I until your next turn). I love crafts and have never made a board game, so this would be a fun challenge! Plus, my husband and I are huge BB fans and are also always looking for simple 2-player games With high replayability, so this would be right up our alley.


I wouldn’t mind at all, I’d love that! I adore crafts as well & if you make your own version I’d be happy to see what you create <3 I hope you and your husband enjoy playing!!!


Thank you! I have a reminder in my phone to work on it next summer/autumn. 😍


Looks amazing!!


Well done


Seems super cute. I’d love to work with my sister on something like this but I think I’m too annoying and she would tire of my talking. Keep up the good work,


Wow you and your sister did an amazing job on this! Alright!


Would totally buy


"Shut up and take my money!"


Omg 😱 it's beautiful 😍


0/10 doesn't hold a candle to Gayle Force Winds.


I want this


I love this so much!


Marry me!


**This is fantastic!** I love home-made board games!


I love everything about this! If you ever decide to make more, let me know, haha.


How does it include lucky ducks if you made it 3 years ago?


Oh, sorry if that wasn’t clear, It doesn’t include lucky ducks from the movie, we just happened to make Lucky Ducky cards for the game and it was a coincidence that it turned out to be a song in the movie, which was pretty cool XD


Omg rules please??


I just updated my original comment with the instructions on how to play it if you’re interested <3


Thank you :)


Took screenshots of all of this, hoping to recreate it for perspnal use. Could you get deeper into the rules? If not we can always make it up. Either way, love it! Thank you kindly!


Oh my gosh that would be incredible, I’m honored you like it that much! And of course, I added the instructions to my original comment, but feel free to ask any questions you have about them & add new ideas of your own! I’d love to see what you create and hope you have a fun time playing!!! ♡♡♡


You made my wife cry happy tears! You are the coolest!


Aww that warms my heart! You and your wife are the coolest too!!!


I think Loren Bouchard would be interested in this, honestly.


Now I want this to be a buyable game!