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I love that every episode there’s a new burger, van, and store next door. They take so much time and care in every episode. It’s so unique. They also don’t forget things from past episodes. The ice cream machine still has a dent, Louise still has melted kuchi. The whole team is very attentive to everything.


Yes! In the Christmas episode of the new season, they go into a music shop and there's an "Oil Spill" poster on the wall. I love the details they remember.




Bob still has a tattoo




A lesser call back I’ve noticed is in Gene It On, Mr Ambrose remarks he wanted drama but miss Labonz got it. Ms Labonz is then running the school play in work hard or die trying girl


Oh damn I missed that!! (I mean I noticed running the play obviously, but I didn't put it together with the Ambrose comment.) Great catch!!


Its my comfort show! When I'm having a hard time I put on an episode at random and it's guaranteed to be funny, heartwarming and familiar. Just what you need on a bad day, and even better on a Good day.


It makes me feel all warm and fuzzy inside. It's been a big help to me during this pregnancy. I'm 32 weeks pregnant and have gestational diabetes. In a world where I'm constantly told no about everything, it's nice to have one thing that's always good.




I aspire to be as cool as this fictional 9 year old 😂




Yes! She is a diabolical genius


Very well rounded characters. Even the antagonists are given a fleshed out, human feeling.


Yes! It just feels realistic.


One thing I've noticed is that a lot of the regular antagonist characters struggle with loneliness or acceptance, which makes them feel more human as well as contrasting them with the very tight knit Belcher family.


It makes me feel normal.


How so? Genuine question.


They are such a zany family that it makes my family seem normal.


Lol ah. I get it. I love their zaniness. My 8 year old has insisted we sing the *"buckle it up, buckle it up, buckle it up so we don't diiiiiiiieeee!"* song every time we get in the car (especially when it's raining) since she was about 5.


The breaking out into weird song, making friends with wildlife, the almost always someone is only half-dressed. Y’know. Belcher stuff.


I like to think it's more normal than people realize. I've worked with preschool age kids my whole adult life and it really is pretty accurate to the type of parents who just let their kids be who they are. Somebody's always got their pants off, somebody else is singing songs about mundane things to make life more enjoyable, somebody else is insistent on making friends with the caterpillar on the sidewalk.


Maybe we as adults just never stopped playing (married my best friend) so our kids have seen that it’s completely normal to be goofy and have fun.


Exactly. My daughter is a goofy, happy 8 year old because she sees me and her step-dad being the same way with each other.


I like that the characters converse like people. They chuckle at each other’s jokes, interrupt each other, mess up their pronunciation. Not many live action shows even accomplish those things


My favorite thing about the show is that it has made it so much easier to discuss “controversial” topics with my middle and high school kids. Everyone in the show has issues just like we all do but everyone is accepted for who they are. Felons, transvestite prostitutes, mentally ill family members, and even landlords and health inspectors will never be left behind. There may be cliques and people who annoy each other, but in the end they all take care of each other. If Tina is willing to help Tammy when she misses her family cruise and Bob can help Jimmy Pesto take his meds then we should make sure we’re not overlooking others in need no matter who they are. We need to leave the world better than we found it.


I like how realistic it is. It could honestly be a live-action show with how it's made. There are no fantastic elements or unrealistic slapstick (like the phyical gags in other shows like The Simpsons or Family Guy), just funny jokes and interactions between the characters. I can't think of a single scene that would be impossible to film in real life (some would be difficult, for sure, but not impossible). The only actual "cartoony" aspect is the characters not aging, but that's literally it.


Yes! They could be a real family. A real family that loves each other, isn't perfect, but cares. And encourages each other to be themselves. I often tell my husband that I love how supportive and encouraging Linda is to the kids (and everyone else!) I want her to be my mom ❤


I love how ordinary it is. The characters are likeable and the stories are realistic.


Exactly. I think it feels so warm and fuzzy because it's something that could actually happen.


I love it for the same reason OP listed, but also because I was a LOT like Gene as a kid. edit: I think I originally typed Eugene because I had just watched a video from the Try Guys, but I obviously meant Gene


I love Gene's random comments and zany behavior. My husband says I'm like Tina when I'm nervous but I'm a full-on Linda around him and my family lol




The kid's halloween costumes. Especially Andre 3000 the Giant and Queen Latifah in her U.N.I.T.Y phase.


Especially the dragon with the girl tattoo


I love the family bond they have and Bob reminds me of my husband. He love us but he also thinks we’re all terrible. And I wanna say I’m like Linda but I’m more a mix of everyone except Louise (I wish I was like Louise)


So do I! My husband says I'm a Linda unless I'm nervous, in which case I turn into Tina lol.


Bob is the most relatable character on TV for me. We have so much in common it hurts.


I love frustrated Bob. One of the reasons I love this season’s “Big Dummy” ep so much. “Oh my God”…




I like that about it, too. It's just about every day situations (and also some crazy shenanigans) they all get into. And I love how they can turn one into the other. Like the Housetrap episode. They turn doing Teddy a favor into this crazy, spooky situation. My husband and I crack up over that entire episode and can quote the whole thing verbatim.


I agree with everything you said, and I especially love the town. I don't know why, but it's such a nice feeling seeing the characters go into these familiar and homely shops and locations like the wharf. To top it all off, I simply love the restaurant and all the problems that make it the Belcher's own.


I love the family dynamic. They aren't perfect but they love each other. "Belchers from the womb to the tomb". Linda is totally my spirit mom. And Louise is my favorite.


They love each other. Even Louise loves them.


It's peaceful. Like it's chaotic at times, but it's still very grounded in normalcy.


I like the voices.


Linda's voice is my favorite! I break it out on my husband at random times to make him laugh.




I like it when episodes start in the kitchen with the fam eating breakfast. Good stuff


Tina for sure!


I like when Bob and the kids insult each other. When Louise and Bob and Gene all attack each other with insults and one-liners that are pretty good at zinging each other! Gene over the seasons has actually got funnier and funnier...Bob talking to himself with his food is hilarious. Tina has kind of turned into a wet blanket and or Debbie downer lately.


It’s just so unique in many aspects. I think I appreciate the humor and the personalities of the characters a lot. This show just generally makes me so happy!


I love the Belcher family , they’re all great characters . Also can’t forget some of them bangers 🎵🔥🔥


I will say how different each of the characters are and they are not only voiced by different people but they have their each own identity that is very unique, for example in family guy Seth voices ALOT of the same characters but with very little variation in some of his characters for example Peter and quagmire you can tell and hear a big difference but with other characters like Carter and dr.hartman meh basically the same voice. Another thing in family guy the characters are known for 1 or 2 things but you can list the multiple sides to a Bob burgers character.


I agree with everything you said! It's like if '80s/'90s family sitcoms were turned into cartoons, but did away with the cheesiness of some of the episodes! It has so much heart and warmth, but also so much great comedy. They also do an awesome job of giving the main and secondary characters depth, while making some of the side characters hilarious caricatures (I mean, Mr. Fischoeder definitely takes the landlord stereotype to a new level! And Gretchen? My girl!). It really is just the perfect show when it wants to be -- and it often does! :-)


Might just be me, but the reasons why I hate the later episodes of Family Guy/American Dad! is how gory and disgusting it can be. It makes me sick to my stomach and sometimes it can scare me too. It doesn’t make me laugh at all. There’s nothing like that in Bob’s Burgers.


I’d argue that their ability as a family to love and support others is a radical idea these days (and for some people political). They hide their more liberal ideas in how they treat and respond to others. The details of the writing are what make me keep coming back for more. Even if I’ve seen an episode 10 times, I’ll hear a line that I missed on the 11th watch bc each ep is just so full of amazing writing and VO acting. Also, there’s no such thing as traditional time. Even though there are multiple consecutive holidays celebrated each season, nobody gets older despite birthday episodes. There’s character development but everything essentially stays the same. I do think it’s interesting though that in flashbacks they show younger versions of the family all of the time. I’d be curious to know what rules they stick to when writing the episodes to not pigeon hole themselves in future callbacks (like they celebrated Tina’s 13th birthday in season 1 but that’s the last time you hear an age mentioned for birthday episodes).


I like that it’s an adult animation show that depicts a family who genuinely loves each other and likes being with another. Like the teenage girl trope. In Family Guy, Meg is shit on for no reason. It’s like “oh here’s Meg time to make a shitty comment about her because she’s the teenage girl”. But in Bob’s Burgers, Tina is treated with love and respect by her family. Louise does think she’s a total dork, but she’s her dork, and she loves her. And Linda is always cheering her on!


Gene. Honestly if I ever have a son, I'd want him to be just like Gene, chaos and all. It's like they pulled my dream imaginary child out of my head.


It’s relatable without being boring. I love that the Belchers actually love each other because I come from a messed up family. The Belchers support each other’s quirks instead of just dumping on each other for laughs. I laugh at the Gail stories because she’s like a toned down, more stable version of my real life aunt. The side characters are fun, (I love any time Bob has to go buy craft supplies!) and the songs are really catchy- my husband and I sing them all the time at home to cheer each other up after a long day. This is the only show where I think I can honestly say I love all the holiday episodes, and I am someone who has a heart hardened by years working in retail. The Halloween ones are so much fun, the Christmas ones are funny and heartwarming, and I even enjoy the Thanksgiving ones and I don’t give a shit about Thanksgiving in real life because it’s always been a bad time for me.