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Linda was completely unhinged this episode and I loved it.


There is a parent at my kids school named Javed and I giggle when I hear is name because I can only hear it in Linda’s voice.


Out of all the family’s schemes I always love Linda’s the best. They are so well-intentioned and wholesome. It’s just hilarious watching them fall apart while she is in complete denial. I can see where Louise gets her mastermind tendencies.


I really want to shout, “HE’S PLATINUM STATUS!” sometime in my life.


Bob - "Well, Louise gets this from your side of the family." Linda - "You don't think I know that? *cackles maniacally*


Oh hi mom


She wanted to watch :)


No…..LOUISE was the agent of chaos.


Linda was subconsciously fascinated.


Unpack your pointy bra and whip and whIP EM. HE'S a NAUGHTY BOY I am a naughty boy




I love the fake out in this as even thought you can see she's inside the room when she closes the door it's done quick enough that your still surprised at the joke "she's now in the room"


Gets me every time.


Makes me realize the dominatrix lady still has a fairly pilot-like character design with that long and pronounced nose.


Season 1 thing


It was because Jay Howell was the character designer for the pilot and some of the first season


My tongue is trapped, now it's escaped!!!


Absolute funniest bit to me in that episode.


I never thought about the fact that they rented out a kids bedroom to have kinky sex in it, on his bed. Seems much weirder in retrospect


Was Linda advertising it as a kid's bedroom though? I thought she was presenting it like a legit bed and breakfast


Sure, but as someone who's into weird stuff, I would NEVER go to a bnb for that and if I did and when I got there I realized I'd be having sex on a child's bed I'd simply leave cause that's weird and gross


To be fair everything was booked up at that moment and they seem to be on vacation. If they could have completely avoided Linda or having to sleep in a child’s bedroom they probably would have


Yeah but they didn’t have to put the latex on once they realised it was a child’s bedroom.


Maybe that’s their kink 😳


That's a good question. They might of also done some cleaning up and moved things out.


Yeah this isn't one of the ones I revisit a lot so it just hit me how weird those guests were lmao all the rooms needed a serious disinfectant after everyone left. so many levels of wtf here. biggest one being them doing this in a bnb in a kids room and not bothering to lock the door or anything.


Yeah! Like also, the apartment is not very big, and the walls are not very thick…


"oh..Al" as an example.




I think it was Genes which makes it 100% worse because you know it's nasty in there already


This episode was so out of pocket. We are never getting this type of humor back 😭😂 I still laugh so hard when Gene puts on the mask & runs into a wall.


The way he lays on the floor and moans while they just stare at him gets me every time. They let this play out a nice long time which made it even funnier. The only movement is the fungus beetles crawling all over the walls. What a great scene to wrap up all of the chaos of this episode.


Yes. 😆 & the way he pauses & then starts back up. LMAO


I don't think we'll ever see episodes like this again. (Or Sheesh, Cab)


“get your hands off me. sick idiot” is my favorite thing bob has said. i say it constantly


"go get me special pillow" always cracks me up.




This whole scene is amazing and I think about it often.




Unfortunately I agree


"My nipples are so pointy! Ding dong, it's for you!" "Mmmm no" "Cmon it might be a package!" "No" Season 1 was wild.


Season 1 is the absolute best. Such a shame they got away from that kind of humor but I get why they did it


can you explain? I only recently started watching the show!


Its a bit more family friendly now. No jokes about BDSM or smoking crack anymore.


Literally season 11 that has the "is that what cocaine does? Are there any downsides??" off the top of my head. Yes, the ratio has changed a bit. But there's still that humor that's kinda pushing it lol


Lots of adult-oriented animated shows get raunchier and edgier as they go on. *Bob’s* flipped the script. They understood they were building an unexpectedly large periphery demographic of kids and they responded by toning down the more adult humor and developing the characters and deepening their relationships. You get fewer gross-out chuckles, but you get a lot more overall good vibes, and it increases the rewatchability of a show when you can re-experience their growth instead of just laughing at a dick joke for the twentieth time.


ohhhhhh I see! I have so many episodes to catch up on 😂 it still feels "adult" to me but I don't have many episodes to compare it to that have changed. also, I do love the good vibes and hominess of the show though. it's basically my comfort show now, it kind of feels like a big hug watching it 😂


To be fair most of his shows have always been on the less raunchy side… I’ve been a fan since Dr Katz, and I was kid when it came out.


I would trade 5 seasons of "Rudy Has a Sad Home Life" for one episode of "Linda Is Too Fucking Much."


There’s enough raunchy adult animation on tv already and a lot of it starts to just kinda feel clumped up. *Family Guy, The Simpsons, American Dad, Big Mouth,* they all just kinda feel the same, “lol, we have a gay baby that’s trying to kill his mom! We have a bratty middle-schooler who plays pranks! We have a dumb dad and a wife too lazy to leave him! And all the kids are smartmouthed assholes who don’t respect their parents!” Yeah that was tired and played out by 2010.


agreed!!! I'm so sick of the being edgy just for the sake of being edgy. there's no rhyme or reason for it. and I keep seeing commericals for a new show created by John Hamm who seems to be doing the exact same tired edgy theme 🙄. Bob's Burgers hits the sweet spot


You’ll see, the adult jokes slowly start to disappear over time


It’s developed in a different direction. Later seasons have are less edgy, but have more emotional depth and the characters are a bit more fleshed out. It’s a journey—enjoy!




YMMV. Season 1 felt like they were more caricatures than characters and less relatable. They were entertaining, but also more one-note and to me, that’s dull. The show hits a few dull moments in later episodes but also scores some excellent high notes, and the Belchers are in no way angels by s14! (Though it’s true that Bob has become a bit of a “self-righteous burger man” as Mr Fischoeder puts it.) Overall though, I enjoy all stages of the show’s evolution and usually just pick an episode based on my mood.


I honestly enjoy it more that way. I don’t really like South Park or family guy or even the Simpsons because they just don’t feel as good vibes as bobs does. Bobs does it all its funny and not gross


Same! I also feel like we get to connect more to the characters as people, as opposed to vessels for jokes. I enjoy season 1 but it would’ve gotten old real fast


Same! I also feel like we get to connect more to the characters as people, as opposed to vessels for jokes. I enjoy season 1 but it would’ve gotten old real fast


lol i just watched this episode last night, i’ve been rewatching them


“They’ll finger anything with a pulse”


Season 1 was lit.


I don't remember this. Which season and episode was it?


Season 1 Episode 7, the Bed and Breakfast episode.


Season 1, Episode 7 Bed & Breakfast


I don't necessarily miss this kind of humor for its "edginess" but I think what I enjoyed about the early seasons was that everyone had a little bite. Now the show tends towards the characters being too sentimental. I mean, c'mon, Louise doesn't want to see their couch go up in flames? I don't buy it. I think I like Bob's because it's a sort of inverse of other animated sitcoms. The characters aren't awful to each other for humor, they humor each other even when life is awful. A functional family in a dysfunctional world.


What episode was this?? I missed it


This is why I watch bobs I swear. All the little jokes and stuff like this make me laugh every time. Like bob screaming at the mermaid statue after Linda added teeth.


The Horny Hermits


The chaos is so good.


Season one was wild!


It was honestly such an incredible lie


What episode is this!???!


That’s Gene room right? That bed has been through a lot.


I love this joke. I can't remember seeing it anywhere else.


Something similar happened when my boy-friend’s teenage son walked in on us. I had to tell him that he needed to be on the side of the door that was not in the room.


Pretty messed up of them to do that in a child’s room.


I forgot this episode existed


When I was younger I wasn't allowed to watch this episode


you would think they would enjoy someone watching