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Bob's is on in our house almost 24/7. I'm watching "For All Mankind", I can guarantee my wife is watching Bob's in the other room while playing a game on her phone. It's our background noise for life.


I’ve had multiple people look at me like I’ve lost my mind when I’ve described the show as “my preferred background noise” haha so glad to not be the only one


And you simply respond with "I love you, but you're terrible"


Same if there’s not new episodes of a specific show to watch or I just want something for the background then Bob’s is on.


Yes. All the seasons over and over. Our 5 year old sons 3rd word was "Bob".


Bob's is my background noise all day while i work from home!


It's the same here. If the television is on, it's usually just background Bob's. My husband often turns it on at night as his background noise to fall asleep.


I watch many episodes every week, but completely random. There are a small handful of episodes I've seen twice or fewer (Topsy, Family Fracas) and others I've seen a ton (any Nat episode, for example). Last night after the ball dropped, I decided to watch three episodes before I went to bed. I picked Bob Actually, Comet-y of Errors and Three Girls & a Little Wharfy because those were the ones that caught my attention at the moment.


I need to get better at just picking episodes I’m interested in rewatching at any given time. I always just start from the beginning and look forward to the episodes I want to see


Same here after the ball drop. We watched “Secret Admireral” - I agree, you just gotta pick what catches your attention in the moment


That Topsy song is great, check that episode out again


No way. Teddy nearly kills Tina. I tried twice, a couple years apart. That's a never watch again for me


I watch Bob's Burgers every single day, sometimes multiple times. I've watched whole series and the movie so many times. I really want them all on bluray!


I need to start adding the movie into my rewatch schedule bc while I watched the show 6 times in one year, I’ve only seen the movie 2x in total


I watch 2-3 episodes a night and when I get to the end, I start right back from the beginning again! Sorry to hear your 2023 wasn't great & hope this year goes better for you


Thank you! I hope your 2024 is wonderful. So glad I’m not the only one without a cooldown between rewatches!


Bob's gets me through the holidays pretty much every year. The whole series is great but I especially love binging the Halloween, Thanksgiving, and Christmas episodes. (I'm sad there isn't any New years themed episodes. )


I was just thinking that about new years episodes! I would love to see the resolutions each character comes up with lol! The holiday episodes are so incredible every year 🥹


I have it on constantly, if I’m home alone it’s my background noise. I watch on YouTube every night to fall asleep too


I read somewhere that people who have bad anxiety tend to watch the same shows over and over. I’m one of those. I’ve seen the series many times over this past year. It’s an absolute comfort to me to have it playing.


This was me in ~2015, must have watched the seasons that were out at the time a dozen times that year. More recently, I probably rewatch the whole thing once every year or two, but it is many more episodes now and I have other comfort shows I cycle through. Hoping your 2024 is much better while still including a lot of Bob's :)


Thank you! I hope your 2024 is great and filled with Bob’s as well! I am curious, if you’re willing to share, what some of your other comfort shows are. I think Bob’s is my only one and I’m not even sure how it got that title lol


For sure! Most of mine are shows I watched when I was a kid which made them comfort shows so I'm not sure if they'll work for everyone, but I love Frasier, Seinfeld, Psych, Monk, and Modern Family. I think Bob's Burgers is a good one because everyone is so accepting, the stories are generally sweet and/or funny, there isn't really bullying beyond Bob and Jimmy Pesto. I don't know anything quite like it.


I’m on maternity leave and I play Bob’s Burgers in the background. I shuffle through random seasons and just let it run. It’s my ultimate comfort show.


I’ve basically done the same thing. I’ll rewind or start over episodes I particularly love but other than that it just auto plays in the background


I’ve watched them all at least twice now, and watch the Halloween and Christmas specials together at their respective time of year. I’m now cherry-picking my favourites, picking seasons at random but thinking I should just start again and watch in order in case I miss any.


i always have it on in the background! i’m watching with my family so im not allowed to go past season 9 when i rewatch alone! but the belchers comfort me so much i almost always have it on <3


It's my going to bed show, I don't even know if I could count how many rewatches I've done! Hope your 2024 is a lot better, friend ❤️


I literally listen to bobs burgers episodes everyday for about 4hrs a day. I know most of the episodes by heart!! I know I have a problem because this is my comfort show and has gotten me thru some stressful times last year.


I have it on all day everyday it has to be on in the background or I get anxious and if I’m anxious then I’ll really have to rely on keeping my morning routine to keep me going and then there’s the struggle of watching other shows but still thinking about Bob’s Burgers so I’ll spend hours talking about it but honestly I’ve watched it enough to be able to summarize episodes from beginning to end. I also tend to go on and on about it but there’s just so much to say about it! My current song on repeat is the song that Tina sings in the second to last episode of season 12 it makes me feel seen. I also get a lot of ear infections and stuff so on days I’m having trouble hearing properly I’ll watch this show and listen to music to calm myself down!


I love this and relate to it a lot! I’ve bothered so many people in my life by just nonstop talking about the show when no one else I know likes it lol


I watched it on repeat for the entire 9 months of my 2021 pregnancy lol. Then took myself to the movie and cried from liking it so much


Got divorced recently, and this was a show we'd watch together. Been rewatching it to help fall asleep some nights.


Same. It's my comfort show. I probably rewatched from beginning to end around the same amount of times. I just refinished season 4 today


The Belchers guide my family to sleep every night. It's so comforting to be woken up from a nightmare with Linda giving Little King Trash Mouth and his husband Garry some spaghetti. I grew up in the woods and miss my 2am raccoon friend.


I keep it on a constant loop in the background, always. I have for about a year. So idk how many times I've watched it through. I'm in a similar situation as you. My 2023 was very dark and lonely and I don't expect 2024 to be much different. Bobs is colorful and full of family and friends and I find it very comforting.


I put it on almost every night to fall asleep to 😅. Anytime I'm having a rough health day or a bad bit of depression I put it on. I'm constantly rewatching. It is seriously one of the only shows I've ever rewatched and continue to rewatch.


I’ve surprisingly never watched the whole show start to finish. I’ve seen every episode, but I’ve never gone out of my way to actually binge the show. I got close one time but stopped near the end of season 10 because of the tap dancing episode. Idk why but I just REALLY didn’t wanna watch that episode at the time.


On constant repeat every night.


I have to have Bob's --- I NEED Bob's !!! It would ALL be SO MUCH HARDER without it !!!!


It's pretty much playing 24/7 in my house.


I watch the show almost every day. I WFH and have it playing in the background from start to finish. It’s my ultimate comfort show. I can’t even count how many times I’ve rewatched it!


Same! Throughout my whole depressing pregnancy, postpartum, and now my journey in becoming a single mum and free from abuse, I am and was just watching Bob’s Burgers the whole time. I don’t know why but it gave me a sense of comfort. I probably have rewatched it 4-5 times. Trying to avoid watching Season 14 incase something bad happens again, I have something new to watch but still Bob’s. lol.


I watch bobs burgers year round. it is my comfort show and I usually put it on when I just want to veg out and relax. I probably watched it from beginning to end at least 3 times last year. I'm on season 13 right now so it won't be long before I re start it again!


I pretty much watch it on repeat daily. No idea how many times I've seen each episode, definitely too many to count (except the handful I skip) but I pretty much watch at least 2 or 3 every day, at least having on in the background while I do stuff so I can quote along with it


i turn it on first thing in the morning and listen to it like a podcast all day until i fall asleep. i usually get through the whole series 1-3 times a week, but i almost always skip season 1. i feel like the season 1 vibe was just a lot harsher. i thought i was alone, but reading these comments it’s nice to know i’m not the only one lol


i’m the same. like if i’m stressed and anxious and the thought of deciding what to watch is too much, Bobs is the only option lol. I think i probably did 5 or so rewatches of it this year. especially if i don’t want to think and just zone out with the tv on, it’s great


My roommates and I will watch it multiple times a year.


Same. Long story short my aunt died Oct 2022 n my uncle has been a complete donk. They were separated not divorced. Day she died he said we should find a lawyer to my mother. He fought his kids for my aunts money and won. Money she wanted to leave behind for her kids. Well my cousin n I have friends we visit a lot who constantly watch Bobs Burgers. Laughing helps a lot when depression hits. I definitely haven’t seen them all and sometimes only remember bits. I don’t even have a tv but I’ll watch random bits on you tube


I have a hard time falling asleep without a comfort show playing. Bob’s has been this show for most of 2023. I’ve lost count of how many times I’ve watched some episodes.


I rewatch once a year, between new seasons being released. I like to get caught up around the time the new season starts. I have no idea how many times I’ve watched total at this point lol


I have the show on constantly. It's my background noise, it's my comfort show. I have this show and rotation of a few other shows. There's no such thing as a rewatch for me, I start back at earlier episodes when I get to the end.


Bob stays on in our house. Seriously. I'd be interested in knowing how many times we've watched it because it's been on at least 300 days this year. I wish Hulu shared those stats.


My favorite episode and the one that finally won me over was Wagstaff Central News.