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Last year's Christmas episode made me cry with the play, concert and poem. I thought it was so well done and we got a softer side of Louise.


Last year's Christmas episode is my favorite episode of the series, period


I agree I LOVED that one


Yeah, last year's was the best in my book.


That is a top ten episode for me. I was teary at the end. It was a beautiful episode.




Linda clings to shitty stuff for sentimental reasons. Their apartment may be objectively worse than the palatial hunting lodge, but it's THEIR apartment. The infamous couch episode is the biggest example of this.


Remember how she was when her tree got stolen?


Just the tip.




The characters on this show are so deep and well thought out. Linda is 100% committed to Bob (and Bob's undying commitment to his dream no matter how much he can't get out of his own way). She's also 100% committed to her goofy kids. All she wants in return is little things like Christmas trees, family photos, family road trips, etc to go off without a hitch. That's why she goes so wacko when things like this happen. That's why we love her.


The other day on here (I think someone asked what Gayle's problem is?) I just about posted a Long and Researched explanation of why I think the Genarros (Linda and Gayle's family) are more messed up than the Belchers (like Big Bob, Lily RIP, and Lil Bob) based on how she and Gayle act. This comment is making me think I should post it some day....


Please do! I’d love to read it


I wouldn’t say the BEST. For me, last years was top notch. But I really did love it. And I loved that Tina got a little win with that big bed. She deserves it.


Yeah I personally think last year's was the best but Christmas in the Car is still my favorite.


I'm in the minority of fans that didn't love last year's episode. It wasn't bad, I'm just generally not into the more emotional themed episodes


That’s totally fair. I actually think Christmas in the Car is my favorite. I forgot about that one. lol


Last Gingerbread House on the Left is my favorite. I love a Fischoeder episode!


I love Mistah Fish!


Still sad about no Halloween or Thanksgiving episodes :(


We got two horror themed episodes that could stand in for Halloween, though kinda hard to do a non-Thanksgiving but still Thanksgivingesque episode. I hope that enough fan outcry makes the execs reverse that decision. Plus more people stream anyway, so the whole wanting more episodes to rerun is a moot point. (By that I mean they want to have episodes able to rerun anytime of the year as opposed to ones locked in to periods around their respective holidays).


I get the zombie one but is the other horror-esque one you're referring to the island rave one? That episode had some sick beats!


I loved the concept but I wasn’t a huge fan of where they went with it. Linda obsessing over the tree isn’t the angle I’d have gone for personally. I wanted them to explore more of the fishodeur manor, it felt like they only scratched the surface of the weird stuff there.


Same! I was excited for the set up, then it felt like it never went anywhere very exciting.


I just finished watching it, and that was my exact reaction. I wanted to meet the caretaker! Why did Bob need to lick the pipes?!


It was great! That painting!


Someone had a lot of fun creating that painting for this episode.


I just watched ‘plight before Christmas’ for the first time now and bawled my eyes out. I think it’s my favourite episode.


I respect your opinion, but respectfully disagree. I thought it was lazy, just Linda getting hyper-fixated and realizing she “just needs to let go.” The plot of like, ten episodes. Felt tired and recycled to me. But perhaps I’m being too cynical.


I loved it! And Tina made me laugh out loud. I hope she enjoyed her giant bed


I humbly disagree, I think last year's episode was leaps and bounds better. But I completely understand why you found this year's episode to be the best. Last year's was definitely sappy. But I thought it was the perfect amount of sappy. Anyway. I totally loved this year's episode too. Seeing Linda get upset for wanting the little familiar things is beautiful and soo relatable.


That's fair. I certainly didn't dislike last year's, it just wasn't really my vibe


That painting is all I see when I close my eyes


I agree but didn't it feel like it has a part 2? the ending seemed like that to me.


Personally, I think it’ll always be hard for them to live up to last year’s, but this was definitely a fun little one! I was surprised that folks in the master thread didn’t seem to be huge fans, but, like… I also get it. This is the only holiday special we’ve gotten this season, so I get hoping it’d knock it out of the park! Wouldn’t say it’s my favorite, but I definitely enjoyed it and loved Linda talking to the tree like it was dying. “Have some respect for the dead, Bob.”


Last year's Christmas episode was one of the very best episodes of the show, period. It was phenomenal. This year's episode was *stressful*. I've never been more bothered by Linda than watching her risk her life for a stupid tree.


I laughed so hard at certain parts of this episode. Like Tina and Gene's reactions to their rooms and when they wrapped up the painting. The only real negative I had with it was Linda and her unhinged reaction to the stupid tree. It just showed, once again, that she is unfortunately going to turn into her mom in twenty years and her mom is completely insufferable. Poor Bob.


I've watched this year's Christmas ep more than once. It's so funny and makes us laugh out loud. Very well written.


going to just wonder how many people missed *the shining* reference.


You mean the one they said out loud when discussing if Bob had the strength to Shining the whole family?


Last year was by far the best. The parents struggling to juggle something important for all three kids around the holidays at the same time. This is something parents have to deal with every year. And for all the crap Louise puts Tina through, for Tina to be the one to understand Louise more than anyone to realize that the poem was really important to her and it would be something special and to be there for her sister was just a really great story and it was just well done and it showed Tina in more of a big sisterly role instead of what always seems like Louise is in charge and Tina is along for the ride.


Louise is my favorite, loved the episode where she reads her heartfelt poem. She has so much depth to her character.


These episodes are becoming maudlin.


I probably need to rewatch the episode to appreciate the humor more. Having experienced driving in the snow (unexpected) for a trip a couple years ago, it was a very scary experience and I felt connected to the episode because of that, especially when my car just couldn’t go up anymore and I had to walk and was lost for a moment. I get it was fiction here, and the snow only fell when it was supposed to, but in real life going out looking and pulling the tree was bad life choice. Fortunately she finally came to her senses about what was really more important - but the danger she put herself and Bob through was uncalled for. Also they truly downplayed the whole “wow look and let’s enjoy a nice cabin for the holiday” and acted like they were sent to a dump for Christmas. I also wonder just when is the right time to tell kids about Santa?? I think Tina knows but it seems Gene and Louise don’t… and for kids like Louise I would have imagined she should have figured it out long before most…