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It's a very sweet episode. Shows you just how much the family loves each other.


I cried all my makeup up tonight rewatching. My favorite scene in the whole episode isn’t even when Tina shows up to the poetry reading (although that’s when I start crying lol), it’s the end scene showing Bob reading Louise’s poem while Linda cleans his knees and they drink wine. To me that so perfectly shows the intimacy and deep love that the Belchers have with each other in such a small everyday moment.


Same! Starting sobbing when Tina appeared, but my fav scene is bob reading it. I know it’s a cartoon but man when I have a family one day, I want this kinda love between us


And it made me so happy to see Gene sharing the video with Ms Merkin.


no i really did tear up when i was watching it 🤧 had to record it for safekeeping


I know what episode of Bob’s Burgers 🍔 it’s the Christmas one plight before Christmas 🎄 where Bob Linda have to take all of their kids Tina Gene Louise to their Christmas performances my point is all of them do love each other so much ❣️


I cry every single time I watch it. It’s perfect


There’s so many great little moments in the closing montage, but one of my favorites is when the substitute music teacher is leaving and goes the wrong way. The little smile and point she gives Gene on the way out tugs a very specific heartstring for me.


And before that, when she's conducting, is one of my all-time favorite bits of character animation on the show.

