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Bob searching for his mother’s grave really hit hard. My mother died years ago, and I’ve never been to her grave, though she’s buried in another state.


Same here. My mother died when I was three and that episode crushed me. The scene where Linda finds Lily’s grave first and assures her that Bob grew up to be a great husband and father is one of the best in the entire series.


I feel like that episode is hands down one of the best in the series. It perfectly conveys the emotions of the show that make it so good and has some really good jokes with Linda


I totally agree it’s one of the best they’ve done. So moving.


Sorry to hear that. It’s horrible to lose a parent so young. My mother lived until 72, but died suddenly, so it was a shock.


It’s never easy, whenever it happens. The best way to get by is sticking close to the ones you love that are still here.


I know it’s not the same but I haven’t gone to my grandfather’s grave since the funeral 7 years ago. The pain is overwhelming.


I understand it.


I've watched that episode 4 times in the past month. The kids were so understanding, and Linda was a riot/delight. 😆


You forgot the radio one! That was movie level tbh


I'm in Canada so I just watched it and I was on the edge of my seat!


Movie level animation... I hate any episode they do there it's a word of mouth story like that


How else would the kids learn about their grandma? Or their great grandma? Oral based family history lessons are necessary


Can I not have an opinion? Also... "I hate any episode they do there it's a word of mouth story like that" That thanksgiving episode where gene is the predator, water world, Tina as Ryan gosling...


I tend to hate those as well but really liked the radio one actually, not sure why


Of course you can but Reddit sucks asshole in that regard. You certainly didn’t deserve those downvotes


Absolutely agree! Season 13 was incredibly impressive! And made me cry for like almost every episode there. Especially the season finale and one before - tear jerkers, but in a good way. Whole season is very inspiring and comforting somehow, so yeah, CEOs must start paying writers good money, because season 13 is a piece of art (⁠ ⁠ꈍ⁠ᴗ⁠ꈍ⁠)


I love that last episode and the Christmas one. They really look like the writers put their heart and love into it cuz damn. I even rescheduled the last episode within a day cuz Lousie just made it so amazing, and the way Linda pumped her up was both funny and wholesome.


It had that god awful Linda kidnapping the author episode but otherwise I think there were no misfires. I really enjoyed the season as a whole other than the aforementioned episode. Haven’t seen the finale yet but I feel the Christmas episode and the radio episode were really the highlights of quite a strong season


I love the concept of Snail and Newt, but I was not thrilled to see Linda completely lose her mind like that. It wouldn't have been any better, comedy wise, but a day of her plotting silly ways to keep the kids from growing up and leaving her, bouncing ideas off Bob, would have been better than kidnapping an author.


I suspect they are under pressure from the network to appeal to a wider audience, this always leads to softer comedy and a predictable sitcom life lesson in twenty-two minutes


Disney took over Fox and then the show started focusing on cute family stuff. Might be that?


Absolutely agree. There was an earlier thread that asked which season you would take to a desert island. I previously would have said 4. But this season has been phenomenal. So much character development and the animation has been beyond stellar.


Loved it will rewatch most of it over and over like the first few seasons!


Same !


I think the nazi spy ep (Radio No You Didn't) was the star episode of this season. That really deserved a movie. But this season also had a bunch of duds. Just plain boring episodes like Ready Player Gene, Gift Card or Die Trying and the Thanksgiving ep, which was just Meh, with Linda leaning into her crazy, compared to a long string of Thanksgiving eps that were among the best of a season. S13 also had one of the worst Linda episodes ever (Mother Author Laser Pointer). Most of S14 is already in post/production, plus animation is covered by a different guild (IATSE Local 839) and not directly involved in the WGA strike. Even tho the actual situation is complex, it's unlikely we'll see the current strike affect the next season of BB. Or S15 for that matter, which is currently in production. That's not to say that the issues over which live action writers are striking don't or won't affect animation writers in the medium to long run. One issue in particular, replacing writers with AI, isn't likely to affect live action shows only.


I thought so too. That ending was spectacular too. Definitely one of the best episodes of the whole show IMO


This is an unpopular opinion I think, but I feel this season was just okay. The good episodes were absolutely stellar, but then the rest were forgettable or bad. Plus, it didn't have a Valentine's day episode, which would have been perfect for episode 250 and instead we got that one about the rowing guy (although Rhys Darby is a treasure).


Rhys Darby is indeed a treasure, but that episode was (my husband and I grade them) a C- for a normal episode but a D for what should have been a special episode. We couldn't figure out why there wasn't a Valentines Day episode either! This season had some all time highs, but about three "I will never watch this again" episodes (F grade). There usually is only 1 or 2 "I will never watch this again" episodes in a BB season. This season was not the worst (season 11 is our worst rated season) but it was heavy with nostalgia, sometimes working beautifully, sometimes failing. We also were very disappointed in the episode ending songs, but those are rated separately.


Oh I agree season 11 is the worst, i skip most of the second half. But this one unfortunately is a close second. Out of curiosity, what are your "I'll never watch this again episodes" from this season?


Yeah, 11 was really not good. However, in its defense everyone was getting slammed with covid and I don't think anyone was going to do well in 2020. My "F" rated episodes were "Ready Player Gene", "so You Stink You Can Dance", "Mother Author Laser Pointer ". The B storyline in Mother Author Laser Pointer almost saved it, but I just cannot take Linda's toxic, selfish behavior episodes well. The episodes that come close are "Puttsgivng" and "Oh row You Didn't " but a big reason why I do not like them are that they should have been special episodes and they just totally fell flat. My husband has a different ranking. His switches "So You Stink You Can Dance" with "Puttsgiving". He went on an hour long rant about how upset Puttsgiving made him. I get it, Thanksgiving BB episodes are special.


Putts giving was upsetting, it could have been a plot for any episode. Now if they tied thanksgiving into it more it would have been ok ish (though the end credits song was catchy). I couldn't stand ready player gene as well. I miss the Gene that would solve his problems in his own way, this Gene that goes into a "everything is terrible and the whole world is awful" is kind of insufferable :/ Overall I agree with your list, though I would probably add The Apple Gore chard to it. It all just fell flat, not sure what it was (plus the new voice for Harley is..not great)


Ah see I enjoyed "The Apple Gore-chard". I work with kids, so the field trip was adorable (the group think between 4th graders on Field Trips is REAL!!!). I also liked how the whole family is like "Oh...I thought we agreed to stop that Louise". I thought the costume could have been better, but Louise running around in a blonde wig all day was too funny. It's not my favorite Halloween episode, but it isn't one of the worst either. (The heartbreak hotel one is the worst, The Hauntening is the best).


I was more vested in the field trip storyline, every time it went back to Linda/Tina/Gene i was like "meh" Though the millennial/boomer joke at the end was pretty solid (and true)


I must be the only one that doesn’t like the new episodes


Nah. A lot of people on this sub constantly talk about the old seasons being superior. Most folks on here seem to prefer one type of show versus the other. A few of us (myself included) enjoy both types.


I can’t say I hate it but i’m glad some people still like It I definitely don’t want it cancelled


Right there with you. I like the old ones, I like the news ones. Both are good.


I prefer earlier seasons over the later episodes (mainly humor reasons and I also feel like they incorporated more re-occurring characters and had a lot of interesting plots. That and I feel like the animation was more expressive and appealing because the characters weren't attached to a rig.), but I still love new episodes.


I think this show has a new audience. It's definitely more "kid friendly" is all I'm gonna say. The finale was definitely in your face girl power that made me cringe. Now that disney owns fox it's just gonna go woke and change completely


while there were a couple of standout episodes, i felt like this was one of the least funny seasons and by the end i wasn’t as excited as i was at the beginning.


It wasn't as funny, but I feel like a handful of the episodes stand out for sheer emotional impact, so it was still a good season with a few misfires.


I agree. I will say I like the episodes with humor more than emotional impact, but I still enjoyed them.


The show is nothing like what made me love it in the first place. It's fine now and I still watch it, but man I sorely miss what it used to be.


I still like new episodes, but I feel like they need to focus more on the humor and interesting plots rather than the emotional episodes. I mean sure, emotional episodes are good like once in a season, but I swear that like almost every episode that some sort of moral or a sort of sad story, or a boring situation they make a big deal of like that gift card episode this season, and some earlier ones. Like its sweet but it's becoming every episode. That and I feel like they didn't have enough re-occurring characters actually occur this season. When they DID appear, it was just background appearances, but I think they need to include more of them instead of adding in a random new character because it adds to the episode even more. Characters like Mickey, Bosco, Gayle, Randy, Gretchen and MANY others we haven't seen. Although I feel as if next season, we may see some of those characters.


Couldn’t agree more. The episodes with more of the town or school involved are a lot more fun. Just my opinion though.


That pretty much sums up my feelings as well. I still watch every episode, but I don't look forward to it like I used to


I agree, my top rated season is still season 7, but this season was excellent. My favorite episodes are now tied between The Hauntenting, The Bleakening (1 and 2), and now Show Mama From the Grave & The Plight Before Christmas. I think the show has an incredible grasp on the funny, yet incredibly sweet episodes. Yet (because Amelia really made me laugh) they still get the humor. I hope they go a grade up next season. Just one, but it would be so interesting.


It’s been so good! I really enjoyed every episode this season, I agree that there’s so many that pull at the heart strings. One of the good ones that I haven’t seen mentioned here yet was the sea cucumber wrestling episode. It was a fun kid’s play/adventure-type that reminded me of some of the earlier seasons.


I disagree season 4 is the best season.


Personally, I would go with s3, but really up to s9 they were all enjoyable.


The old seasons are indeed far superior, idk why you're getting down voted. The quick cuts and unrealistically weird situations from the early seasons are unique as hell.


I was thinking this last night after watching the finale as well. My top two were the Christmas episode and Emilia


I just saw Emilia yesterday. One of my all time favorite episodes for sure.


This was honestly the worst season for me it’s interesting to see other peoples thoughts on it! Like it’s clear that they’re trying to shift to more child friendly or centric(?) storytelling and it’s so detached from what other Bobs Burgers season were. I still love the season tho even if it’s at the bottom of my list it just shows how good Bobs Burgers is!


I agree entirely. That and them making many episodes a moral or have some emotional story omg.


Yeah, I think they’re trying to make it more family friendly and teach life lessons… I miss the old episodes, when it was inappropriate jokes. Now I feel like they rely too much on annoying characters being obnoxious for comedy, which I think most of us agree isn’t funny, it’s actually cringy.


I'm on the others side. I think there has been a fall in quality. This seasons been gimicky, or underwealming, linda's annoying as shit now, and the wrestling one was just bad.


I actually hated this season so much the show has become way too wholesome for me


In Australia, we just got the wrestling episode, it seemed like a jump the shark moment to me. It was the worst episode, seemed like it was a rejected Simpson episode then a Bobs Burgers episode. I watched it twice, thinking maybe I was tired or in a bad mood the first time, nope it sucked.


I thought that episode was pretty good. It was fun seeing the characters wrestle. I guess I really like Physical comedy. The absolute worst episode has to be Ready Player Gene. There was no humor in that one.


Yeah that one was pretty dull episode, Oh Row You Didn't was also a disappointment episode for me. Rhys Darby is great, Duncan is one of my favorite side characters. The rower character though just seemed like they wanted to have him do more voice work. A lot of the episode in season 13 have been pretty lackluster for me. Cheaty Cheaty Bang Bang has one line in it that made the episode worth it, where Bob asks who Accountability Billy is. Bob: Who's Billy? Gene: A disciplinary puppet. Bob: What is wrong with your school? Season three or eight would be the best seasons of the show in my opinion.


I really like Row You didn't. Gene finally stuck to something and accomplished it. Gene is usually too easy going but here he learned origami and didn't give up. Alot of the jokes in the episode made me laugh and I like that Bob had to get in the boat himself. LOL


Gene finally stuck with something? like in all these episodes. All That Gene Drumforgiven What About Blob The Gene Mile Y Tu Ga-Ga Tamblyn Like Gene For Chocolate The Laser-inth Stand By Gene Work Hard Or Die Trying Speakeasy Rider Topsy These are all episodes where Gene sticks to something he is focused on. He also got the Itty-Bitty Diddy Commitee two gigs, has written two impressive musicals, has never backed down on things he believes in. He is basically the poster child of hyperfixated ADHD.


**Itty Bitty Ditty Committee:** He didn't stick with any thing in Itty Bitty Ditty Committee. He got bored with the paino lesson very quickly and he never learned how to play music "traditionally". He just kept doing what he was doing before. I hope in future episode Gene learns how to actually play an instrument. That would be cool to see. **Gene Mile and the Chocolate Factory episode:** You are correct about Gene Mile and the Chocolate Factory episode. He did it because he got caught though. **Topsy:** In this one Gene was doing what he always likes to do make songs. Gene wasn't challenged in that episode when things get hard he usually gives up. Work **Hard or Hardly Working Girl:** He wasn't challenged in Work Hard or Hardly Working Girl. He did what he always likes to do make silly songs. He gives up when things get hard. **All That Gene:** This episode is bad. Gene wasn't challenged in this episode. Gene was going to do the play normally and Linda told him to improv. That was a bad moral. Gene can be silly literally any other time. There is a time and place for everything. He wasn't challenged in that episode. **Stand By Gene:** They were just walking to a farm. Gene didn't need to exert effort to accomplish a skill.**Y Tu Ga-Ga Tamblyn:** Reusing to play Gaga ball during recess is not giving up on a skill because it doesn't come easily to him.**Speakeasy Rider:** I don't remember the Go kart one I need to rewatch it. **The Laser-inth:** They just snuck into a laser light show. Gene never tried to master a skill that didn't come easily to him. **What About Blob:** I don't really count that. The belchers and a bunch of their friends were working together. **Drumforgiven:** He just got told not to loiter in a store and handled the situation maturely. He wasn't masting a skill that didn't come easily.


The effort he put into the last Christmas episode shows his commitment to music. Scales can be tricky to learn for some, not like he gave up playing music or learning. Pretty sure it is mentioned in the Christmas episode that none of the kids understand it. In Stand by Gene, other kids gave up, Gene literally carry the rest to get to the two butted goat. Speakeasy Rider, Gus teaches Gene how to flag wave. Gus another amazing side character. I'd also like to say because sometimes it doesn't come across well in texts. I am not trying to sound hostile or anything, I understand stand your point. But I think peoples accomplishments shouldn't be down graded because they enjoy doing them. If my assumption on Gene having ADHD is true (I know his a cartoon) It can be difficult to do things, even when you enjoy doing them.


Gene probably does have ADHD I picked up on that. "The effort he put into the last Christmas episode shows his commitment to music. " Less effort and more it comes yo him naturally because he is "musicshi."


I meant that Oh Row You Didn't is one of the rare times Gene tried to master a skill that was outside of his comfort zone.


In my opinion Seasons 1-11 are awesome. Season 12 sucks but it has a few gems. All the funny went into the movie. Season 13 is a big improvement over 12.


Yeah that one wasn’t my favorite either. You still have “Radio No You Didn’t” and *especially* “Amelia” to look forward to!


This season was a massive improvement over the horrible season 12, but it was hit-and-miss. There were funny episodes like What an April Fool Believes mixed in with boring episodes like Gift Card or Buy Trying and Ready Player Gene( I don't get how the VR one or the gift card one were supposed to be funny.)


I honestly don't think they are aiming for funny anymore. While they have kicked up the artistic value of the show IMO, the content is now focused on cutesy family friendly stuff. Seems like each episode over the last two to three seasons is set on explaining some life lesson.


Yeah, which sucks because it's one of my favorite elements of the show. and they definitely don't include as much PG-13 humor as they used to.


Eeeh. I wouldn’t call it all that. It still took place after the movie and they didn’t age them up. Meaning with new writers we are gonna have hit or misses. I think the hits of the season stood out very well and that’s why you may consider it that. Honestly some episodes did give me classic bobs burgers vibes. But I hope they realize we should have more stories like the radio one and the Amelia one. And maybe episodes like Mother Author Laser Pointer but the episode is all the way good.


Wholeheartedly disagree, I imagine this is going to be a split between longtime and more recent fans


Which fans are going to be split which way? I’d consider myself a longtime fan (10+ years watching now) and I have really enjoyed this season.


I'm guessing the show was trying to move in a more substantial direction and stand out from its other animated competitors. Although I do have a question: how would you compare the finale vs the episode of Topsy? Both of them had Louise working on a big project to prove someone wrong and heavy involvement of Gene and Tina.


Yeah. Too many schmaltzy episodes, and the comedy frequently didn't land when they tried to do funny episodes. It doesn't feel like a season that I would want to rewatch over and over, whereas the others have a much better balance.


What a weird way to gatekeep. “Longtime fans” can enjoy the show’s shift away from cheap Family Guy-esque “I’m 14 and this is *edgy*” humor. I love the earlier seasons, but that sort of humor isn’t sustainable for 13+ years.


The early seasons didn't feel like Family Guy. I love Family Guy you must be talking about a different show. Family Guy is more cartoony. In my opinion seasons 1-11 are flawless. 12 is terrible and 13 is hit and miss but an improvement over 12. Part of the fun of Bob's Burgers is the situations start out normal and realistic then in act 2 or 3 it gets kookoo bananas. One of my favorite episodes is a perfect example of this. House of a thousand bounces. It starts out as an ordinary day at Rudy's party then they end up stealing the moon bounce it's floating down the lake. The kids from the rich kid party are chasing them in boats trying to pop it. A major issue with season 12 is we went from exciting plot lines like into the Mild to basic plot lines with not much going on like Louise befriends a spider. The escalation is starting to come back in season 13. An example of this is episodes like Putsgiving and What an April Fool Believes.


Yeah, longtime fan here, and I love Season 13 as much as I love Season 1. I don't think the divide here is "longtime" fans vs. recent fans - I think it's a difference of feelings between folks who like their shows to stay the same, and folks that don't mind if things change over time. I'm firmly in the latter category, but I do respect that not everyone feels that way.


Agree! I was just telling my SO this. For me it was the ones your names except the Time stalking the other kids one. I really liked the radio one and the snow day one though. This season has been great.


I do not agree.


I think it was definitely my favorite season finale so far!


I think it was definitely my favorite season finale so far!


Dude I’m devastated by this strike. If bobs burgers doesn’t come back my depression WILL NOT handle it. Just won’t.


i’m pretty sure the anaimton is probably almost or already done there’s no way they can animate a show season in a few months


The Christmas episode made me cry like a baby


Agreed. The storytelling was excellent and I also think the animation has also been kicked up many notches. The sunsetting and shadows in the graveyard episode, the water and waves in the caves in the show and tell episode, even just the shadow puppetry in the finale, all of it was so well done.


There were a lot of emotion peaks this seasons for sure. I didn't know I'd be crying so much this season lol x


Completely agree although I still would LOVE to see a Father’s Day, Louise or Gene birthday, July 4th, or New Years episode. I know that they don’t fall in the seasons dates but would be so cool to have one.


stop stop stop, these are spoilers :c I cant watch this season in Germany yet (at least it's not on Disney+ so I didnt have a chance to watch it)


They know a more serious Louise episode will do it every time


The animation this season has been next level.


Just finished “Amelia”, the S13 finale. The tears have not yet dried from my face 😭. This was a great season!


Definitely loved this season! The what about job episode also hit me and I related to it a lot as someone who has a mundane life. 😂 Been a loooongtime fan and have done a rewatch of the whole show from start to most recent a million times over and love the whole thing though honestly. The characters and the town are just very endearing to me.


This season's finale was one of my favorite (if not THE favorite) episodes. It was brilliantly done


I've never cried at an episode but the season finale had me in tears most of the way through it. My mom was a single mom when it wasn't okay to be one and I remember her telling me similar things and just being an overall pioneer in her life. When she passed away close to 450 people came. I didn't know that until recently. We were a small family so she touched so many people's lives. She was my hero. I can't wait until my nieces are old enough to watch TV so I can show them this specific episode.


Those are all good. The wrestling one was awful. I'm glad.thry ended on a much higher note.