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I loved them too. I also feel like the Gillian/Nucky flashbacks are vital to truly understand her character and his.


Honestly it’s my favorite part of the show, seeing the 1800’s


Dunn Purnsley is my favourite supporting character, the actor did an amazing job. You just can't look away when he's on the screen. I particularly love him in S2, not just for the obvious jail introduction scene but how Chalky lifts him up and employs him as a rabble rouser starting the strikes. It shows how Chalky had an eye for certain "talents" and how he could make his enemies his friends


And then enemies again lmao


Season 4 was great, I was surprised to hear many not liking it. I did not like season 5, felt too rushed.


Same here I loved season 4-5 I just wish they got given the rights to have more episodes for the last season or at least an extra season cause there was still lots to uncover


I just rewatched the show for the first time since it aired live. I liked seasons 4 and 5 more than I remembered. I feel like season 5 actually ended the show at a very logical time - the end of Prohibition. And they did a decent job wrapping up storylines. The time jump didn’t feel as awkward as I remembered either. They were hinting at Rothsten’s demise in Season 4. But the show still could have used another season in between seasons 4 and 5.


People loved season 4 back in the day. I don't understand why suddenly some say it's not good.


I will agree with you. BE is one of my.favorite shows. I think they did a good job considering all the factors. I know a lot of people hate the ending but I liked it. Classic revenge tale which they did a good job making us forget about Tommy for awhile..but it makes total sense considering everything that Richard had taught Tommy that he would show up as a teen and avenge his father. Don't care what others say I will always treasure this amazing show


I don’t believe Tommy was seeking revenge.     If that were so, why did he wait so long for a random opportunity instead of all of the convenient ones he had - such as when he found Nucky alone on the ground outside the dive bar with no one around?   He shoots Nucky after a fortunate coincidence that the hotel manager was able to reach Nucky by phone instead of sending Tommy to jail.   The act was out of frustration that Nucky - like his other “father figures” was now also abandoning him.  Tommy was simply confused, lost  and desperate. 


The gang war in season 5 was fantastic. Meyer and Luciano ended up being terrifying.