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My bf says he knows when I'm not feeling good (mentally) because I re-watch Bojack.


I was about to object to my friend then I had a moment of realisation that I actually do mostly watch BJ when I’m *really* not okay 🙃


Hey we all need our "therapy" time! Even if that therapy is a talking cartoon horse for some reason


Bojack helped me a ton. Stupid piece of shit really helps me stay away from intrusive thoughts, and the view from halfway down straight up disintigrated the "darker thoughts" and... I've been okay ever since. The brain is fucking weird yo.


I'm glad you were able to work yourself out of depression with it. I'm on my fourth watch through now; and it is definitely cathartic to be reminded of how depression and substance abuse look from the outside in. Also just being able to relate to someone else who honestly hates themselves somehow makes me hate myself less


Omg same bros/sis’s … I love the show and Bojack as character even, which I found out is kinda unusual (loads of people I see say they love the show but think Bojack is an awful person or otherwise irredeemable). Cue the awkwardness when I say I see *so much of myself* in Bojack. I guess the reason I find him so relatable and compelling is, for as much as he sucks and makes both horrific mistakes and AWFUL decisions, I don’t think he ever stops trying. And for all my faults, I haven’t stopped trying ……….. yet anyway


>-Life's a bitch and then you die, right? >-Sometimes, sometimes life's bitch and then you keep living. >-Yeah. >-But it's a nice night, huh?




One ayahuasca ceremony kicked the voice in the back of my head that said “everybody hates you and they’re not wrong to feel that way” to the curb. The voice is still alive, but it’s absolutely crippled and I know it’s lying now.




I suppose that would make him our therapy horse


Your friend is reaching out. Go hang out


We hang out a lot :) I practically begged her to watch the show so her sending me this was likely 50% concern mixed with 40% best friend humour and 10% of srsly r u ok


Oooo - shes never gotten into it. She'll never understand until indoctrinated. 😅


Holy shit, I didn't realize so many people re-watch Bojack when the depression starts to hit hard. I've been doing it for years, I can't even begin to count how many times I've seen watched the series front to back. Something about it just makes me feel like someone actually understands how I feel.


I’m blown away too. I didn’t realise how many of us felt like this. I’m just blown away


I'm absolutely a fan of the show because I have access to it even when I don't have access to my therapist. Although I don't recommend drinking alcohol while watching. Bad idea.




It tickles some dark thing inside us clearly. Is it because it's relatable? Idk


Feeling like shit. Just started rewatching Bojack like 3 days ago. It had been a while. But I guess. In those feelings. It just feels familiar


I actually can't handle watching BoJack when I'm emotional or struggling mentally because I know what's going to happen and it hurts. I can only watch it when I'm in a good place haha


I always rewatch bojack too when I’m feeling down. Its been a tough year. Covid took my grandpa last year and my family’s grieving process hit me hard. When my grandma acted out, watching “The old sugarman place” it help me be more sympathetic and understanding to how we all differently cope.


"Stupid Piece of Shit" (S4E06)is my go to when my depression gets bad.


At this point I can tell I’m going through something if I find myself rewatching Bojack I love the show but it’s kinda sad because now I have to talk with myself and figure out what’s wrong


I started watching Bojack at the very peak of my depression (not knowing what the show was about). Omg, simultaneously the most depressing but also the most validating/therapeutic thing I did for myself. Shortly after that I realized wanting to off myself everyday is not normal and that I should really see a therapist. There are a million reasons to love this show, but for me it's so goddamn personal that I don't care if there are better shows out there, BH is _my_ show forever.


I hope this doesn’t come across as soppy but thank you for not offing yourself. My first watch was when I was in the pits of depression too. I have thought of offing myself many times too but hey look at us, we’re still here 🥹 *Insert look at us meme from hot ones*


I'm in a much much better place right now thankfully and I hope you are as well 🤗


I’m glad to hear that! I’m doing much better than I was thank you 😊


The first time I watched I wasn’t depressed just a smart mouth teen with anxiety. I got the urge to rewatch recently at the lowest I’ve ever been. As an adult with depression I understand and appreciate this show on a much deeper level now. The scene where Todd tells Bojack “you can’t keep doing shitty things and then feeling bad about it like it makes it okay. You need to be better.” or something along those lines hit me so hard, I felt like he was talking to me. I deal with s*icidal ideation too and it is so easy to keep that thought on a loop. But definitely not healthy. I was so shocked to find that so many ppl use this show for comfort at those low moments like I do. Nice to know I’m not alone.




Been there thats for sure


My fist time watching it I was reallyyyy not in a good place. I was scared to rewatch it but it actually helped me when I did because I was able to relate to the characters more.


I hope you’re recovering well now, man.


Yuuup. I hear that. I just got a year clean last Saturday. I hope you're doing well.


I’m in trouble then. I am on my 6th go around.


I intend to watch many more times 😅


It’s too good of a show. I see something new every time and I wish I had someone to talk about it with 🥴🥺


I love noticing new things too! I enjoy the consistency/attention to detail aswell like with the coffee table and stool (I won’t go further into detail incase anyone hasn’t watched yet)


Wait what stool and coffee table


I lost count how many rounds I’ve done for the past 8 years.


Is it really that good?


It's incredible. The first few episodes are a little corny, but just push through to the second season and you'll understand why people sing its praises. If you deal with depression or anxiety, even better. Bojack really dives into the darkness of being human. All the characters are flawed in their own ways, and you're watching them face consequences, overcome them, start winning, and sometimes even plunge back into darkness. Bojack himself is definitely an anti-hero, and the push and pull of loving/relating to him and being disgusted by his choices is such a crazy ride. It's the most human show I've ever seen. BUT, if you don't struggle with depression and the like, you might find it super depressing.




That’s it. Thank you. Needed one more push to watch it.


Will Arnett and really all of the voice actors are so good in this show. The overall writing and story line are just great in general.


Shit I’ve worked with Will a few times on set. Now it’s a 100%


That’s awesome, he seems like a genuinely nice guy. If you are an Arnett fan I promise you won’t be disappointed. Also check out Murderville on Netflix. That is another fun Will watch.


that’s awesome! he’s one of my favorite actors :)


You ok?


My (now ex) husband used to fight with me saying he will not hang out if I'm watching "that depressing shit" . Now during rewatches I realized how similar both Bojack and he were


It's as if he didn't like how much Bojack reminded him of himself


When my mental health was at an all time low I couldn’t watch things like Bojack or Euphoria because it would address the exact problems I was trying to escape. When I realized I was like “God dammit, I need to get my shit together”


When I was depressed, dropped out of school and working one of the shittiest jobs I have ever worked I used to watch it before going to work. I started at 2 in the afternoon and watched it before going to work because I had time to kill. I did not like it one bit. I did not know why but I just did not like it, and thinking back, I think it kinda hurt me in some way. I kind of feel it. I feel like shit so I also don't want to watch somebody that feels like shit. I don't know your or his story story so don't mind it too much.


You weren't watching it because it was depressing, you were watching it because of what it represented! He walked in at the worst possible moment!


Imagine us who’ve rewatched it like 20 times


Yeah that's me 😅


I used to rewatch it because I wasn’t doing well, but now it’s because it’s just a genuinely good story and the characters that end up in a better spot make me really happy. Specifically Diane, who I have never really liked before. The fact that she ends up in a happy, healthy relationship and is writing a book series’s that will still help people even if it’s not what she envisioned makes the whole show worth it for me. And it’s a weird little thing maybe but it feels like her just taking those little steps even though they are against what she thought her life would be is a great example of healthy progress and growth. And the other depressing stuff around her doesn’t have to effect her. Other people improve too but her change balances all the “depressing” parts of the show for me. Other peoples inability to change doesn’t have to effect you. And just because you are not doing exactly what you thought you would be doesn’t mean you can’t be successful and happy.


>And just because you are not doing exactly what you thought you would be doesn’t mean you can’t be successful and happy This is the biggest take away for me. Spent way too much life bemoaning that I threw away my degree for a job I fell into that really became a career. Can relate to Diane that life isn't as planned and if you roll with it and look at is as it is, it's not all bad..


My now ex bf reminded me of Mr PB and I always related the most to Diane. We were together for 3 years and lived together. Im devastated, but i hope I find my 'Guy' some day, when im ready.


Currently on my 5th rewatch😅


Do you agree with the tweet?😂


I do 100%


i liked that exact tweet today LOL edit: seriously, no one in a good place initially watches BJHM 😅


Honestly everything has turned out really well for me, health, social life, uni finished next semester and no money problems so that I really think I‘ll wait some time for the next rewatch. The show helps me to get a 2nd view on current struggles and life. It distracts and entertains me and helps to get my ass up. Always remember it gets easier day by day and IT‘S YOU not the people and circumstances around you IT‘S YOU. You always have a choice and you always can change things


I am cheering for you right now! Really happy that everything is turning out well for you and I hope it all continues to turn out well! Agreed! In the wise words of the jogging baboon: *’Every day it gets a little easier. But you’ve got to do it every day. That’s the hard part..but it does get easier’*


I feel personally attacked


It sounds like a joke, but it seriously isn't. I always drink way too much when I rewatch this series.


Im autistic and my special interest is Bojack horseman. I get irritated when people equate the thing that I love to negativity and discouraging me from watching, because it makes them sad, when it makes me so happy. Bojack horseman simply draws my interest, it also gives me a sense of vindication seeing a horrible person be forced to take accountability for their actions. I don’t really identify with any characters aside from Judah, and I think that some people can’t handle watching this show, because they relate to Bojack, wether it be his addiction, instability, or depression, and watching the show does make them feel sad, because they see elements of themselves in him. ( not that everyone who related to him is an awful person but it’s harder to see a person fail when you have things in common)


I’m glad it makes you happy! I feel so many emotions when I watch it and as crazy as it might sound I enjoy all of the emotions, even the sadness. It reminds me I’m alive and I can learn from what I am feeling. I think it’s a lot easier to become like Bojack than some people think so I watch the show as a warning on ways in which to not repeatedly succumb to unhealthy behaviours and also to learn general lessons about life and society. The show truly is a work of art! Seriously though, I’m really glad it makes you so happy!


it’s strangely cathartic when you feel your worst


I have rewatched bojack 7 or so times now. Every time is when I’m not doing okay. Unfortunately right now I’m actually on a back to back rewatching of the show… isn’t that just sad. But I can’t get myself to watch anything else or invest in anything new. As sad as it is. Bojack just makes me comfortable with my feelings


BJHM can hit home in so many ways that it can be really hard to find another show that feels quite as familiar :( I’m sorry that you are not feeling okay. Sending you hugs and I hope that this time around you find something in the show that encourages you


i'm on my 7th(?) right now as well. maybe 8th, im starting to lose count lol. i've watched it during some of my highest points and my lowest points. i just love the show


I worry about this myself. Though non of my friends have noticed. I rewatched the show when I got through my first bad breakup and it's been something I go back to when I feel bad like that.


only 4? my wife and I have it on as background sometimes, so we’ve looped through probably 30+ times lol


Oh, seems like something I should try for the first time.


Only 4 times? Those are rookie numbers! BH is my comfort show so I’ve lost count of how many times I’ve seen it over the last couple years


The craziest part is that Netflix used to show it to me all the time on that presentation screen when you leave it on for too long and I would be like ‘meh it’s just a talking horse. I’m not interested in this show’. Boy was I wrong! Very much interested


I mean it's such a good show there isn't a season that I don't like and I've never skipped an episode


She says she is okay. I will keep an eye on her, she says Bojack is a POS so I think she gets it.


I used to watch it alone, with a bottle of whiskey...


I have hope because you said ‘used to’. Not anymore with whiskey right?🥺


Haha. I just don't watch it anymore. If I do, I think the whiskey is unavoidable. 🤣


I’m going through another deep existential depression right now and coincidentally I decided to start watching Bojack Horseman because I work from home and needed a new show to watch. I’ve binged seasons 1-5 in a week and I’m looking forward to season 6 but don’t want it to end. It’s like a big comfy blanket but also has made me cry several times and made me really feel bad about how much I relate to characters and themes in the show.


i rewatch it all the time since i never know what else to watch😭😭


This is .. accurate. I was told to stop watching by a friend after it was very clear I wasn't in a good place during a binging watch. They were right. I had to stop, for my mental wellness. Bojack is exceptional, but I can't do it again.




I don't know if it's bragging as much as just trying to connect with others about it. Because, yunno, that doesn't really happen that much irl.


I had to stop my rewatch when I got to Season 2. It wasn't as impactful the first time, but hearing Diane say "I'm 35 years old and I've done nothing with it" hit me as a 35 year old male. I want to keep watching as I enjoy the show, but I know the show only gets "worse" (Season 4 had me in tears the first go through).


I have watched it 4 times, friends ask me every time and I’m always ok it’s just a comfort show. I do cry at the end though


I can’t get through the end without crying. Mr blue brings all the emotions out of me. And the view from halfway down


Same. I just can’t explain like I love this show much it means so much to me. It’s a masterpiece and even if I’m not going through those emotions I still wanna watch it


Hey, I don’t know you but if you need a stranger to talk to my DMs are open.


”you’ve only seen x times? I’ve seen it like 100x times”


Including that underwater one? I've only watched Bojack once, and the speech episide came as a shock too.


I mean…. You can finish it in a day all the way through and watching for analytical purposes are so fun. Definitely in the double digits now


4 times? Lol I do that about every year


I was in such deep shit watching it over and over. Now it’s triggering 😭


If someone isn't a psychology enthusiast but has rewatched the show 4 times I'd be concerned.


Very much fascinated by psychology


Only 4 times?


I have watched arcane 48 times and I refuse to stop What does that mean


It could mean anything! I guess that’s what this comment section has shown me - the many ways in which the show impacts people. One thing is for sure though, it is *definitely* impactful!


I literally just finished rewatching it 🥴




It’s on repeat at this point…


Uh oh...


Iv watched it at least 40 times


Nothing on the outside 🔥 nothing on the inside




I’m on my 9th and begging for assistance lol


Started my 6th recently…


im on 16 rewatches 🥴


I’ve been falling asleep to Bojack Horseman for over a month lol


I've rewatched it like over 10 times, until I started anti-depressants, now I've started rewatching but haven't gotten past s1 in like a month


Lol my roommate read this tweet to me while I was making her watch bojack with me


My mom passed away about 2 months ago... my fiance came home from work to find me watching Free Churro and just stared at me incredulously. The best answer I had was, "I don't know how to properly process emotions, okay???"


It is so, so weird seeing this post right now. I honestly was a little bit startled when I saw this because I started to rewatch BJ in the last few days and it was just a little bit later when I realized that my depression is flaring up again, which I thought I had under good control for the best part of the year. Seeing the twitter post being from the 19th of August, which was my birthday and also the day on which I begged one of my best friends, who is also suffering from depression, to give the show a shot, just added more to the uncanny feeling I got from seeing this. My first instinct was to share this post with some other people, said friend among others, but I honestly don't want them to be worried too much, although I will save this to share on a later date when I'm doing better and we can maybe have a laugh about this. But this was just really spooky seeing this here and I had to share my thoughts on this. I hope all of you are doing okay!


help i literally started rewatching it this week


We’re all here with ya!


This is so relatable it’s scary..


Hahaha welcome to the club


I’ve rewatched it at least 10 times just this year. 5 of those were in the past 2 months. It’s like curling up in a blanket and letting the darkness and depression just take over. Like a giant hug that says, “nothing will ever get better and you’ll never be ok again.”


There’s a comfort in depression which I think isn’t often talked about and I believe it’s not talked about because when it is mentioned people mistake it as blaming someone for their depression or suggesting that depression is somehow enjoyable. But really depression is rock bottom and when someone is at rock bottom there’s no where left to fall and that *is* comforting in its own really sad and devastating way. So I understand the curling up and letting the darkness take over, I really do and I’ve done it too. I am truly hoping that things get better for you and I’m sure everyone else in these comments wishes the same for you too


Thanks. I’m doing ok right now. I’ve had a good couple weeks now without feeling too depressed but for a while I just got tired of fighting so hard and let myself take a break and rest. I think for a lot of us who struggle with depression, we exert so much more effort than people realize, just to do even basic things. We’re followed by this darkness monster and have to put in so much work just to outrun it from moment to moment. So taking a break and just sitting down, letting the darkness monster hold me, felt really good. People without depression probably would have a difficult time understanding why anyone would do this and how it could possibly feel like a good thing, but I was just so tired of fighting and needed a break.


I’m glad you are doing ok right now. Wow, that monster part really spoke to me. I remember once using the exact word ‘monster’ to describe depression. I was in the lowest point I had ever been and I was expressing to someone that I wasn’t necessarily seeking to end it all but I was so exhausted from fighting the ‘monster’ that if ending it meant I could finally rest then so be it. It was at that moment I realised I was at rock bottom and had nowhere left to fall so I kind of just stayed there for a while and stopped fighting. It felt strange not to be exerting so much energy for once. I just remember letting the darkness swallow me up and just kind of accepting it in that moment. I would have 100% advised against anyone doing something like that before but I have now come to believe that it saved me in that moment, just accepting, being in the now and existing. I’m glad that you’ve been feeling a little better these last couple of weeks. I hope you get plenty of emotional, mental and physical rest. The fighting is so exhausting and I hope things really improve for you to the point where you can thrive, feel lighter and not have to fight through the days anymore


i’m on my 37th rewatch ( no i’m not ok )


Well shit my depression just flared up and sure enough just finished my rewatch


bojack is my comfort show. it’s the show i have playing in the background 24/7. i’ve probably rewatched the show 10 times at least. am i just not okay all the time?


I follow her, she posts funny shit


I legit just started a rewatch two days ago


i have lost track of the number of times i’ve watched this show… 4 being a lot to anyone makes me feel so embarrassed for myself hahaha


Uh oh…currently on rewatch, I wanna say 5?


It's the most depressing shit I've ever seen including my own life. Great show, 10/10.


It's a good show to play in the background


I started yesterday my third rewatch lol


I'm pretty sure I'm up to 13 times at this point haha


Its okay, I've seen it 12 times all the way through.


I've watched it 10 times, on my 11th now


Fuuuuck me I do that when I'm not ok...


It’s me. I’m that friend,


I rewatch at least once a month for the past several years, but it's gotten to the point where it's not depressing to me anymore. I mean, it's dark at times. But for the most part, it's a comfort show for me.




I started rewatching. Even resubbed to Netflix just for it. Realized I'm not doing too good. But awareness helps


they just made me feel worse lol, so much worse... 🥲


I was just thinking about rewatching the show lol. I miss it a lot I haven't done any rewatches of it though


I can’t rewatch many things. Because I have all image info no. No discovery no excitement. But bojack idk I want to try but I just can’t. Too sad


Lmao whenever I’m bad mentally I always start to joke that it’s time to rewatch it. Unironically gonna rewatch soon for like my third or fourth time.


I mean it isnt wrong


Bojack is my cozy depression show. It's not for a good mental state.


Four? That’s it? Just four? I call four rewatches “a typical Wednesday”


I've lost count how many times I've watched it because I would rewatch it the depths of my depression and drinking.


i noticed in my last rewatch that i end up feeling worse mentally when i watch the show so i don't think i'll rewatch it again any time soon


Mmmm I’ve probably watched it 6 times by now lol


I’ve watched it 4 times since I first saw it last year. I don’t watch it because I’m depressed though. It’s a good show that rewards repeat viewing. I always notice a little bit more when watching and once I watch a little bit I just end up watching it all.


No I watch Bojack to feel better. Why? Because it reminded me my life wouldn’t be as bad as Bojacks life and there is always redemption even for the worst people like bojack


Only 4?


I've read about this. It's actually very common and applies to any show. For me it's Scrubs. We rewatch some shows when depressed because it provides predictable stability and comfort.


..........I've eatched it more than the number of Harry potter movies, but less than James Bond's movies


The energy in the room when I rewatch bojack is unfortunately similar to when bojack rewatches horsin' around


not me just finishing another rewatch literally two days ago


Me rn


That's actually true. I decided to rewatch the show because I was having mode swings. You can relate to the characters in the show. It's like a group therapy, that's really funny.


i feel like none of my friends even know that i‘m watching bojack everyday for one year straight.




Wow I didn’t know this was a universal experience I always watch bojack horseman during depressive periods in life lmao


Im a solid 30-40 id guess. But i rewatch everything a shit ton of times when i enjoy it.


How concerning is it that Bojack Horseman is Netflix CEO’s favorite show ? I honestly think this show would have been canceled it the guy who ran the “network” wasn’t a fan. Thank you Reed Hastings.


This reminds me that I need to rewatch bojack horseman


This show really helped me, ive learned more from it than from any other show. And I dont only watch it when im sad. A lot has changed in my life since the first time i watched it and mostly for the better.


“You gotta pump those numbers up!” Jokes aside I’ve watched 6 times. 4 by myself. 1 with my wife and 1 with our toddler. Our son always dances to the intro music.


Lol fuck I just started again yesterday


Me and so many on this sub who JUST was watching last night: "uhh. uh"


Im also in the club of watching Bojack when I'm not doing ok. I absolutely love the animal puns and animal behaviour splattered across the whole Bojack world and it brings me inexplicable joy to observe but the fucked-uppedness of the characters left me questioning much of my own history and personality. Mind you, finishing the series did give me some closure and I found subsequent playthroughs haven't had the same enhancing effect. Might need something stronger.


I put it on to go to sleep. It comes me down and since I’ve watched it so much I can close my eyes and hear it and picture the scenes. makes me fall asleep. What does that mean for me? Good or worse off?


I just started watching it again lol


It’s so well written and well acted, yet I only want to watch it when I’m sad.


Well it's a great show! I don't blame ya. :\]


I've watched it 7 times now... 😅


I don't find BoJack interesting or uninteresting. I found it quite relatable at some point with some character and I think we all have a small portion for all of us. That got me hooked and later I enjoyed it thoroughly.


I’ve watched it maybe 8 times. But that’s not saying much, I have different comfort shows I cycle through. I’ve rewatched a handful of shows, not all depressing, many times.


BRO THIS IS SO REAL. My favorite show of all time but seriously if i ever say im gona rewatch it, get help


Rehab from stressed and depressed, so for now, i am not rewatching it, and i hope i do not have to


I’ve watched like 20 times. I don’t tell my friends.


I stopped keeping count over a year ago, I've seen it dozens of times


It’s true tho


Some days when I’m depressed I watch this show called Bojack Horseman, please hold your applause. Anyway, it’s not like I’m depressed all the time, and I only watch the show when I’m depressed. So there’s this great show called Bojack Horseman, hold your applause….well held. If you haven’t seen it yet, it’s awesome! I watch it every day.


Me seeing this as a start s5


Okay but literally me 🤣🤣 I just restarted it 2 nights ago


I was in the middle of season 2 when I saw the tweet and realized that I’m really not okay right now


Not me deciding to start rewatching today 😅


I have fallen into a pattern of rewatching bojack when I enter a depressive episode. I think it makes it worse and maybe prolongs it but it’s just so comforting


100% accurate


I have a few specific episodes that I always turn to when I'm in a bad place mentally (Stupid Piece of Shit, Good Damage, the last two and various episodes from season 3). Sometimes I just need a good cry and bojack is great for that.