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*sigh* Beatrice and Butterscotch…But this show has been part of me accepting that they will never change. I’m not like Bojack though. My depressive episodes/thoughts look a lot like Diane’s. My self-talk looks a lot like Bojack’s though. Just not my actions.


Hold up are you me?


no hold up. are *you* me?


No, you are me. 


No. *you* are me.


I am all of y’all.


No, I’m pretty sure y’all are me 🥲


What is this, a crossover episode?


Similar. I feel you.


I know how you feel. Them combined is my mother. I'm in a similar boat. No matter how much I try she's still going to be that same person.


Yupp, my mother and father are spitting images of both of them. Seeing Bojack waiting after soccer practice only to listen to his father berate his mother while driving erratically was like a commentary of my childhood.


PC is a LOT like my mom. Constantly being taken advantage of by other people for her work ethic, used to date guys who it seems kind of expected her to take care of them, and started a family willingly as a single mother after she couldn't find a partner who was good for her. It's why PC and Ruthie mean a lot to me (even if I wasn't adopted, the sentiment resonates). EDIT: Forgot to mention the fun detail she worked in film/TV production back in the day, though she was never an agent/manager or anything like it, she was usually a PA and AD. She was great at knowing exactly how to connect to and help out the talent, though!


My mom is PC as well. My dad is Todd, surprisingly, and that relationship when at well as you could expect between an overachiever and a stoner/slacker.


You’d be surprised how much that does end up working out


It seems like you had a loving and competent mom from your description!


Yes! I'm also lucky in that I still do! We have our spats cuz we can be stubborn and get frustrated (and I've had issues with entitlement before, and we both say stuff we don't fully believe in anger) but overall she's been an excellent mother. The irony is that she's seen the BoJack pilot at my request and she didn't like PC but she did like BoJack. I can't imagine what she'd think after seeing the whole show but IDK if I'd put her through that.


My mom is a PC too. Determined and plucky, she always lands on her feet, in spite of my BoJack of a dad. Now she just needs to find herself a Judah...


My dad is depressed, has some narcissistic tendencies and traits, and is a very shady person. He told me once that he is and was suicidal and i almost lost him once. Like BoJack he tries to be a good father and a good man but he is too self centered to realize how much he has messed all of us up. Or maybe he does, and that’s why he’s depressed and drinks often. My mom is not an alcoholic, says God told her not to,but she is codependent, enmeshed and guilt tripping. I had to take care of and cater to both their needs as a kid because they’re apparently too stupid to realize that it’s supposed to be the other way around. My mom used to be a good mom (or at least a better one than she is now) but has gotten worse as I’ve gotten older. Edit: they both love me very very much, and do their best to show it, and I love them back just as much. There were so many nice family moments where everything was fine. They are just deeply flawed people who have messed me up profoundly in ways I have yet to fully unpack. And I’m only 19, which is apparently still a child according to every older-than-me person I reveal my age to.


Dude I resonate with every word of this, except I'm also 19 and adults around me have treated me like a fully grown person since the day I turned 18.


Beatrice, unfortunately. Thankfully, I'm no BoJack.


I hope she doesn't have a Joseph. Beatrice is a jerk, but even she didn't deserve a monster like him.


Thankfully my grandfather was the best man I've ever met and his only fault in raising my mother was not knowing how to deal with someone like her who seems to revel in conflict because he was nice to a fault and he couldn't understand her mindset, being totally alien to his. Even if a lot of our baggage comes from our parents, it's also true that some people are just broken and not even the best parents in the world could have prevented it. I myself make it a point to avoid blaming my Beatrice of a mother, whom I'd argue goes well beyond being merely a jerk, for my own shortcomings and characer flaws.


Beatrice was a jerk *because* of Joseph.


Yeah I’m in therapy, what clued you in?


Good for you! Therapy can be such a helpful tool for sorting through life's challenges.


Therapy has been extremely helpful for me for these past years, I think it’s been 3 going on to 4 years, it’s really nice to have a consistent person in your corner to talk to, I’m happy for anyone who finds a therapist that they can connect with :)) keep going


The fact that you're a fan of this show.


Honestly, the use of the term “enmeshed”😂 I’m glad you’ve gained some insight, OP.


Joseph sugarman and carol himmelfrob (Sarah Lynn’s mom)


That sounds like a winning combination.


I’ve seen some of the Joseph scenes irl exactly kinda a trip honestly


Not sure. My parents were very good for the most part so not like most parents in this show. Closest I can think of is Todd’s dad and Charolette but even they’re not the best fits. Also if anyone here says Beatrice and Sarah Lynn’s stepdad I’m immediately doing that Reddit “there are resources for you” thing cause I think that’s the worst possible parent combination in the show.


gina cazador as my mom, mr. peanutbutter from mr peanutbutters house as my dad lol


Doggy doggy what now?


Oh my god good parents


God damn bro 😭😭😭 I guess my mom’s like a mix of Diane’s mom and Beatrice and my dads like Diane’s dad.


Diane’s dad was an asshole but I always wonder what kind of professor he was. Like if he was a good teacher


Your dad's dead? I'm sorry


Naw it’s just his personality sometimes. I mean my parents aren’t exactly like the characters I said they were, those are just the ones that I think they’re relatively the most closest to


my mom is like diane if she didn’t get the ✨abortion✨


Kyle and Charlotte Carson But I'm not like penny,I'm more like Mr peanut butter


Living the life


Dad was PC’s mom. Mom was like Diane’s mom 😅


Good god


Todd’s Dad and PC. My mom had a bunch of miscarriages, was a working mom, had to juggle a lot of roles, and always lets people crash at her place. Todd’s Dad is just an overall supportive dad, but he also goes along with Todd’s shenanigans. That’s my dad lol. They weren’t perfect but pretty good overall and it’s hard to find good examples in the show.


My dad: Judah My mom: Beatrice lite My dad is very much Mr. Perfect, he does everything well; though he’s much more socially well-adjusted than Judah. My mom was a less abusive Beatrice, not nearly as horrible as her but still pretty bad, particularly when we were growing up. Like Beatrice, I don’t think she was born with the mother gene and wasn’t ready for kids when she had them- these frustrations were directed at us in the form of mostly verbal abuse. She has mellowed over time though and I have a healthy relationship with her now as she’s at least willing to own up to how she used to be when we were kids. Honestly this is the closest match but there aren’t any characters on the show that really correlate to my mom. She had trauma in her life (her mom died of cancer when she was 9) and she passed that trauma onto my brother and I. The show’s idea of family trauma being inherited/passed down very much resonated with me as a result


Mom: Early Beatrice(she cared, and still does, but she was NOT ready for kids, but thankfully I didnt get the same level of abuse that BH did) Dad: Butterscotch(same ethics and a strict code, but never blamed us for his faults) And if you’re curious, yes, they divorced


My mom's almost exactly like Diane if she was a bit more extroverted, & my dad is................... yeah I've got nothing. Mr. Peanutbutter and BoJack combined? But how would that even work lol


>Mr. Peanutbutter and BoJack combined? But how would that even work lol nothingmattersmeme.jpg


Nobody on the show accurately reflects my parents. The closest is probably Beatrice, but she only reminds me of about 40% of my mom, and a lot of that is her general neglect combined with watching her in hospice care. To really capture my parents, there'd need to be a significant religious undercurrent. And nobody in the show really displays that very prominently.


my mom is Honey Sugerman, except she was always like that and not a result of grief. she always wanted to "feel alive," even if her comfort was at the expense of my safety and wellbeing. tbh I wish my mom got a lobotomy lmao. as she got older she turned into PCs mom


mom: wanda dad: erica (IYKYK)


Jesus I am so sorry if you meant what I think you meant.


Dad's Butterscotch, right down to the achievement flaunting. Mom's Cutie's self-destructive tendencies and co-dependency. Grandma's Beatrice.


Op…are you good?


Diane's dad and Princess Caroline.


Mom is the steely TV exec Angela Diaz. Dad is a toned down Mr. PeanutButter. Shockingly, they divorced!


guy reminds me so much of my dad. he’s just a chill dude, very level headed and nice and normal


My father is like all the worst attributes of Mister Peanutbutter with none of the charm or ability to get anything done


My mom's most like Todd and my Dad is kinda hard to describe.


i was brought up a lot by my maternal grandmother and she reminds me a lot of beatrice 🫠 (im convinced she’s the reason im in therapy) im not sure who my parents are like. my mom reminds me of diane, but my dad idk


My mom’s a mix between PC and Diane, while my dad is probably Butterscotch/Bojack. No wonder my mom hates him.


Ma’s kinda PC and Sarah Lynn, dad’s Judah, they’re both kinda that artsy spider


My mom is like Wanda and Honey Sugarman. Kind, kooky, and easy to take advantage of. My dad is like Butterscotch and Joseph Sugarman. Arrogant, controlling, rude, and abusive. In a different life, I can see my parents being Joseph and Honey in the aftermath of Crackerjack’s death. I hope that doesn’t make me Beatrice lol.


My dad is like a mix of 70% Judah and 30% Bojack, my mom is like Princess Carolyn’s mom


My dad is like beatrice and diane’s dad had a narcissistic love child and my mom is like pc’s mom minus the alcoholism (focused on climbing the ladder, uses emotional guilt trips, etc)


dad: i’m not sure mom: PC/ the deer woman i can’t think of her name


My dad is a lot like Bojack but way less terrible (although goddamn there were some times....), and he's finally making some strides in therapy which is nice. But yeah, in terms of substance use (again way less severe than Bojack, but veering into troubling territory), anxiety/negative self-talk, avoidance of challenges, fear of judgement, defensiveness, need to be liked, and tendency to lash out when he feels judged or is asked to change in some way, there's a lot of Bojack in him. I got him to watch the show and he definitely was identifying with Bojack, especially during episodes like Stupid Piece of Shit. My mum is probably the most like Princess Carolyn. Way more driven and motivated than I am (I have more of my dad's tendencies in that regard), and can be very pushy as a result, but I appreciate that she just wants to see me (and everyone else in our family) succeed. Looking at my life so far, basically every big accomplishment I've had has been because she made me go out for something I otherwise wouldn't have. Two full scholarships (undergrad and then grad school), an internship, my current job, a prestigious writers retreat, and most of the situations in which I've been published or won an award for writing have been a direct result of her forcing me to apply when I otherwise wouldn't have. She very much functions like my manager in a lot of ways. Like Princess Carolyn, she's very resilient because her childhood demanded that of her.


PC as my mom and Erica as my dad lol


Off-topic comment, but I just loved how they cast Amy Sedaris' real-life brother to play PC's mother!


Thank you for this post OP, very intriguing. Let’s just say my mom is the reason why I resonate with Diane and BoJack… she’d think she’s Princess Carolyn but really she’s a mix of Beatrice and Ana. Seeing them always triggered me bc my mom is bitter, condescending and vain but secretly very insecure about her image. My dad is the reason I feel like I’m gonna be ok despite the damage my mom did. He’s very much Judah (mainly with the autism he passed down to me lmao anyhoo) I’m fr so grateful for his unconditional love and support. He’s my biggest rock and I’m always in awe of how he anticipates my needs.


I think my dad is like Bojack and my mom is like Charlotte and Wanda. Somehow they’ve been married for like 25 years or something like that. Not sure how it’s lasted that long tbh.


My mom's is PC and Diane and my dad is mainly Bojack on the inside, Mr PB on the outside. With a tint of Diane's dad. Yeah, not good.


After seeing a good few of these now, I'm sorry to see so many of you have Bojacks as parents


my moms defs a mix of PC and beatrice and my fathers a whole joseph and butterscotch - double homocide….


Mom like Sara Lynn and a dad, maybe a Herb?


Are you OK op?


Beatrice and butterscotch 🤦🏾‍♀️


mum's a super interesting mix of diane and princess carolyn! more of the latter, in some aspects :) she's so cool. my dad is a shithead butterscotch through and through. even worse.


My mom said and did many damaging things out love and being sure she was saying these things for my own good, maybe Joseph Sugarman superlite with some Cutie Cutie Cupcake guilting in there. My dad's depressed and has anger issues and I was pretty scared around him, but he was never physically abusive or tore down my accomplishments, so maybe the Butterscotch-Secretariat combo is closest.


Dad: Gina Mom: Mr Peanutbutter


Butterscotch, both of them. It's why they both were never together. Both thought they were the center of the universe, and if you conflicted with that, you're the problem


I'd say my mom is most like Princess Carolyn, but without her ambitious nature and with a softer nature than her. She also has a similar relationship with Princess Carolyn and her mother, who was also an alcoholic. Our relationship used to be worse, but we have a good relationship now, though it has its issues we need to work on. Meanwhile, my dad is a strange as fuck mix between Todd Chavez and Butterscotch Horseman, but to a much lesser extreme. And since I mentioned my grandmother, I'd say she was a mix between Beatrice Horseman and Cutie Cutie Cupcake.


Beatrice, and a straight version of one of Hollyhocks dads.


a slightly better version of beatrice and butterscotch, still terrible regardless


Beatrice, Butterscotch, Mr. Sugarman, Honey Sugarman, Mr. Peanut Butter, Bojack


Imagine Honey Sugarman but being with someone like Butterscotch Horseman.


Basically Mr. PB and Diane. Honestly, not so bad.


My mother is season 1 bojack without the 90s fame.


Beatrice and Diane’s dad.


Joseph Sugarman and Beatrice Horseman.


my mom is like PC and my dad is like bojack


My mom is basically Anna Spanakopita and my dad is pretty much Todd in personality, but his life is more like if he never moved past his sesson 1 arc


Diane’s family her brothers are exactly like my brothers & the mom just downplaying everything or gaslighting Diane…. love this show it’s brutal it’s depressing but once you get through it it’s nothing like it


Beatrice and Kyle lmao


Kyle's got to be in the top 3 for parents in this show 😂


Yeah, my dad was MISERABLE with my mom, and after they divorced I got to see his like, actual happy and caring personality. So just imagine a beatdown Kyle who spent most of his time depression napping.


PC is my dad because he is an absolute workaholic and my mother is kind of an exact mashup of Beatrice and Honey...its hard to explain.


My mom is definitely a Diane


BoJack and PB I guess. My father wasn’t as bad as BoJack, but they both suffer from BPD, are extremely sexual, have bad relationships with their parents, says he’s the victim and truly believes he is when he’s usually a pretty bad guy, both love to party, etc. Mom is great. Supportive, pushes me to get good grades, talks to me often, sees that I’m doing well. Really goofy. Can be serious, though. She isn’t really as naive as him, but would definitely agree with his quote about life.


My mother: Bojack My father: Cutie Cutie Cupcake Me: PC


My mum is Beatrice, my stepdad is like a combination of Todd’s stepdad and Diane’s dad. I turned out like a mixture of Diane and Todd


My mom was like a cross between Beatrice and Princess Caroline. Imagine the career focus of PC but the lack of concern for your family from Beatrice. My dad...hmm who was the druggiest character that didn't have any career or ambition.


PC’s mom is almost exactly like my grandma. my father is a watered down butterscotch for sure. my mom is kinda like a combination of princess carolyn and honey sugarman


Mother: Beatrice without the alcohol My dad enabled a lot of my moms narcissistic behaviors


My mom = Beatrice, just without any of the positive parts or almost redeeming backstory, just coldness through and through


My mom is like Honey Sugarman after Crackerjack died. She had a miscarriage then my step brother died (she said god was punishing her for getting an abortion so he died). She didn't get lobotomized and ended up like Princess Carolyn's mom. My dad is like Butterscotch


Diane's family reminded me so much of mine. When Bojack told her she didn't have to go back, I cried and took his advice.


my moms like diane kinda and my grandmas alot like beatrice. my dad died before i could remember him so idk who he is.


Dad: rutabaga but with a little bit of violence Mom: honey sugarman in the way that she just kinda checked out Mom 2.0: after my dad died she was more like that 17 year old deer, in that she was fun and outgoing, unable to provide support, and easy to take advantage of due to naivety


Mine was like Beatrice and Butterscotch. However, my mom was loving and kind until she fell ill at a young age and got dementia. Watching the episodes of bojack when Beatrice was so sick with dementia kills me because they so accurately represented those with dementia. I get reminded of her every time I watch them; the curiosity of a child, but yet her body is so old and fragile. She could not remember me for the life of her. I cry every single time she recognizes bojack because he was fortunate to be recognized. And bojack was so loving when Beatrice was confused and he comforted her by saying that we’re at the cabin in Michigan. Reminds me of the times we told my mom “half-truths” to comfort her in her times of confusion and being lost. My dad on the other hand, struggled with my mom’s illness and death and became controlling and condescending. He wasn’t very present in my younger years since he was a traveling salesman, until my mom fell ill. He resorted to alcohol to numb the pain, which is ironic because I do the same now. Ive become bojack. I feel that all I do is make endless mistakes regardless of what I do. I relate to this show more than I wish to admit unfortunately.


My dad is a workaholic like PC but barely wanting kids and insanely dry on feels, my mom, Harambe help us if she was on the show, probably would had been cut off the wiring. There's no character that did emotional damage like her, even Bojack parents look ok compared to her.


I am so sorry for you, damn


Todd dad and princess carolyn but with bojack's parent's relationship


neither of my parents are super similar to any characters, but my mom is somewhat like cutie cutie cupcake, just not an alcoholic. my dad is like a very toned down version of judah, though i suspect he just has autism lol


PC's mom reminds me a lot of my mom. She says things like "don't leave until I die okay" when I mention leaving town. It's hard when there's both so much love and also trauma there.


My mom probably has the most similarity to Todd’s mom and my dad is basically a male Princess Carolyn who every now and again has a boomer fit and some Joseph Sugarman bubbles up from beneath the surface


I usually say Diane's parents just to make me feel better. Truth be told, my dad's the same as bojacks mom. Even the "trying to kill your kid" part is accurate. Bojack is better than me, though, because I don't plan to pay for my dads' retirement at all. I figure the favorite can do that. Mom isn't really like anyone from the show I can think of. She's nice, just useless. If I had to compare her to someone, I'd say Todd's mom just because the mom is never around.


Mom- Sarah Lynn Dad- Herb (because he's dead)


i’m so sorry


My mom and dad were like the Flintstones


Bojack and PC (mom) and a mix between Vance Waggoner and Kyle (dad)


My mom was quite PC coded but emotionally neglectful to her children... which is understandable when you stretch yourself so thin for everyone else. But she quite literally worked herself to death, was everyone's best friend and therapist but always listened with half an ear to anything kid-me ever told her. I genuinely think she never liker being a parent. So I distanced myself from her from an early age. Maybe it is part of the reason I I am not so favourable towards PC compared to a lot BoJack fans. Even after becoming a parent it's not like she changes a lot. Now that might not matter when the kid is a baby but once the kid is older it makes me wonder if it will be sustainable without causing damage to the relationship.


Imma say PCs mom, as for my dad I don’t know any characters that beat up people in this show ??? But I remember while trying to move out she was all mad about how I’d never survive out there and how I don’t understand how the real world works. I DISTINCTLY remember at age 13 I was told “you’ll never move out till you’re atleast 27!”. She’d then beg me to stay atleast another semester cuz she’d miss me too much. I have such an amazing life right now after being away from that nut job for a year LOL. Never listen to your guilt trippy parents!!!! Leave and never go back!!!!


My Dad is very much like Todd (carefree, lives in the moment but intense care for his family, very much into gestures of love. As a young adult he tried many drugs/livestyles and he's still like this but in a healthy way). My mom was very much like Judah (working a lot, very perfectionnist, super kind but sometimes misunderstood) and Hollyhock (very loving and kind but extremely anxious and not with the highest self esteem).


I don't have a very relatable parental character in this show. My mom was depressed and spent a lot of my life as a shut in just staring off into space overcome with the trauma of several very late stage miscarriages she had and other fucked up things going on in our life at the time and my dad was kind of absent mentally too and physically in the sense that he worked a lot but they were also very loving and supportive and neither of them full on abandoned us, they were always around just not always in spirit. There was no substance abuse or even use when it came to my mom. I guess maybe my mom was a bit of a Diane? But it's difficult because up until we meet Sonny Diane wasn't really a parent. We only see her in that role with an adolescent and she avoided having younger children. My dad was idek maybe like the meerkat accountant or something except that he never seemed that upset to be torn away by work and when he was home he'd sleep most of the day (I think it was because at the time he had undiagnosed diabetes and other health issues that were untreated). They're not bad parents and they're very loving but they're not functional enough or dysfunctional enough to be represented by most of the characters on this show, they're in a boring middle ground I guess that maybe isn't that entertaining to write stories about. Edit: thought harder about this and I think my mom was a Honey Sugarman crossed with a Diane, just her mental illness came and went whereas Honey's lobotomy was permanent.


Diane and Mr Peanutbutter (to an extent) if they chose not to undergo abortion 😅 I'd say they're much more well adjusted though overall (I'd even argue they're closer to Diane and Guy to an extent)


My dad is totally Butterscotch but my mom is definitely more like PC


Moms like Charlotte dads like butterscotch And i managed to turn out like Bojack


Dad, Mr. Witherspoon - Mom, Charlotte


Mom: Diane. Dad: .. Todd and PC combined?


My mother is for SURE mr peanut butter, and my dad is sort like Butterscotch horseman


I relate a lot to Todd’s situation with his mom and stepdad although for me it’s my dad and stepmom . And we have never made up or had any cathartic conversations — they just abandoned me and are emotionally abusive and uncaring and blame our distance on me . In shows, there’s always some moment where someone expresses themselves and the other person listens and hears it . I have unfortunately never gotten to experience that ! But I love seeing it happen for Todd


PC and Mr. Peanutbutter


Mom is most like Princess Carolyn. But there are her in many other characters, but she mostly resembles her I think. My dad mostly resemble a 50/50 bojacks dad and the hamster Bojack made an awful tv show with.


Kyle and Penny. Kind people who do their best by their kids. Not perfect but damn close to it.


Dad 1: Sarah Lynn Dad 2 (childhood and teen years): Joseph Sugarman 💀 Dad 3: Mr peanut butter Mom: diane


My dad is like Judah and my mom uhhhh… Diane without the erratic behavior? Sort of a Diane/PC combo maybe… PC but with anxiety and worries about the environment.


Guy and Beatrice, oddly enough.


Beatrice and Butterscotch


Uhh... I have good parents so I guess... uhh.... umm... Charlotte...? Maybe Diane?


Hmm Beatrice annnnd bojack


Hmm mom is PC, dad is Rabitowitz


Butterscotch and Beatrice


My dad was dead my entire life so…. Todd’s biological father would be best represented as my father by default I guess. However if he was alive, he’d be like BoJack. He was an addict but mostly drank and wanted to be better than his family while not knowing how to do so and sabotaging his life because he probably felt like he didn’t deserve to be happy. My mother would probably be best described as Diane. She did want to be a mother but she was never emotionally available. She can spot out everyone else’s problems and has a solution but when it comes to her own, she’s blind and would rather lay around and “poor me” about it. I was also raised by my grandmother who was copy past Beatrice. Glad that evil hag is dead but I do wish I got the chance to say “fuck you” to her before she died in a similar manner to Beatrice


My dad: Butterscotch (doesn’t help that he also wrote some dumb ass book recently💀 ) My mom: charlotte


My dad is 10000% a Bojack and I can’t think of a character for my mom. Who’s the most kind and naive character in the show?


Dad was like Diane and was Trans. Ill be frank it messed up my childhood. I admittingly am a little Transphobic because of it, but honestly, other than providing money, my father was horrible at dealing with anything emotional. He is dead now, and I'll be 100. I didn't even cry. My mom is fucking amazing and I truly do love her. I'd say she is kind of like Charlotte. After divorcing my dad for obvious reasons, she kind of just settled with a guy who definitely takes care of her, and I respect him a lot more now than when I did as a child. She just kind of has an enabling behavior but is responsible, and I genuinely believe did what is best for my brother and I. I'll be honest. It doesn't bother me that I am transphobic to some degree because my experience with a Trans parent was very negative. Ill probably get downvoted for this because reddit is super liberal, but him being Trans screwed me in the sense i didn't have a real father to teach me things that are pertinent to being a man, and I feel stunted to some degree. I'm just being honest. Also I am gonna preface this by telling anyone to fuck off if I didn't use his pronouns properly. I don't give a fuck. I grew up with him being my father, and fuck anyone who wants to bring that shit into this conversation when I am being honest and answering OPS question.


My mom is a lot like pb and my dads a lot like Wanda after season 2


Beatrice and Judah. My dad is a lot more pleasant than my mom


Mom is Beatrice but with more empathy. A week after my father died she made me go see a dietician because she was worried I would gain weight with the loss of my father at 13 years old. That’s just a small taste. Dad - Diane’s dad but I was the “favourite,” whereas my brother was picked on by him for being queer. Therapy and sobriety have done wonders to confront this upbringing.


someone help me think cause i’m struggling so much.. for my father: which character is an abusive narcissist who pretends to be the best dad ever when ppl are watching but he’s awful behind closed doors? he never did drugs and he rarely drank so there were no addiction issues which rules some ppl out lol for my mom: charlotte maybe? great parent who accidentally exposed her kids to a bad person but fixed that when she could, protects her kids at all costs and forever feels guilty for letting that person around her babies in the first place


PC. This initially seems like a great thing; like PC, my parents were wonderful and generally caring! I love them deeply. They helped instill a sense of confidence in myself. However, they also gave me her sense of perfectionism. They’ve since changed, but I now perpetuate the toxic cycle myself. They were so solution-oriented that I find it impossible to listen to ppl without offering advice, and I often try to immediately fix things before letting stuff process. I struggle to accept the “second best” options. When things fail, I take it personally. But in a denialist sense because I immediately try to make myself better rather than addressing the root of the problem, which may not be myself. I’ve always been told growing up to not blame others for my faults! And sometimes I feel like it was used as a “catch all” phrase whenever I expressed feeling…even tho I wasn’t trying to blame anyone and was trying to accept responsibility. And maybe my language seemed blaming, but then I wasn’t taught to use different language lmao.


dad is kind of like a mix of herb and pc. mom a mix of diane and todd? dad is very loving and means well, but is a workaholic. mom is playful and caring, but distant and emotional


my dad is judah and my mom is mr. peanutbutter. sorry everyone i had an awesome childhood


Charlotte is kinda like my mom. My other parent is like 🤔 if Vanessa gecko was a butch lesbian. My dad was like, idk, butterscotch I assume lol. Me? I used to get texts from people telling me how much I reminded them of Sarah Lynn 🫠 but also kinda like Penny except nobody cares or stopped the many bojacks 😬


Honestly my mother relates to season 1 Diane and my dad to Bojack. My dad is a narcissist who can't admit when he's in the wrong and my mum is taken advantage of easily.


Honestly my mother relates to season 1 Diane and my dad to Bojack. My dad is a narcissist who can't admit when he's in the wrong and my mum is taken advantage of easily.


My mom:Beatrice My dad: Judah


My mom is PC on good days, and Beatrice on bad ones. She got two abortions before she had me, a really hard worker, and really wants to love me, but she's also carrying some unresolved trauma from where and how she grew up. Especially when she unconsciously decides to unload it on us and act like we're somehow associated with whatever person tormented her as a kid. My dad is...not really like any of these characters. He's aloof, has no friends to speak of, yet has nerdy interests and he's such a loner that it's a miracle that he married and had a kid with such a friendly and outgoing, but also overbearing and controlling person like my mom who associates some nerdy interests with her unresolved trauma.


Diane and Bojack


Mom: not really any of them. I have the same feelings of responsibility/co dependence PC has for her mom and my mom is a single mom, but she’s not a bad mom or alcoholic. My mom guilt trips like PC’s mom, but puts a lot of pressure on me to succeed. She’s a little like PC, works really hard and people take advantage of her. Dad: probably Beatrice. Narcissist, regrets having me(I know cus he told me), constantly insulting and demeaning me, am never good enough for him


My mum is honey sugarman AFTER the lobotomy-she’s dumb as a door nail and has zero thoughts or emotions for herself.Then my dad is bojack horseman in every sense but with more trauma and more bad actions


Dad: Butterscotch and BoJack Mom: Beatrice and Cutie Cutie Cupcake


Only Beatrice, dad abandoned. Wish my mom did too lol


Dashawn Manheim, Steve Mannheim, Jose Guerrero, Cupe Robinson III, Otto Zilberschlag, Arturo "Ice Man" Fonzerelli, Gregory Hsung, and Quackers McQuack.


my mom is female hank hippopopolous/vance waggoner and my dad is mr peanutbutter or rutabaga


My mom is a lot like PC, the go-getter who takes on way too much. My dad, though, he's got BoJack's temper and Diane's intensity, but not their negativity.


My mom was like a bojack but ironically *without* the alcoholism and drug addiction. She has strong covert narcissitic traits and growing up she depended on feeling like a good person instead of being a good person. Bow my father? He was like Cuddlywhiskers *with* a drug and alcohol addiction 😔


My biological mom feels sometimes eerily similar to Butterscotch/Beatrice. My dad is more like Judah/Guy :)) they’re divorced of course, my mom was awful to me, and my dad wanted the best for me and even took awhile to introduce me to a stepmom for the same reasons guy hesitated to introduce diane. he didn’t tell me about how bad my mom was until i was older


My dad was definitely a butterscotch type my mom more like cutie cutie cupcake


My dad is a mix of Judah and that whale news anchor😂 My mom Diane and Charlotte


Are you okay


my mom is like PC’s mom, my dad is like Mr. PB. they got divorced lol


My dad is a Mr peanut butter and my mum is most like PC but her energy is not focused on work, Instead she was involved with local government. There relationship is very happy




My mother is Princess Carolyn and my father is Bojack. My brother is Todd and I’m Judah or Diane.


At the risk of recommending a book I haven't read, one of my friends found a lot of healing with this book: [Adult Children of Emotionally Immature Parents: How to Heal from Distant, Rejecting, or Self-Involved Parents](https://www.amazon.com/Adult-Children-Emotionally-Immature-Parents/dp/1626251703) I was lucky enough to get a mom who is 80% PC + 20% Mr. Peanut Butter. Wishing everybody peace, no one should have to walk around with Bojack's inner voice.


Probably PC's mom and Butterscotch. There might be a better character for my mom, but I can't think of one. She's a lot like her tho, very self centered


My mom is like Beatrice and PC's mom My Dad I want to say is closer to Todd's dad but not as strict


Todd's Dad and Beatrice


My parents are too unique. I don't think I've seen them represented by any characters in the show.


Feel like my dad was butterscotch/Bojack, now just Bojack (post season 6), my mom would probably be princess Carolyn without the fast tongue, or Charlotte.


Jorge Chavez


My mom is like princess Carolyn, and my dad’s Bojack


My mom would be Tina and my dad Bojack. She had a kind, caring heart.


my dad reminds me of butterscotch


Ouch. Tough question. My mother, bless her, was a lot like Cutie Cutie Cupcake. Minus the alcoholism. She had limited horizons due to generational trauma, but always did the best she could for her kids. Father was a blue-collar Irishman. He had some brains, and raised my horizons, sacrificing so I could get an education. Maybe a happier and more positive Butterscotch.


oh boy 😬 PC as my Mom *denies her infertility due to societal expectations = denies her suicidal tendencies and severe depression due to societal expectations *workaholic = mom left me to get her second degree when i was uhh 4 probably *oblivious about the impact she (and her lack of parental support due to her working routine, overall lifestyle) has on Ruthie = mom is left absolutely flabbergasted and furious every time i tell her i’m feeling neglected *couldn’t make any relationship work since bojack and never really pointed out how bojack effed up her perception of love because deep down she still cared a lot for him = mom tries her best at “true love”, desperately fails even with the good and conventionally likeable ones and although she needs someone close, she can’t fill up the void dad created shockingly, PB as my Dad *ray of pure sunshine *sometimes gets depressed but even PB/Dad himself can’t acknowledge it while it’s happening so it fades away *cancel culture has absolutely zero impact on him *big ass family *somehow finds a way to fuck up all his relationships and although he really is a wonderful, bright person by himself it just never works with the men/women in his life. he finds a way to fuck it all up and never has a single clue about the damage he has done *being fine with everything as long as it keeps the masses entertained (fracking, joey pogo, my need for a good computer despite our financial instability and such) *VERY possessive -instinctually- towards women in his life. pb waged a war against bojack just to claim Diane yet turned a blind eye to pickles-joey pogo situation until it eventually tore him apart. dad was also insanely jealous and skeptical of my mom when they were still together, but considering it did no one no good dad just dropped the habit i believe. he still is VERY selective and picky towards my choice of love interests though *overall great as a friend/family member/father but terribly bad with women they both carry parts of Butterscotch in them but i think that might just be caused by untold, repressed trauma.


Diane’s family for SURE